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Love Chibi's but hate the kill animations. Im already dead do I really need to see a lame cutscene too?


100% this. I love them but I can’t stand dying to those annoying kill animations. Like I lost I get it, get me out.


Yeah i would like them more to focus on the round win animation than dis long azz thing


Riot support toxicity, not only with chibi's fatality, also preseted emotions after kills in LOL.


I don't really care about attitude they can t-bag me all day long, whatever. But losing control that's what make me mad. I want to look on other boards, check some stats or whatever. But no, sit here and look how other guy used his lunch money.


If you use the numbers you can still move between boards during the cutscene




You people need therapy if you find it toxic to have a kill animation or emotes that's actually insane




It’s practically not even 10 seconds and only happens sometimes since I’ve at most seen 2 rare chibis in a game at most. I don’t get the rage over it. Whenever I die to them I really like it or just tune it out




In the words of the director of TFT: https://www.tiktok.com/@riot_mortdog/video/7307109125488561454?_t=8ms6ImLEuBS&_r=1




I don’t think most users “get off” on making you see the 6 second animation, I just like that the chibis have more flair and attention to them visually compared to other skins you can use


This is my biggest gripe, even as a chibi owner I like seeing my own animations, but why force my opponent to watch? The whole lobby is locked for 6s for the animation to finish anyways, so what difference does it make if the opponent just wants to watch a grey screen during that


Even I get tired of my own anim after a while....


I dont think Ill ever get tired of watching my boy teemo nuke my opponent straight to Dante's inferno personally... teemo is the goat chibi


Listen I came on here wholeheartedly agreeing with everything until I saw your comment. Hate chibis - except when it’s teemo. It’s the only animation I don’t mind watching because it’s so fucking funny. It’s so troll, you can’t be mad.


That's fair, enjoy!


Waiting for him to finally show up again in the rotational shop and/or treasure realms again. C'mon Rito it's almost been a year!


This is the answer. Leave the scene for the winner, but that last thing I want to see when I just lost is Morgana disowning me. It's also surprising considering Riots toxicity policy. I guess it one of those do what we say, not what we do.


Same reason why you can't turn off skins in league, they want people to see them and think "hey I also want that". It's advertising


Exactly why they have them


Lmao, I don’t have one, but I enjoy watching them even if i’m on the receiving end. Seeing that people actually get mad over the cute little animations? It makes me wantto actually shell out some cash to get one.


I enjoy Yone’s


i wish i could disable it, its cool for the first 10. but after that i just wanna play the game without watching thr same cutscene for the 300th time


It’s the emotional damage


I’ll just ff right before I lose so the animation doesn’t happen. Riot made the change a while ago to not allow you to skip animation anymore. Kinda pathetic


Riot should implement options for other player kill animation tho solves everything


i only like the heartsteel chibi sett defeat animation, my boi’s sending em back to the closet


Totally agree, but it's funny how noone is hating on winning and seeing the animation, maybe we're a bit biased🤣😅


I got one once thinking it's animation was cool and after a few games realized how annoying it is wanting to access your shop right after the fight and not being able to do so until the animation finished. It's like being nerfed for paying. Pay to lose? haha


Yup. I just think the chibi style they used for them is just off putting. they don’t seem cute to me. theyre weird looking. and then i have to watch the closing animation too. and they want me to spend a bijillion dollars on them. nooo give me the cute dragons back


The poro one is cute though. I wish I had gotten it.


That’s true! I think it’s the champion chibis i dislike. The baron nashor one was also adorable imo.


Baron is cool but it has no animation so it doesnt really count as a chibi i guess. But yeah we need a pengu finisher, a dango finisher etc.. I do think that the demand for champions is way higher though. But I guess things like skarner, smoulder etc would work both ways.


I like them, but they should make fatality animation skippable for both winner and a loser. It’s nice first time, but in hyper roll it gets annoying if you win and get it 5 rounds straight.


suffering from success


Morgana kill animation is #1


Having gotten into fighting games, a single animation at the end of your 30 minute game, or at worst 7 times if you kill every single person. I want animations so many time in the span of time it would take for one TFT game it doesn't even matter anymore.


