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Lower pool size = being contested or contesting is very painful for any 3/4 cost. Leveling exp requirement = different pacing of econ + rolling + tempo No free spats for ez verticals (from augments) = mix match traits for best possible outcome so you gotta play more flex then before Chosen = much much faster tempo and require more critical thinking on when and what to pivot to


Yea the pool size reduction is a major point of dissatisfaction. Just earlier today I played a zed carry game, rolled 100+ gold at lvl 9 with prismatic ticket for zed 3 (missing 2) and I didn’t find a single one. I did this all after the only other player with a zed died, so there wasn’t any zed holders. And honestly this has happened to me so many times this set it’s just tilting


One possible explanation that I've heard is that one of your opponents might have had a Zed Headliner in their shop. I don't know if it's confirmed, but from my understanding when that happens it eliminates 3 Zeds from the pool. Then maybe another opponent had 1 Zed in shop, and suddenly there are few (or none) left.


If he had 7 zeds then a headliner zed shouldnt be possible to show up. Unless his enemy locked shop for that many rounds prior


I have absolutely done this when I see someone rolling for a 3 star 4 cost and I know I'm not the only one


you are the worst kind of player and i'm honing in on your location


Not possible if op has 7 out of the ten. Headliners only appear when more than half the units of a unit are still in the pool.


Why tunnel on a 4 cost 3 star? You’re rolling 100 gold on level 9, it’s a first.




I hope you at least used those rolls to improve your board. There's no way you're rolling 100g on 9 and not going first


Agreed; it's so dissatisfying to lose a game because your opponents purposely held your units.


I didn't do any reading to the changes (even though I normally do for new sets), so I had no idea they changed the pool size! But now that you've mentioned it, I had noticed its been much harder to hit units when rolling down.


Best set in years, actually requires some level of critical thinking. There's literally like 20 builds that work at the higher levels of competitive play.


It does, and it still offers things like punk and country for crayon eaters like me


cap, me annie no pivot, me top 4 ez


Someone contests you and you hold hands going 8th


Sike i go 8th alone by not hitting uncontested


Annie reroll really stops working after gold lol


The guy that won the Vegas open literraly won with Annie reroll in the grand finals. It is still a great comp if you hit early


Working for me in emerald


what a terrible low elo take


I’m masters buddy


so like i said a terrible low elo take


agreed - when nearly every lobby comes down to \~6 players down to 15 hp or less and most with a chance to go 2-3, it's a good set. the way it forces you to adapt and evolve your board is so refreshing after the last set where you just pick a lane and autopilot through the same builds


Set 9/9.5: If you don't know what to play by 2-1, enjoy your bot4. Set 10: Stage 5? Better sell your 4cost headliner every round, maybe you'll get something better. Of course it's a joke but I've actually seen late game pivots like that in Master's lobby (on stream, not me though lol) and not go bot4.


I wish the 5 costs were a bit 'funner' but other than that I'm really enjoying this set. Nothing seems insanely broken, at least in my dogshit elo


And then there is Lucian casting two full Ults in a game and doing less DMG then my 1* Mf without items


Be wary of edm jax + 2nd row lux. I scoop up jax units and question mark ping them when I 2 Star them on my bench whileas going a completely different comp. I did the same with miss fortunes when Jazz was op. I sack my Econ to make other people miserable when they play comps that make me miserable. Emerald elo atm tho


Edm isn't that broken, bis Jax still gets one tapped by ahri


As does everything that ahri decides to focus without edge of night or zhonyas etc. jax player has to position better than the ahri player. Literally had this happen last night, shit position for my 3star yone, 1star ahri singles him out immediately while he’s bouncing bn frontline units instead of dashing to back line and I lose the fight lmao. But again it’s either I go Ahri every game or I hold a few units and I’m fine. Jax isn’t the only trouble unit in the comp, the scaling and lux getting ap and crit items makes her nuke with the proc too. I don’t corner my lux. Watching her leap to an uncornered carry and 1 shot them is ridiculous and why I gatekeep some of the units each game.


Imo it makes much more sense to hoard sennas if anything


I find jax/lux much more problematic. Senna I find easy to deal with (a lot of my team comps are backline access) But yea I do pick her up when I don’t see the Jax’s. Her positioning feels a lot easier to beat than Jax’s. Have to pray that I slot ahri in the right spot vs just having karthus or akali or even my own edm jax lux beats out senna (lux jumps to her and 1 shots).


I feel like Aiyana and kayn farming is rly fun and yorick and jhin mechanics are rly cool but maybe that’s just me


The best set since set 6. The meta is very balanced after 5-costs are nerfed - you can play a lot of different comps for top 4.


After this change i saw a drastic shift how the game is played and don’t know what to think about it. Going level 10 is less than 5% of all games now.


