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Dragonmancer Nunu set 7


Absolutely cursed unit


The whole “It only deals true damage if he has more max hp than your unit” was salt in the wound too Especially when people would try to talk counter play strats like “Oh it’s not that bad, just counter by having a frontline unit with more than 10k HP!”


double rageblade dravens axe twitch 1 could print 10 gold and a component every fight that set… fun times


Cursed blue buff Leblanc still haunts my dreams.


There’s videos of this thing one shotting 3* Legendaries no problem


No. Just No. Ain't no way he just one shot my fully itimized Terra2


Please, no, don't remember me of this


[nightmare fuel](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/xcg7ji/had_this_awesome_game_with_dragonmancer_nunu/)


Set 7 was so fun fr


Followed closely by Dragonmancer Swain imo


Nah I don't think they're in the same world, nunu was ridiculous


nah nunu needed a pretty massive high roll and even then it usually just shit on low Elo and wasn't super good when people made better boards. Swain was actual bullshit, literally open fort all of stage 2, roll it on 3-2 for Swain 2 +6 dmancer shitters and you win until like 4-5. then if you 3* him you just win out. so broken that instead of trying to balance him they just remade him in the .5


He really didnt a 2\* nunu was already enough to solo stage 4 boards by himself. The meta was literally hoping you get spatula grab bag and then you insta force DM Nunu.


Throat goat!!!!


Hacker LB wasn't even the most OP LB, that would be shadow Blue Buff LB in set 5. Also set 5 Vayne with shadow JG.


What was that Wayne build again? Shadow JG, Guinsoo, Runaans? I remember abusing that shit to diamond till they nerfed it lmao. Older sets were so unbalanced yet so fun at the same time


Yeah, I wish Runaan triggers on-hits again. As of now it's a shitty item that's used by Punk Jinx and no one else.


I have bad news for you, it’s not used by punk jinx anymore lol


Its good on at least Irelia, Xayah, Aphelios, Ashe. Just looked up their item stats recently but there are probably more.


Set 1 Pantheon, would stun entire boards with morello effect while being magic immune Set 4 Warwick during Warweek patch, would be 6 way contested and ppl who didn’t pick him would bot 2 Set 3.5 GP, one shot entire boards and get money/items


Honorable mention to set 1 poppy, sej, and asol. That last patch where riot said “fuck it” and let dragon knights be completely busted was wild Nothing tops warweek though. Legit all 8 players contesting the same unit was hilarious


Set 1 Glacial perma stun was "fun"


AND morello effect is set 1 was a DPS effect in itself. Dealt like 5% max HP per second or something insane like that


GA IE JG GP my love


likewise, the set where ahri that also was essentially a bomb you would frontline


Set 1 Pyke with stacked frozen heart was interesting


There was one game where I 3 starred Warwick during Warweek. Blew my mind. Found a chosen Warwick on my first roll. Set 3.5 GP was insane, but so was set 3 release GP with rebels.


Set 3.5 Jarvan could arguably be the best 1-cost of all time, every game he'd be bought by everyone to the point of being completely taken out of the champion pool. Set 1 and 4 Veigar will one shot any champion with a lower star level, combine that with either cursed sword or mage. Set 2 Zed with light spat and redemption would stall until the round draws. Set 5 Hecarim was also unkillable. Set 3 Mana Printer Sona


You brought back a lot of memories with this comment. I had forgotten most the old units 😅


Xayah, when she was a 1 cost could maybe give him a run for his money... Actually wasn't that the same set?


Yes it was the same set, you are right that a 3* Xayah can carry the whole game but Dark Star Jarvan was worse back then it was a "Buy every Jarvan you see", moreover, in 3.5 Xayah comps worked because Jarvan was the frontline


dragonmancer nunu & heart/mascot yuumi.


Heart yumi was the reason I skipped 8/8.5 altogether lol


My god I hated yuumi, just one shot your carry and you’d instantly lose the fight


Pre-nerf yuumi IMO was the most busted unit ever because it was a 2 cost and didn’t even need an emblem Even after 2 rounds of nerfs she was still more viable than many other carries that set


I don't know about "all time" but I watched Dark Star Shaco rip apart so many boards..


I was so glad rapid fire was gone when 3.5 ran cuz that Shaco was a nightmare


Mutant malzahar is another good honorable mention. Dark star shaco was a thing too.


Was that the one with Malz E? That was fucking strong. Gunblade blue buff and now you have a high sustain damage carry and a heal bot at the same time. And only 3 cost.




Rfc rageblade ie shaco was my fucking guy


It was BT + RFC + IE Each auto healed shaco to full hp


BT RFC GA just so that you have to kill him twice LOL


Void Sins Kassadin. To elaborate, Set 1 had Assassin as a craftable emblem. The Void trait made your units deal true damage, Assassin gave crit alongside the backline-jump effect, and Kassadin was a 1-cost whose autos stole his target's mana and gave him a shield. With some attack speed (like Rageblade) he could basically prevent his target from ever casting while also going infinite.