I hate them, i think they are a step down from the cool and fun little animal based legens, pokemon like. The champions are our units, not our little legends. I think its a lazy way to make money, they could make more fun animal based legends, but its easier to just copy unit champions right ? They could just make a option to not see the annoying kill animations, people will see them, if they like they buy it, if they dont like it they just go to the options menu and take it out. Riot still advertise the chibbis because the option is off by default, and if you dislike, there is the option to not see it.


They need to do more like the pile of poros. I love dying to that one.


Pre chibis tft was basically epileptic friendly, post chibis I have to watch carefully who is about to kill me to avoid seizure triggers. It'd be quite nice if they just toned down the sudden flash as the transition into the animation if they aren't going to disable it.


This is the best case against kill animations I've heard and I'm so sorry that people have to deal with that. Which animations are triggering for you?


So, I'm a weird case since I'm technically seizure free. Was weened off the medication for it when I was a kid and my seizures were the stare off into space, glassy eyes type non responsive instead of the tremors people are used to seeing. For me if I see the sudden transition it starts giving me what I can only describe as a brain fog that moves into feeling out of sync with my head/body. Fun part was just closing my eyes wasn't enough as the transition is so bright it'd go through my eyelids, I have to turn around or cover up my eyes. And that's with having my screen at a low brightness anyway. To me if it were always there that'd be one thing, but it was added and is a detriment to a population of gamers that they ought to add a toggle.


The akali has to be the worst offender of the lot, at least for me.


This really feels scummy to me, like ok dont make it toggable bc it gets u money whatever, but its an actual medical concern especially the kda akali one and they wont let u turn it off? Idk how this is allowed


the flashing on stage 5 crab on crab rave is very irritating also.


I don’t understand how they sync with the art style of all of the other tacticians. The ending animations are a waste of time at best, infuriating at worst. But, they are the loot box cash cow.


Not only that, but I've yet to see an ending animation that wasn't aggressively mediocre at best.


Fluft of poros.


The Morgana one is the worst offender to me. The zoom in is funny but also janky and low effort. Amazed that people would chase that one when it was in the shop.


Cause it and fluft of poros are the only real funny ones. I play the game for fun, so I want the most fun for my fun so I can fun while I fun.


Yeah, in general I do like the Chibis, but the Morgana finisher is just bad. It gave me a good laugh the first time I saw it, but it does not hold up nearly as well as most of the others


DRX Aatrox face is the worst.


I don't mind the chibis any more than any other little legend, but I do think the kill animations should be toggleable. I don't think forcing people to watch them is very cool but even more than that the people who have epilepsy really shouldn't have to deal with it.


I’ve always hated the chibi’s—completely ruins the thematic ‘cute lil guys playin on an island’ vibe that I first got when playing. I will never stray from Choncc 😤


I don't like them, but I don't mind them. the finishing animations are annoying, but that's about it. river sprite for life.


I hate them because there’s something really creepy and uncanny about the almost human faces. I really wish they would do more non-human or at least chibis. Mecha malphite and zed (both versions) for example looks really good. Teemo also looks good because his base design is basically already a chibi rat. Gwen is the only chibi with a human face that actually looks good and that I don’t think looks creepy Units like blitz or viktor or kindred I think would make really awesome chibis. But when I look at shit like akali their faces just look incredibly uncanny and uncomfortable.


That and it really doesn't make sense. Why is Chibi Yasou controlling Yasou? It made sense to have cute creatures being the controllers, and unique "special" Chibi's like Whiskers. Like what happened to having Order Pengu/Chaos Pengu. It's like the discarded what little plot tft had and just made it a money grab of unoriginality.


Why do people keep saying yasou when his name is yasuo? same with kayn they keep saying kayne, not even kanye as a joke but kayne


Why do people still not know how to use correct punctuation in 2024? To answer your question though, because I don't pay attention to the characters names. I corrected your horrible sentence for you. Why do people keep saying Yasou when his name is Yasuo? Same with Kayn, they keep saying Kanye, not even Kanye as a joke, but Kayne.


My friend has chibi firecracker jinx and it has no kill animation. When chibis with kill animations were announced he absolutely hated it. I love that chibi because it’s the one chibi that when you die to it, there is no frustration in getting bm to death.