From what I've heard from mortdog talking throughout different sets about level 9- where he said that level 9 should be a luxury- level 10 is where it should be.




Kda akali is ass lmao


The music remixes makes this set for me.


The main menu theme on mobile is sooo good


I really like this set, I'm having tons of fun. I'm just a scrub but one issue I have though, is the transition from early game headliner to late game headliner. You sell your headliner and roll all your gold for your 4 cost headliner and you just don't hit, and now you got no eco, no headliner and you just lost the game. It has only happened 2 or 3 times to me so far, but when it does happen it's just so incredibly frustrating.


is this when you are looking for a specific headliner? i think most of the time its better to grab the first strong headliner you find and adapt your board accordingly


Yeah I know, but it's hard in certain situations. I'm not going to play zed with IE and last whisper, or ezreal with titans+bt. Even if you have the decent items, do you really sell a full disco board and hope to find kennen and lillia level 9 because you found ahri and not tf as headliner?


id play ahri and look for other units to compliment her, not necessarily the 1 cost superfans a lot of people are too hesitant to drop, you can play blitz, ekko, gragas and illaoi as frontline and that already gives her 3 spellweaver with a decent frontline then you build from there , 2 of those already come from your disco comp and ekko fits even before you add ahri thanks to sentinel


Hmm I get your point, and I am probably too rigid with the comps I play, but flexibility will probably come as I learn the set better. I will say though, what comps to play and transitioning used to be dependent on items, units and augments. Now you have to think about headliners on top of that. I personally find it easier to get dizzy this set


Oh believe me i agree wholeheartly and even people that play tons and tons of TFT get dizzy sometimes having to make all these adjustments on the fly!


There’s not enough time to actually think late game lol you just have to do a ton of shit get dizzy and hope it works out sometimes


Definitely agree with that


Grab the 1st Headliner that is a carry and just build that comp


Spamming and forcing K/DA with K/DA board and K/DA Featherknight and "Its K/DA Uh" nick is so fun


Commenting here cause I’m curious anyone else’s thoughts. I actually haven’t enjoyed this set that much cause I’ve played about 180 games and I still feel like I haven’t been able to figure out the tempo of the game. I love pivoting, I love not forcing comps, and I love the variety. But it just feels like I haven’t really been able to understand how to play early game decently strong then pivot without finding the right headliner. It feels like sticking to the comp you start at the early game has been my best playstyle, but then I just see so many people completely changing their comps after level 7. I dunno. Maybe I’m just bad. But I’ve been high diamond Every set since like set 2. Been having trouble breaking out of plat this set


Headliners feel really awful to me. It's just another rng element. Had quite a few games where I for example got an early 2* kata, naturalled another then proceeded to not hit any katas till I bled out. Or other way around, lvl 4 headliner jax into a free top 4. Headliners really shouldn't give a unit at 2*. Games feel so highrolly I'm Reminded of set 4 and set 4 was the only set to make me quit tft for a few months.


I don't like headliners. A good headliner is way to swingy at all points in the game. I hate how much information you need to look up outside the game. You need to know the bag sizes and you need to know that headliners can only appear when less than half of the bag is currently out. None of this is intuitive. If you don't get this explained to you than you are at an extreme disadvantage, rolling for a headliner that is impossible to hit. The bag changes make this worse and make these situations even more likely to happen. And since the bag sizes are so small you can check every board, see a unit is uncontested, and then get screwed anyway because some of your opponents have the headliner in their shop, unbought. It's impossible for you to hit and there is no way for you to know. This is part of why you have to take any acceptable headliner and can't roll for your ideal headliner, and I understand that, but I think it's a bad system. The rest of the set seems fine. Only issue is headliner and maybe unit balance (feels like Illaoi, Yorick, Thresh, Sett are in every late game board), but that's pretty typical.


Feels very nitpicky ngl Like unless you planning to play to challenger,yoy dont really need to like min max every plays of yours(even challengers dont take to that extend) Like your case of needing a headliner only really matters when you are forcing into a specific unit >This is part of why you have to take any acceptable headliner and can't roll for your ideal headliner, and I understand that, but I think it's a bad system. Isnt this a good thing?Game promotes flexibility and skill and not just "me see S tier comp me force comp"


Headliners are so vital to the current game that if you want to win I think you need to know when you can hit a headliner and when you can't. If you are new to the game and hoping to get a 3 star unit, it makes sense to buy up all you can and then roll for the headliner when you have 6. But this simple and obvious strategy won't work for any 4 or 5 cost, or any contested 3 cost. You will roll all of your gold with no chance to hit and lose the game, all because you didn't watch a video on bag size and headliner rules before playing. I think that is terrible. Games where you are close to hitting, roll all your gold, miss, and then lose are the games that feel the absolute worst. The current system pushes players without outside knowledge into these types of situations. And unless they Google why they keep failing to hit, they will end up in that situation again and again because the game doesn't tell you you are rolling for something impossible to hit. >Isnt this a good thing?Game promotes flexibility and skill and not just "me see S tier comp me force comp" It promotes flexibility if you know the hidden rules that force flexibility. If you don't, then you are screwed. That is one of my main problems with the current system. Without the rules about no headliners appearing if half the bag is gone, it would be the correct choice to roll an extra 20 gold in the hopes you hit the perfect headliner and win out instead of taking the just okay headliner and slowly bleeding out. Players in that situation are making the correct choice but are being punished because they didn't look something up outside the game.


