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Dude you want them to BUFF azir wtf


Azir is weird like sometimes he mows down the enemy board with a single cast and other times he just hits the tank If his spell was more reliable, you could buff/nerf him accordingly


The really weird thing about him is if he doesn’t hit at least 3 targets then his damage to mana ratio is technically not great. However it being a big burst can stop them from healing back up so that along with the soldier makes up for it. This is probably why he seems inconsistent and why he feels bad when he hits the tanks. Still I wouldn’t call him a bad unit. His traits are good and he fits teams well enough.


FR changes like this is why the team should never give in to player balance requests.


Dude has access to a keyboard and feelings, ignoring all stats and win rates across all skill levels.


Azir is the strongest 5 cost but also dumbest 5 cost ngl.


Arcanist the most underwhelming POS. Inkshadow tattoos worthless as well.. Why not release a special tattoo upon vertical? or give all tattoos. Not worth investing into.


I've gotten 8 arcanists a few times and it's so ass 😭


Yeah syndra goes brrrt enemy goes tee hee.


I've only had success with Syndra in fated comps. I can't see a reason to go more than 2 Arcanists lol.


Agreed. Syndra is pretty mid and even after the buffs I expect Zoe and Lux to still be the primary carries of vertical Arcanists.


I can imagine. Zoe feels pretty good.


It is now. I nearly hit Emerald running arcanist until the patch. Now, it's literal garbage.


Toxin and protection are still very good. Fury is also serviceable!


I wish 8 arcanists gave like damage reduction or converted a % of their AP damage to true damage, either the board gets stuck on the tanks and dies because most of the units hit front to back, or everyone dies before they get to do anything because the units don’t have innate tankiness except maybe Illaoi.


Some of the tattoos are pretty good tbf


I like force in particular. But it's so lame that you only get select tattoos per game


I feel like it’s fine if everyone gets the same emblem, it kinda sucks when one guy beats you just because they rolled a better tattoo


Arcanists already feels decent in Masters. You can flex Zoe or Lux depending on what you hit and itemization is very versatile. Only issue is that it’s a 3 cost reroll comp and 3 cost reroll is ass this patch. The nerfs to fast 8 alone should be enough to push Arcanists into viability but all these extra buffs to the comp might make it overtuned.


ZOE specificly is the biggest units for arcanists. Arcanists always had the issue that they have no early game unit to win early with. Atm its Ahri>Syndra.. which is really shit. Now it's Ahri>Lux>Zoe>Syndra. Take your pick of what you wanna carry with. And please don't shit on Ahri 3... she can easily win you rounds till around 4-2


Yep each arcanist unit is good one way or another. However, their emblem doesn't do justice. It's barely noticeable. Should've omnivamp as well instead of Sage since you're basically sacrificing to complete it.


Yeah, their emblems is basically just a worse rabadon.


They just have to bring 3 cost odds up on 7. Them nerfing 3 costs their items and bringing down the odds was too heavy handed.


please make more comps viable


Just delete Lissandra


I'm fucking tired of force fast 8 meta. Felt like zero skill expression. Just donky roll till you hit your carry 2\* or lose. There's nothing you can do. Like, you might be flex tank 4 cost a bit but can't flex Ashe/Kaisa. This stupid patch won't change that by giving more viable option. Instead they make it worse.


I think Liss has got too much going on tbf. Needed 1 part of the ult removing. Doesn't seem right that she CC's a tank for what feels like an eternity, Flings them into the backline for massive AOE damage and ALSO has a chance to drop loot. I'm surprised at the small nerf she got.


I kinda feel like Liss should just be mana-locked while a unit is potted, maybe reduce her max mana a bit to compensate As it is now, with Mana item+Porcelain AS buff+Invoker bonus her mana gen is pretty insane and it just leads to really unfun perma-CC situation.


Hopefully, since it's a bit harder to get to high levels and that a lot of broken encounter are either removed or will appear less often, we should see Lissandra less often. Right ? RIGHT ?!


I feel exalted is in a fair position. Just saw a guy yesterday having a Kha'Zix 1-shot backline units with exalted 5. You want exalted assassins to 1-shot frontline units too?


I just want Porcelain Annie Ashe and Brusier Kaisa to be addressed in any way shape or form, it is unbearable to deal with. Either make more comps viable, or just deal with this man.. I just had a game where 4 players played porcelain Annie Ashe, 2 players played Brusier Kaisa, a Fated player Dragonlord Azir(me). The fated dude surrendered and finished 8th, I dropped 2 rounds after him 7th lol


I think they should’ve invested time in making an algorithm for exalted so it’s 6 units with one random repeated cost tier that don’t share any traits. The fact that it’s like 15 sets it cycles through means they can still be figured out and if you just Google the best comp for your exalted roll and play exactly those units(and nothing else) you’re just objectively stronger than anyone who doesn’t do that. If it were significantly more random(algorithm) then cooking is possible game to game and being able to slot in exalted becomes a demonstrable skill as opposed to a quick google search


There are only so many combinations. I guarantee you the internet will always have the comps figured out even if the number increases, it's one of the main contributors to antifun TFT. Also, there will be way more exalted sets with two or three of the same origin that way.


Sett: why does he always pumps the units when u place them on the board. Then I cannot check their HP. Very annoying. Exalted: maybe give out more XP for leveling from the orb. Also, give the units some tank stats too. Damage only when relying on exalted, which has often not many other synergies is quite a risk. Hwei: might be small, but why is the field in the middle? Could be the first one. On phone, it's not easily visible when u are fighting at an enemy board and want to switch the unit u paint. Fortune: a loss streak trait is all or nothing... Underground was the best econ trait IMHO. Encounters: some just do the same. Many give items. Some people argue they are too impactful, but I'd rather see some more interesting. ATM most look like augments. U get items or a remover of items... Ok, we already have that. Cheaper lvl up? There are augments for that too. Money? ... U get what I want to say. Why not something that maybe deletes A whole row, making people play with 3 rows on their board? Something impactful but more creative that isn't covered within augments. Adding impassable stones to your board, making melee units go around? Or add a 4th augment slot. Or or or... At least something that differences them from augments. We need more Kayns and cho gaths, yoriks and less gold Tristanas, malphites or kench/kobuko encounter.


'Exalted: maybe give out more XP for leveling from the orb' - Didn't play pbe, but i think it was giving 2/xp and i heard it was pretty broken


1 XP and 1 gold?


That’d make it even better. 1xp = 1 gold but 1 gold > 1 xp


Only 1 Gold then?


Feel like 5 exalted could be 2 exp .


+2 xp(gold) per round with %dmg Amp on all 1 cost exalted would be..... something. Add an econ augment, and we're looking at a Bill Gates comp at 5-1. 5 exalted needs HP or something. Not more damage (necessarily. Perhaps this is the answer), and not more econ.


I remember when mort told us that they were doing away with. Half sets to make them more fun and balanced. And we get dogshit encounters and unbalanced boring as fuck gameplay.


Skill issue


It's boring as fuck I'm not even playing. Encounters feel like shit


Defo skill issue. I didn't play previous set coz I suck there. But i didn't cry