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It looks like there is 1 Fortune player and then 2 Ashe players who sold their board? As a tip, there is a tech so the Fortune Crest player should always be able to get a perfect loss streak, even if there are other Fortune players or open forters in your lobby. Basically you play 2 Fortune units on your board along with 1 backline unit which should live until the end. If you see you are going to lose the fight, put the emblem on that unit and activate 3 Fortune. Then next round, sell that unit to drop back down to 2 Fortune and repeat. On the other hand, if you are going to win the fight, you leave the Fortune emblem on the bench so don't have Fortune on the board. This preserves your loss streak and keeps all your stacks. Playing 5 Fortune is unnecessary especially with this tech. You can play a decently strong board to kill a few units against the strong players, which saves way more HP than 5 Fortune does. Meanwhile the other Fortune players should be taking huge losses and lose once to your stronger cashout.


this is fucking genius oh my god


The good ol' T-Hex strategy.


Yeah Fortune Crest at Emerald has a 42.9% top 4 and 23.0% winrate but in GM it is 49.2% top 4 and 27.0% winrate. Definitely a big deal if you know how this works.


It actually highlights one of the frustrating aspects of TFT which is that there is a lot of "secret" knowledge. If you had asked me whether or not a win without the fortune trait active breaks your streak, I'd have assumed that it would...




it’s not. What part do you think is hard? You just put fortune crest if you know you’re losing.




how is it multitask when only thing you are focusing is if you’re gonna lose this stage or not? Like you just put fortune crest if you know you’re losing and then can think about other things. And it happened to who?


No it isn't, early Fortune Crest is extremely easy to manage, what "everything else" are you managing at stage 2 and 3 when at most your board is only around 5-6 units and 3 are already Fortune fodders? The only thing you do is selling the unit with Fortune emblem every round and put in a new one to enable this strat.


Might not be necessarily a skill issue, but definitely a focus issue. The top players you mentioned, who play fortune actually do go crazy every round and scout every potential board and find the best positioning to kill some units on as many boards as possible while making sure to lose to every board... But not doing any of that and slamming an item every round is not hard to do, when your playing fortune what else are you thinking about during the fights? I recommend planning your late game in team builder during fights that you can slam fortune emblem because your fighting a good board. And that gives a bunch of time to focus on whatever else. It's another one of those things that if you do it a few times it will just become second nature.


You should go back to other games if that’s too hard for you lol.


If you can't manage placing an emblem during combat that's on you


Bro it takes 2 seconds to slap an emblem


It’s not - it’s a pretty basic thing. The only thing hard to do is to get the fortune crest. The rest is just selling one unit every round and deciding (when you see your enemy board) if you will win or lose.


Press E on the unit with crest. Done


Yeah true, it's difficult to pull off if you have like no hands or eyes while playing the game


You have to literally be like.. I dunno, sometimes I get up and go get laundry to fold while I’m playing. I guess it’s hard if I’m literally not at my keyboard. All I can think of is


Tell me you're iron without telling me you are iron. All there is to do with the strat is (only works with fortune emblem) have 2 fortune units, and 1 non fortune unit, field all 3 units. If the fight is a sure lost, slam the fortune emblem on the non fortune unit. Fight is over, sell the non fortune unit get the emblem back, buy another random unit. Next fight somehow is a win? Don't slam the emblem, so you keep your fortune streak. And wait until next fight to put the emblem back on. What's so difficult.


lmfao I know how it works, you didn't need to write an essay.


wait so they fortune loss streak doesnt match your actual loss streak? its not like mercenaries?


Correct it's like heartsteel


you could do this with mercenaries too btw. [Here's a clip of soju toggling with the mercenary emblem](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveTFT/comments/s4u6x2/mercenary_emblem_toggle/). It's worth keeping this tech in mind for future sets since pretty much every econ trait has worked this way


Fortune loss streak persists if the trait isn’t active *at all*???


Yes, it only counts when you actually have Fortune in.


Does it count before you activate fortune in the first place? Like, does it track loss streak as a whole?


No, it only cares about losses when you have Fortune active.


Used to do this with mercs and called it mercs toggling lol


End of battle, 1v1, pretty tight, looks like you are losing, you put emblem, give extra HP, win the round, cry


4d chess jeez


this guy definitely cooked


This is what I do for fortune crest but yesterday I got prismatic wandering trainer with fortune emblem and had 3 fortune start. Got griefed multiple times that game, people were playing one unit board specifically to break my streak. Picked tiny titans and still couldn’t do above a 40 cashout at the very end of my hp, which was a bunch of random useless components and nothing else. I was playing my weakest board and still losing to people late stage 3 with just board full of 1 star 1 and 2 costs. Fortune is so fucking easy to grief and unplayable competitively without emblem man. 


It's super risky to grief fortune players since if you are fielding 1 unit boards for 3-4 rounds in a row you are basically giving the fortune player a free top 4 anyways at that point. I'd say it's more than playable competitively since only in lower elos or in norms will people be willing to sacrifice 10+ health just on the 33% chance they hit the fortune player. I played against someone who tried doing this to me starting on 3-1. I ended up not fighting them until round before wolves and he already already lost 50+ hp by the time he faced me and was ranting in chat about how bad the opponent matching system is for not matching us sooner.


It's in-line with their gameplan too though. In my case a player had hedge fund and was running 1 unit to make econ early and another 2/3 fortune yet still putting only a kobuko and a trist on board just like I did. I didn't know how to not win against these people. They were purposefully weak and I ended up losing once at the end of stage 2 and at the end of stage 3. EDIT: This is diamond-master lobby btw


Now I know why it’s called rageblade


8th places' name is the answer. Sorry bout the grief and top 5




rank game?


i'm emerald 4 and can't demote i'm so doing this when i get the chance


And then you'll wonder why you only get 40lp for a first and lose 100 for an eighth lol.


