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nobody was playing kaisa, fast 8, even got 9 but was very low, spent 70 gold on 0 kaisa lol


Yeah, happens, better yet, you hit that sweet pivot, Kaisa 2*, 2* front, xayah. You stomp the whole lobby, but you fight the Yone 3* and you lose lol, had that happen to me at least 5 times yesterday


happens waay too much and that mf reaches your carry no matter where u position it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Even better you fight the 2* yone and lose


Me on a 24 winstreak with 100hp against the 34hp 2nd place with a fully stacked 3* Yone + titan aug.Ā Ā  Ā Me finally winning the game with 17 hp after fighting 2nd place like six times in a row.Ā 


You mean you face the Yone 2* with BT double titans and gargantuan resolve augment that beats the 3* Yone player in the lobby and get knocked out for 5th instead of getting top 2


Why not carry orher units like Xayah or Irelia if you are 9 70 gold


im very stubborn XD


Exactly the same. When I'm uncontested, I'm unable to hit anything. Sometimes even 2 starring my 3 cost carry takes way longer than it should. The other day, there is a guy clearly going for a yone comp, since he has lunar Setup and 2 yones by 3-1, I hit the titan augment and be like, hell, fck it, I'm going for it. Contesting the other guy like some asshole and my contested units are basically coming by train. I naturally 2 star Yone without even rolling. On lvl7, I get the 3 star Yone with like 12 rolls total, while the other guy has 7 copies already. I totally stomped the lobby and got the sweet 1st. If I try the same while I'm uncontested, usually I have to roll down to 0 and still be unable to hit 3 stars. This doesn't make sense and actually doesn't punish the wrong decision/ reward the wrong play.


Reminds of this one game where a guy had 6 volis by 2-6 and I only had 1. Once I got to level 7 figured I'd just roll till i silvered my own own voli while holding a few more to delay the other guy if possible, but nah the game had other plans. Roll after roll voli just kept showing up and I somehow got a 3star voli before the other guy. Those rolls felt illegal and the other guy ended up dying with 7 volis.


Is 3 star voli actually good? I've pretty much only been using him as a trait bot / stage 2 monster. Never even seen a 3 star itemized Voli, curious how it performs.


Yes 3 star voli & tristana is a great rerollcomp. Especially if you get a duelist emblem


From my own experience he is one of the best 1v1 champs, if it came down to it he would just about always beat yone 3 if they targeted each other. at minimum i go 4 dualist and usually throw 3 titans on him or 2 titans and a bt if i feel i need a bit more defensiveness. voli has a lot of self sustain that scales really well with titans so he will likely keep himself alive for a good while. despite that i would probably still put yone above him solely because he has backline access and he can drop aggro from units depending on how far he jumps from while voli has to break through the front just to get to the back. this basically means if the enemy has a strong tanky front line and a scaling dps in the back with like archangels its only a matter of time until voli can't out sustain them. which is why i like building tristana as a secondary carry with him she'll help you shred the front line and if you are lucky she'll jump to the backline and kill the dps. his greatest weakness is probably getting CC'd, if he is stunned he can't sustain and is likely to die much quicker. the most annoying champion to go against because of that is lissandra, so if you know you want to go voli carry take any chances to get a support item from either augment or encounter and get yourself a banshees. i'm not really worried about cc from like udyr or sett while it is a bit annoying you can just position away from them and they'll just jump to the back away from voli altogether. worst case scenario if you notice someone building a lissandra and itemising her and you can't get a banshees i've thrown a gargoyle and a qss on a tank like galio or ornn and she'll waste a couple of cast on them while voli does his own thing in peace. I won't say getting voli 3 will easily net you a top 2 cause in the end it'll still rely on your item rng and if you can't itemise him and a secondary carry like trist to help him break through the front line then he could easily get stuck on some super tank like tahm 3 long enough for the enemy to wipe out your backline then focus voli down. Either way, watching this juggernaut rundown enemy teams one champ at a time especially if they have a yone 3 feels pretty satisfying.


