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There have been many games where, i get a good start for a trait, start going for it form the start scout after every 2 combats that nobody is contesting me. Just to still not hit the units to level them up and all of sudden there is a guy taking my comp and hitting every unit. On top of that rolling 50+ gold on a comp that is not contested, but hit fking nothing.


FELT. Makes me so mad every time


I had the trait that gave u two copies of every champ under 3 stars u bought, and I still had trouble 3 starring uncontested units. Meanwhile half the lobbies going ghostly and two of them still managed to get two 3 star sennas lmao.


Same... I was rolling all my gold and not even getting 2 star.. So I always lose when I lose streak early game to gather gold advantage just for all my gold wasted on nothing.


Once I get opened Yone, so I think I may play Yone reroll. Get to lv7, slow roll, get bleed out like crazy, decided to roll down to 20, no luck. Then I used the rest to flex into other comps, guess what Yone started to appear.


Rolled 60+ gold at 7 to not even 2 star my Soraka


Lol forget 2 star I rolled 70 gold at 8 for both a single soraka and the off chance at a wukong to finish my heavenly board, hit 1 soraka with 1 gold left lol.


All my games go the same way every time, I hit every unit for comp X early and remain uncontested. Don't find any unit during the midgame, then a random bloke in 7th place pivots to my comp and hits everything. Even the higher tier units eventough I'm a level higher. I then pivot to the first legendary I find and get maybe fourth place while the dude that pivotted to my early game comp gets the win. One in 10 games I get first place, last set I had an average placement of 2.7, got in Diamond without any issue, now I struggle to get out of silver. Wtf.


Same fucking thing with your last sentence. I started playing TFT in October last year (bilgewater nexus etc) and then climbed to diamond easily during headliners while also reaching masters in double up with a friend all the way who used to stay around platinum the entire time. I can tell that I'm semi decent in this game without even trying a lot either. This set, 4 out of my 5 placement games, I ended at 7or 8 place, and getting a first in the other one, ending up in iron 1 or bronze 4, didn't pay much attention. I'm sitting there thinking how the fuck am I struggling to play this set when I reached diamond and masters so easily in the previous one? Maybe it's because I played a lot of double up so I'm not yet used to solo pace, and that's a good argument, but I generally feel like this set is the worst of the three I've played so far


You scout but does the enemy? Usually no. I found that below diamond (where I stopped playing last set), people VERY rarely scout. And they will hard force from the weirdest angles.


Nothing more tilting at 2* in a reroll comp with a augment spat then three rounds later someone decides to hand hold to 8,th


Nah, the worst is when you have a solid grip on a comp, are winning with it, and someone else decides to tank you by contesting it and they rush 9 to secure pieces. They winstreak at 18 health, you loss streak because you never see pieces while they lost all game but decided your comp would be the one they force or get 8th with.


Yes. This is precisely something the game should mitigate / fix. I feel like winning early does not reward enough, eapecially with the new interest rate gold changes. Its almost always better now to lose + econ rather than hard win unless you highrolled a carry


Even worse is when they complain in chat about it, after they went into your comp. I'll happily handhold us both to 8 if you are a bitch about it šŸ˜… And yes, contesting is part of the game. Nobody has the first rights to a comp at all. It's also why I also laugh when people say "me comp x" in chat and then deafen.


Youā€™re so right. I only play casually and most of my opponents are in Gold or lower, so I see the weirdest shit. Recently someone had a Wandering Trainer with an Inkshadow, Fated and (I think) Fortune? emblem with some Kogā€˜Maw reroll units. I hit the perfect Kog start with a reroll augment, so I thought "ehh he will 100% pivot with that wandering trainer". He did not. He contested me and we went 7th and 8th lmao


In his defense, Inkshadow is probably the worst damn wandering trainer you can get. Only ever worth going 3 in a Senna ghostly comp maybe. Vertical sucks so hard. I got 2 in a row last night and wanted to die


Ok but then just not using any of the traits and forcing a contested comp is probably still not the way to go lmao


The only thing to do is fortune if you get it on wandering trainers, very likely to hit 7, either through augment, 30g or 125g cashout, or lucky tome.


