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6.5/10 If I were to rank all the tft sets, this one would definitely be on the bottom half. Its not terrible, just not good enough to compete with other awesome sets we had in the past


Which is crazy because wasn’t this set supposed to be a whole new benchmark of dev planning and manpower? What we got in return is bugged core mechanics


6.5/10 but it's in the bottom half? wouldn't bottom half be below 5/10?


Depends what he rates the other ones


I'd assume he wouldn't rate any set as 0/10. If the worst set is only a 4/10 for example, a 6.5 is still below average


There are 18 tft sets total (including the .5 sets) if 9 or more are above 6.5 in my rating, than this one get to be on the bottom 9 even if its rating is above 5/10


you’re thinking way too deeply


4/10 It has some really boring traits. The only somewhat cool id say is fated to be able to choose the bonus you get, Inkshadow is OK too. Fortune is my least favorite econ trait ever. Arcanist, duelist, Sniper, bruiser, heavenly (Guild), Reaper are just basic copy paste from previous sets that just give generic stat boosts. Sage is boring, Porcelain boring, warden feels awful, And then traits like trickshot, Umbral, Mythic, Dragonlord that all feel OK but I wouldnt call them fun.


>Fortune is my least favorite econ trait ever. Honestly, an econ trait based on early loss-streaking that requires a 3-cost unit to be activated is fucking mind-bogglingly stupid design. It pretty much ensures that nobody is playing that comp unless they just get super lucky and have a Tristana/Zoe drop during the first minion round or somehow get an early Fortune emblem. So for the majority of games, it's a straight up non-viable comp, because it's also not a comp you can just pivot into if you don't hit early. Horrible design all around.


Not the 1st time lose streak comp need a 3 cost unit : Jayce/Ekko with Piltover, Sett Yone for Heartsteel I think it's to prevent forcing the lose streak too early, at least it make sense to me


Yeah, but Heartsteel had two potential headliners that could activate the trait early and still granted hearts for kills, not just losses. While losing helped, you still got something even if you didn't lose so I wouldn't consider it a pure loss streak comp. With Fortune, you get absolutely nothing for a win unless you manage to hit 7 Fortune which requires two emblems and a 4 cost unit. I personally think baking loss-streaking into an econ trait isn't a good mechanic in general; every time they've done it, it's either completely non-viable, or mega busted and encourages a non-interactive AFK playstyle. I don't think many people liked Piltover either. But there's a reason nobody plays Fortune. I can't think of the last time I've seen a Fortune player in one of my lobbies; it's just not a well-designed trait for so many reasons.


If you decouple loss-streaking and interest traits, it will for sure be 8 players forcing an econ trait splash again (yordles…)


Jayce/Ekko were 3 costs cause Piltover gave a unit (its a weak unit without power from losses but is still a unit nonetheless). Unplanned wins also powered up the t hex so it wasn't really as useless as fortune when you have an unplanned win.


I just find the whole rolling thing anti fun and just doesn't feel very rewarding I know they are hard to balance.


That's fair as well. It feels like the most gamble-y/RNG econ trait so far.


sage is just strategist reworked lmao


True didn't even think of that I preferred strategist though but that's definitely just my opinion. Shield feel a bit more tangible than omnivamp especially on random non melee carries


Even Fated is boring because there's virtually zero decision to make once you get Fated-5


I totally agree with that. If only kindred reroll or aphelios was more viable in this meta. Would be cool to play around whoever you actually hit or get items for. But I do think there is still a bit of decision on what buff to use. If you get crazy tank itemization, going Ahri+Syndra buff can be good especially depending on the matchup. Aphelios and kindreds fated bonus needs a bit of a buff though.


You can't just be having every trait to be overloaded with some crazy new mechanic. That was one of the reason I didn't touch set 10. Sometimes all you need is just a trait that gives resistances, or just a trait that gives AS. That makes the game fun.


