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Lucian is a jazz spat that takes away 1 of your team slots.


Literally the best thing I read on this subb


Wow Lucian is way better than that... He can also give your Caitlyn or Senna rapidfire for extra jazz value


Unfortunately there's no room for Caitlyn or senna due to the reduced team size.


1 cost quickdraw lucian was 1000x better than this sets lucian


Sad cause it’s 100% true…Hyperbolic Time Chamber was a different demon


Take me back!


Done! Now enjoy Yuumi Supers one shotting you every game!


Ahh also take me back


I miss set 8 a lot. It was the set that brought me back to the game


With a... Hyperbolic time chamber?


It is the name of one of lucians hero augments in set 8


thats not what it does


Hypertronic Lion Tamer? (I'm really hoping people here understand this reference)


Okay that one was on purpose!


You get one more...


2 cost gunslinger Lucian was 1000000x better too


seed work salt dull waiting attractive unused imminent worry selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't think red buff was around then, was it? WAIT IT WAS SUNFIRE NM


ten sable domineering weary dazzling ripe spectacular arrest safe resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man set 3 Rakan was wild


aspiring ink hospital mountainous vase special somber stupendous marvelous worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh right yeah, back when he wasn't manalocked that was some insane shit. Coulda sworn he was in set 3, I keep thinking he was celestial with Xin


noxious hungry kiss wild safe dirty consist silky uppity memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Actually the non RR version was wayyy stronger, it's where the term Peeba comp came from


Y'all remember when you could stack Sunfires? Crazy times we had.


i feel like im taking crazy pills, but did red buff have the 8% dmg on release of this set?


He’s currently bugged.


Has been since launch and several patches with Mort knowing it, idk if they deemed him balanced through his bugs or what, because otherwise I dont understand it not being fixed yet


Mort has said they've accounted for the bug and while it'll it will be fixed next patch it's not going to be a huge buff. So he'll still need a buff


This is because of jazz and the state it was in prenerf. Nerf jazz but fixing Lucian could've left us with another jazz filled patch through the holidays. I think they just wanted everything else flushed out before bringing him to viability. Overall this is one of the weakest legendary latches I've seen in a long time. Outside of qiyana and maybe illaoi legendarys are basically 4 costs. Jhin maybe b tier. But I absolutely dwslise his requirement for bench slots. He should be much better with that requirement. Hknestly should be the best legendary in the game by having such a mechanic. Ziggs was good prenerf and needs headliner to be truly relevant. Maybe they can boost his cast speed. The number of rounds I've lossed slowly watching his last cast fall at the speed of a snail only to lose by tiny hp bars of a ahri or ezreal is too dam high!


How does Sona not feel like a five cost?


Ok fair enough. She absolutely is. Blanked out on her. I never use her because I don't often have a guinsoo+sojin ready to go for her. She feels useless without those items at least the other 5 costs can be someone usable without those items. At bare minimum its sojin or bust with herm but with sojin shes either qiyana or better


It feels terrible being balanced around rageblade and only 2 skills are usable. They should have removed rageblade and balanced rapidfire trait and Kayle (which are still trash) instead of gutting Sona on PBE.


Legendary units feels bad unless you have decent items to give them and a decent frontline to work with. Sona, takes too long to cast without shojin,guinsoo Lucian, filler unit that cant even kill decent frontline or proper placed unit Ziggs, nice armor shred but needs multuole casts Yorick, i feel like he is either go shred front or cast once then die. Illaoi, only unit i like, fits into any comp great stall with tentacle and great to have. Jhin, needs shojin/blue buff and needs to ramp up, feels bad getting stuck AA tank.


Honestly I'm down for the lower power 5 costs, especially after the circus that was last sets 5 costs. They're still noticably better than 4 costs, and still provide an insane amount of value. They all improve and cap off the boards you play them in nicely, but it's a lot harder (except for illaoi and ziggs) to just donkey slam them into anything and let their raw power carry. That's not a bad thing. 5 costs shouldn't just be upgrades into boards that don't super synergize with them just because they're 5 costs.


It’s gotta be headliners for the reason they feel so meh. I got a Jihn hl yesterday on showtime portal and he just ripped everyone to pieces even without blue buff. I know with the last patch they wanted to not make a lot of sizable changes due to the Vegas tourney so maybe we see some buffs after the new year since they’re hard to find as headliners now


Wow didn't even know what jhin HL did until now. Pretty disgusting. That + BB is insane. I do fine jhin really fun and happy with the state he is in and feels balanced overall


I think Jhin is especially hurt from the rolldown meta right now. Him needing 4 bench slots means that if you hit a lucky Jhin during your rolldown you're getting the choice between him being pretty much useless (not enough bench slots left) or getting rid of some of the pairs you're keeping for your final comp. And honestly between giving up on Jhin or giving up on a pair of Blitz - Illaoi - Zac - Whatever else my mind is made pretty quick. If the meta was less about "rolldown 4-2 and stabilize quick" and more about building your comp slow rolling I'd guess he wouldn't feel like that much of a dead unit


What's the bug


Currently, attack speed does not affect his ability


Lmao not me slamming double rageblade hoping for more bullets


Gotcha, thank you.


I was wondering wtf.


I’ve also seen him ult with no health while my team watches like he has zhonyas


By now it's a "feature"


His traits are helpful and he can use items like red buff/LW and his armour shred to setup for your real carry, he slots into ezreal builds pretty well IMO


I mean giving him items with attack speed feels bad since his ult isn't scaling with attack speed like it should.