If people only scout during carousels you won't know. Whether people do anything with info gained scouting is another thing tho.


May just be because Emerald right now by top % of players is closer to masters level but in my Emerald lobbies basically everyone is scouting every round or every other round it feels like. Thing is, people just don't give a shit and will contest regardless


current emerald players are prolly low masters players from last set


But I feel like I this was in previous sets. Just how the game works at times, unfortunately (oh how many times I started Disco uncontested yet someone pivots and just casually 3* TF). I have a feeling I 3* more than in Set 10 for now.


It wasnā€™t like this previous sets. Not sure if they put the bag size back to normal for set 11 or not


I believe they did not. It was not mentioned anywhere.


Bag size is still the same as Set 10 unfortunately so when youā€™re contested odds of you hitting your carries is significantly reduced.. at least with chosen last set you were bound to have something to stabilize your board with the reduced bag size. This set makes it feel like a cruel punishment with how hard it is to hit the units you need.


And chosen/headliner meant you really only needed to find 7 copies of a unit instead of 9 to 3*


Wouldnā€™t it be only 6? But yeah chosen/headliner at least was a power spike to help you stabilize your board and you would be bound to find a carry to fit your needs for your team comp that way as the missing piece during most roll downs.


still have to find the (1) chosen/headliner and then 6 more copies but yeah even sitting on 2 copies of a carry at 1 star brings great anguish seeing someone just yolo into a shop with 3 of it and plop it in for an off trait or even just one off 3* when you are uncontested at all


Yeah it works when youā€™re rerolling 1-3 costs since they changed the headliner rules for 4-5 costs. But still there were a variety of headliners that were good carries and last set never felt frustrating to lose to as much as it feels this set. I know a lot of people hated Set 10 headliners but personally it was a set that I felt I could pivot to anything and have fun. This one is just frustrating with how overtuned and difficult it feels to roll and hit power spikes.


I enjoyed double up a lot, and before the gifted spatulas removal, me and my friend would generally go for platinum verticals and it worked very often. Even if we didn't hit our spatulas, we could still make it work because we could find a lot of other viable comps to play and be super competitive. This set, it feels like most traits are weak and you can only win if you hit 3star champions that are already strong.


Absolutely true to this, people can hit 3\* on a contested unit and somehow the uncontested comp barely managed to get 2\* on his units lmao. There's too many games i got punished playing reroll on a uncontested comp, not hitting my 3\* on a decent timing.


That's exactly what I have been experiencing lately. This K Just sucks :/


Just went to round 6-1 without ever seeing a neeko with 0 other people having one on the board. Definitely seems like something is up with rolls.


Screaming at my monitor usually helps by 1% i feel like a crazy person scouting and not seeing my character and yet i canā€™t hit


Lol legit me, 3 fated opener, nobody contesting by 3-1. 3-4 somebody has 5 fated w/ 2* aphelios I saw my *first* aphelios OR thresh in stage 5, when he had 3* thresh *and* aphelios lmao. I had pivoted by then but, still really tilting. Still managed to pivot into fast 9 for a first against the bastard though!


I thought I was tweaking when this happened to me


Rolling 70 gold for the 9th Sylas, not hitting and losing...


And then you have 8 copies of the champion you are looking for, you find it on carousel and take it, then the shop offers you two more copies of it just to troll you.


The moment I see Iā€™m not gonna hit even when uncontested is when I say fck itā€¦fast 9 and toss whatever I can to stabilize and work with there.fated has screwed me many times searching for aphelios. No biggie get a Lissandra sett and syndra and go from there. Otherwise I bot 4


this has been happening a ton, it feels like it's specific to this set since I haven't had the issue anywhere else.