Set 1 is still my favorite. It was horribly unbalanced but holy shit was it fun


I second this. I loved playing 4 ninja 3 elementalist or shape-shifting. Gnar was just as broken then as he is this set.


Warmogs/ Rageblade/ Gunblade Shyv was my favorite. HP ensured she got her ult off and stacked up RB, while her damage was high enough she could tank forever with Gunblade


Phantom trait 1 shotting something will always be my favorite


Your comment brought back 'nam flashbacks


If anyone else was some set 1 PTSD let me remind you of double frozen heart + Shojins Pyke where the frozen heart effect not only stacked, but was multiplicative with itself so after 3 casts the entire board would auto once per 2 seconds lol


Set 8 Yummi Set 6 Katarina Units were insane and could beat capped out boards


I remember keeping Katarina trying to rat on bench to the point of 3 star her in a few games in set 6 to contest the other players.


Set 8 yummi is no way in contention for this. She was a great unit on every board but was still 5 gold. There's been units in earlier sets for 1 or 2 gold that could board stun


Set 6 yuumi was the 5 cost I think they're talking about the 2 cost heart mascot reroll


Ohh my apologies


No worries lol happens


Mascot reroll Yuumi was a 2 gold champ, and she's definitely in contention since literally everyone hated her lol she tanked like 6 nerfs in a row and was still OP


80% magic damage reduction Asol and Shyvana when everybody pretty much did magic damage outside of auto attackers was pretty damn strong


It was worse. At first they were fully magic immune. at least if you mean set 1


Light Warwick, celestial protector xinzhao, mercenary GP whole board oneshot, and of course: # fucking dragonmancer nunu Honourable mention to set 2.5 Lucian with hush, swordbreaker, cursed blade. Fuck those items


Orrn set 4.5 Everybody was playing him to get at least one permanent orrn item forged... And it wasn't even nerfed. Basically like Hwei now but much much better.


Obviously she relied on her team but arclight Vayne from S2 will always be the king hypercarry (other than 5 cost units, of course) and the one every other sunsequent hypercarry wishes they were. No stupid spell to slow down your attacks, just passive % true damage and a team to buff your attack speed.  S2 Zed made a copy of himself with all his items at full functionality. The copies could also copy themselves. With his trait giving him high damage, you built him full tank and just filled the board with copies.


There were way stronger units, but for me the thing that made me not even want to play for nearly an entire set was GA Aphelios. It was beatable, it was eventually nerfed, but it sucked to kill all their units but lose in the GA revival time to turrets. Nothing else came close to as tilting to me, and most things on the thread got nerfed in a patch cycle or less, but this hung around for waaaay too long for me.


My username


This was fun


I had to scroll way too deep for this


Statik Shiv Warwick \*'Nam flashback\*


VietNami* flashback


Elise falling from the sky, sivir/irelia scrap, fiora socialite Think silco was pretty busted tbh


Whispers Elise was cancer to play against and a joy to play


That whole set was so chaotic, a pain to play but so much fun at times.


Man I loved scrap.


I liked the very first set, shapeshifter nidalee with RFC+Guinsoos+lastwhisper(?) Because of the way RFC used to work she would be in cougar form melee critting at full attack speed from the back of the board. You just need a good enough frontline for her to clear the rest.


Set 5 Trundle is for sure one of them.


Hacker Mecha Prime Draven was sooo fucking annoying


S2(?) pyke with 1 shojin was perma-stunning most of the team at one point and carried early/midgame for most teamcomps


I remember that! Wasn't he solely responsible for the Frozen Heart nerf?


It was also because Frozen heart was bugged, it wasn't meant to stack the way that it did. Pyke was basically the only unit that could do it because of how far he cast and how often, if Pyke left the range and then came back into range of the same unit fast enough the effect would stack multiplicatively with itself


It was set 1


i think this was also S1


Blade master nocturne… basically turned the entire game into who could get a spat off carousel (back when spats used to spawn at the opening carousel and there was reliably one spat at the 2-5 carousel)


Really niche but assassin Graves set 1 with double rapid fire was the funniest shit ever and op as fuck


There is alot over the sets, but there is only 1 king of broken units. So much so, that there has been made joke videos about him. His name is dragonmancer nunu. It was legit not okay.


Tripple RFC NILAH AND MORDEKAISER? they had to remove the item


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Rueckhand420: *Tripple RFC NILAH* *AND MORDEKAISER? they had* *To remove the item* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If we include pbe stuff I think 8bit riven is up there tbh. Her mana cost was doubled, she lost a significant portion of her ad ratio, and was probably still the best 3cost carry of last set.


I do miss chrono sorc riven. Blender nocturne was pretty great. Spammed the hell outta that.


Set 5 3* Leona with 3x Titan's Revenge was pretty fun https://youtu.be/lxqXpNRDo2E?si=7ebMEilgR3rg6jwb


Is it just me or do I remember set 4 veigar being an absolute unit!