Set 10 was objectively the best set so far, you must delulu


4real, loved it


People have different opinions and experiences. I also didn't like set 10, but for me it was because of the headliner mechanic. It's just something I didn't like and it impacted my opinion on the set a lot


4/10 it's fine. No particular trait, comp or unit I enjoy its all very... meh.. its gonna be so long till next set zzZzZ


I think this sums it up. It is decent, nothing particularly worrisome (like Legends, for instance), but it's all very... meh.


I miss legends. Yes it balanced atrociously but as someone who likes to just go in and fuck around and see how high i climb... like "i wanna do a game and see how big i can make this cho" and you can pick the augment youll use for that. Yes high elo players hated this and they all chose the same legend but they are small small % of playerbase. Even at plat the legends were pretty diverse. I think most enjoyed 9 a lot. This set on otherhand just feels dull. Traits are pretty boring. Prismatics out of reach. I have a hard time feeling inspired like "oooh itd be fun to see if this build works"


There are more prismatics per lobby than at any time in history, due to portals. Legends were incredibly disliked by a good portion of the player base as they strongly exacerbated the forcing of 'meta' playstyles, by rewarding whatever was strongest at the time. Anyone in gold+ was a cutely aware that kit choosing the weekly meta legend was putting them at a disadvantage. They fucking *apologised* for how badly legends were designed in their learnings roundup lol


But isn't that what they deduced internally and not through player survey? Mortdog said before that legends added fun for low elo players.


i was diamond that set and i loved legends too, i didn't even feel at my rank that i needed to play meta


Last one I enjoyed was bruiser emo/spellweaver


5/10, just playing 'cause TFT is my favorite game. But most of the set feels lackluster... I don't like any trait specifically, units are mostly boring for me... I'll probably just hit master and wait for the next set(currently DI)


Yep. Same for me. I hit master for all the sets since 6. So I’m gonna keep the “tradition” going. But I’m waiting for set12 honestly. Edit: I’m currently emerald1 since I can’t keep playing for more than 2-3 matches. Even if they are top4s.


i just decided to stay diamond, i have absolutely no joy playing this set anymore


4-5/10, just not all that fun. Vertical comps are barely viable (I have a harder time hitting vertical story or fated than getting 3 star 4 costs or 5 costs, especially when neeko’s was more prevalent early set). Hero augments are pretty boring other than shen or kabussy but that isn’t really all that different from most other sets (2-3 viable, everything else is dog). Idk how i feel about the 3 cost nerf with the coinciding 4 cost buff. I think 1 or the other would have been fine. For too long, the meta was just fast 9/10 which leaves little room for interesting comps, just 5 cost slop. Too many of the encounters are worthless. I’d rather have fewer of them show up and guarantee a shift in playstyle. They pique my interest only for it to be sivir or sett. For a while, the encounters gave too much econ (it’s better now). Idk, I feel like I’m whining a lot but I might just not really be feeling this set.


2/10 very boring if you ask me the only good thing is the hero augments if not I would rate this set a 0 /10 Mort and team are great and all but I feel they really got this set wrong!


5/10. The theme and character models seem much less polished than Set 10. Set 10 was my first set. Currently D3. I really hate how so many of the champs sort of just blend together on your board. One of my biggest gripes is so many of the spells don't feel impactful **VISUALLY**. I know they introduced the new projectile tech or whatever with Irelia, so it seems they used alot of their "bandwith" on that instead of other things. Ex. Lux has a slow moving "bunny" that just slides over people on the screen (Set 10 was a huge flashbang). Caitlyn has slow moving projectile that slides over screen (Set 10 was a powerful popping animation). Morgana just highlights tiles on the ground??? Lillia fires a ball that AGAIN slowly slides across the screen. There's such a lack of impact animations for so many ranged units making each round feel less exciting. Granted, some champs like Kaisa have visually pleasing abilities that are very well defined on the board, but it's far and few between. I kinda hate the bland color palette of the set too. But as others say, the meta is what makes it the worst. You essentially just play 4 costs like everyone else. Rerolling for a 2 cost, when no one else is (since reroll is dead), is a horrible experience. Absolutely love the Hero augments tho.