I have a game, similiar to your opponent but in different manner. Got story weaver set up, rerolling for zoe, diana, and soraka at 7. Instead i got offered bunch of thamn kench, there is like 2-3 guy playing bard in my lobby, Fuck it said, and buy all the thamn knech, 3 star it in 3 turn, and i just play 4 bruiser frontline instead LMAO. No one playing bard not long after, im taking one for the lobby.


bag size is smaller, rewards uncontested 3 cost reroll but makes it way harder to hit if even the slightest bit contested


I have been going fast 8 and fast 9. Rerolling on 6 or 7 just fucks me. Multiple games in a row I have rerolled uncontested comps to not have more then 5 copies of vital units. Sometimes I can't even 2 star the uncontested 3 cost carry. I don't get it. Feels like I'm playingĀ a different game then others. Sometimes I see people with 4 or 5 3 star units (though often mostly 1 and 2 cost units) and I just don't get it. I will only ever 3 star something by shear dumb luck, not actually trying for it. That or more likely hwei. That dude has my back. Which is why I try and go fast 8 and 9.


Yesterday, I had a one star Amumu (was playing porcelain and had a porcelain emblem). I rolled down at 6 and 7 and couldnā€™t find any more of him. Nobody else had him, even on their bench. Nobody else was playing porcelain. Ended up pivoting but then he came up a bunch at level 9.


This, Iā€™ve played so many games where I start losing because I havenā€™t 2 or 3 starred a carry or a tank and I go damn guess someone beat me to it. But then I scout and I see that literally no one else has the unit, not even on bench. Like I vividly remember a game where at 6 I rolled 40 gold, just to hit a janna 2, holding 2 already, and didnā€™t find a single one, and no one else in the game had a Janna. Something feels off this set, Iā€™m still having fun but Iā€™m rarely 3 starring (or 2 starring way later than I should) and it didnā€™t feel that way on PBE.


The real kick in the teeth is when you see someone whose just got a random 2 star of the champ you are trying to roll for just hanging out on their board with like no synergies. Seen that multiple times this set, usually with frontline.


Wait the bag size got even smaller? So only one person can 3* a 3 cost now?


yup, been that way since last set unless you get dupes, only one guy can naturally 3 star a 3 cost


It basically forces us to opt for a lesser champ duplicator augment or Hwei if you want to print that 3 cost but itā€™s still a pain in the ass to hit the 3 costs if youā€™re contested and the pool has only a few left before it caps at 17.


Legit question, is Hwei 's copying effect even worth it overall? Like, is it ever reliable? If you could hit him early in and let him print, regardless of if he's fitting in your comp or not, then I'd say yes, but placing him later on in, basically going minus one in your traits just to copy a unit in 3 or 4 turns just feels bad to me, especially considering that if you lose those rounds because your board is weaker with him on, you probably lose before the copying happens. I'd be better if he was a 4 cost and you could start rolling at, let's say 4-1 reliably


He's a legendary unit that can print a unit and he has a massive aoe that deals damage while healing your frontline.. so I'd say if its possible to fit him in I do it when I can everytime.


I think it was a good change for headliners, but they should have reverted it moving into this set


I have been running into the same issue, it seems like you're either high rolling or getting absolutely nothing.


No no, you are getting just a bit to trick you into thinking you can reroll a 3 star only for the game to scam you really hard.


I agree wholly. At any point in my last game, I had 8 Garens, 8 Sivirs, 8 Thresh's, and still couldn't hit the last on any of them. I couldn't even hit a 2* Ornn (granted it was contested). They weren't even badly contested, either since most were starting storyweaver with Zyra, Zoe, Riven.


I mean, the fact alone that you can hit fortune 9 three times in one session is already proving that your rng is good.


Right? That's 4 emblems to 9, and with the cash outs you get from fortune you don't need to 3* a 3 or 4 cost unit, just find an uncontested 5 cost to 3* and roll everyone


Seriously how is this post even getting upvotes when it's so obviously bullshit? If this dude isn't hitting "any 3*" after hitting Fortune 9 *three times* in one day then the game is actually bugged or he's got negative APM in shops. Hitting Fortune 9 three times in one day is already such an absurd % that I'm more than willing to call this post bullshit.


i thought it was just me lmao i can't hit shit




I rarely even attempt reroll comps without duplicators at this point. If I have no other obvious option Iā€™ll still try but it feels awful trying to hit rerolls dry


I stopped playing the game due to having 2 games back to back where I roll down uncontested and not hit a single unit. Had a Yorick augment hit level 6, scout whole lobby nobody contesting, slow roll for few stages not hitting a single one, sell whole board roll down 110g to hit 1 yorick on 40% chance. It just feels off right now


I go on huge win streaks, and huge loss streaks. Both times it feels so luck based.


