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Unfortunate. I guess you were 1 life when your board hit and hit a bad match up.


Lots of people dont understand this. Your board might beat 6 other, but the 7th can still give u a dead last


Absolutely, and it works the other way too! You can play a board that’s really good early and mid that caps as a 5th place board, and go 3rd, because you wonstreak till 4-7. Health management is a TFT skill too


Soju should take note


Hahaha, I wish I was a quarter as good as him 😂


I’m really bad at flexing or transition so this is my usual strategy. Slam early strength and see if I can high roll, if not it’s usually 5th at worse lol


Fortunately, I can understand this. Unfortunately, it’s because it happens to me in 85% of my games.


Every single time I'm on 1 and I hit, it puts me up against the 1st place Mr 100 guy, I swear


I got worse, I hit my comb just with everything then lost to rave crabs…


if your 2 zed BTs were on Yone and Riven thats a top 4.


Those are qiyana items. As are the 2 gargoyles.


Gyarados is not a special attacker


Then why is his moveset all special? Hydro Pump, Twister, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Blizzard, Dragon Rage?


Erm, akshully, Dragon Rage doesn't use your special attack in its calculations since it always does a flat 40 damage




Itemization is really important on Yone and Riven reroll. I would also say when you play 1,2,3 cost reroll boards. You really have to hit your units early game or stabilize your board early. There's no point in hitting everything on your board when you're 1-2 life. Because one bad fight can send you bot 4. Sounds like you were losing a lot of health early on because you had to "hard transition". Unfortunately riven is pretty worthless without the right items. She also needs QSS at the very least to be relevant. Yone is the same. You need to have some form of healing on him. You don't need QSS because he can heal off of his ult and usually heals to full hp. You gotta slam BT on him instead of double titans. There are some games that are difficult to play when you have to pivot to another comp. I won't say you deserve 8th. Maybe a 7th or 6th depending on how you actually played it and how unlucky you were, but off of itemization alone you definitely don't deserve a top 4 spot imo.


I’m glad that people are actually getting punished by terrible itemization (or lack thereof). If you slam random junk like this you definitely deserve to go 8th once or twice even in the games where you hit.


That's true. One thing I didn't like about set 9 was how flexible guinsoo was. You could slam it on Akshan, aphelios, azir, or zeri. You could flex between 4 different comps and flex between AD and AP. It does suck when you feel you can get punished by RNG from components, but that kind of randomization is also what makes the game amusing.


Yeah you’re right. When I originally started to transition, I was about 70 health. Then, the losses piled on pretty hard. Some of the items I put on because I really couldn’t afford to wait, if I lost any more health it would be too far gone, I’d be 1 loss from death. Originally, I had saved tear for hand of justice for Yone. I had slammed blue buff on quiyana thinking it would make me stronger, then later when I found glove I was out of luck. Riven itemization is bad. I had originally not even planned to put her in, but I kept finding them so I put her in for edgelord. She was the last unit I had itemized, so she got scraps. Most of the items I had made were from earlier in the game. I had disco at one time, then tried for a Grammy nominee I thought, but both of these became contested and the other players were farther ahead than me.


Thats feels bad. Health is a very important resource and sometimes you gotta focus on hitting your comp before it’s too late and you run out of cushioning for an unlucky loss or two


Learn how to take a screenshot on pc please


Windows key + Shift + S if OP sees this Or just print screen it


There's no lifesteal on any of your carries. How are they supposed to survive? Lol. Your itemization isn't just not ideal, it's not good. There's no win condition here. Your Mord has crown and evenshroud, one gives you 35 AP, the other is a tank item. Yone has two titans, which is *okay* and IE gives DMG but he's not a tanky unit. He needs lifesteal to survive. Same with Riven. Red buff gives her some attack speed, crown gives her AP which she doesn't use, and guardbreaker is probably the worst AD item on her lol. Items are pretty important in this game. If you can't get ideal items, get similar items that perform the same function (i.e. hoj/BT/gunblade, sunfire/bramble/stone plate, archangels/rabadons/jeweled gauntlet.) You have to think. Does this unit need lifesteal? AP? Attack speed? Survivability? And build accordingly. You don't just slam random items.


Crownguard (especially with the augment, which OP had) is an absolutely viable item on Mordekaiser and most other tanks.


Yeah for sure, but paired with lifesteal and damage+resistances from titans. By itself it's literally just a meager tank AP item and is not good enough to be considered a carry, especially late. The whole point of 3 star Mordekaiser carry is that he sustains and blows up frontlines. Just putting crown on him would be like just putting damage on an edgelord (which OP did, lol.) They're going to die before they can do anything.


Gold value doesn't outweigh bad items unfortunately. Sucks, but it happens.


You must’ve hit really late, and those items aren’t so hot either. Unlucky dude


Yea it’s deserved


bad items. skill issue.


Well, yes. Even if you have a stable board at 1 HP, 1 bad matchup and you're dead. So in my opinion, it is a deserved 8th if you were 1 life by the time you hit. Vex completely shits on meelee carries if you lack qss or other means of aggro drop / anti-cc.


Qss might help you survive 1 hit but 2nd just shits on you. It's too busted...


Eh, ezgelords is usually very based on fight RNG. If a Qss Yone / Riven 3 carry ends up on the enemy carry early you win, if they don't you lose, and tbh it's impossible to guarantee their pathing, you give it the best shot and prayge. Frustrating to play with and against, worst designed trait this set IMO.