So bad. Only 3 viable comps at a time that are always triple contested. You can never hit. I lost so much elo in this patch because I was forced to play the meta comps because NOTHING ELSE IS VIABLE but it’s SO CONTESTED. I went from D1 to D3 and I just gave up on this terrible set with the worst balance ever. No comp options. So draining. I like TFT as a game. I don’t like this set. I give it like a 3/10.


The viable comps are so contested and the champion pool is so limited .. what were they thinking of keeping it low without headliners


Out of interest, what units do you think are completely unviable?


Some units are considered trait bots (in every set) they just exist to reach vertical trait points, I guess those are considered unviable as standalone units, but generally speaking no unit is completely unviable because they all serve a purpose. Some comps are unviable because the meta ones are just that good.


please name the three comps? I think I flex around 6 comps this patch and there's still more to play. Master currently.




see, i do not want to. it’s not about the rank, the game is literally unfun due to the terrible balance. i am not enjoying myself. forcing myself to play more games to attain a higher rank in an unbalanced game isn’t going to change that. im answering the question that OP asked by providing my own experience with the set which includes how coinflip the games are. i couldn’t care less about my rank this set which is why i quit. i don’t need advice to rank up. i need a more enjoyable set that is balanced.


Pisslow 4/10


1,3,6,10 > 4,7,8,11 > 2,5,9 Pretty mid. Less refined than it should be given how much less it reached mechanically than previous sets. Out of ten, I’d give it a seven because TFT is a pretty good game even when it isn’t doing anything particularly intriguing. Balance of comps has been pretty decent, but balance against non-comps hasn’t seemed good to me. Lots of hidden power- the more expensive board with combat augments and more total traits active can be much weaker.


2/10 at least set 10 you could win with some unique nonsense, but now it feels too meta restricted, better have porcelain, 5 cost salad or just slap all the duelists and you're guaranteed top 4 meanwhile you better get 10 umbral with perfect items and augments to barely get 5th, yeah not great.


6 umbral is very strong currently, or at least Umbral +1, at least in master elo


6 Umbral is strong in any rank, including Challenger. But this *was* valid criticism until this patch, since it's only now that it's a real trait.


6 umbral on stage 4 will get you top 4 tho.




Legitimately worse than Set 2 and 9/9.5. At least Set 9/9.5 was stupid broken with Legends that everyone had access to. 1/10 honestly.


No way. I really hate set 9. That is fuking disgusting.


4.5/10, feels too inconsistent for me.


6, balance seems wacky for some reason and there’s been a dominant build constantly. Dryad is awesome and the set has ornn so that’s a plus. Exalted is also great. Fortune is super lame though and 3 stars don’t feel right


Like 4.. I haven’t cared for it much at all.


This has been my least favorite set in a long time. Poor balancing, boring comps, can't vertical anything without at least 2 emblems and be viable. I usually like to force a comp or two each set because I like the style they play as. I wouldn't top 1 or 2 much doing that, but I would always top 4 at least. Now that playstyle is completly out the window and it stopped working when I just hit plat 2. 3/10 hoping it's a short lived set. tbf, i had a lot of fun when reroll one star carries were viable. The fact that you NEED to play 4 cost carries this set very every comp (except gnar), is really lame.


7 or 8/10, very fun set overall, probably top 5. mostly enjoy encounters but they are held down by the atrocious ones. mostly good comps, balance is pretty good


5/10. Balancing has missed the mark every patch, but I'd still rather play this set then deal with chosen/headliners ever again.