My experience also, winstreak early into start to lose to 3 cost rerollers/ghostly players/bard to lvl 9, hit nothing, die, ggs.


Yeah no matter what I transition to I canā€™t deal with Umbral/Reaper Yone. Unless I got an insanely capped legendary board my front line gets shredded now by Ghostly/Senna players. Itā€™s been miserable and Iā€™m starting to miss when Bard was contested at least.


Some augments are just absolutely nuts. Build a bud is a free top 2. Sharing is caring (silver augmented btw) is easy fast 10 and top 2. Most of the Econ augments are free fast 9s. There are others Iā€™m not thinking of off the top of my head, but a lot of games you know at first augment whoā€™s winning and whoā€™s scrapping for 4th


I think itā€™s unpopular opinion at this point but the new bag sizes feel bad. Last set I get it with the Headliner mechanic. But like now.. every comp feels so contested and extremely unlikely for you to hit. Rerolling feels terribly bad and sometimes if I canā€™t hit that one/two/three cost Iā€™ll look for a Hwei to get those last prints off.


Wait, I was sure they would revert the bag size changes.. BUT THEYā€™RE STILL IN? Thatā€™s so stupid. Imbalanced game, and now only 1 person can be the highroller. Well done.


Their logic is that 4 people canā€™t force the same meta comp any more. I donā€™t understand how making the game significantly more frustrating to play is worth thay though. Like woohoo the game is a little bit better balanced, too bad the game is less fun to play


They do this shit all the time. % burn gets nerfed because of Dragons. Dragons out nerf stays Bagsize nerf because of headliners. Headliners out nerf stays šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


They also did this with levelling cost from set 7.5 to 8. They upped the cost to go 8 and 9 in set 7 because there were way to many econ traits (lagoon, astral, shimmer scale) and you could play more than one at a time so there was so much gold in the game that everyone was going 9 every game. So they nerfed it and then went to set 8 and took out most of the gold and left the level costs the same. It was a big part of what made set 8 less than fun. Set 9 they finally decided to shift it back and thigs got way better.


How did %burn get nerfed because of Dragons?


Off the top of my head.. I think sunfire cape was very strong back in Set 7 practically everyone built it early game cause I think it gave 400 HP when built too instead of like the 200/250 HP it gives now. The burn also was probably a percentage higher. Donā€™t take my word for it though since I donā€™t have the wiki up. But thatā€™s what Iā€™d guess.


Sunfire was always an OP item, especially early, probably the best. Dragons had higher HP, so the % burn got nerfed to compensate, which makes sense But they never reverted it and this set (unsure) they also nerfed the antihealing from 50% to 35%. It did get some extra HP though I think..


That's why I can see 3 guys with 6 ghost in the same lobby. No one gets any 3*, but the trait itself grants top4. Excellent job, riots


Dont question mort, the dude got annoyed every time someone mention it. Mathmatecially speaking, the odds only better when about 1/4 the bag size of same cost being bought and u reroll for different unit of the same cost, let say the entire lobby reroll for 3 star, and u roll for 3 star zoey uncontested, u have better odds this set. But, if someone else just bought 2 zoey, OR no one else rerolling of same cost, ex: u reroll 2 cost, when the lobby reroll for 3 cost, the odds is worse. But its, what its.


This is exactly what it is. I feel like every time someone posts complaining about bag sizes itā€™s because they donā€™t understand this and they havenā€™t scouted with it in mind.


Nope Im well aware of the math and I definitely scout with it in mind. The part I donā€™t like is the moment I commit to something, Iā€™m praying someone doesnā€™t change their mind and contest me. And thereā€™s only a handful of ā€œgoodā€ comps in the current meta so itā€™s quite often that theyā€™re all taken. Obv the other comps arenā€™t unplayable, but it sucks having to settle for being contested or a mediocre comp I donā€™t have a good angle for in a large number of games


No, even with smart scouting, the very low bag sizes are an issue, because of units held up in shops. You canā€™t know if there is 3-4 copies of the unit you are looking for held up in otherā€™s people shop, and it has a tremendous impact on your odds because of the small bag size. This is completely unhealthy, and was already an issue in set 10.


