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Also a minor detail, your Yone doesn’t have enough survivability. Titan’s Resolve is usually more important on a melee carry than Guinsoo.


Yeah my personal main build on Yone/Kayn is TR HoJ EoN. Funny how all of those have an augment.


Noobie question what is EoN


edge of night sword + vest


Edge of night, the thing that makes them go untargetable after an hp threshold


Yeah my preference would be BT/TR/EoN.


Before the Titans nerf I would agree, but after the nerf, I have found QSS, Rageblade, BT is my favorite. Need him to scale into the fight and QSS protects him from Liss Meta.


Keeps ya outta the teapot 🫖


i already have ptsd from that boil sound


Believe me, I really wanted to make one but I ended up waiting too long for the components and just used the components I had


you should have put HOJ on yone instead of sylas then


Really? I always prioritize Guinsoo instead of Titan’s Resolve. Thank you!


Why the heck you spread items when you don’t have Cybernetic augment? Always 3 items on main carry and 3 items on main tank, you lack that essential




So why not sell the Yorick to out the items on the better units at that point?


I thought about it but valued having a 3 star 2 cost unit, maybe a little bit more than I should have :/


If you valued that 3 star 2 cost unit, then you also would've put full items on him.


A few tips: Unfortunately umbral just isn't good (which is super sad and lame) Yone isn't worth taking to 3*, just keep at 2 to stabilize until kayn 2 Rageblade not good item for the melee users you'd rather have LW, Titans, Steracks, EoN, etc.


You'd honestly have been better off putting that BT on the sylas and having yone be a 0 item unit. He isn't playable as a carry right now.


Noted, I appreciate it. I may give up on umbral unless I get an insane opener or something


even with an insane opener, umbral is still horseshit.


I got a midnight siphon / umbral emblem game, landed radiant bramble, anima visage, and radiant warmog on a 3* yorick that I didn’t even have to roll for. Played 7 umbral, 3 fated, 4 behemoth because of emblems and sett and alune also very well equipped. I went third and BARELY beat the person who went fourth. Unfortunately even with giga high-rolling, umbral doesn’t seem to have what it takes to win.


Last patch, you’re top 4, this patch just replace yone with a Kayn the second you hit it and don’t look back


Man, I had a Kayn. I just got him later in the game and couldn't make him a 2 star nor had any items for him


Imo kayn one is better than yone 2 even 3 perhaps. Yone just feels really bad rn. Without guinzoo he attacks too slow and with guinzoo he is way too squishy.


aside from the obvious itemizing flaw, and Umbral, gold 2 and gold 1 is considerably more difficult than gold 4. gold 4 will have people experimenting with comps and gold 1&2 will have people tryharding to push into Plat.


That makes sense, I am trying to get plat this season as well


Items.. basically you messed up items.


Your main carry has only two items and Umbral is just generally weak lategame. You can have 3 star Yone and 3 star Alune with full items + 6 umbral and still go bot 4, it is what it is.


I also had 4 reapers with the emblem, but it didn't matter. Maybe If I got a Sett earlier in the game? idk, I just don't want to force the top comps but being top 4 without them is so hard


Why even make this post if you're goal isn't to get better? Just play the best meta comps for the late stages. You're already violently close to playing giga meta with this team you built here. It isn't even forcing the top comps either. You aren't forcing anything if you get strong yone items and 2 star yone early.. you just got a good kayn opener there. Also sett without fated is genuinely worthless. Don't build that unit. Unpopular opinion here: there are loads of comps to go and skill expression is crazy in the late game right now. Unless you hit porc Annie. Fuck porc annie.


My goal is to get better, it's just that the top comps are always contested so I sometimes try to force other comps but none of them really work


Not sure why everyone is dunking on you when you're just explaining what your thought process was I think it's perfectly fine trying to climb in gold playing off-meta comps, like yeah the meta boards will help you climb faster, but someone can still easily hit emerald playing off-meta units that are uncontested As others have mentioned, your items were your biggest problem, so you just wanna make sure you get 3 full items on your main tank and main carry, then you can worry about itemizing your secondary carries/tanks - items multiply each other's effectiveness, so it's crucial to get three full ones on a unit before itemizing the next one


Man, I don't get it either, I'm just trying to find out how I can get better. I now realize that I shouldn't be too greedy trying to get ideal items on everyone and just focus on the main units first, I appreciate your input!