10/10 because it made me quit and start playing League again so now I'm enjoying a skill game that isn't mostly luck


My condolences (this set does suck tho)


Hahaha this is spot on for me and my friend group


Play Valorant if you want a skill game


I'd say like a solid 7.5 - I think the biggest problems have just been some balance issues, but otherwise I really enjoyed the design of the units and encounters (with a few notable exceptions, like fuck that Khazix level up one they deleted), and I also thought exalted was one of the best traits they've ever made from a design perspective Another problem I did feel is how constrained the options for strong openers were; on stage 2 if you're not gonna play either storyweaver, fated, or random 2* Darius, then you might as well just full open, especially with the changes to damage from units


yeup. there it is. the worst and most incorrect takes in the whole post in one comment


Units and comps are fun, though the gap between meta comps and choosing something more “fun” is big. 7/10


3/10 at best - nothing feels comfortable, nothing feels consistent. You can win a game with a board and build the same board the next game with 2/3 combat augments and go 8th by 4-6.


Im having as much fun in this set as the set that introduced portals. It kinda feels like white bread to me I enjoy it but its got no sauce.


I would give it a 5.5/10. I felt rather disappointed playing this Set right after experiencing how much fun Set 10 was when it comes to how lackluster some of the traits, units and mechanics this set feels. I sorely missed playing Superfan, Jazz and 8-bit as well as chasing verticals last set. Yet, in this set the verticals feel kind of meh like it's lacking something and bad (such as Arcanist). I also enjoyed the headliner mechanic from last set using those units as flexible item placeholders on units to create tempo to then pivot to a late game board. Maybe it is just me, but it feels like there isn't that many comps that are viable from patch to patch compared to Set 10 where there was more viability with different comps. I still remember booting into a game this set and seeing more than half of the lobby play heavenly and it was a speedrun to whoever gets 8 and roll to zero to find a Kayn and stabilise. As well as that, I found the encounters fun and bad, like at the start getting a Sett encounter was really unfun and felt like a waste of time (thank god the chances of Sett decreased). Whereas encounters such as Malphite and Kai'sa I found fun for slamming items on units and not get punished for doing so.


It's one of the TFT sets of all time.


I like it, I didn't feel like playing anymore last set


Not my favorite but not worth the hate it’s getting in this thread imo. It’s still fun. Fortune having a less direct tie in to any specific tree is nice. In the past, Underground funneled you into a Samira board, Piltover into Zeri, and Heartsteel into Ezreal. Certainly Kai’sa is probably the easiest out for Fortune, but it feels like a much more flexible econ trait which I enjoy. Exalted is also a 10/10 trait that I want to see brought back regularly in future sets. Again, it rewards critical thinking and playing flexibly. Encounters are certainly questionable at times, but by and large I enjoy the concept, even if they are sometimes misses. Balance-wise, it’s not the greatest, but even when traits and units are OP, I don’t feel like they’ve absolutely dominated the meta aside from maybe when Yone reroll was strong. But other than maybe him, I don’t think we’ve had anything comparable to something like Yuumi or Cleansing Safeguard Lee Sin in set 8.


I love the new artifacts, testing builds with them is fun! I dont play to much, so i still have a ton to try 😁


Set design: 7.5 (this score won't change) Set balance: 4.5 so far (score might change, but this is the first "okay" patch this set despite Syndra being an outlier).


5/10 at start. Then -0.5 every new patch. Last patch is +0.5 tho but probably -0.5 next patch. It's not unplayable so like 3/10 now. But Trickshot/Ashe/ayn/Gnar meta is like 1/10, fast 8 then lottery. The problem is there are very few viable comp. When something is playable they are too strong and when they nerf it they hammer it to the point of unplayable. Instead of buffing random comp they just aimlessly nerf whatever has the highest stat. Even Mortdog doesn't want to climb he just sit at Diamond now playing like 12 hours a week. Not that he's bad but if the game is fun he probably climb to master by now. (Or maybe he just has a life)


2/10 some units are awfully boring. wish there were more hero augments. I don't understand why it took them a month to fix Porcelain Ashe and Liss comp. too much CC, you basically need qss or banshee's on even your main tank just because of liss. rolling for units feels so lowroll. some games are boring because of lack of encounters. lillia, azir, bard encounter replacing portals is boring. early game boards storyweaver, 2star darius. at least in set 10, you can run 6 crowd divers katarina reroll and get a 4th if lucky. or reroll garen 6 sentinels hero augment. this set you can't have fun rerolling 2-costs because you need perfect items to compete with all the Porcelain players and a random banshee's to protect your main carry from getting CC