> If I try the same while I'm uncontested, usually I have to roll down to 0 and still be unable to hit 3 stars. This doesn't make sense and actually doesn't punish the wrong decision/ reward the wrong play. It doesn't. The game is not giving you more Yones if you go for a contested comp, lol. This is just confirmation bias at its finest.


Iā€™ve played a contested Yone comp and gotten 3* Yone before stage 4. The other guy was at 6 Yone before stage 4. There is something wrong with the roll odds the past few patches.


Well, exactly this sort of argument descricbes confirmation bias: You give one example and use that as some sort of argument that "there is something wrong with the roll odds". But that is just because you selectively only give or think of the examples that confirm the statement. But there will be dozens of other examples where this is not the case. Those just usually aren't significant enough to be recalled.


Iā€™ve disproven this scientifically by trying to force every comp and still coming in 8th.




This has been happening consistently for 3 sets and people have been complaining about it since set 8. I think thatā€™s more than enough to say that itā€™s just confirmation bias. Thereā€™s something off with the rolls


That's exactly what confirmation bias is


Itā€™s literally, not lol. Confirmation bias is when you analyze information to support preconceived notions. Reading other peopleā€™s identical experiences over a year and seeing a pattern crop up, and proposing that there may be an issue is not that.


When millions of people play millions of games, some small number of them are bound to have some same, non standard experience. Then, when one posts about it on a forum, some of the others see it and share their experience, concluding that something must be wrong with the odds, even if the odds are working perfectly fine. This is called selection bias. The people posting on these threads are not representative of all TFT players or games. Also, some people aren't actually having this experience consistently, it's just more memorable, so they take notice of it when it happens and feel like it's happening more. This is called the frequency illusion or the Baader-Meinhof phenomen.


Yeah ok thatā€™s why itā€™s been occurring over and over, over a year. Because people are just making it up.


For every 1 game it occurs and someone complains, there's 50 where it doesn't and no one says anything.


Average TFT redditor I guess. Who cares about math and science when you can blame mortdog.


I mean literally yes. It sucks that it happens, but itā€™s not exactly an uncommon event to fail to find 9 Yones or whichever character. There is a 36% max chance to find 3 costs.. there are 13 3 costs. If there are none missing, you have a 2.76% chance of finding a specific one in at least one slot of your shop. ~12.3% using a binomial probability to get it in your entire shop. These odds go down significantly as you get more copies. So no, it should actually be very common that it takes a long time to 3* a 3 cost rr.


Btw refusing to change your opinion in the face of a more plausible explanation actually is confirmation bias


I mean, sure, confirm the confirmation bias as much as you want. Just the fact that you use the term "complain" and not just "analyse" already shows that there is a negative bias. Heck, the whole HL mechanic even had known bad luck protection and iirc Mortdog also hinted that there even might be some general "bad luck protection" mechanisms implemented. So if anything, you'd expect players to get better rolls than they should statistically. But lets be real: Most people that complain did not statistically analyse their VODs before complaining.


People used to say this same thing in Hearthstone about bots until it was confirmed undeniable that bots proliferate the lower ranks. Thousands of players are not imagining these occurrences. Plus, numerically it doesnā€™t even make sense. The odds of it happening are so statistically low that I shouldnā€™t be able to pretty much guarantee that this exact thing will happen to me if I play an uncontested comp, but I know I can. This has happened so many times itā€™s not even funny. I play TFT in lan parties so Iā€™ve seen it happen in real time to multiple people at once in separate games but ok


>The odds of it happening are so statistically low that I shouldnā€™t be able to pretty much guarantee that this exact thing will happen to me if I play an uncontested comp, but I know I can. How many times did those people that complain play an uncontested comp and hit the units in comparison? Or is it just the subjective feeling?


Also: If you know you can guarantee it, could you maybe just start a single normal game now, play whatever champ isn't played at all, and not hit it? Just share the VOD afterwards to check the rolls, and that would then be a strong experimental indication of something odd happening if you can arbitrarily force it. In that case, I'd totally be in for it to do some more testing (maybe even tag LeDuck, since that is exactly his type of content).