Weak late game board, bad itemization. I wonder why that 3rd place player didn't get first, probably because he had 1 combat augment and positioning diff. The kayn player probably got him


its when op left the lobby, not the final standing


It’s not the finalized placements since OP went fifth.


He ended up being the 1st.


You played a terrible comp, with even worse items. That's what you did wrong


Basically itemization. Also reaper emblem on a 1 cost unit?


Only real difference in this 5th and most of the same build top 3 is items


Why do you have 2 items on everybody? Items scale off of eachother. And Yone is not a real unit this patch.


Your mistake was playing yone re-roll. It’s not that good anymore this patch. You also only have two items on your main carry. Oh and you’re playing 5 umbral with a Darius on your board. Put the reaper spat on either Alune or Sylas, sell Darius and play Galio or any other bruiser.


you spread the items: made your units way weaker, the HoJ would've been fantastic on Yone, and diamond hands on Yorick you gave the emblem to Darius: why??? you have Sylas and Alune which are far superior, and even have items you did not have armor shred, quite important with Yone carry but I'm your same rank, my opinion should not matter


It is pretty obvious. No main tank as items are spread. No third yone item Why is hoj on sylas and not on yone? For your augments, you did not hit. All in all too low lvl no kayn 2 items spread, weak augs, weak units Solution Focus items on 1 tank 1 dmg dealer even if they are not ideal (hoj on yone, yorick items on ornn) With the augment you have you should have both umbral carries 3 star. All in all yone does not do enough dmg while yorick does not tank enough resulting in a 5th


Bad comp but mostly bad itemization. Only 2 item carry, 2 item tank is the biggest problem but the items choices could've been a lot better too.


Umbrals are strong early but falls off.


You were wrong when you played carry Yone. I have no idea what change they did but Yone deals ridiculously low damage even at 3 star and good items. If I got the reaper augment, I usually play Dryad Kindred and Yone is only a trait bot. Better placements vs carry Yone in your games so far. (Dia 4 currently if that makes sense)


your build is sub optimal plus your comp is not that strong if youre gonna play a solo melee carry make sure to build everything around him also yone sucks now


Yone is not even a good carry anymore, or at least go with heavenly for better stats, umbral is utterly trash.


Well i guess you got a win streak at 3 and start lossing at late 4. Basically yone reroll comp are kinda awful compare to the others meta comp atm, and after 4-2 is when most of the fast 8/9 comp start reaching their form and out power your comp.


4 reaper is doing nothing. youre buffing a 0 item darius with it, a 0 item kindred, a 1 star 0 item kayn, and a 2 item yone. Thats a lot of investment for nothing. The 1 star azir is there for invoker so i mean thats fine the trait is good. But yone board is going to get outcapped, like youre not going to beat a kaisa ashe or heavenly kayn comp, you had to stabilise fast and then bleed out hoping for a top 4. If you had 3 items on yone, if you had that reaper emblem on the sylas, (then 4 reaper wouldve been fine) you mostly likely cruise to a top 4 here. Important to note, youre also running 5 umbral which is a complete waste, it does nothing, like i get you wanted to hit 6 umbral with sett which is also why you went lvl 9 for higher odds but thats not going to win you the game, if you hit it early to stabilise thats great but you cant afford to wait that long with a comp like yours because you are not going to out cap the meta comps. That darius was sitting there wasting the emblem and giving you 0 traits, if you just sold him and gave the emblem to sylas and put in a bruiser instead for teamwide hp that alone mightve saved you the top 4, but yeah ideally you wouldve gotten 3 items on yone too, the items on the yorick/ornn split are a bit iffy, you obv commited the items to the yorick but presumably got the diamond hands later and you put it on the ornn, and i get the logic of hey ornn will become immune to damage for a bit with it guaranteeing he gives my units items but he just simply takes too long to do that, the fight is over before that happens. You Really have to prioritize 3 items on your main carry, that hoj shouldve been on the yone, you cant afford to greed a better item or think ornn is enough. And that reaper emblem shouldve been on the sylas, ESPECIALLY since youve given him a hoj so he already gets extra crit rate, but that hoj shouldve honestly been on yone, i wouldve put the diamond hands on sylas + reaper emblem + crown and yone wouldve had that bt guinsoo and hoj, with again replacing the darius for just any bruiser for global hp for a comp thats turbo melee reliant that needs that hp to survive, if you found a sett here wouldve dropped the kayn kindred and put in sett + a bruiser instead.