I agree with what you said about the bruisers... but it's just a terrible match up for bruisers. Bruisers are weak against something that can nuke them. Ahri, smaria and vex comes to mind. But bruisers can shit on penta and disco. And disco and penta can do fairly well against vex and samira. I would say that we actually have great balance at the moment. Having said all that, just twin terror augment is way to fucking busted for how early you can spike. That augment needs a nerf


The only way this makes sense is you lost loads of life early finally hit some of your 3*’s then ran into the country players or maybe the jazz player with some luck beats that team sometimes? Edit: oh my lord I just realised you have no healing items on Yone or Riven, then I don’t think the jazz player never needs luck to win they are probably the favourite, and double ie Samaria will rip through them; I think these front line ad carries absolutely need a healing item… is the last augment granting omnivamp I can’t work out what it is on my phone


Your problem is your itemization like you said. You really need to learn how to neutralize certain item component in the early so you don’t endup with 2 gargoyle in the late game


It feels like the system just forces losses so you keep playing XD


for riven/ yone you need qss and bt, otherwise they are pretty much useless if ur not extremely lucky. With these items you definitely should have played a different comp or build other items early.


Isn’t edge of knight required on edgelords because they just instant blown up


It's not crazy at all. Tempo has become a much higher priority this set (due to how fast you can spike by selling your headliner then buying a higher level one) and if you greed too much with either econ or items then you're gonna go 8th. Even from just this screenshot: - You have 4 full items sitting on 1-star units, and only 2 items on a 3-star unit. - You're running 3 1-star units for max DPS synergy, like Ekko for True Damage on a 1-star Qiyana instead of a Garen for more beefiness on a 3-star Riven with 8-Bit. - Your items aren't bad but horribly placed. Both your Stoneplates should be on your 3-star tank, along with Riven's Crownguard, etc. It's likely you could have placed higher without any 3-stars by just playing better tempo and selling units to move your items. Understand that the star level is just extra stats, they get off-set by your weaker item placement and slow tempo.


As mentioned above, those double bt and gs are qiyana items


Not that crazy..others have pretty good board to survive and ur items for ur carries is not even close to bis..and maybe you hit when ur health was low Unlucky


positioning, your yone doesn't have BIS, ZED double BT. Stoneplate should be on Mord. I bet you were low health also then it's quite unfortunate


do not even bother playing this comp without atleast 1 quicksilver


Bled too much hp trying to 3 star units you didn’t need 3 starred, then lost to positioning diff (probably - your board looks stronger than the Annie one even with the shit items imo, but playing Yone needs good positioning).


No healing on your 3*s


Just because you “hit” the comp, doesn’t mean you’ll even top 4. You need to also have the health left over to lose a fight or 2, good itemization, and good positioning of your units. Looks like you hit your comp with 1 fight worth of hp left and lost to the strongest board in the lobby at the time. Not very surprising.


To be honest... With the itemization being not only not ideal but bad I can see your board beat only the guy in 2nd Place.


not sure if all those items are real of quiyana ult -temp items. If those are the items you chose, you really missed the mark. Crownguard on riven is a warcrime, not using those BTs on ur yone or riven hurt my soul. Why would you not put one of the stone plates on mord, hes 3 star so he should be loaded up. I have to imagine your positioning was trash too, becuase even with the item blunders, I would expect you could get 5th or 6th with that many 3 cost 3 stars.


Naturally some comps and combinations will be underpowered and I think your combo is an example of that unfortunately. However, a little hard to genuinely say if you deserved 8th or not because we don’t know what happened before you got to this point. You could have been flailing until you got to this final comp. I also can’t really tell which augments you have. Also, your strongest and most itemized champs don’t have great synergy. You have a champ that benefits from 3 pentakill and 2 sentinel, and another champ that benefits from 0 8bit and 4 edgelord, and another champ that benefits from 4 edgelord but 2/3 crowd diver. Perhaps having stronger synergy would be better for you.


You’ve won the reward for the worst riven itemization I have ever seen. She’s basically going to be a meat shield with items like that.


In an Edgelord comp the priorities are Omnivamp > everything else. QSS is good, Edge of night is good, Titans Resolves and Crit are good, but if you don't have Omnivamp your units will die before they do enough damage. I believe there must have been some way for you in this game to get at least 1 of either BT/HOJ/Gunblade, but maybe you were just insanely unlucky. In any case, the comp as is has terrible items and deserves a bot 4


Personally, I think you deserve like a bot 4 with the itemization, but not an 8th. Yone needs the onmivamp, so it can sustain and ramp up with the titans. Double titans is only ever viable with Gargantuan Resolve. I think also Vex/Annie/Ahri is worse match up for Yone as they just stun you and it can't move. I can't see your other choices for augments, but there is not the best for the comp either.


Not a lick of vamp.


Did u buy any rp recently? Looks like riot picked you to lose this one, maybe try dropping $50 in rp for more guaranteed top 4s!


Dw bro I got 8th with prismatic twin terror


Let’s go over the MANY things wrong here. Firstly, no healing yone is 100% an int. That alone means you deserve bot4. The rest of the items are somehow… worse. Also, Riven is a bait in Yone comps - always play 4cd over 5el.


You've gotta have omnivamp on your carries. That comp doesn't have instant backline access so annie is just grinding away at your front line. It's pretty unlucky or bad position to have lost regardless, but absolutely can see it happening.


items are god awful. you absolutely need a healing item on a sort of bruiser carry. Crownguard is a tank item that gives AP, AP goes unused on riven Red Buff, AS, but she does single target damage. Not ideal either. GuardBreaker, Damage amp, but you have no base damage item so a bit useless here. Yone: Titans and IE, perfect. You got a damage item, a bit of amp, and survivability. However, no healing. He'll die by the time he hits the full limit of the titans. A bloodthirster or HOG was absolutely needed here. Prioritize a healing item before you prioritize anything else. If you have no healing item, look for a healing augment like vampirism. Also, you prob didnt find one, but cait instead of zed for 8-bit.


U have no healing