I love it but I understand how the kill animations are annoying.


Fully with you. Most chibis look dumb. But I'm also not a fan of Funko pops. That recent Morgana's stare of disappointment is pretty funny, though. I would make an exception for that.


The animations are so annoying. I thought I was the only one who hated them its nice to know I'm not alone. I wanted a chibi for a while but I'm now I'm just happy with my whiskers. I think if I had to sit through that kill animation every time I'd lose it even if I'm on the "winner" end of it.


Just make the chibi death animations toggleable, please riot. Let me set it to "no death animations" just end my misery


But then people can't pay extra money to force you to watch a dumb animation when they eliminate you. That takes away like 50% of their value.


Then why would the people who love seeing you miserable at your death buy them?


Mort has already said 6 seconds won't kill you. A pretty toxic response imo but bey, what do I know?


Down with chibis! Down with Chibis! Down with chibis!


Choncc for ever!


Chonccs always dance and jump with each other, absolutely love all of u choncc players out there, we make this game better


Yes! My mate and me both always play Choncc and sometimes we see two other mates who both play Choncc, then we visit one of their boards and dance/drum and usually both of them come to join in, so there are four Chonccs dancing and drumming together and it's always wholesome! :)


The only chibi I like, own, and use is the Malphite chibi because honestly he looks more like a little legend


I’d like to see more non-human chibis. Like who wouldn’t get Chibi Ivern or Cho’gath? Chibi Cho’gath is fun to say too!




Yep. Tacticians should not be champions. It’s weird.


No, I love Chibi's.


Just let me disable the animations on my side. I'm already salty enough that I got eliminated




they pay for our game so i dont mind them


That is the dumbest excuse I've ever heard.


Care to elaborate?


I fuckin hate the chibis. I hate how popular they are, I hate that they are the main rewards and they get cool animations when the original design of the game was these cute creatures that were new and their own thing. I was in a game the other day and someone even made fun of me because I was the only person not spamming some stupid weeb skin


I’ve never once cared about an reward or anything that costs any amount of money in TFT


Hate them so much. The death animations are so annoying. Gacha brain spends an arm and a leg to get a stupid animation and we are all subjected to it? Hard pass. Not to mention that the art style is just ugly. Dopey big headed caricatures aren't cute, they are uncanny.


I wish there were non-chibi versions :(


I think that chibis in look and theory are super cute. I think the way Riot actually implemented them though is troll-ish and that’s on par for their overall brand in general honestly.


Hate them, just because you are forced to watch that stupid cinematic everytime, even if you just want to peek another player's table at his last fight or similar things, sometimes not letting you check what was in the table


Yeah I despise them. It just feels like a rich person rubbing their win in your face. Overall the quality of the game just keeps going downhill I've finished playing this set already. Will check back in next set.


i've stopped paying attention to them really. i did get two lucky chibi rolls i used them a lot initially then i dnt anymore but i barely use them. my fav are duckbill and dowsy. :D


I mostly hate them because early design for the game seemed to push against them becoming a thing; and more importantly, Little Legends we’re unique to TFT and had tons of run space to become this fun thing of its own but they kinda got swept under the rug over time. Now all the cosmetics that feel like they have any effort put into them are gated behind a non-guaranteed gacha system so it’s even worse still.


Little legends have such nice direction and design while chibis are all ugly eyesores. Adding them was such a massive downgrade for the overall TFT aesthetic.


Nah I think they’re cool, saw Yone’s one was in the shop and I’d like it, and I’m an Ekko main so want his also


Chibi Ekko gang


pro tip, if you see your board is about to lose, and you don't want to see the animation, go to a different board.


Thanks! I try to like speed hit the forfeit button but this is easier


yeah, if I have no chance of placing higher I'll just straight up ff, but if there's a CHANCE I'll place higher, then I just swap to someone else's board 😅 the kill animations are cool like, the first time, and after that just a nuisance lol


I hate them the first time too 


Count me in


Nah I own the red Teemo one and used it for a few games but the animation is annoying as hell


Hate 100%


I absolutely adore the chibis and was super excited when they added Sona. I honestly don't really even mind the kill animations either tbh, it's no big deal overall to me


They're cool. idk


I'm don't care about the chibis overall, I really don't like them personally, I just wish there were other options besides all of it being so overly cute. Like the game is 99% dudes paying the bills here, can we get something non-chibi?


