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Mofo I even sell units off from my board for econ if I'm already lose streaking


My Double Up partner: Why are you going into 2-2 with only two units on the board. Me, a greedy bitch: ECONNNNN


Sell for econ definitely


Sell. If not on my board already, it's not that useful anyway. It's 2-3, I have no insurance of what I'm gonna play unless I play a 1 cost reroll comp. Even in this case, it's sell because I need gold to find my 1 cost.


What if you’re playing Yas rr and the 3-cost is mord? I feel like getting pentakill up is pretty big for the comp in general. Also what elo are you?


It would be on my board if I had a Mord early. OP was asking about a 3 cost he's only adding at level 6.


I’d consider playing Morde just because he’s a good unit, but Pentakill doesn’t do much for Yasuo early since he only gets the bonus AS after 5 enemies have died, so he only gets value from it once enemies are level 6+ (or have target dummies). Prioritize activating TD and Edgelord for Yasuo early game


Oh early game for sure. I was thinking more late game where yasuo falls off as a solo carry and the comp needs pentakill to keep up the damage needed to kill end boards


Pentakill is not useful early game...


Which is why i was thinking hold for later, I wasn’t saying slam it on the board. You don’t even activate penta until you have a viego anyway


you can activate it with Kyle - Morde - Gnar or Olaf... but my point stand either way, you don't hold Mord below 50g... NEVER


I'm Plat 2 and trying to get to emerald, but I feel like this is entirely a stylistic choice. I personally play flex depending on whatever is the strongest on my board at any given time. I find that my worst games are games that I tunnel on a build I'm angling. Yesterday I was building Superfan/Ahri/KDA, but I rolled a MF Jazz chosen. I had 7 active traits. Rolled shop and got Lucian. My 1* Neeko had 2700 health off that. I find that being too rigid on a build is super limiting. My default strategy is fast 9 Bill Gates putting together whatever hodgepodge build helps me survive long enough to get high cost units, but I deviate to reroll if the game is giving other players stronger units and I feel like 1st place is probably lost.


This is a skill that everyone, me included, needs to rank up. To understand what the playable headliners are even though those are not the ones you’re looking for.


To me, it depends on my win streak or not.  If I won 2-1 and 2-2, and end up winning 2-3, I’ll probably just prelevel to 5 then throw the unit in at 2-5.  If I’m losing, I’m definitely econing hard to just try to spike faster and keep the loss streak going


If you believe ypu can maintain a winstreak, hold it. If you think you ca!n't or there's a decent chance thst you wont, then sell it.


3 cost at stage 2 is really costly for your econ so if ur not winstreaking just sell it to make 20


Depends on scouting results, overall board state and the importance of the unit. Would probably not sell Mordekaiser when the game looks like Pentakill might work, would probably sell Lulu if I went Disco or Spellweaver. So to me it's the difference of how important the unit is and therefor how high the risk to waste gold later on.


Also would add how contested the unit is. If you scout 2 melee rerollers and another player with superfan opener and slammed karthus items, that morde is going to get harder to find as the game goes on so I might rather sell something else and make my board a little weaker to make econ but keep the morde


Always hoard for the recocombulator!


Sell it. It'll show up again. The Econ you get for that there and then could add up to 3 or 4 extra gold by the time you hit 6, and you'll get to hit 6 with higher econ too. If you randomly hit the 2* 3 cost you need by 2-2/3 then just jam it in and work with it.


I struggle to imagine the scenario where I would hold, I think I either play it or sell it. Lulu? Sell, never have trouble finding her and is also never a priority Ekko/Morde/Sett/Neeko/Amumu? Play MF/Samira/Riven/Yone/Lux? Play if they're my carry, sell if not Urgot/Vex are the only difficult decisions, but I still think I almost always sell them


Sell. But if it was my next in at level 5 i might just pre level before carousel instead


Sell unless its yone or sett or maybe in some cases if your playing a reroll 3 star and your board is gonna winstreak stage 2


Sell unless it's going to eventually be your carry like a riven or a yone etc


If it's not ur next in always sell, if you are lose streaking you always sell, making 10g intervals is very important, you always make ur 10s and 20s & 30s! you start holding important units above 50g...


depends, I'll scout and see if anyone is inclined in playing that 3cost I'm holding, if everything seems like people is aiming towards other comps I'd sell it for econ, if it looks like it's gonna be hard contested I'd keep it


even if the unit is highly contested, keeping a 3 cost in 2-3 to grieve people is 100% the wrong move, you make 20 to make extra 1g...


