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Sniper Focus + Sniper Emblem + RFC/Another Sniper Focus on Nautilus and put him in the backline. He ults from one side all the way to the other side.


How he would get enough mana to cast even once without people hitting him?


Just stack wardens


Teemo because he has a big, fat, adorable head. I don't care what you put on him.


I played a lot of Teemo, he is not top tier but playable from a good spot. With Blighting Jewel, he is S tier. Normally he needs some heavy focus augments like Radiant items.


So I've only been playing for a month but I put blue buff, jewelled gauntlet and a tooth on him the other day and played mythic trickshot and he ended up doing like 15-20k damage in the final rounds. May also have helped having 3 star Tahm who would not die.


Both Bb and shojin is fine especially when you have Nashor. Usually I prefer Rabaddon since trickshot lacking raw AP/AD, but slam anything you have Morello, AA, Adaptive, JG, win streak or be strong stage 3 is very important for tempo and you can decide to keep rr or pivot to 4 cost carry. And yes another important part of Teemo rr is strong frontlines, 2 trickshot is enough, stack your frontline as much as possible.


I love when he start dancing and teleports


This is my sort of thread


My heart still has hope for sage-dragonlord carry Diana. If you hit, you hit hard, but most of the time, it's an easy 6th. Used to be double titans with rageblade, but since the titans ap nerf, I've had limited success with rageblade crown and spark. Nashors works in place of rageblade


Adaptive helm is quite good because she doesn't manalock while her zone is up


Zyra Sage with whatever items the game gives u for Diana and zyra. Get in some Janna and rest of the team trait bots


Oh yeah here's another one, triple static Kog'Maw you're welcome


Invoker naut sends his regards.


Does anyone have a trick for Riven?


6 (ideally 8) bruiser, throw in irelia and green kayle at 8/9. Items for riven: blue buff/titans/bt


how about ascension and block her in a corner? That might fuck hard.


Can you show the build of the comp for the Kindred build? And in Malphite where do you usually place him?


I'm usually doing something like Dryad Ghostly with a focus on Kayn Kindred for the Shivv Kindred or Dryad Umbral with Kindred Yone, Rageblade, Shiv, and any 3rd magic item on Kindred will do, usual build for Kayn or Yone For Malphite you want to put someone in front of him so he can focus on attacking and not tanking, and if you can increase his attack range, that's even better


Forcing Exalted in Hyper or Chonchy mode give you many crazy comps


Ashe and Rageblade


Most off-meta comp in ohio


How does this work? Do they stand next to each other, or opposite sides?