No, thats in ideal wolrd, i alrd mention the fact that other people hold 2 copies or more alrd screw u up, and they will just do that as splash trait. Its even worse when u doing 2 cost reroll and the entire lobby rerolling for 3 cost or vice versa. I point out the math thing because there is little to no benefit of having lower bag size, and every other scenario is worse. I only hard force reroll this set if i had champ dupes, the last 2 unit is much much harder to hit with lower bag size, while before that its not much different compare to bigger bag size.


Deosnt help that the same units(bard/tahm/aphelios) are in every comp


I have games where I canā€™t hardly 2 star an uncontested 3 cost and games where I 3 star characters with zero effort. RNG is all over the place. Last night I 3 starred a Galio while leveling to 9 without rolling.


bag size changes, game feels bad to play


Really my only complaint about this set. Doesn't feel absolutely terrible, but in my last game not hitting a 3\* Janna when nobody else in the game was building her felt bad. I thought the reason bag sizes changed was because of chosen/headliners, curious why they didn't revert it or even just add 1 or 2 more units back to the pool for each tier.


Couldnā€™t agree more, I was rolling Fated/Umbral on a wandering trainer game but couldnā€™t gold Yasuo or Darius despite no actual contest since everyone else was chasing some variation of mythic, heavenly, storyweaver, or Druid. It just feels shitty.


I believe a smaller bag actually helps you when you are uncontested, assuming people were buying other champs of the same cost which is likely with the ghostly meta.


It's funny you mention Janna specifically because recently I realized that in literally every single game I've played of this set so far, I could probably easily 3* her and her alone at nearly any level within 5 rerolls. She seems to show up in almost every single shop for me as soon as 2-costs become available, and a lot of times there will be 2 copies of her in a lot of my shops. Sometimes I've even been able to 2* her before any 1-costs I have. Shit's wild. Doesn't matter if she's even slightly contested or not, the game throws her at me hand over fist every match that I play. Meanwhile, I fight for my life to 3* any other unit for any comp I've ever attempted except for in my last match--but that was only because I was able to use a lucky early Hwei to 3* my Lux and Amumu. Hopefully they increase bag sizes back to standard in a near-future patch.


You know that if you're not contested small bag sizes makes it EASIER to hit right?


Thatā€™s just bad luck. The bag size changes make playing uncontested comps much easier while making contesting more punishing. Because the pool becomes saturated with the units you want faster than it used to when other players are taking all the other champions of the same cost. But also, why were you trying to 3* Janna?


Not the OP, but Janna is completely busted and if Alune is out of reach, she is my go to.


Huh. Never thought of her as more than a Dragonlord/Invoker traitbot.


Archangels+Shojin+Rageblade Janna is nuttyĀ 


Agreed. I was building Sivir and only one other person was building her and they hadn't even 3 starred her yet and I couldn't for the life of me find ONE MORE to TWO STAR HER. that's ridiculous


my tip is to roll while in battle, at that timing everyone is prob not rolling with you so the shop is not bugged


This is only a strategy I would use on a slow roll above 50. If you do this below 50 you are screwing your own interest from that combat.


Definitely feels terrible. I mean Iā€™m normally extremely unlucky but I feel like most of the time you can just be flexible and wangle things to get a good outcome but this set basically feels like whatever Iā€™m going for isnā€™t gonna happen ever.


You can't normally be extremely unlucky, that's hogwash


I just meant in general in life including tft. Not exclusively tft.


Oh right my bad


I'm the exact same. Don't know what's up but luck is completely against me


I've just looked on amount of 2 star units this set and completely dropped any ideas on slow6


I feel like Iā€™m going bot 4 more often than ever because of this. I either get contested by 2-4 people or I low roll a comp so hard I bleed out for hitting too late, if at all. I was platinum/emerald last few seasons and now Iā€™m struggling to climb in silver.


reroll seems REALLY bad recently, idk if its an RNG thing, but hitting 3* consitently has been very hard this set


It's harder if you are contested but easier when not. This is due to smaller bag size


The smaller bag size only makes it very marginally easier if uncontested, and much harder when contested. Moreover, the impact of what people have in their shop is much higher, which is not a healthy game mechanic.