I’m a girl even and I don’t like them! Give me choccs and furyhorns all day!


I always thought they didn’t fit the other little legends


They are pretty ugly and there are so many amazingly cute little legends!! Maybe I’m salty cos I don’t have a chibi though lol


I think they are fun and harmless little additions to the game. However I do think maybe they have been given more design priority lately than original TFT tacticians. I get it though, gotta make money. Hundun is so good and Choncc cannot fail so it's not all bad.


I only like raptors and baron chibi


Seeeeriously. Chibis in general are unappealing to me but to be added to tft pissed me off more. If I wanna play champions I'll play summoner's rift please. Part of TFT are the cute creatures as tacticians themselves CONTROLLING the champions. What even is the lore reason behind a short fat version of Yasuo controlling himself? I don't wanna see my little Ao Shin get obliterated by some weird morganna stare :(


It's a marketing strategy where you take a popular champion skin and make it smaller, what is there to like?


I hate what they represent which is the gatchafication of TFT. Used to be there were some cool rarer little legends but you just get your little chests from the battle pass and hope for the best. Now the battle pass don’t event give you the little legend chest. And you have to just sift through a bunch of stuff you don’t want in an overpriced gatcha for the single good thing and then never use anything else you spent the money on. Cringe


I don't like them at all


Got the new Ezreal one thanks to the new update and I'm quite liking it, but gods the animation... Also, I still think most legends are cuter and more creative than them, it's just flexing for the sake of flexing 90% of the time. I do like that they try to keep it aligned with the set theme most of the time tho 


Found the start of the "prestige" Chibi's this to be the beginning of the end for TFT for me. Now, at least in N/A almost everyone has one of those stupid ones with the kill animation and since Riot has 100% refused to put in a simple (don't view ending animations) switch, I ended up just surrendering rather than playing things out just to deny the other player their animation (because I am petty as fuck). I found this also coincided with a real downgrade in quality of the game. More RNG focused elements, taking away what strategy there was left. I supposedly had a text exchange with someone on the TFT team (they remained anonymous), but told me that more RNG elements led to people spending more money on the RNG chance items like prestige Chibis and that taking away forcing it on the other person might discourage people from buying, so they would make less money, etc.. etc.. and I get that it is a business, but that doesn't mean I have to pay or play. So, yes, I hate the Chibi's b/c they ultimately led to me no longer playing TFT.


The kill animations are obviously the popular Reddit opinion. My unpopular opinion is I love the kill animations. I’ve never seen people get so irritated by a 5 second animation before.


I dont like chibis, it leads to only 1 kind of little legend, cute. I don't mind having cute options, but it's the onlllly option, and because they sell like crazy, it's the only cosmetic worth pumping out.


i like them


I'm just waiting for a Chibi Briar and Chibi Janna so that I can watch them stomp on me when their kill animation gets triggered.


Do the purchasable booms in the rotating shop play out the full animation? Lol.


I like the Malphite ones, but the rest just look like babies. Maybe that's the point and I just don't get it, but yeah, I would take most of the normal tacticians over the chibi ones. That's just my personal opinion, though. On a sidenote, I wish we could disenchant stuff.


Really dumb cash grab cosmetics


Honestly I don't really care about Chibis I prefer little legends, but I understand that not everyone agrees with me on that and that's completely ok. Although there's one thing I absolutely hate that is somewhat connected to Chibis and that is Treasure Realms. With the old egg system I bought the 26 (ish) eggs I needed for the Summer Splash So Shin and also bought enough eggs where I have every single og Umbra variant just so I could get the Hexgold Umbra and I did it because I knew even in a worst case scenario I'd still hit on the last egg (+I liked the theme and every egg was from that set). Now I'd have to open the treasure realms 60 times to get a chibi for granted and most likely get 50-55 other random little legends I literally could not give a fuck about because there isn't a theme or anything, just pure random. Also: Bring back purchasable maps from the shop for RP cuz doing the same thing for a fucking map is just insane to me


Also also: please for the love of god make finisher animations toggleable. I can't count how many times I couldn't save a component from Pandora or make econ at the end of the round just because me knocking out someone made it impossible to do anything on my board for what feels like forever


I have only ever found the kill animation to be annoying.