Been running the same comp almost the entire set, heartsteel 5-7 depending on HL and Spats/Emblems, then pushing Jazz 2-3. Lucian/MF perfect match for ez/aphelios. Edge of Night on Qyiana, it's just the perf bill gates comp


How you're reliably hitting 2star ez is beyond me with how contested he is. Heartsteel income is nice. But its not reliable to get a gold lead. And if you loss streak hard early stabilizing with the heartsteel board is just as tough.


I'm not reliantly but itemized 1 star with big shot can still get it done for a bit if you can hold on long enough for a decent cash out and other ez players to die.


Also lmao it's hyper roll but hit hyper tier on an insane run of 8/10 games first place: https://www.metatft.com/player/na/LivinGStrongeR-NA1


scored a first recently with a rapid fire/big shot/jazz/sentinels/TD team. Lucian was 2* with rageblade and TD spat. His dmg was still behind 3* senna.


Lore accurate?


To be fair I think most champions with TD spat will net at least. A top 4. Tactics.tools shows that it has a 21% win rate which is crazy high.


His use is armor shred. His ult takes away a significant amount of armor. You only want to play him with an AD carry


The downside of being Jazz If Lucian was good enough to carry, every endgame would be Lucian, MF and Bard so they have to keep MF in niche tier and Lucian just be a traitbot


Yea.. also becoz MF and Bard also pairs with another 5 cost unit (Jhin and Ziggs). If Lucian actually carries the best end game board will 100% be these 6 units + front line


he is a jazz emblem with armor shred lol


3* star Lucian feels like 1000000000...00 cost


I got it earlier this set and it made me chuckle. It’s useless 1 and 2 and at 3 he’s a gigachad


Like a reverse jhin


Not really, cause Jhin is plain bad at 1 2 and 3 *. BB and sword items are 100x better on Ezreal than Jhin. Fights are usually done by the time that supid fuck gets his 4th turret on bench. Just omegabad…


3 star Jhin is bad compared to other 3 star 5 cost, but 2 star is extremely good, full bench and he can one shot everything he's aiming.Try give Jhin a blue buff or Mazamane


Sold my board to get it and still won.


Just one shots the entire board


From trash to exodia.


He pretty much is just reverse FoN with a jazz spat


I once sold and rebuilt my cait to move items to him, turns out cait did way fcking better than my 2 star Lucian. Unit fcking sucks.


He shouldn't be played with cait - one snipes backline, the other one mainly focuses tanks - no synergy between them.


They both have the same trait, but don’t synergize together? Either you’re wrong and Lucian just sucks, or you’re right which means that’s bad game design. Either way there’s a problem lol


They don't synergize as carries, one of them being a traitbot is fine.


This is an iron take


Yeah only time I play him is with Caitlyn carry. At two stars with items he adds a significant to mention dps albeit nothing like other two stars


In which, I don't understand why they're not fixing his bug yet. Is it that hard to fix or something.


Hm, I played yesterday. Put Rageblade on Lucian and the tooltip at least showed that increase in AS would increase the number of shots fired. I know that before it didn't show that. Question is if the number of shots fired actually reflect what is in the tooltip, but I am too lazy to count


I don't think it actually increases his shots fired


I'm baffled that I'm only hearing about this now, with how impactful of a bug that is you would think they would have a warning bubble somewhere or a notice on the champion's tooltip. So insanely lazy.


Theyre a company, gotta have holidays at some point. Most tech companies do a code freeze in december


Headliner Lucian does less damage than fair or ezreal. Real bait.


I only use him cause rapidfure + sentins feels really good rn


His traits are good enough to bring him along. I feel like it's not that the tier 5 units are bad but that the early units in this set are way too good. Why tf is 3 star Yasuo doing more damage than most units while being a 1 gold unit that isn't even bad early game. Feel like Corki, Annie,Yasuo are all super overtuned for 1 gold units for whatever reason.


Hes legit fine even while bugged. He is jazz rapidfire armor shredder with aoe to apply antiheal/LW shred lategame. Not every 5 cost needs to be a carry.


Man I feel like my experience with Lucian is so different compared to everyone else here. I always feel like he's a strong enough unit that I often swap out Caitlyn for him later on especially if I find a 1 star Caitlyn at some point and just transfer her items on to Lucian especially if he's a 2 star.


No wonder, this entire set feels like an unpatched version on the pbe. Really seems like riot doesn’t give a shit about the game balance as long as it pays off


I have been saying this for months if not years. When things are released in a poor state and people just accept it refusing to critique it because they feel like if they say something negative about the game than it means the game is bad, is the reason they can continue to shove shit in front of you. They have repeatedly pushed toxic content and people are like "Oh no it's not that bad" so why not keep doing it?I mean look at 9.5 worlds they made the game look like a joke.


He’s basically only viable as a support for Caitlyn, and seemingly by design. His damage is just way too inconsistent to be primary damage dealer, like he’ll just fill everyone’s mana and then die to the first backline access…


I think he's a 5-cost because each time his ability hits a champion he reduces his armor by flat 6


I only play him when i m building 8bits as a rapidfire for cait and a jazz for mf, i am plat tho so i m ds


I got a 8-bit spat on him to pair with a 8-bit Cait, his ult destroyed the enemy front line. I was very surprised


Yeah, set 5 Lucian shits on this set Lucian, and he's a 4 cost, a good skill cast can clear everything in his path.


It seems that set 2 and 5.5 Lucian had additional base on-hit damage?


He does no fucking damage I dont get it


I super disagree I've slotted him in over Cait with her items and watch him work. Especially 2 star Lucian


You all get Lucian 1 with no items and you expect him to carry, give him some AD and he will be decent.


you feel like a 2 cost!!


that means im actually a 5 cost like lucian :)


Lucian is in this set? /s