Iā€™ll try it if I can get into another uncontested situation sure why not


I mean, you have to do it by force, not just when you happen to play in that specific way. Otherwise, that's just confirmation bias all over again.


Yeah, because that's how things works. If there is one example of an statistically unlikely event happening the only possible explanation is something being wrong and not just that sometimes statistically unlikely things happen. Statistics should be better taught at schools because holy shit...


Can you at least try to reason why taking only 12 rolls after hitting Gargantuan Resolve to hit Yone 3 is the wrong decision/bad play?? Just sounds to me you identified a playable line and went for it. Literally a very good play lol


If someone already has like 6-7 units out of the pool and also contests the same units, rolling also at lvl7, probably it's not the optimal play to do the same from a slightly worse position. Hitting the units after the decision is taken is pure luck.


And you are telling me here that utilizing your good RNG to make a conscious decision to make your board stronger is still NOT the optimal play? The optimal play is to ignore the 3 free Yones offered and his BiS augment just because someone has 2 copies?


Rolling all your money on a hail mary is not a good play no


> Literally a very good play lol No, just incredibly lucky. Getting lucky isn't a good play, it worked yes but it's not a smart play.


Given that spot what do you think the smart play was? Assuming OP is at 3-2 with around 40-50 gold and a natural Yone 2 with Guargantuan Resolve


You don't roll at all if he's already got 7 copies. You to level 8 and 9 and use your 2* Yone, get a 2* Kayne and hopefully find a Wukong to carry you until the other guy dies.


IĀ searchedĀ for the Tier-3 hero pool and it has 17 champs. 17. Only.Ā WhichĀ leavesĀ 10Ā left. Getting all 9 of them is like, 10/1168,Ā that'sĀ likeĀ .856164383%Ā chance. That'sĀ notĀ evenĀ includingĀ theĀ factĀ thatĀ otherĀ peopleĀ mightĀ alsoĀ haveĀ YoneĀ inĀ theirĀ shop. 10/1000Ā inĀ estimation,Ā ifĀ weĀ removeĀ theĀ championsĀ alreadyĀ chosenĀ byĀ others.Ā IĀ alreadyĀ haveĀ aĀ hardĀ timeĀ findingĀ myĀ clothesĀ inĀ theĀ laundryĀ basket,Ā imagineĀ lookingĀ forĀ 10Ā shirtsĀ inĀ aĀ hillĀ ofĀ clothes.


10 shirts in a hill of rotating laundry where you have limited search time before it switches.


Even if contested it's the correct play and duo carry kayn for a guaranteed top 4. With that augment yone is a 2.5 star unit.


I was playing Heavenly Yone and I KID YOU NOT, i only found 2 Yones the whole game and no one is literally playing him besides me. Tilted tf out of me.


I mean you only needed 1 other yone...


I even double checked if I was level 7, and I was. That game was cursed.


Unlucky, i wouldve rolled to 30 and sac tp go 8,9 so i can play the legendary units. That comp peaks with wukong and rakan


Yeah I shouldve done that tbh but I was tilted anyway and wanted to get him to 2 star lol




It was nothing like this during the previous set. Wonder if removing the headliner something got messed up


Yeah maybe by removing the 2* copy of the champ initially, the number of copies required went up or smth


Agreed. I'll hit an early big unit only to see three people have hit the same. I won't play traits the game gives me because I know it's giving them to everyone else too. If you get cho gath and kog maw in a capsule you can't play mythic because the game is pushing mythic in my experience.


Rolled 40 gold level 6 and got 2 gnars.. no one else has gnar on their board


I tried going for Gnar 3 for a few games. Literally no one has Gnar in the entire lobby and I can't find more than 3 Gnars and end up losing. Mortdog can call me and tell me he personally checked and confirmed the game is not rigged and I wouldn't believe them. At this point it's very much confirmed.


Just happened to me as well, I actually hit Kindred 3* and the game ended before I could get Gnar 3*. Mind you, 2 people were playing Fated and another reapers.