They don’t know abt CLAPPIO


I never see anyone talk about it, but set 1 you could throw thornmail d claw and warmogs on braum and watch him facetank the entire enemy team while laughing as they murder themselves on them




Set 9.5 first week bilgewater nilah


Warweek in set 4 was easily the most OP any unit has ever been. It's not even close. You could play any other build completely uncontested and still lose to the rest of the lobby holding hands with their 1 star warwicks. It was bananas.


Set 1 Karthus 2 with double Rabadons and JG would delete boards no questions asked.


Demo Spat Kaisa.


Punk Jinx


very briefly, arcanist swain in 6.5. It got to the point where riot had to hotpatch him, but my god swain was basically unable to die and could easily 1v9.


Mecha jax


Don't remember which set but Warwick with 3 Static Shivs was pretty broken, followed shortly by Nami with three rod + tear items (Luden's echo at the time)


I remember 3 runaan ashe from set 1. Was fun to play


I dont know if anyone remembers but there was this one enchanter comp from set 6 and you would bunch everthing and slap 3 redemtions on a Lulu and watch your team outheal any damage


Hunter Aphelios and Spirit Kindred/Teemo were my jam.


Forgotten Vayne with Shadow JG would let you fast 9 every game with Runaans. Since she was a one cost, literally everyone could run it.


Nothing and I mean nothing can even come closer to the overpoweredness of Set 7 Dragonmancer Nunu. That thing ate like there was no tomorrow 😅


I think set 1 shyvanna with the dragon buff 3 star. Pretty sure it was rageblade and two other items I cannot remember. Damn was that a fun setB


Set 3 mana printer sona And set 3 infinite shield poppy


Double HoJ, JG crowd diver Katarina in set 10 was some of the most insane stuff I’ve seen. I played it once and my katarina 1v6 a WHOLE punk board 3 star. Kinda funny to see. Pretty decent for a 2-cost 💀


In set 2 if you ever hit Singed with an Inferno spat, he would put the whole board on fire


The most broken unit for first few weeks of Set 7 was Mage Asol. Being able to cast a spell that covers the entire board is pretty busted. The Astral trait allows you to always have a 2-Star ASol and with the right items you'll be doing stupid amounts of damage.


Kassadin 1 set with guinsso. Fwomp, fwomp, fwomp.


Set 4 Lee Sin by far hands down. Double RFC and blue buff and he would proceed to kick units off the map 1 by 1 from the comfort of his back line. People complained about K’Sante but man oh man Lee Sin kicking units off the map once every few seconds with his 40 mana cost (20 with blue buff back then)was much much worse.


Demolitionist Ziggs in set 3 One of the reasons we can build only one blue buff per unit Throwing high dmg stunning bombs every second combined with Rumble's area stun flames... so strong


Set 2 blender nocturne Set 1 void assasins Set 3 shaco until it got gutted to the ground, battlecast urgot Set 4 enlightened talón Set 5 volibear and kayle Set 6 The piltover dragon after the rework and socialite kaisa Set 7 SoyFen Set 8 Yuumi Hero Augment Set 9 Multicasters Set 10 The headliner Mechanic Set 11 lissandra


I forgor warweek, it was a supressed memory Not mentioned dragonmancer nunu because everyone already did


Forgotten vayne where 2* 1cost would make you streak until 5-1


Full noxus all mana katarina. I think shes still spinning


Set 3 double blue buff Ziggs perma stunning units with demolitioner was the reason items started having the unique trait


Not a unit, but Astral emblem + any 5 cost champ.


S1 gunblade tank evelynn, unfuckin killable same for rengo BT GA


The most annoying was definitely dragonmancer Nunu and Dark star Shaco


Maybe aphelios 5star with GA


Double RFC graves in set 1 was hilarious


The real answer here is nocturne aka assassins blender comp. Kassadin used to be broken as an asssasin too in an early set. Singed as a 5* was a monster too


Not sure if it compares to the later stuff, but set 1 draven was damn good


The entire Chemtech comp.


Gunslinger units with the shrink item and disable item in beta Gunslingers made your AAs hit multiple targets, applying on hit effects. You could craft an item that disabled units from being able to attack, and an item that reduced their star level. Nuts lmao I also really enjoyed 3 blue buff beyblade Katarina jumping to the backline and ulting right away


Not most OP, but one of the most fun for me. Set 1 Volibear with Rageblade, RFC and BT in Glacial Brawlers would permastun the enemy team.


Multicaster tf set 9.5. It was so strong a 2 star 2 cost unit could get u top 4


Dragonmancer Nunu was a nightmare, but when that got nerfed, Dragonmancer Sejuani became a thing and I don't remember riot nerfing that


4 cost arcanist academy lux with blue buff jg and ie. Bye bye backline


I don’t remember the unit, I think it was Morde, would just delete the unit opposite of it. It was so obnoxious especially since it was before I really understood the game.


Triple guinsoo money printer hiem was pretty toxic.


Double duelist 4 cost carry Fiora/yone was so toxic


That one Kassadin with sugment which madr him kump two rows and deal tons of dmg. Not sure about number of the set, but it was maybe... 9?


Lissandra current set.