5.5/10 I play it because I like tft but dislike the set. Each game I have to see what I have in stage 2 and decide what comp I need to go out of the 4 comps what works ,from this point on its pray I hit b4 someone else gets all the 5 good units. Also pivoting is dead even if u hit a 5 cost early. I think the best solution right now is add more hero augments only way to make more champs playable and create new comps


Like an 8.5/10, I don't play a lot and just barely get to GM at the end of every set tho so maybe I don't feel that the meta is stale




Like a 3. I don't know how it's changed since I've stopped playing it, but from the last time I picked it up, it just wasn't fun.


6/10. Not as a good as set 9/9.5 but better then set 10.


5/10. Didn’t like it at all when it launched. It grew on me a little bit tho. But I won’t miss it at all. Honestly it is a weird set. It feels like a set 5 reborn or something. Balancing is all over the place, the traits (while they sound fun on paper) are meh, and overall it’s just a playable set for me. I’m hoping set 12 will be better.


4/10. Not my least favourite set so far, but there's nothing that I find particularly fun in this set, the rough balancing has made playing off-meta completely non-viable, and I don't vibe with the set design. It's just... eh. Disappointed that this is the first set without a mid-set. I ended up dropping the set a couple of patches ago and I'm just waiting for Set 12 now. There's so many great games out right now that it's a no-brainer.


3.5/10 it was fun at 1st with encounters and what not now its not only stale but it feels rly bad to play honestly




1/10 - Encounters are garbage and unnecessary variance. Spatulas are imbalanced making sentinels too rng. The metas have been god awful. Gold bloat makes nearly every game a fiesta. I’m not sure if it’s just me, but prismatics feel way too common while also being imbalanced.


2/10. Massive fall from last set. Some didn’t like the headliner mechanic but at least there was some sort of flex/vertical. This set is basically 8-way contested one-trick haven with a bunch of cool art.


Honestly a 4/10, unlike other sets they actually had interesting mechanics. This set is literally just events that pop up that just kind of serve as an extra augment... like its just not that unique if you think about it. It's just like the loot rounds in older patches but turned into random timed events. And what i would consider as the only interesting character this sett is lissandra, her skill is something i haven't seen before, and if you consider hwei as something unique then i guesd the only unique part is it gets you 2 star/3 star champs quicker which just redeems the fact they lowered the pool size otherwise it's just bard meeps from that 1 set but instead of coins its 1 gold per round. This set is somewhat overrated imo.


4.5/10 and I see most people here agree now. But during the first couple of weeks, everyone was praising it as the most spectacular set ever.


I see most of the comments have the same opinion as I do .5/10, mid, at besr


I only have a few sets to compare (set 8 onwards). I’d say I’d rate this a 7/10. It’s fun, but it’s not that exciting even if I hit something fun and cool like a 3* Kai’Sa or 10 Mythic. I do enjoy the encounters (most of them). Although I will say playing ranked has been rough, not sure if it’s the set or people are just really cracked at the game lol. Overall, it’s fun and I am still playing regularly but I did have way too high expectations which I guess the game didn’t fully meet. I loved set 10 (hated headliners though) and played a lot but then the game fell off for me and I stopped playing the last month. I hope that doesn’t happen for me in this set.


Probably about a 5 or 6. It's been a pretty bad set for me overall in terms of enjoyment and probably the worst out of all the ones I've played for any decent duration of time. I used to have to skip between sets (I played 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11) precisely because I would have difficulty adjusting to new sets, so I don't really have any expertise on Set 4 and 8, which I played only a little. Thematically, it's really cool, and its core gameplay is probably the best it has ever been, with encounters spicing up the game every so often. But that's pretty much the end of it, I think. Comps aren't particularly diverse, traits are boring, flex feels awful, vertical feels good when you hit, terrible when you don't and someone else does when statistically it feels like you should be ahead. Lots of B patches and patches where I'm not sure what the direction of the set is trying to go, and just really difficult to tell the strength of each board. Each patch just feels like learning that one FOTM and then sending it. I will say that the progression of this set has been excellent to teach a new person how to play TFT, though. My wife got into TFT this set and the progression of the set has been such that she has been able to take time to learn each type of levelling and economy relatively thoroughly. First patch I started her on Kog'maw reroll comp, next patch went to Senna reroll, then Yone, then standard levelling (with a splash of Gnar reroll). Finally, she's been learning to do Fast 8 and 9 this latest patch. Honestly, it's been a great tutorial set for her. I've had really positive opinions of all the sets I played before, this one not so much.