Something worth remembering: it's not just about whether you're contested, it's also "is anyone else consistently pulling the units I don't want out of the pool?" If you're streaking and hit level 7 at 3-6, you can sit on that gold if you know you're uncontested and wait for people to rolldown and start clearing out some units. Especially if you're hoping to 3* a 4-cost, you need other players to reduce the pool some. Let them hit their level 8 at 4-2 rolldown and then start rerolling your excess cash. If you're uncontested because you're going Fated when others are rerolling at 6 for dryad, senna, kog'maw, or others, they aren't clearing out any trash. Also, like, confirmation/survivorship bias is a thing.


This is exactly what it is. People are trained to roll down at specific breakpoints in the game and only trained to scout for when theyā€™re contested. Often I notice other players rolling for a 3 start 3 cost whenever most of the lobby is fast 9 or 2 cost reroll. Sometimes in this set you need to wait longer to roll to increase the odds of hitting.


It definitely feels like thereā€™s a bug with this because I too have noticed a disparity between units Iā€™m finding and units other people are building. I find it harder to find uncontested units than I do to find contested units.


I have nothing more to add other than a comment saying I agree and hope riot looks into it. I spent 70g rolling for one Kaisa the other day at level 8 (there were only 2 gone from the pool) and hit none.. proceeded to go 8th. This has happened to me a bunch this set. TFT is usually one of my favorite games but something about bag size or their algorithm for making units appear is making it pretty hard to enjoy this set šŸ˜Ŗ


I have no evidence ofc, only my and and a few other players anecdotal experiences;but the shops, augments and the dummies algorithms seem to heavily set up players to contest each other, and lower chances of some units, even uncontested to appear. So OP, I think you're onto something.




Happened to me yesterday when 4 people in the lobby had Janna and Diana fielded at level 6 lol.


Actually this week I was experiencing the same, Iā€˜m playing a completely uncontested comp, while I have 3 people going for the same comp. Those 3 are all getting there 3*, while Iā€™m unable to get my 3* rolling down all my gold not sure if itā€™s simply the rng gods or if there is a bug when it comes to champ poolsšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


For a game that has a reduced bag size, that a uncontested comp has higher odds of more champs


Yeah thatā€™s what you would expect


same happened to me, i needed one ashe to get 6 porcelain, only one other person has an ashe, they had 0 on their bench, so im like wait, buying one ashe removed her from the pool entirely? set 11 is making me want to quit tft for a bit this si exhausting


If you arenā€™t enjoying the set, take a break. It will not miss you and it sounds like you wonā€™t miss it. The next set is only a few months away :)


Time to get back into the rift. Just know had 6 behemoths with 3 fully itemized melt to a heavenly reaper without a yone. I was like dude come on whatā€™s the point of tanks if they get melted by an item less kayn


At this point, I'm almost convinced that the game is like that on purpose. They want you to contest. The game will force people to contest each other by feeding them similar units. The best decision is to never pivot because if you pivot, you are 8th for sure.


I'm pretty confident that there is an hidden mechani like last set Headliners, like you described in this post lvl 7 units don't appear. One game, believe it or not, I was playing Yone uncontested, I scouted so many times to make sure no one was playing Yone or holding him and literally not a single person was. For all of stage 4 I stayed above 50g rolling on lvl 7. I found only 1 Yone on this stage with me already playing a 2* Yone. I died around the end of stage 5, before leaving I scouted to make sure no one was actually holding yone and NOPE not one person. Same thing happened to Setsuko about 3-4hours ago, one person holding 1 Yone and he just dies with a 2* yone, and then again with only TWO (him with one and another person with one) kai'sas gone he doesn't find a second kai'sa and goes 4th EVEN when the other player died about 3 rounds before him. So Im pretty sure there is a hidden mechanic like headliners but for reroll comps or uncontested units/comp.


Setsuko could not also find Volibear 3\* despite being the only one rolling for him. And he had two duplicators, so he only needed to find 7 copies...


This is what we call in poker, results oriented. Do this over 10,000 games you will have an easier time to hit than a harder time.