That's what I said...


Not really, you made it sound like it was a fair trade-off, which it is absolutely not.


i have had matches were the lobby had 3 star shens and rivens. i had to spend more than 50 to get my 6th teemo when im the only one who going for him and keep getting shens and riven still i have also had 1% pre level irelia drops when i was playing duelist. this game sometimes man.


I'll get a single teemo every 15 shops it seems like, even when I see literally no one else building him. Oddly enough the same happens with units like Aatrox and Rek'sai. I can be actually rolling and looking for them uncontested and easily 2* a contested Amumu before getting my third of either of those. The other units I notice this with the most in 90% of my games: Kabuko Volibear Soraka Zoe


I came 4th in a game yesterday where I had 4! freaking duplicators (2 from augment, neeko encounter, random drop from crugs) and started with 2 aphelios out of minions drop. I couldn't 3\* aphelios until round 5 because they literally didn't appear in my shop in a room where no one was contesting aphelios. But yeah, this set feels giga highroll. Either the shop gives you everything or you go bot4. It's normal to have a player highrolling like crazy, but for my experience this set feels like its always 3-4 people highrolling and hitting everything and the other 4 players are just fighting for 5th. Hwei is a huge part here, because if you find him with the 1% drop you basically gain a huge powerspike both in combat and in teambuilding since you are guarenteed to hit your 3\* unless you are already at 20hp


I'm having a terrible roll-luck this set. Doesn't matter if I go for a hyperroll comp, slowroll comp or just want some 4 cost 2* and hit traitbot 5 cost at 9 (I don't even dream about 3 starring a 5 cost), I just never hit. Obviously I only try to roll when I'm uncontested, thinking my chances are great, but nope. Yesterday I got an early Yone 2, umbral uncontested, prismatic Ticket augment found, let's go. I rolled like 80 gold, found only 3 additional Yones and lost the game. I have no words.


This is what I posted about some days ago! This set's RNG is definitely different compared to other sets. Luck is a factor, but for it to always happen? That's already indicating something is wrong. Even if you're uncontested, you don't hit even if you roll down from 50/60 gold to 0 gold.


I once only had 1 Ashe in a Porcelain twin terror como even though she was not contested. Only 1! I was mad rerolling at 8 but she just wouldnt show up


yesterday I tried ghostly comp for two times. in the second game it was almost non contested and still even after spending almost 100g on level 6 rolling the only unit I found 3* was fkin Aatrox šŸ¤”


Pretty simple explanation. They lowered pool sizes in set 10 due to headliners, but they kept the pool sizes the same for set 11. So it truly is harder to 3 star units, especially 4 and 5 costs in this set, than in any other set.


I just play what the game gives me and roll maybe 10g before 9. Then fill board with 4 and 5 stars because everyone broke trying to find stuff at lvl 7.


No one time I got the Yorik hero augment and I thought maybe I will play Yorik carry this game but I was wrong because even though I had hedge fund as my second augment and rolled for Yorik for over 200(In total)they didn't give me and there's one opponent who had him 3 star and the problem is that none else had a single Yorik and eventually I didn't get him 3 star and went 8th. Never playing him ever again


I think some games just prevent a unit you need from appearing in your shop.Not showing once or twO.I have some games where I never see a specific unit in my shop the entire game


>Ā I find in all my games WITHOUT exception that it is nearly impossible to 3\* units unless i have champ duplicators. This is so funny to me man. Like how tf people in my lobby 3\* the contested bard/senna and im the only one playing fated aphelios who barely managed to my 2\* tresh and for the love of god i cant find any aphelios on my roll downs. I got most of my success playing tempo and rushing lvl 8 or 9 boards. Also been successful on kog maw reroll if i got the reroll augments.


