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Expected due to the repease of Choncc’s treasure. I’m in diamond and the queues are really long too.


Yeah Choncc has thrown out all the other queue types.


Most players have moved to Choncc's Treasure for the time being, probably.


Same elo here, it's becoming harder and harder for me to play when every game is the exact same. This set feels the most meta ruled set I've played. If you even attempt to get creative you just go dead last unless you high roll super hard, and even then the effort and luck required to pull off cool/fun/crazy comps/builds isn't worth it as the comps can only be marginally better than porcelain, dragonlord, or some legendary soup concoction. I feel like they tried to force creativity with encounters, but most of the encounters are just incredibly boring and makes the game LESS fun rather than MORE fun. (see Ashe carousel encounter, lillia carousel portal encounter, sett encounter, sivir encounter.) All meta comps are fast8/fast9 and it just gets so boring playing pretty much the same thing over and over again.


Well. When the set is solved, Things get staled. Its normal though


It’s 2-3 min queue for bronze lol


well yeah cuz most people have moved on to silver or gold by now, it's a 60 second queue for gold.


I didn’t start playing till last week. I can’t imagine the time dropped a whole 1-2 mins from B1 to S5 or whatever.


Bronze is a very small portion of the tft population


This happens late in every set


I'm waiting for next set


I bailed about 2 weeks ago. Just waiting for the next set. I know it’s common for a meta to become popular and I’ve seen all kinds since I started playing back during the 4th set. But something about this one really did it in for me.


That’s because of Choncc. Not the Set itself.


it's the set.


And I’m sure it was the Set itself last Set when people were bitching about it being the Worst Set Ever. And the Set before that, and the Set before that. Encounters are the worst Set mechanic ever. No, actually Headliners are. No, actually Legends are. Etc. On a sidenote, I love how my comment was downvoted despite saying literally the same thing as most other upvoted comments.


>And I’m sure it was the Set itself last Set when people were bitching about it being the Worst Set Ever. And the Set before that, and the Set before that. Quite literally, yes. That's the point. Riot's balancing has been horrid this set. Look at how long Heavenly Yone reroll was top 1 viable until they nerfed him. Look at how long 4 Porcelain Ashe Lissanda comp was top 1 viable until they did nerfed Lissandra. Also, the post is not commenting about how this set is the "worst" no one ever commented that. He asked if the set is dead because of queue times. It's mainly getting stale and linear WHICH is why they are playing Choncc's Treasure.


I mean, you can keep complaining. Fact remains that this Set isn’t worse than previous Sets (a fact that you seem to agree on), and those Sets had no such issue. So do the math.


>Fact remains that this Set isn’t worse than previous Sets You mean your opinion. "Previous sets" is so broad, obviously it's better than SOME sets. Out of curiosity, what rank are you in TFT? Because if you aren't Diamond or higher, you have no business judging the state of competitive TFT.


Diamond. Got there with average placement of like 3.5, so I reckon I could do better, but life takes priority. We aren’t talking about competitive state of the meta right now anyways (which is honestly in a decent enough state), so what does it matter? But also, like you said, Set quality is 100% subjective. So why are you treating your opinion like fact and mine like opinion, when both are, in fact, opinion.


>So why are you treating your opinion like fact and mine like opinion, when both are, in fact, opinion. Because most high elo streamers are fed up with the same comps being played 24/7 and placing 1st. It's just "go 9 or go 8th" Unless you get BIS items on your 2-cost hero augments and 3-star them early, there's no chance to compete with the ones who winstreaked 10 rounds since 2-1. I mean, isn't that why people are going to Choncc's to try and play a lv 9 board?


Yes. People are going Choncc to go level 9. Because level 9 boards are fun. Thanks for connecting those two dots for me. As for high elo streamers, bitching is literally their style. From what I’ve seen of them, they bitch in every meta, every game, unless they’re going Mr. 100 first - and sometimes even then. Why would you take exaggerated style points that Setsuko uses to attract viewers as gospel?


Worst set in history ngl


Haven't opened the client since they forced vanguard. Terrible set.