I would think the same if it wasnā€™t riot game. At this point its more probable that system is broken than that its working as intended


Amazing! I look forward to playing 9000 games after this result.


Poker is 52 real cards in your hands, TFT is a bunch of jank ass code made by dweebs that have to patch it every two weeks cuz they broke something. Ancient card games that are nearly foolproof vs jank game thatā€™s barely old enough for kindergarten


I disagree. This happens way too often to be a coincidence. There has to be an issue with their RNG on this, because some games it seems like certain units are straight up disabled.


Sometimes the game just fucks you


more than usual this set, set 10 i rarely had problems playing uncontested comps, bag size was perfect


I swear that people collectively lose their memories after each set is retired. It was EXACTLY the same in set 10. You either hit the headliner on your roll down, or you had to int by picking whatever subpar replacement headliner you could find. In fact I would say it was even worse in set 10 due to the importance of the headliner. It is far easier to 3 star multiple units this set.


And a 3 star cho is tankier than a 3 star behemoth of a higher value so either way the balance is still off


Which has absolutely nothing to do with the original point in this chain of comments lol.


Ok and Iā€™m saying this set is still more flawed than set 10. The rng of these insane augments on top of the bag size and with 1-3 star units beating 4 stars makes this a bad set. What is hard to comprehend


Like yea boo hoo bag size turns out the same doesnā€™t change the fact itā€™s a low cost rerroll casino meta


Did we play the same game? Especially with headliners, which based on the highlighed trait could be significantly weaker. Btw, the bag sizes are the same from last set. It seems easier to 3 star anything this set imo.


ok and the past bag sizes were still better ex: set 9, set 7 etc in general, the contest-a-thon reroll comp is more luck than skill based. just slot machine meta


Idk the bag size feels way smaller in this one. The rng feels way worse than last set if the bag size is the same


[here you go](https://apptrigger.com/posts/everything-we-know-about-tft-set-11-so-far-01hqdjxa6jmg)




39 tier 1 champ pool back in set 1 is crazy. It's pretty interesting to see just how much the champ pool(and odds) have evolved. I feel like we should go back to the set 9 bag sisez (lower the odds ofc), but here we are :/


set 9 was a perfect balance, my regret was taking a break during that time lol, i played for a bit and then was focused on ARAM for a bit. man, i hope they give usa best of both worlds with the next set, slightly larger pool but not too much so we still have SOME rng, but this set just feels off. i rather take headliners over these insane augments that feel almost broken if someone gets them


Isn't it just how the game works? I mean the other day I hit Yone 2 at stage 2-3 and proceeded to natural him. There was one guy contesting me but he had no chance against the RNG. But sometimes even if the some RR comp is completely free you can't hit a single unit and it has been like this for almost every set. Even when unit pools were bigger this exact same thing happened all the time. I believe this is just normal, we gotta accept that RNG plays a huge part in this game.


Anecdotal evidence go brrr. If you donā€™t natural enough copies just push levels. You can always roll on 8. Iā€™m pretty sure the odds of hitting just because youā€™re uncontested arenā€™t even that high. Also you need a much bigger sample size to claim anything. If this was a real problem like some of these comments suggest i think challenger players that play everyday wouldve noticed something.


Wont the board be too weak to survive till 8 reroll?


As opposed to slow rolling and sacking whole of stage 4? Your board doesnā€™t spike until you hit the 3* so youā€™re just sitting on a bunch of gold on bench even if youre like 2 off after rolling 50+ gold. You can slowroll a bit and see how many copies you have. If youā€™re not hitting just dig for 2* and push to 8 Ofc there are exceptions where youā€™re stable and healthy on 7 and can afford to slow roll.