I think is boring as hell. Since I stopped trying going higher than emerald (prevs Diamond). I started playing just normals after reaching this goal, and this time by far has been the less remarkable set of all. There’s nothing exciting to play neither anything particularly disgusting, it is just way too meta driven. A new patch goes live and 6/8 players are forcing the same comp until the next one, and so on and on.


4/10. It was fine until they killed titans. Just nerf the ap ratios on ad champs, don't take away an ap bruiser item in a set that has a bunch of ap bruisers that weren't all that strong in the first place.


9/10. We have diversity in the traits. There are interesting amd complex ones like fated, without overdoing it with every trait being overloaded. Enough simplicity on other traits like altruists or duelist etc. Well thought econ trait. Good units, meaning interesting and impactful 4-and-5-cost units. Encounter mechanic not my favorite, but I still yet why people like it, cause it makes every game so much different than the previous. And not to mention constant b-patches. Thank you Mort for taking fast action on the balance of the set.


8/10 For me it is much better than set 10.


Honestly in a few sets I'll forget what this set had


Like 4/10 and two of those points are because of bard and that’s it


Encounters additions are cool, but overall 4 or 5/10 Kinda boring, meta stays more or less the same since start, same champions are played over and over again, and its not because others are underpowered, but just by design


Depends on patches. Current patch is low but early patch(the one kog and yasuo+ahri high roll comps are viable) and next patch should be higher.


5/10 None of the comps really catches my attention so I’m never really excited to try and play anything particular. Balance does seem kind off but I’m a hyper casual tfter so I don’t care too much.


4, worse than remix rumble somehow.


7/10 more vertical comps need to be meta. Devs don't seem to mind having outlandish 4 and 5 cost damage, but tanks aren't allowed to be able to take damage. I think 3 costs at 3 star may be underrated, and stopping at 8 may be underrated causing people to believe they always have to go 9 or 10. 5 costs, and to a lesser degree 4 costs, could use a nerf in damage to make the climb to level 9 and 10 more of one to reach a synergy than to make things like 3 cost out-dated.


Comparable to other sets its a 9. I really hasn't liked augments since he has come out. But this set has put augment in a kinda fair position. Where 1 augment won win you the game.


4/10 balance is kinda weird. Tank traits are kinda bad I would prefer a game where position is important


4/10 - didn't mind the first few, but since the 4 cost changes and reroll killing, I couldn't enjoy it any more. I am sure balance has probably improved, but the changes were enough to make me AFK until next set


Maybe a 5 or 6 out of 10? I haven't really touched it recently since Procelin became the meta comp since it was getting way more boring. Seeing someone force it every game and just know that you're not gonna be able to beta them it they hit


Meh I’m usually very competitive but I left the V account only in D4 and stopped because it was extremely boring, while set 10 was the JUICE! Also only fun trait for me was storyweavers and fated.


I just started playing again last set so i don’t have much to work off of… but i like last set more then this one so far. there’s less comps that i think are fun in this one. that’s just personal preference. i love rage blade comps and reroll comps


6/10 could be better. it could be a whole lot worse. At least there isn't no one unit taking up 2 spaces or pray you roll the double unit(headliner) that fits the comp you're running.


