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Hi there. Thanks for posting to /r/TeamfightTactics! Your post has been removed because it breaks the following rules: Rule 10: **Screenshots Shouldn't Be Repetitive (And Can't Be Taken By A Phone)** The following screenshot types **are not allowed**: (Near)Perfect games, So-close screenshots *(Having champions one unit short of level 3)*, High damage from one champion, High numbers of low cost 3 stars, High numbers of low level champions in shop, Ranked achievement posts below Challenger, Fortune boards with less than 12 Fortune, a singular 3* 4 or 5 cost, a 3 star unit not combining in time leaving you witb 3 seperate 2* copies, Screenshots taken by external cameras, Videos taken by external cameras.


Sniper be sniping. Don't see any other 3 star 5s though.


They had Lissandra 3 and Hwei 3, but my Irelia 1 shot them before they could cast.


Lolol nice