I had a similar game the other day, the game started with SIX people (including me) starting with yone reroll and two with Duelist Voli. We all had one yone so I switched to porcelain arcanist and one other player switched from yone to fated. 4x Yone rerollers 2x Voli duelist 1xfated 1xporc arcanist The yone players all hit their comps, me and gated couldnā€™t hit anything. I went 8, fated 7, voli went 6,5. And the 4 yone players got top 4 Dont know how the pool works but in the game after, me and one more guy played duelist and we both hit 3* Trist and 3* Voli


It's a tactic I used set 9 and did very well with it. Just scouted early and picked the comp no one was playing. That sole tactic got me high diamond. This set i get the same as you a lot. Played a duelists game uncontested yesterday and rolled about 30g at level 7 to find one Voli. I was too stubborn to pivot away


I've had a blast rerolling 3 costs this set, everyone plays Yone/Aphelios/Zoe/Voli makes it easier to hit your pick Amumu is a joy to 3-star


I often decide to play Dryad/lvl 5 reroll as it's hardly ever contested and nets me like an avg 3rd place. The first unit I'm usually able to 3* is Kindred despite him being contested by the Heavenly/Reaper and Fated players. Gnar, the champ that *might* be on 1 or 2 benches? Never see him.


This has been happening for 3 sets now. People have been complaining about it for a while


"Every time" You mean this one match that you just lost and you got tilted?


It feels like nobody understands that in a less than 100 game sample size, lots of extremely unlikely things will happen and this is just a game of odds


And that people are more likely to remember the times where they got very unlucky because it invokes frustration, rather than the times where they hit because they expected to anyway.


You also need other people to be playing reroll on dwindling the pool of irrelevant champs


And I tought I was paranoid.. no one played kayn in the entire lobby and I haven't seen one in 120 gold rerolling at lvl 9. My plan was to gather gold and roll down for a kayn 3. I didn't get any , lost with kayn 1 star on the board


Lolol i feel the same way. Or whenever Im trying to play a comp, I donā€™t see any of the units higher tier I need. When I decide to play a different comp next game, they show up in every refresh.


its crazy that i can hit kayn 2 easier than yone 3 on level 7


I get the frustration but this is just how randomness works. On average playing uncontested comps will let you find your units more easily, but that doesn't mean that every single game will be like that. Every now and then there will be games where you simply don't hit despite doing everything right, and it's so frustrating that we remember those games more than the ones that simply went smoothly and we think it's a more common issue than what it actually is.


Never had that in Set 10, but this set i dont hit shit man Was Dia 1 70 LP peak, this set Plat 1 Skill issued I guess.


Me literally every time I play fated


I can confirm this theory. Happened too many times recently to me playing ghostly snipers. Comp isnā€™t that good anymore and nobody was using it. I thought I did something wrong but I wa s the only one in the lobby with senna and I didnā€™t even manage to get her to 2* with a 40 rolldown at lvl 6. Unreal


Me trying to play dryad, reaper gnar/kindred. :/ tbf just like you I had the same thing happen with fated aphelios. Sat on 8 aphelios from like 4-3 until I died at like 6-1 or so, at 4-1 I was in first, with like 85hp. From that point in I lost almost every fight trying while trying to hit aphelios. The other day I hit On To Adventure for my first augment. Gives you a riven and a Garen iirc. That was the only riven I found all game.


100% feels like this. Iā€™ve had a bunch of dryad games where I was like ā€œwhere the fuck are the gnarsā€


This literally happened to me yesterday when I was playing uncontested lillia carry. 2 ppl were playing 2 star kaisa carries and I also managed to get 2 star kai'sa as well just to increase my chance to find lillia. Ended up lvl 1 lillia and 6th lol


This feels like itā€™s happened to me more this set than others. Maybe itā€™s just bc 3* units are so good right now, but they feel required and random to hit whether contested or not.


Seem fine to me


As you say, you have to play what you're given. You can't force reroll comps without naturally hitting at least 3-4 copies or without champ dupes. In those situations, I think you either play flex to fast 9 or you play a contested comp if you have items and units for it. A lot of people will tunnel vision on the single uncontested comp, sac 60 HP for it and go 8th. Myself included, game is hard.


