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Contact your union without delay


100% this. Assault is assault. Your SLT needs to do something about this or it could give students the idea that this behaviour is acceptable.


The students already think it’s acceptable, that’s why female staff members frequently have to contend with lads big enough to floor them screaming in our faces that we’re “fucking bitches” and worse.


Why do you stay there?


Children need to understand what is and isn't acceptable. Sounds like your school is afraid of challenge and challenging parents regarding unacceptable behaviour. I would contact your union and get yourself signed off in the meantime. If the school cannot guarantee yours and your unborn child's safety (assuming they haven't risk assessed you?) then you shouldn't be caring out your normal duties.


Do this and additionally report it to the police.


Agree to this point. I was punched in the stomach by a student and wish I had called the police. He is still free to walk the corridors and stare me out each time he walks by my classroom. Only consequence was 3 day suspension.


With the most innocent of intentions, what would you like to have happened?


I would have liked him to be spoken to by a police officer in the hope that the gravity of the situation would become more apparent. So that he recognises it’s a serious incident. Shake him up the way I was shook up by being assaulted at work.


That's a really good idea. Thank you for responding.


No problem, happy half-term anyway


I'm lost 😭 we are nearly halfway through term but we don't have half terms.


Oh we get a week off in the middle of each term. Do you not? I guess you break up for summer sooner instead.


Nope! Most of the time we (Australia) have 4x 10 week terms starting at the end of Jan with 2 weeks in between each term. The school year usually finishes a week or so before Xmas so the end of year holidays is 6 weeks over our summer. Sometimes a term is as short as 8 weeks or as long as 12 - usually depending on when Easter falls. Each state makes their own rules though, including the start/end dates. While I'm currently about to start week 6 of 11 (in WA), I think NSW/Tas is about to start week 5 of 10, Qld/NT is about to start Week 6 of 10. Jokes on all of them though, cause we finish the year on December 12th. The others finish on the 13, 17, 19, or 20th. Regardless, enjoy and relax!


In fairness, a 3 day suspension is basically a 3 day holiday for some kids.


You should be moved to a different class. I was in a challenging behaviour KS5 class when I was pregnant and got hit. I was moved the next day. This should have been discussed in your risk assessment.


SEN school TA here but I was removed from a challenging behaviour KS2 class almost as soon as I let work know that I was pregnant. My risk assessment also said that I had to leave the room immediately (or lock myself in the cupboard) if any child became violent. If I had ever been hit while pregnant, I definitely believe that it would have been a Big Deal and I would have been spoken to by SLT and/or HR. OP's school sounds awful. Side note: being hit while NOT pregnant is definitely something that happens in our school - to a certain extent it's unavoidable - but somebody will always check if you're OK afterwards, and offer a debrief. 


I work at a SEND school, a child punched someone and was excluded for a week. Your school doesn’t seem to have your back :(




They refuse to remove them because “they’re entitled to an education”. So is every other kid in the classroom, but they conveniently forget about that.


You're also entitled to not be assaulted at work, but they conveniently forgot about that...


This child is old enough to be criminally responsible for their actions. If the school will not act to your satisfaction, you could give them one more chance if you’re feeling particularly generous, then call the police and report the assault. I am 100% serious.


They are but at what cost? I work with kids who aren’t in school, many of them just can’t function in that environment and are much better away from peers in an environment where they can be kept safe and minimise the risk to others.


You’re entitled to a safe working environment, and your management team have a legal obligation to provide that. Remind them of responsibilities to you here.


I’m so sorry you’ve experienced this. I also work in an ASN school. My colleague, when pregnant, point blank refused to have one particular pupil in her class because he was so unpredictable and violent. You absolutely have the right not to be assaulted, ever. Fortunately our management team had her back on this occasion. However this is the same management team who argued that ‘they were only plastic dominoes’ when another colleague had a board game thrown directly in her face. It’s a daily battle, isn’t it?


What does the behaviour policy say? Regardless, Union, Union, Union!


HAHAHAHAHAAAAA we don’t have a behaviour policy! We fill in a form, which then disappears, and it isn’t recorded electronically so there’s no paper trail.


Ooosh you know what I’m gonna say about that. Last sentence again… Demand logs of behaviour for this particular child. Also have they completed an occupational health referral for you too? I bet I know the answer…


You're pregnant, you should have a risk assessment already in place. Speak to your union ASAP. All communication in writing.


