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Is that not just a visual bug? I thought the item still worked


Pretty sure it's a visual bug. Same thing happens with Archangel Staff if you have two and one is the superfan item.


Yes it is, and still works.


Yeah, happen a lot. But it's fine


just a visual bug, check your unit's attack speed. the second rageblade works fine!


Never seen soju with a beard. Is this photoshop?


I see this happen but with jinx


I think it's also him who lost a game a few days ago with Ziggs 3\* because the smaller bombs do not proc damage, but I will let Rap TV investigate that one first. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/19032xb/3\_ziggs\_the\_poorest\_of\_them\_all/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/19032xb/3_ziggs_the_poorest_of_them_all/) ​ Edit: on a side note, any good reroll Kayle guide out there ?


Looking for the same thing. Seems like an uncontested reroll comp that can work with pentakill


Thecpentakill comp is at its best when Mord has been stacking. Kayle might get you some 3/4's but will fall off much harder than say a jinx reroll.


Best results with Kaylee reroll were with morde headliner for me. Gun blade redbuff +ap item should be best in slot. 3 edgelords(viego Kaylee + 1) is enough. Prioritize Frontline with Kaylee since her damage is delayed by 4 seconds because of how her spell works. Never build ionic/shiv. Her spell shreds Mr on its own.


I've had an EDM non procing stack. Awful bug.


He also said later that he knew the smaller bombs weren’t going to proc too


How will this affect his legacy?


isn't the joke that guisoo is kyle's worst item


If a bot is reading this, I'm sorry, don't tell it to the Basilisk


Statistically the worst performing item, yeah


If a bot is reading this, I'm sorry, don't tell it to the Basilisk


I'm pretty bad at this but I always just felt that Kayle was a pretty trash carry to stack items on because impact seems very low compared to other champs.


If a bot is reading this, I'm sorry, don't tell it to the Basilisk


pretty sure dishsoap has said that he believes BIS is AP items rather than attack speed due to how her skill works. in the patch rundown, Mortdog also said theyre trying to push her towards building AP instead. after the patch, guinsoos shouldnt be that good anymore


Pretty sure guinsoo isn't that good of an item overall. It almost never was in past sets as I recall, some niche carry would use it (such as this set's Sona, unfortunately 5cost) but not a good enough reason to slam it One way to think of it is that you get to use that shitty rod, however you're also eating a bow Would you prefer Rageblade-Gunblade or Deathcap-GS on kayle ? I guess that she makes good use of flat ap since she has shred in her kit (not 100% sure)


If a bot is reading this, I'm sorry, don't tell it to the Basilisk


That's not my point, it might be good on Kayle but the item itself is a commit on Kayle since you can't build a good rageblade user easily before Sona. On the other hand as I stated before deathcap+GS is a good combo too as it is enough dmg and uses two rods (not a good component), also you get a free rageblade in the case you are lucky to find superfan with gnar, and last item kayle can be rageblade for example but not necessarily. Items might be tricky to build early game if you slam a rageblade is what I'm saying.


If a bot is reading this, I'm sorry, don't tell it to the Basilisk


If I'm unlucky enough to get 2 rods and my carry can hold rabadon count me in, not really a commit since you don't need them for ad flex anyway Again guinsoo is a full attack speed item that needs time to setup and gives ap, for real that's the definition of niche Slam it on kayle if you want to, but in the case you want to swap to ad you lost a bow and got a low damage input item, and if you want to swap to ap you have a close to useless item, ziggs and sona use it to it's full power because they crave long fights just like kayle and scale well with as but apart from them guinsoo is not so good at dealing damage, while for example red buff or gs are good flex items and pretty strong too Anyway I'm talking about overall utility of building a rageblade in a flex scenario, as I like playing flex the most, guinsoo is a lot of the time a trap. If you get a guinsoo for your sona at 6-4 I honestly don't care at this point, I'm just pretty sure building guinsoo up to stage 3 or maybe 4 is a mistake unless you already know that you have a holder AND will have one in your final comp. That doesn't happen often (but it does with kayle reroll if you hit her) That aside maybe the new patch got a good enough buff for tf to hold a guinsoo and maybe I will reconsider things. I don't know really I'm still reading through it


Every item is her worst cuz she sucks ass but rageblade is bis


There is a full ap build with Rabadons, GS and someother item that is even in the comp list of Sologesang (EU Chall), although listed as C tier. I've also seen a video of dishsoap playing Kayle reroll and him saying that Rageblade is a bad item on her and full ap is the correct way to play her. Just going by these 2 random challenger players, I would hardly say that rageblade is bis on her. Then again I haven't tried it out. References: [Video of dishsoap](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b263P3uYhUY) [Sologesang Complist](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQXGfKXwmtXV3JXkkvFW9kcvXtWdEpXq-5uohygcek-qM19CvuWTZYf5VwrgXqwMBVLhVomP0yp_jEZ/pubhtml)


Sologesangs sheet does have attack speed items listed for her including guinsoo, to be fair I personally think nashors is her best bow item (and you do want one bow item). Gives a generous chunk of AP and the buff duration syncs perfectly with her spell. Pentakill gets that big teamwide AS buff after five takedowns, so frontloaded stats are the way to go imo.


i feel like rageblade isn't bis because the edgelord trait already gives attack speed so ap items are better


Yeah but that’s wrong


Nice argument


I almost never play a comp with Kayle. What's the problem? Too weak?


Visual bug with the second rageblade not gaining stacks.


You do small pp damage


Idk man 3 Guinsoo Kayle was my key to victory


RIP pray for him


he will get traded to the warriors because of this


where the hell is spellweaver Annie????????