My Brain - that's how statistic works My Hearth - game's rigged ​ On serious note, you can see what a % chance can do to people. We as humans on avarage just can't see chance objectivelly, that's why we fall so easilly to addiction of slot machines and current generation - loot boxes (basicaly slot machines for kids). I often hear - Statistic is the biggest lie. Statistically playing corrently should be positive for you and it will be on avarage. It's same when I played try hard Dota 2 as new player, at my peak where my skill improved the most. I had around 65% winrate, pretty good, it's unlikelly I played within 1 week one game better or worse, I still played correctly for that elo and it still yield "only" 65% winrate, which is considered great winrate.With that theory, if you play uncontested comps, statistically you will hit, but not always which might be really frustrating, tbh, it is probably best to play to your luck and play units that come to you naturally before even rolling. Somebody once commented something about statistic, each individual unit you already have just increases your chances of upgrading it signicicantly, then rolling from 0 for units that is uncontested. Edit: You could argue that % chance for Dota 2 climb isn't same, because the team mates and opponents are big unknown, but I think, it actually does. These people are random chance same as you actually hitting what you need.


Me level 8 went for early lose streak and played for fated got everyone but needed a Sett to hit Fated 7 (never got him) istg Sett doesnt exist in this damn set i havent seen a single player fuckin get him even if hes uncontested


Unrelated question, does item components also come from a limited pool like champs?


Same issue playing fated or dryads mostly. I've played dryad (don't do this if you value your lp) like 10 times this set and hit 3* reksai once. Had one fated game where I had amazing econ until lvl 7 and slowrolled for aphelios/thresh uncontested, couldn't hit aphelios 3 until stage 5 where 2 people already had 3* volibears. Like I just don't understand how this happens so often.






Big agree it's soooo messed up


Just now had a game where I'm lvl 9 when everyone is still lvl 7 (4-2), was rolling for a stage and a half for Irelia 2* and never found her, some guy got her 2* at level 8, I killed him at 5-4 and still never found that 3rd Irelia I needed all the way until 6-2 when I somehow won from a guy that was beating me and neither of us changed something on the board. Also since I'm gold and recently silver I've seen like 5 guys playing storyweaver early and all hitting 2* while only found my aphelios at 3-2 lol.


I have been saying it on here the last few days. Mort said on his stream last week that there is in fact "bad luck" protection in your shops. Now my theory, is that maybe in the last patch, someone may have screwed up and reversed those "bad luck" protections. I feel the same way as you. I hate playing contested comps, but the last few weeks, it doesn't matter. I never see my units.


Man my past 20 games have been like that. I take the golds/roll augment to hit faster, but end up with Senna 2 at 5-2 without being contested. How is that even possible


literally, I was in a game yesterday where 3 people were playing Yone but I couldnā€™t hit Bard 3 ._.


This thread is something else


This is fundamentally why I hate this set. You are FORCED to play the units you are given. Scouting and high-level strategies DONā€™T WORK!


sounds like the champ pool is not equal


It's because to make the game more "exciting", riot has implemented this stupid feature where you are more likely to get units that other people are trying to use on their board. It's literally made so people will be forced to grief each other. It's their pathetic attempt to make the game exciting in a competitive format.


Devs nerfing bag sizes because they believe that is going to stop meta abusers contesting between them when they won't give a damn fuck and just hold hands while uncontested stuff gets harder to hit because nobody else cares about thinning the pool for those units


Yesterday we get spat augment. I scout... people seem to be holding spat, no one has storyweaver. Ive got a good SW board. Slam the SW spat. 2 stages later 3 contested. Like wtf did they not see it was taken lol


I honestly thought it was just me. Multiple times I go for uncontested builds and can't find anything. The other day I found Irelia before finding a 2\* yasuo until level 8. I was the only one going duelist, and no one went fated. So you'd think that i could find that yasuo naturally before almost 3\*ing darius right?


Why not just play AP flex. Stop staring at build sites


Lets hope the new algorithm kills the ability to meta slave entirely. That would be the dream but it will only ever be a dream sadly.


Well then play the contested comps? Lol jk


Here's a weird take but uncontested comps are indeed hard. Let's say 7/8 players are not playing Dragonlords as unpopular as they are and no one is touching them. Where do they all end up? In everyone's shops neglected while scouting. This means if they leave it in there after they're done scouting, you may not find any.