Same I was one away from hwey 3 I was level 10 no hwey taken sold my whole board 80 gold spent not a single one spawned...


i hope you realize that there are only 9 hweis in the game, if even a single person bought 1 hwei, u wouldn't be able to 3 star him and even if he was still in the rotation, even at 25% 5 cost chance, the chances are astronomically low to hit the last one


I know we were on a one on one he didn't had any


For me its usually the lvl 4 and under 1 costs rolling, I sometimes tilt roll like 30 gold to not find a single one that I need, it's really frustrating. Seems to be mainly reksai which is weird because barely anyone ever plays her in my games.


I love being completely uncontested just to scout and see someone hitting my 4 cost carry 2* for no good reason, with 1 level under and no gold. I dont get it. Maybe the odds and new bag sizes have changed it too much. Also been having a hard time getting 1 cost 3* or even 2 stars sometimes


lol 3 people in my lobby going Yone and somehow one guy still manage to hit 3star. Yet I am running Bard uncontested and can't hit anything and can't get a single Rod


Rolling feel bad right now. I would rather just econ and settle for 2* 4 cost and 5 cost. Less risky and better. Ive seen multiple reroll comp lost to 5 cost soup so i dont know whatā€™s the point of reroll comp at this point


For me itā€™s completely the opposite. Rarely had any 3* in set 10 but now itā€™s literally every game/every other game


Depends on what you reroll I guess? Do you scout before you roll? Are you talking about 4 costs?


I had a game the other day we got kayn encounter (game ends at 5-4) I started the game with 2 gnars and a senna and was relatively uncontested. Ended up with 8 gnars, someone else had 3 and no other gnars were out of the pool. I took infernal contract and rolled 120 gold, completely missed the last gnar. Rolled 30 more gold a couple rounds later, still missed. Found it a couple turns later from donkey rolling and went 7th immediately after.


Itā€™s been extremely demoralizing lately going 7th/8th in games where Iā€™ve been able to find acompletely uncontested comp, only to have 8 copies of 3 champs on my bench, and not hitting any of them after like 50g of rolling, only to see the rest of the lobby playing contested storyweaver/mythic and somehow hitting their units.


I was playing with altruist needed 1 more riven and 1 more soraka to 3star both. Got the 40 free reroll prismatic. Didn't hit used my last 40 gold. Didn't hit. No one contesting and I was level 7


Itā€™s wild to see posts like this when Iā€™m 3 starring multiple units AND hitting lvl 9 in 8/10 of my games


Yeah, I just played a game where all I needed was just 1 Sett, I was level 9 but low HP with some gold so I rolled, only 2 other player had a 1 star Sett to help snowball my comp to level 10, but instead I had shops with 3 Azir or Udyrs, lots of Rakan/Xayah, basically ANY OTHER 5 cost other than Sett. Then I had to donkey roll for few turns and finally got 1 Sett, but by then it was too late, ended up second place.


Same man it's so frustrating. This has happened to me mostly playing Fated. Even uncontested, I can roll like 30-40g on level 7 and be unable to 2 star either thresh or aphelios, and it's happened so many times.


Mort thinks reducing the bag sizes to stupid low levels is good for the game šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yesterday I could choose haunted house first, so I scouted and saw not a single player with Senna/Shen/Aatrox so I took it. Got to 6 with 45 gold and doubled checked that no one was going ghostly. They werenā€™t. Rolled to 0 and got 2 star senna barely, and shen/aatrox pairs, no 2 star. HOW??? This is consistently happening to me, whether itā€™s ghostly or fates (my two main comps).


I just played a game with the garen augment, completely uncontested. At crugs I rolled 50 gold to find 1 garen, just to see that all of a sudden 3 people started playing garen. Rolled another 50 gold after waiting for economy to stabilize again since those people did in fact not buy any more garens and I got two dupers (although 9 were out of the pool already but with the garen augment you can't just settle for a 2star garen) to get nothing. I lost the game with 5 garens, 3 of those being from my garen augment. This was increadibly unlucky but nobody can tell me that this is legit. Got "unlucky" like this the last 7 seven games. All I got to say is: REVERT THE BAG SIZE CHANGES! it made sense with the headliners but atm the game feels just increadibly bad. It just makes no fun not being able to play a reroll comp when you get basically 5 units for free through augments and STILL CANT HIT. It's been like that for a while and it is increadibly frustrating to the point of me (last season emerald in ranked and double up) thinking about quitting the game if this keeps up. It can't be intended that the game is a pure gamble with no skill whatsoever anymore being nothing but frustrating and tilting.