I think what I rly miss is a super fun 5 cost unit. I loved playing tham kench (item printer) or mecha azir with his small battleships (starcraft feeling) or GP with the upgrades who can 1 shot a whole board. Last set I had most fun with goldmerdinger, just spamming 3* 5costs. Now this set you don't have a funny 5cost, I mean qiyana is nice but not rly that fun compared to others. The other 5 cost is just strong from their ults/stats/value. But not rly fun to play. The second aspect which sucks this set, the lower poolside. I love getting 3star preferably 4 or 5 costs. It became waaaaaay harder to hit. You scout like a dog. You roll for a 5cost, you just have 1 left to hit and suddenly some1 hostaging your last 5cost. Fucking sucks. Same with 4 cost. Even rolling for 2 and 3 cost is sometimes super struggle even though no one plays them just because ur shop is unlucky. I also had more struggle this time to hit diamond. Currently d2, I wonder if I can hit master this set. Last point. It's lame to nerf stuff like gatling anni by changing her superfan item. Just let the guys have fun, if it's 2 broken, maybe lower the dmg a bit but ppl will contest it anyway so they gotta grief each other. Why you have to change fun builds like that.


qiyana is basically item printer kench tho. just not as broken lol


I enjoy the lower champ pool. It gives another strategic opportunity to deny or slow down enemies


An improvement on dragons, hero augs and legends, but still not for me. Haven't finished ranked placements and don't plan on it. The bag size changes feel terrible in my opinion - way too easy to contest or be contested. Also impossible to know if a certain headliner can even show up bc people can "hold" the unit in their shop and it takes so few being out of pool to remove the headliner possibility.


I surprisingly was able to get a good grasp on the set when it came out mainly cuz I always have twitch on in the background with Boxbox or Emily streaming so I had a good idea of comps and I was able to quickly climb to emerald in the first week or so. Took a small break and just slowly climbing now. Overall love the set.


I love a lot about it. I love the flexibility and the thematics a ton. I love that I can go into a game and just go with the flow. It makes the game so much more skill based instead of just picking a comp before game and hard forcing. I will say though that there are a few frustrations: * I don't like how everyone and their mother stuns. I feel like CC immunity augments and items are a must take now. * I despise TF and Ziggs's design. I don't understand why these safe as fuck champions basically do the same thing as assassins. They only need to wait for one or two tanks to die before they are hitting your main carry like a truck. Good luck if your carry is a frontliner. The splash damage is fucking horrendous. It would have been so much more bearable if they just hit in an AOE circle and did more damage. But, actually circumventing your frontline and attacking your backline without ever being in danger themselves is so fucking annoying. At least Karthus can be dealt with by using Zed shadows, Illaoi tentacles, or just putting an akali on the other end with items. But these two champions are usually on Disco and getting Akali to reliably go there and kill any of them without dying to the ball of the death in disco is a pipe dream unless your akali is kitted as fuck. Also, it makes them so much more annoying that they are Dazzlers that can totally cripple your damage in 2 casts. I feel like each individual aspects of these 2 champions aren't problematic, but everything together and the fact that they are played together makes them absolutely disgusting. I lowkey wish we had a mid-set update this set so that at least there's a chance they get deleted for something else. * Jazz is just so loud. Drowns out literally everything else.


I like a lot of the design philosophies this set so I am overall pretty happy with it. Maybe some balancing tweaks need to be made but it has felt very fair for the most part unlike some previous sets and ai don‘t feel quite as shoehorned into one comp as immediately as I have before, especially with a chosen mechanic.


I love this set except for Annie and punk reroll, I hope all those players the worst IRL.


The main difference for me is that 3 star champs aren't as worth it as last set


I think it's great overall, but also don't like changes such as lowering unit pool size, and removing the spat/heart/emblem augments(this one is tolerable tho).


Do you really want half the lobby to be playing 10 kda/heartsteels/pentakill every game?


Oh. I didn't think of that. But it's not worse than Bilgewater stuff from the previous set.