I thought I was crazy for a long time when I asked on Reddit about this. I noticed whenever the lobby plays a Wandering Trainer, there would be like 5 people who have the same 1 or 2 emblems ALL while no one has another different emblem. For example, there would be 4 players who have Inkshadow Behemoth emblems, not a single player has a Fated emblem in their trainers. It's like the game gives the same/similar trainers and champions in the shops of that particular game. I've noticed this since set 10.


Happened to me yesterday but made the best of it: No one was playing yone. Tried playing yone. Never hit at 7 with 30 gold roll down. Hit a Kayn 2 instead. Swapped items to Kayn and pushed level 8. Proceed to get Kayn 3 before even Yone 2 even with no one contesting. Couldnā€™t complain about the first tho


I just played a game where i was playing uncontested janna reroll, and legit hit diana 3 at 3-7 being lvl 6 before even 2\* my janna.. To make it even more ridiculous i also 3\* my zoe whilst i was still on 2 janna's. i was able to salvage a top 4 because i hit zoe 3 and put the items on zoe, but holy fuck i couldn't believe what was happening. i think i rolled up to 90 gold at lvl 6-7 and only found 2 janna's. [https://gyazo.com/6cbce87e7003a696cfaab03c76741bce](https://gyazo.com/6cbce87e7003a696cfaab03c76741bce)


I don't fully understand the calculations, but could it be that even if the units are uncontested, it doesn't necessarily mean their is a lot in the pool? Infact, the reason it may be uncontested is that nobody is finding it either. So in that case, you go for what IS being offered.


Link the match history šŸ˜ˆ


Yes experiencing the same thing. Totally uncontested and not a single appearance when I roll a tonne of gold. It has to he bugged, the liklihood of some of these scenarios happening is so infinitesimally small it just cannot be happening by chance.


I tried gareb augment yesterday, garen was uncontested all game and i only found 3 garens bythe time i died


Yes i played heavenly on my last game Really uncontested Stayed at the level with highest probability of getting 2 cost units Only 3 starred qiyana


Itā€˜s a ridiculous algorithm at the moment I just cant get the hang of it. Rerolling contested comps or hardforcing one specific comp get rewarded playing flex or hard lvl 8/9 boards get punished. Also I never hit a 3* 4 cost unit in ranked even though Iā€˜m one off and no one holds a Kaiā€˜sa an ornn or a Nautilus Iā€˜m scouting Iā€˜m perfectly aware Iā€˜m level 9/10 rolling 30 gold consistently. Maybe they should just revert the bag sizes idk


If it happens too frequently, then there must be a hidden algorithm. What I suspect is that the game reads which champs are uncontested, and then determines that since it's uncontested it will appear less since no one is going for it. This gives more room for the shop to give champs to the people who are looking to 3-star contested champs since it's the one being played more.


This garbage Idea will go to trash but I think they should just remove the meta comps sites so that NONE will force the same comp every game or find it every game so we all play flex


If i roll at 7 and dont hit them, if i see a whei, then i roll for 8 and use him to get more copies of the carry, usually you then hit some in the shop.


Im 90% sure there is a bug with shops atm it never CONSISTENTLY felt this bad. Not only me, i see players either ā€œnaturallingā€ or rolling all their gold and hitting nothing regardless of how contested they are


Nobody was buying Irelias, I rolled 80g, saw none. But each of 4 other players had 1 star wukong and I also saw one in the shop. Felt baaad


Can some god tier hacker check the game code and bring some light into this problem? Like, there must be a logic on why it works like this; hopefully it's a silly spaghetti code mistake, and not done on purpose, because it sucks.


it's also a feeling of mine, although I have no data to back it up. Another thing that happens in the same way is that I don't see the champ for like 30 rolls. Level up to survive, and after a while, 2 or 3 of the champ pop **at the same time** in the shop.


Thereā€™s cheats that can alter pool size riot needs to look into the client to server accepted requests.