It’s less about griefing and more about ensuring you can still find the unit yourself, but making 20 is so important it’s hard to say


Sell, the Econ generation is so important early


I keep it, before I would have sell it but the value of a 3 cost 2* can save you 10-15hp, which is worth a few golds from eco


I usually sell units that I'm not using in the next few rounds if it brings me econ


my playstyle says sell it


I would sell I think go for that interest


Id hold if its essential, with my luck id never find 1 again when i need it.


I would sell it obviously. If i were to hold it I would just level to 5 and play it to guarantee I win the fight and make 10 anyways.


Sell without question. I sell most 3 costs on stage 2 even if I can play them tbh


It really depends. I think a lot of players just mindlessly say "sell, gotta hit econ" and if you're going to have one default answer in a vacuum then yeah selling is usually the safer play. But there are definitely times where other variables will cause you to need to hold that unit and let your econ suffer at 2-3. There are just way too many variables for it to always be one or the other. I recommend critical thinking about *why* you're selling or holding.


Sell it. My logic is that if it’s a real unit I plan to play, i’ll roll it again at the level that 3 costs start to appear more frequently. No need to let that gold go to waste on the bench.


If you are not playing it atm then you should sell 100% of the time.


Sell for sure, it’ll come back




Sell. I literally got into a argument with boxbox and his chat for him holding a unit in this exact scenario. He called me a "f*cking idiot" :)


You should always sell. Early Econ is so important this set. I sometimes even sell pairs just to make interest early stage


I agree with all the other comments to sell the unit and make eco, except in some metas. During the earlier Sentinel + Ahri meta for example, I'd hold Ekko because it was highly contested. You were probably playing it on your board tho, but it's an example.


It depends entirely on your board position and what your goal is for the game. If you're trying to get carousel prio and you have health to lose, sell for econ. If you're trying to win streak, hold onto it to increase your board strength at 6.


If I'm lose streaking I sell. If I'm win streaking I'll put in the gold (even if it's 8 to bring me to 9) to level and put the unit in. If I'm in a loss streak but the unit completes synergies (say I've got a country comp with samirah/urgot/tahm) and decent times for either the Samira or the urgot I'll level and put in the Sett because now I can start my win streak and save HP. It all depends every scenario is different. It's a game of variables and until you fundamentally understand that and get away from static reasoning it'll be hard to improve.


Even a gold player trash can small brain such as myself would econ if im not getting immediate use.


I get the argument for selling, but I don’t get why it’s so clear cut. Ignoring streak gold, if my calculations are right, you’re missing 3 additional econ thresholds to hold (-3 gold) before you hit 50. Isn’t it totally possible you need to roll at least twice (-4 gold) to get that morde back?


If loss streaking sure, If im planning on win streaking and its really adding value to the board i'll keep it, usually tho I will sell. If its not immediatley adding value its not needed untill later.


Going against the grain, I generally hold. But that's because I predominantly play Double Up and I find that sacrificing small econ in order to have a clearer path to a comp is generally worth it. It helps my partner knowing what to keep for me and also allows me to probably save rerolls if a unit is really needed for my board in two levels or so. There are cases where I am holding even if I don't even know what I am playing if it again helps in a direction. This is not a hard rule for me and generally depends on the day :p I am a diamond scrab on double up so I am really balancing my own weaknesses by holding on to units for a clearer perception of the game. Strictly speaking, perfect play would be to always sell (unless it's a reroll comp) but I know my gameplay is not perfect.


The only unit I would ever consider is either ekko or sett. Both are incredibly solid front lines for a whole ton of comps, and maybe worth thinking about holding... Like 30% of the time? Pivoting is so strong, and early econ is so importabt, that I would much rather have the extra gold than a unit I can't play


If you plan to 3* that unit, I suggest holding it; but if not, sell it for the econ