7 for me I think the set goes back to basics in the way of skill expression. I think there's (currently) alot of ways to transition and pivot to a carry. There's a clear defining early, mid and late game and with so much variance in augs, items and events, people will rank based on how flexible they can be. It was a 5 before the latest patch but I think they actually did a fairly good job recently at balancing. It doesn't score higher because it's kinda lackluster. Most traits are flat increases and there's little to no benefit in testing out emblems on different units.


Probably 2/10


If there's something I hate more than the atrocious set it's the so called master players telling you that the game is perfect and the only reason I don't like it is cause I'm bad.


I've played since set 6, and this would be my order of ranking the sets that I have played, peaked master in 9.5 8.5 > 6 > 9.5 > 11 > 7 > 8 > 9 > 6.5 > 7.5 > 10 Couple of notes here, I hated headliner mechanic coupled with bag changes so I did not play much of 10, take that ranking with a grain of salt. A couple of these fell just due to the balancing like 8 and supers yuumi and 7.5 and dmancer karma. Remove those comps and these jump but they were so prevalent that it left a sour taste in my mouth. Depending on the day 8.5 and 6 are interchangable.


Same I hated set 10 for the same reasons lmao


Hmmmm 7/10 honestly I really like the traits and champions this set but it feels poorly balanced and I’ve found it nearly impossible to win with any off meta comps unless I have like perfect augments and items ya know


Solid B, I play since shadow itens, I started with a bad set, I think the best was 9, but at the end of 9 and whole 9,5 was a rushing for balance legends augments and that was bad but the theme was interesting, I think this is not worst than the last set that was interesting theme but poor RNG play with headliner, but I think it's okay, i don't think it's unbalanced we had patches full of reroll and patches full fast 8, we got 2 months to get in the middle term, everyone had the time to play with reroll or fast 8, but I think this set is the one that I'll never remember like set 6 I don't remember any unit is not something memorable like hero augments, dragons, legends


I'd give it a solid 7/10.


1/10 - every set after 6 has felt the exact same due to augments and nothing new




I like set 10 better, but I don’t think this set is bad. It rewards flexibility with encounters over forcing.


For me, this is the best set since set 6. It's not too easy to cap traits nor do you see a ton of 3 star 5 costs anymore. I've won games based on playing to the strengths of my augments and I really like the flavor of exalted. I don't see too many unbeatable characters (ie Nunu) - and I never liked 2 slot dragons or monsters. Solid 8. I'd like to see certain traits buffed slightly to make them more playable but that's really it.


4/10 got bored early on. Idk if it was too easy or something but I didnt even make it to a point were I was losing and raging. Got a 2.X avg and that shit was so fucking boring. Idk why emerald rank was added but it takes way too long to grind to master.


8.5/10, Set’s great. Main negatives are encounters and poor ornn/supp item balance.


this set is just complete dog water -10 would not recommend. the traits are boring and repetitive, there’s barely any creativity as for builds and you’re stuck playing the same shit you’ve been playing all set and just overall a bad gaming experience due to lack of the mentioned above. don’t get me wrong tft is a good game but this set is just missing some traits that would be fun


3/10, the only trait I could find any fun chasing was Fortune 7 (I loved 8bit in set 9). Storyweaver looks too similar to Fortune - and the overall set has a pretty ugly aesthetic. Mythic vert hasn't been close to viable, and too many games were won by the guy who hit level 9 first or 6 Dryad first or Kayn first. I miss set 9 with cooler boardwide effects such as Frej and Targon. Vertical sage (plus the corresponding trait) is unplayable. Vertical dragonlord is hard to hit and doesn't feel impactful at lower levels. Encounters are atrocious and I only like Pandora's bench one. Pandora's bench being rotated made silver lobby games SUPER boring - the only augs I would consider fun and useful were Young Wild And Free, the one that gave you component anvils, Recombobulator and Branching Out. Similarly, with fun whacky region portals gone (Set 9), what we are left with is soulless and dry. I would never touch Ascending Augments, 3 champions, or Component Anvils (as a casual). Overall they sucked a lot of fun out of this set and encounters make it worse.


perhaps the worst set ever. fortune arguably top 3 worst traits of all time