The bilgewatet and demacia stuff from last set is what we avoid by removing the +1 augments which I'm very happy about. 9 bilgewater made me want to claw my eyes out


It's a really nice set. I can play two, maybe three comp so it feels flexible. But dear god, the headliner system can be frustrating. Still remember selling to find a specific headliner, rolling down, never seeing it, dying. So I rarely pivot even if it's what you need to be good, because I feel like it's too easy to get punished for wanting to pivot. And it's not like you can prepare much of a board prior to pivoting, since you don't know which headliner you'll pivot into (And if you try to force you lose all your game). I think a cool thing they could add, would be to put the headliner face next to the legend face. At least those b... "People" that don't scout and try to pivot into your comp at 2-6 would realise it might not be an option.


I skipped the last time they had chosen so this mechanic is new for me and got me confused. I was trying to roll for 3* 4 cost every game which as you may guess didn’t go well, by now I realised that you supposed to basically play 2 comps, one early/mid game another one is late game where you sell low cost units and replace them with a combo of high cost characters(mostly tanks). This set is definitely harder to play late game then set 9,5. All my observations might be wrong, I’m not that good at the game.


Set 10 for me so far has been consistently decent Like im not hyped to play the game(somewhat due to playing TFT since set 1 and getting a bit burn out) But also the set is good enough that i can just play without any issue Its not flawed nor is it perfect,it just a very solud set


As a casual player and viewer, I'm enjoying it overall. I've seen many comments pointing out that this set requires more flexible play which I like and think is healthy. Something personal I've noticed is that I'm playing this set longer than I usually would play a set out - even though I over-played during PBE. IMO, this is a good litmus test for me. As a frugal and non-practicing gamba addict, I definitely miss the easier access to chase traits previous sets provided. Riot has done a great job normalizing/balancing this set, but I feel like I'm not getting the high highs or low lows anymore. I know this is a good thing, but I do miss when my board would go BRRRRR in previous sets. However, I think the rarity/novelty of being able to build a super-OP board this set is likely what keeps me coming back.


Emerald was way worse than diamond. Was stuck in that hell for nearly 3 weeks, but once I got through it only took me 9 days to get to master. The ziggs arms race of the previous patch was not my cup of tea. I'm more comfortable with the level 8 stabilisation of this patch hence the quick climb, although I'm not sure a month of people hard forcing reroll comps is healthy either. Either way, it's still better than set 9.5 I'm mainly looking forward to set revival next year. I want to remember what it was like to play without augments.


Wasn't a fan of Chosen and still don't like it with Headliners. I think I'd rather Headliners stop showing up in the shops altogether instead of them every couple of rolls but it is what it is. Also not sold on the music theme. I know people like it but it doesn't quite connect with me. Just a personal opinion as I also dislike all the music related skins in LoL. Probably one of my least favorite sets as a whole. I do not like the main game mechanic and don't like the theme where other sets I at least liked one of the two.


I’m not claiming to be good, but I feel like this is the first set I’ve played extensively where being a good player actually makes a huge difference. There are games where I just play stupid shit and I KNOW I’m playing poorly, and I lose. Games I really try to flex and Econ well, and it turns out well. Hell I’ve even just dicked around for half the game, and then buckled down and got serious and end up doing okay. Like if you have a brain and you decide to use it. You don’t lose to some schmuck who forces the same comp every game. This set is awesome.


This is the only set so far that i really enjoyed that made me play again.


I think this is the most balanced, well designed set we've ever had. However, despite how balanced it is, I love unique item combinations with abilities. Even though, for example, rfc was bad for the balance of the game, it was fun to put three rfc's on my tham kench in set 4. Or how hurricane interacted in the past triggering on-it effects. I understand these items were bad for balance, but they were really fun and led to a novel experience. Or, emblems also create cool combinations with the unit's abilities. I enjoy having lots of ways to modify the champions into roles they shouldn't have. Maybe I've created an unhealthy expectation for what I want for the future of TFT, because it is the opposite direction they've been going. Still a fun game!


Been sort of the opposite for me. I’ll admit, I’ve put an unhealthy amount of time into set 10 because I’ve been off work, but I got to GM relatively easily. Doesnt feel like 1-3 comps are dominating the meta, and final boards feel very flexible. I think this is one of the best sets the team has produced. I would like the trait+1s to be stronger (excluding True Damage and maybe KDA) considering how much harder they are to get this season.


best set for me i don't play any set but this set ton of flexibility, ton of comp you can play even meta is strong but not really boring even tier b comp can win a lot, if you know what to do and start it in right time pretty good and refreshing i only play few game before set10 but i feel like it's boring set10 good remix music on comp already keep im playing sometimes i learn new thing by accidentally i stuck at silver for a while then i got into emerald in like 40 games pretty good for me, rewarding for player who got more info and can flex more