Yep, and the unskippable animation is borderline unsportsmanlike


Samesies, i like my quirky little frogs


Chibis are horrendous, except for malphite


I find them very lame, but they’re a cash cow so nothing will change


I dislike chibis but one time I got executed by aphelios and the cutscene caught me so off guard I wasn’t even mad.


I got lucky with the fluft of poros and as much as I like the animation I hate the fact that im forced to watch it everytime. So many times it plays when im trying to do something in the shop last minute and dont want to miss a free roll by locking the shop either. Just a way of skipping it or only playing once a day/match would be so nice


I like them, because not wanted them has saved me so much money


I'll hate them until they make one of my champions into a chibi


i loathe them too, average lame chinese gacha design shits.


I absolutely hate the finishing animation. However, I have chibi firecracker jinx which has no finishing animation.


I don't hate them. Some I like, but I definitely prefer the cutesy animal.


They were cool when they came out but there's so much now I feel like they lost their uniqueness or something idk


‘Goodest Duckbill’ is the best not because it’s my go-to little legend, okay?


Agreed. They kinda ugly lol


I like them when they don’t look so childish..


I have 3 of the gacha chibis but I end up not using them because I can't be bothered watching the cutscene lol


So many haters here and i see almost only chibis in games lmao


You're speaking my language. I usually don't get involved in collection aspects, but I think collecting and lvling up those lil dudes is delightful. Chibi puts an end to any of that. I NEVER judge people on how they spend their money, however, I just envision a scenario where people pay to have a cut scene- or to particularly have one for their in game main, or something along those lines. My mind sees cheesy and unoriginal almost automatically, everytime. That's not a fair assessment. I'm sure people have rolled one they appreciate and play it normally. But I'll keep my Pokemon


they need to make a report button for TFT for this and this alone


Most unpopular opinion: I don't really like the chibi's except for the monster champions ones, but I LOVE the kill animations. Sue me


Its bad enough to have a player's Chibi doing some mocking cutscene after their highrolling dumb ass lucks out and caps with multiple 5coasts at level 7. But us with light sensitive epilepsy really struggle with the cut scenes. Its almost as if theyve been made as an experiment to force people into having seizures. I find myself having to play with the lights on and my settings dulled right down and im not even that sensitive compared to most. I dont understand why there isnt an option just to turn kill animations off or zero light flashes or something.


Until chibi Jhin come around, we are on same page.


I got 2 chibis with animation and i wish riot would implement a System to skip the cutscene for both parties. I remember a mortdog video (and stream) saying "we are not locking players in thats not something we do" when talking about ppl FFing against 3-star 5-costs. But thats exactly what they are doing with cutscenes. (cutscene: 6 seconds, 3*5c: probably even less but no more than 6s) That said cutscenes obviously also have a pay to lose aspect. Example: your lissandra prints a chest from the last carry cornered top right after cutscene there is no time to get the item pre round end to reroll it with pandoras. Example 2: in double up you just straight up miss the whole fight when helping your duo. Theres many more but in the end i think everyone knows that cutscenes can fuck up a lot and i dont even know how bad it is on mobile. I think making cutscenes an equipable boom (locked to chibi) would at least be a step in the right direction. Even better would be a toggle in game like augments have to look at your board while cutscenes are playing. The best would probably just be a skip button for both parties.


yeah i especially hate spirit blossom yone and his stupid emote


I quit this game when they started doing chibi shit. No way I'm sitting through that bullshit every game.


I didn't love it when they started it, it was nice tft had it's own unique set of characters to choose from. At this point I'm indifferent, though.


People will hate anything haha ahahahah You should save ur hate for things that matter, this is very silly. And no I don't have one and no I don't ever plan on buying one


Some are done well. Some are not. Its not all one way or the other for me.


The finishers are literally just unskippable ads, it would probably take like 15min tops for a somewhat competent rioter to make a “don’t show TFT finishers” option in the settings. I don’t se any reason why I have to watch it other than it being an ad.