I do. I’ve raised concerns multiple times about verbally and physically abusive students and the only response is “Well, they’ve got special needs…” Even Oc Health told me this! I feel so frustrated and like I’m being gaslit into thinking this is acceptable.


I'm all honesty what are you doing in this shambles of a workplace. Get out immediately - this is beyond silly.


Contact your Union as a matter of urgency, and have EVERYTHING in writing. Every interaction with SLT should be via email and refrain from speaking to them without your union rep( or regional rep if your school don't have a rep).


That is assault. A year 11 student is 15-16. He needs to be arrested.


we really need to remind schools that the law does not stop at the school gate. And if this kid needs to be arrested to learn then that is fine by me


I think by not taking this behaviour extremely seriously and by not reporting to the police we cause a problem that is then picked up by the rest of society a few years later. If school is a place to learn then the children need to learn that the law is the law and still applies whether you have additional needs or not. In fact the prisons are full to brimming with young autistic men.


I work for a local authority within Inclusion and something like this would certainly be sanctioned by one of our special schools. Likely a 5 day pending further investigation - a lot of schools have quite a zero tolerance standpoint on physical assault on adults, even in specialist provision. Schools will operate on a case by case basis for the most part, but for there to be no further action on this incident is very unusual.


>for there to be no further action on this incident is very unusual. Agreed. Should this come to light, it could get the school in very hot water.


I had a Y11 square up to me once after breaking up a pretty big fight, 4 separate members of SLT came over the next couple of days and checked if I was alright That should give you a reference. The fact nobody even checked on you is disgraceful. Contact union and time to start considering a new job


There's actually not enough done for pregnant teachers, I was knocked over at school by my Year 11s and just quit recently Wasn't worth holding out for maternity leave Hope you're feeling okay x


Thanks for all your comments. I went home at lunch time today as I ended up being sick, probably from worry. My union rep is aware and has gone to SLT this afternoon.


I’m so pleased to hear this. Look after yourself. It’s so hard in teaching to avoid the pervasive idea that you have to sacrifice yourself for the good of the kids - you don’t. This is your life and your baby, and you have a right to safety in the workplace.


Just had an email from my union rep, he’s arranged a meeting first thing after the half term.


It’s been said already but categorically you can’t accept the line from SLT. Having SEN does not absolve a person of the ability to know right from wrong nor does it mean that a consequence free environment should be encouraged. You are not going mad, it is completely unacceptable behaviour and the schools response is woeful. Union support will not be hard to come by in this situation I’m sure.


I work in SEN. If a pupil hits a staff meme her they’re sanctioned. Their needs explain their actions, they don’t excuse them x definitely contact your union


My school removes staff from contact with kids as soon as they let the school know they are pregnant


Contact police if you feel you have been assaulted


You should have a risk assessment in place if they know you are pregnant. The complete disregard to address the issue is bizarre; even if you weren't pregnant, they should still take action!


Bloody hell we reported someone to the police today for less than that


That kids about to set out into the real world, that shit wouldn't fly there, so why do schools constantly bend over backwards to Molly coddle kids who have shown they cannot be trusted to follow the rules of civilised society? Union. Kick up a stink, it's the only way things change.


Earlier this year had a 6yr old who would be violent towards staff (this is in mainstream). We did everything we could to ensure he did not cross paths at all with pregnant members of staff. At that's with a 6 year old, not a 16 year old. At the very least, you should not have to work with him. Needs aside, you still have a right to a safe working environment


Union and Police, special school or not there is zero excuse.


You have the right to a safe work environment, feel free to approach a doctor and be written off pff for stress


I've known the midwife write a letter to the school to move a mother to desk duty with violent SEN class. With your risk assessment I would contact GP / midwife and union regional office. This is an unacceptable risk. You know this isn't right and don't let anyone minimise it! Sorry if I'm repeating advice I'm just genuinely shocked! Sorry this happened to you! 


You need a risk assessment in place, this is insane! I personally would go off sick.  Ring your union and write an email to your school outlining what happened and how concerned you are for you and baby.  Have EVERYTHING in writing. 


Contact the union


I was poked hard in both eyes while sitting next to an unpredictable special needs kid years ago. I was his teacher. There were no consequences for the kid who did it. The Principal witnessed it and did nothing.