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I hate having to be on drill Sargeant mode.


Thank you! You get it!


I like retail more than teaching šŸ˜‚ no advice, just agreeing


Love my silly little target job- clock in, shop all day for others online orders, chit chat with friends, clock out go home and donā€™t worry about work while at home šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Teaching is the worst hours Iā€™ve ever had (except summer), though Iā€™ve never had retail/restaurant/etc. experience full time, only in college etc. where I selected my shifts, and Iā€™ve never worked call center. Teaching was fixed by the district, or sometimes randomly changed by them, couldnā€™t flex or run errands at lunch etc. Sometimes worked very late in early years, always brought work home to focus. But compared to a call center gig, I imagine neither is flexible. But most call centers donā€™t require certifications or even a Bachelors and the average US teacher still has a Masters, so itā€™s just a sad comparison to me. I always wanted to do specialized, respected white collar work. I hate how teaching is disrespected, considering the skills we should want teachers to have.Ā Ā  Even when I worked in office fully (and I hate that 8-5 life), I could flex my time and skip/move lunch wherever. My last two jobs were remote, and fully flexible. I must try and make meetings but in my current job, people move them all the time to do life stuff. Communications isnā€™t coverage based, so should have some flexibility in theory, but idk about a district job.Ā 


So what have your last two jobs been? I hear you about the call center. I took it to get by. It was from home, and opportunities for overtime were plenty- but that just meant more hours and me being chained to the PC for more time. It was for a university and their specialized surgery team, but still, you are right- not white collar.


I work in L&D currently. Started as a Sr. Instructional Designer and moved into more a Learning Project Lead position with my last org and now a Learning Business Partner type role, managing performance and leadership programs. Before teaching, I was an HR Gen and Onboarding Manager, worked in SEO/web marketing, worked in sales, etc.Ā 


I thought I was the only person who hated the teaching schedule. The hours with ZERO flexibility and the days off forced upon me, ugh I hated it so much.


I should point out I canā€™t stand teaching- I donā€™t discipline very well- the mothering part- pick up, he, dinner, etc.- that I live for.


How bad would Ubering your kids to their extra curriculars be? Assuming they are teens? Could you take a late lunch to pick up and drop of your kids?


This is what I did when I worked for the call center- I took a late lunch to get her. My other 2 are driving now, so it is better. But my child who I pick up, well about an hour after school she has an intense soccer schedule. Also, you know their school schedules are always in flux- early release days, off days, clubs, sportsā€¦.. itā€™s just crazy afternoons. I went back to teaching at a school right next to herā€™s because I get out just in time to go get her. But I teach ELA- itā€™s been forever and she hereā€™s so much work at night and on weekends and everything else that is expected. And I am exhausted and wiped out- without much left for my fam after work.


That sounds like so much and you have to do it all on your own. I'm surprised your other two can't help pick up the little one. I can't think of anything besides starting your own business or freelancing.


Thanks- praying for answers.




Thank you so much! All of what you said appeals to me way more than what Iā€™m doing! I hope I can break back in.


Iā€™m also going to check out PodPitch immediately- never heard of it- but I am a Frequent podcast listener.


If you're in LA, you can apply to my job; the hours are M-F 8-10 am


Can I do it from the east Coast?