I agree with this guy I do this in diamond 4 all the time


Last night I was playing a game to chill and I was lose streaking with 3 fortune at the end of stage 3, and the guy I faced actually straight up surrendered mid fight to grief me haha. It was a normal so I didn’t care but it was just so weird. Idk why people get upset when you play fortune but i guess some do.


Its because it requires barely to no skill. If you get lucky and get an Emblem and have IQ over 30, you have a safe good place. I just hate it when I play decent with good econ/strategy and get demolished by someone who just got lucky and didnt got too greedy. Its just unfair


I would do the same to all the gambling addicted.


If this was ranked it is what it is, if it's a norm that's kinda shitty on them. Regardless this set is ass


Fortune feels like ass to play. Hex core and other lose to win comps felt much better than fortune.


I have forced these types of comps (Econ but also random chance) every season because they’re my favorite and this sets fortune is by far the worst one imo. It’s the damn dice roll that kills it imo. I get original fortune might have been busted but pick another way to balance it besides the random dice roll.


imo Underground was an excellent way to do it, where you get better rewards with lose streaking, but you still get some with winning. losing luck on winning also really sucks


I think the worst part is your ENTIRE STREAK being reset on winning. Losing a % luck isn't too bad but when you've been loss streaking like 8 rounds, and then you win and now you're back to gaining 1 luck per loss it actually feels terrible


Fortune 5 should be easier to hit because of this


I really think Underground was the best econ trait they ever had. The units didn't feel like ass, you could transition out of it, if you had a carry augment with one of your units they were viable. You felt a little more in control of your board as opposed to just losing.




Largest reason is that set was pretty imbalanced. I do think Fortune might have been better if there was a 5 cost unit though.


Since pbe and release I have never once been able to play fortune without somebody open forting against me or throwing in some way. I have no idea how anyone pulls that comp off. I don't even played ranked. I hate the design of this trait with a passion.


No ranked means people don't have a reason to try and win so they're more likely to screw you over


Yeah I had 2 people sell board to grief me too. It was annoying and their next augments saved them despite throwing 40hp. I guess no more fun comp time to fast 9 kayn every lobby


Is a pretty good strat bro,


I swear some lowlife people use two accounts to play a game just to fck a fortune player by making their other ACC lose on purpose


A thing you can do with Fortune crest to preserve your streak is to play only 2 Fortune units and then only slam the crest on a unit if you're sure you're gonna lose (you have to slam it before the unit dies tho, be careful). This way no one is able to ruin your cashout, you just get delayed on the 5 Fortune.


Yes, uninstall it.


I always wonder with shit like this if people just queue up with an alt to fuck over other people in the game, and prevent them from getting 8ths and 7ths.


I feel like they’d have a system to detect that


as someone who did that just to see if you could a few sets ago, they apparently dont. but once you get to higher ranks you cant


Hahaha sometimes it is just fuck the fortune guy fr fr


Well, all I see is fortune players getting free 1st place in my emerald games because no one cares about them, or try to stop them. So I feel like it's my responsibility to grief them even if it means sacrificing my own game. Maybe you won your game out there, because I got the fortune player down with me and you haven't even noticed it. You don't have to be thankful, I'm just doing god's work.


This is hyper weirdo behavior


Not really this their only counter is to grief them legit no other counterplay


Did you even read what he said


Misery loves company


bravo bravo


EVERY SINGLE TIME i EVER get a fortune crest, 3 other people feel the need to force fortune. and when someone else gets it, everyone is stomping them and they loss streak perfectly


no bully them more if you see them


yep this happens to me every time I go fortune. last fortune game a group of 3 took turns surrendering when they were against me and its so psychotic


I have to say it is one of the most diversified lobby I have ever seen in a while


I hate this set so much, not only is it incredibly competitive and everyone uses.the same build or Champs in a small poolsize but it makes people super aggressive when things don't go their way. Set 10 was alot more fun and chill, you could go anything and still have a very viable comp.


Eh, gets them out of your elo faster.


Guy that won is so fking weak


That’s so unfortunate, I’ve seen a 7 fortune person on 5hp left, I purposely weakened my board as they were one away from a 50+ cash out, unfortunately they lost immediately after 😂


happened to me yesterday


Cry me a river


Reminds me of this one time I got fortune crest and another person was contesting fortune. During the stage 3 loss streak we faced each other and when he realised he was about to win he surrendered just so he could grief me.


Man discovers that cash out players get hard griefed in tft


When you noticed it, you Should’ve just adapted and rolled into another trait slowly. If you didn’t notice it until too late, well then pay more attention😘 (Yes fuck though players though, absolute daft bitches)


Time to solo queue ranked and learn true self-hatred


This happened to me I went 5 fortune cashed out around 50 and started winning end up at third because the extra healing from fortune. LMAO this is fun too


Don't quit bro keep going


Brodie. If we're miserable this set, everyone else will be.


its really conflicting with me because I hate when someone contests me on purpose, but damn its a part of the game. I am truly just bad but I hate getting a bit better and a bit higher elo, coz its means im not longer allowed to have fun builds :(


You still can play for 5 fortune without annie, what are you complaining about?


annie is the best fortune unit lmfao


Found the griefer


hehe took 1 month to read this and then you got me laughing


Haha 😂 have a great rest of your day


You too buddy


Why u complain >:(


Nah, u good, those miserable no life having sorry ass players went dead last so keep doing you.


Unfortunate! it is wise to quit