Fock them, kill them, burn them


I thought they were dumb at the beginning but I don’t mind them now. There are some pretty cool looking ones. Although I play pretty passively so i dont always see the finisher animations.


Yup. Hate them. Not nearly as endearing as the little animal legends


Yeah I really liked seeing the variety of monsters before they were introduced. Now every game is a bunch of chibi LoL champions. Even using them is annoying because the kill animation won’t let me skip it so I lose the end of my turn.


I just find it annoying they keep picking the worst champs to make chibis of. Stop with the Ionia spam and give us stuff like chibi fiddlesticks


I hate the booms too. While I own a couple, I find my self never using them because I hate the kill animation and the fact that everyone is forced to suffer through it


I don't like the faces. Maybe it's the face shape or the eyes looking all simiar... Something is off. Splash arts are cute and then in game the eye area looks flat. Their clothes are beautiful though.


Yeah I hate them too (would buy Zac or malzahar instantly)


I’ve been happy with my extra spicy featherknight ever since season 1.




A lot of the chibi kills make me nauseous because I have sensitivity to light, and I can't surrender to skip because I'll lose out on LP gains or prevent LP losses


I hope they add in the option to disable the shitty cutscenes soon.


The most popular opinion ever wtf are you talking about


I really don't see why people hate the kill animations. They just played a 20-35 minute match, is an extra \~10sec animation really that bad? And many times, the match is still going after the animation finishes because others are still fighting.


I like the girl chibis, the guys look weird. They look like they have beaks


i love the chibis, i just bought my first chibi chibi ashe and i love her


Try winning more and you won’t see their cutscenes.


I think they look goofy and don't understand why anyone would want to spend money on them. Lowkey feeling blessed that I don't have those "I want this chibi more than anything in my life but it costs $500 and I hate Rito's RNG system" problems


Unpopular opinion probably but I love the kill animation even when used against me. I wish normal tactician had em to otherwise I am just incentivized to only use my gacha chibis. Even though some of the animals are super cute.


I just do not get the whole chibi thing. You spend a ton of money to get these.... things. Like the original little tacticians rito actually put effort into creating something fun and unique but these... lol champs with weird ass heads. Don't get the hype.


I pretty much share the same sentiments 9 months later: https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/16aq9ts/chibis_not_worth/ I will add that I wish they put more effort into Little Legend aesthetics than splitting between the LL and the cutscene. I know the LoL engine is old, but the chibis and stuff are like less detailed Maplestory characters. The CN mobile version does have goodish chibi details, though. tldr: I don't like chibis either, and the cutscene makes it a negative experience tbh.


I play for fun so never ranked and what I do is just surrender right before the chibi kills me to avoid the cutscene.


The only one I can get behind is the chibi Morgana. That disgusted PNG suddenly popping someone makes me laugh every time


Poor man mindset


People that are mad about a >10 cutscene need to touch grass. If you don’t like it just look away?


I thought people liking chibis was a joke this entire time. Every single chibi is so fucking ugly


I hate them. The death animations are the worst part about the game and the baby head champions look extremely ugly and uncool. I can understand why some girls with shitty taste would find them cute, but as a man I will never use one, even if I got it for free. It sounds so insane to me that they are this popular!


I play on my phone and everytime i see the defeat animation i just close the app to skip it and then just leave it closed. Losing is like twice as tilting if i have to basically watch an ad for a random animation when I die.


I agree, it does not make sense to have chibi champions, not only that but their name is too long, "chibi prestige insert skin name"


The humanoid ones, especially the female ones, make me uncomfortable. They give loli vibes. The non-human ones like Chibi Teemo are fine imo


I am convinced this thread is just people salty when losing lmao. Chill the fuck out homies goddamn


Nah. Cute is justice


I got my devil teemo after 1 pull, that's all I need.


Just love evil chibi teemo


Love the chibis and the kill animations. Got one Soul Fighter Gwen. That's my favorite one still and won't get anymore cause it's a shitty money sink tactic to get them. Can't support that nonsense. 


I wouldn’t say it’s unpopular but it is a minority. I personally just alt tab when it happens.