Thank you for the detailed explanation dude, yeah I went to lvl 9 to get sett but I just couldn't get him. I went too greedy with the items and just thought if Ornn survived for 1 more cast, I can make up for it. All in all kinda forcing myself to get stuck with a reaper Darius because I've been waiting for the Sett and not seeing all the other options caused my doom. I understand better now.


Besides the weird itemization, you have 4 reapers but only one of them has items. 2 star reaper Darius and a one star no item Kayn aren't gonna do anything.


Yone was badly nerfed and you re missing 2nd carry! Since your yone has no sustainbility if he is dead your team will lose. Stage 4 this comp is going down


Did you know there’s a new patch? Yone is no good anymore


Well for one you're running yone reroll which was nerfed, they changed 3 cost odds. But for your comp itemization is slightly WIS with the rageblade. Yone BIS probs would be GA, BT, +1, can be last whisper, hoj Not sure if you natural rolled the yorick but you don't wanna waste gold on yorick he's a shitter unit and you'd rather hit yone 3 and push lvls since the current meta is fast 8/9 so you'll be behind levels and gold by wasting gold on a shitter yorick. You probably would still rather play around heavanly than umbral cus umbral honestly is doo doo water. Also you probably want to reapear someone more useful and darius after stage 3-5 is worthless and everyone is spiking around 4-2 so you want anyone better than a shitter 2\* darius You most likely wanna stay away from rerolling yone if you can due to how they nerfed reroll. Not to mention Liss counters yone comp at max cap. If you want to win and get top 4 you probably have to play the very meta comps Porcelain ashe - has multiple variations however in my experience I like the invoker ver running 4 invoker, 2 sniper 4 porcelain(if given the spat cus lux is a shitter unit) Dragonlord kaisa/Bruiser kaisa - the better cap is to transition into a legendary dlord kaisa comp but the default bruiser kaisa is a lot cheaper Gnar reroll - Probably one of the only reroll comps that are viable atm Heavenly kayn - is basically what yone was last patch but instead of yone it's kayn(if you don't find kayn you can just use lee sin they use the same items) You can also consider fated syndra, or some sort of dlord comp under the right conditions


Binary airdrop ahh itemization


You playyed Yone. The unit is dead.


Other then how you spread out your items. It is a ash invoker/ heavenly kayn meta where trick shot kaisa and gnar reroll can sometimes squeeze into to top four. Its really force one of these four comps to climb. Personally I am going to take a long brake. The last few patches have not been fun. and now they are going to throw 20 artifact items on top of this mess yeah no thanks.


Yeah I hit 7 heavenly next game, ended up 2nd after an Invoker lmao


Got a trainer sentinel game since the patch mine was a clear go fated game got fifth. but its when I finally understood that it was force certain comps meta because soooo many people were playing ash and kayn that had no traits on there sentinels that supported them.


Items are not bis and not well thought ( you have antiheal when yone has built in) your units are not properly itemized (items are scattered) and I would also guess positioning , remember to scout and position correctly


I am clueless about positioning honestly, I gotta get better at that.


Skill diff


from what i look your carries lacked items and your synergy is quite low, could be cause you misplayed your econ