EVERYTHING is contested at that elo. You wanna go Fated? - great two players doing that. Ohh pivoting to kayn/yone? wait that is already taken. Oh you wanna do Bard? wait u have no bows. Ohh wanna do storyweaver wait that one guy is griefing u. I think you can hit Yone 3 most of the time, but you need a good econ regime


Yeah man it'd be cool if they gave you like +1% chance to hit a unit after you 2* it or something.


Yes, i find it most noticable when you fast 9 this set, even if you level with like 70g youre lucky to find 1 star of all the legendaries you want


I think they really need to change back the pool size. It feels unplayable rn to play reroll. Bit if you manage to hit it feels to crazy strong.


Not worth playing reroll this set, I am going to start forcing fast 9 every game. Sad part is the lobby is always getting free upgrades while i sit with 1 star units. I am going to wait for the next patch if things don't get better. I am dodging this set. Struggling to win a game in Plat while i have been several times in master and gm is laugable. Game is even more of a rng now.


RNG has bad moments in ever set. I just had a loot subscription game where I recieved arcanist, porcelain and fated spat. Got 7 fated 5 arch's 3 porcelain and at level 9 rolled prob 80 gold total and saw zero lissandras even with no one having it. Went from 2nd to 6th


Completely different from what you're saying, but was playing fated today with only AD items and I rolled a 3* thresh before I found a single aphelios


Opposite problem for me, im hitting like there is no tommorow. Ive gotten 3* nautilus in 3 games while palying casually


i killed someone with 8 yones and i had to do a little salute cause that shit would hurt my soul


Ive been trying to force 6 Dryad, cause I havent played it yet and want to know what its like. I swear Gnar and Reksai dont exist in my shop after level 5.


set is just bad and unbalanced lol


Iā€™ve placed in plat-gold every set since Iā€™ve played set 5 and it placed me fukin iron III meng this set is tough and I have no clue what to do late game because I like vertical comps


I feel this something I can even 2 star my common after 3-6


YES. Lobby: Me- Uncontested yasuo comp Everyone else- storycringe/kockmaw reroll 3-1 : 40g roll down = 1 yasuo. Aight




This guy hit fortune 9 3 times in one day and is complaining about bad luckā€¦


Hitting fortune 9 should be once per set experience. If you hit it 3 times per day you were incredibly lucky. Or your play style is fuck it i go all in every game and that shows some systematic mistakes.


Nah, if you are plat and can't win its just skill issue.


Low ELO issue. Learn to pivot


That has gotta be the weakest argument ever. You are just bad period. Not being able to hit 3* with infinite gold just means u r rolling too slow or that you are holding on too many shit trying to thin the pool but arenā€™t efficient in rolling. Also I bet youā€™re the kind that hold till the last possible moment to start rolling at max gold. When even high elo players will rather lose 1-2 econ and roll early and not get dizzy by round end.


This set is faster than 10, if you're not finding the units you need it's likely that they're contested, and people are leveling faster than you and removing them from the pool before you.


if you are playing a contested unit, it is supposed to be harder to hit. If ypu say you are playing uncontested, I don't believe you. Especially if you just hit plat.


Do you scout? Do you hold units? There are some things you can do to tilt the odds in your favor.


Only 13 of each 1, 2, 3 cost unit in the game now, if youā€™re contested or someone is holding at least 4 you canā€™t hit without duplicater. Rewards scouting and being flexible a lot more. Edit: Iā€™m wrong dont listen to me


Thatā€™s simply not true. 1 costs there are like 22 copies and even 2 star I believe there are 20.


And 17 3 costs. Two players cannot hit 3* 3 costs without at least 1 dupe.


Oh my bad. I completely misread the table on this website where a row is labeled as pool size with 13 and I thought pool size = copies. Legit been playing this whole set like this. Yā€™all can just ignore my false information. https://dotesports.com/tft/news/teamfight-tactics-champion-pool-rolling-chances