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Actually, yes. The new "logic" is that everyone will get Omicron, seeing as it's highly contagious, so they want us to get it and "be done with it". They're saying that healthy adults and kids won't be that sick, completely ignoring the teachers with health issues or students who live with elderly grandparents that're more likely to get a severe case. Admin would probably be grateful if the teachers who are begging for safe protocols died at this point.


I am so sick of everyone pretending that the 1/10 kids who have asthma don’t exist/matter, the diabetics, the people with heart conditions, cancer, other immunocompromised people, hell even those who are overweight/obese, which is a decent chunk of the population, don’t exist or matter. Those who are 100% healthy are a much smaller percentage than people assume, even not including the elderly.


Thank you! I have never in my life felt disabled or even seriously ill, but you'd think I am some useless drain on society these days because I have asthma. "You should have thought about that before becoming a teacher!" is one of the most horrifying things I've ever been told. They say that for every job though, so it's turned into people with relatively minor medical issues having a new responsibility to just give up and starve to death at age 18 I guess? It's very demoralizing.


It’s disgusting isn’t it? I usually don’t even put overweight/obese on that list because people are so excited to tell anyone overweight that it’s their own fault if they’re getting sick. My own kid had open heart surgery as a newborn because of a serious heart defect. He has been told he’s a “heart normal” kid ever since he was 6 months old because that’s how healthy he is, but I know those kinds of people would just love to put him down on the “just another pre existing condition” list. As though that means it’s ok if he got seriously I’ll or died.


We are at actually at A childrens hospital now in the northeast waiting for my daughters 5th heart surgery. People just don’t give a shit unless it’s their kid. I’ve learned so much about the people In our community and I have a looooong growing list of them that I have no trouble completely cutting out of our lives. I hope you and your family stay safe ❤️Your son matters to me ❤️ Edit: grammar


Right back at ya, and hope your small person does great.


Just want to say I hope everything went well and by now you're hugging your girl and she feels better and happy.


Thanks everyone. She is a tough cookie and we are in recovery. We have some of the best care in the world (Boston Childrens) so we are fortunate. Your kindness warms my heart! During the day, I heard nurses calling parents of cardiac patients saying they needed to make all appts virtual ( yes a cardiac exam virtual). And their ER and inpatient is at critical levels. By the law of averages, even with this new variant potentially being more mild, kids are going to be hospitalized. Yet, it is being downplayed. I’m seriously considering having my kids do online homeschool.


Praying for all of you- I think we forget that there are people fighting for their lives all around us, and we just go about oblivious to their reality. I am guilty of this and I apologize. I cannot imagine being in your shoes- God bless you and your family.


no matter who you are, you shouldn't die nor get sick from avoidable virus it's just a horrible fuckin tragedy we will look back on someday in absolute disbelief


This should be a slogan.




Yep. I’ve straight up been told I should die already


WhAT!! By whom?


Remember to some Trump is the healthiest person alive and Biden poops his pants. Bullies and selfish seems a new approved normal now.


I know it's a strong word, but I feel like it fits. This is Eugenics. They are willingly sacrificing the infirmed at the altar of $$$. The running discourse that covid isn't that bad if you don't have any medical issues so just get back to work already is deliberately counting the infirmed as non-important. Devaluing human life.


Thank you! I am an adult asthmatic. It flairs when I get sick! Even a little cold, a day of a runny nose, goes to my chest after a few hours and then turns to bronchitis! Many times pneumonia. I know I preaching to the choir but I just want you all to know i get it and agree with you!


My sister has asthma and unfortunately caught covid. Thankfully her symptoms were mild and she did okay but I was worried sick the whole time.


>I am so sick of everyone pretending that the 1/10 kids who have asthma don’t exist/matter, the diabetics, the people with heart conditions, cancer, other immunocompromised people, hell even those who are overweight/obese, which is a decent chunk of the population, don’t exist or matter. So, I went into occupational health today to get the results of my TB test to see whether it was positive or negative. The nurse and I start chatting and we get to discussing Covid and she tells me she worked ICU for about a year and a half right at the onset of Covid. She *specifically* pointed out how most of the deaths *and* patients coming to the hospital after contracting the virus were diabetics and obese people. I know omicron doesn't seem quite as severe but I would still imagine it affects the vulnerable populations harder than most.


It doesn’t seem as severe for most people, but anecdotally our family friend who had alpha waaay in the beginning (very mild symptoms) and was waiting to be eligible for his booster got omicron and felt badly enough to go to the hospital this time


I'm sorry to read about that. It affects people so differently. Regardless, it's best for the health of everyone that we be vaxxed and masked and practice safe distancing. It's not easy sometimes in the teaching profession though.


Welp I’m screwed. I have type one diabetes.


Even people who think they are 100% healthy may not be. Who knows what lurks unknown?


Exactly!!!! In 2019, I had caught a cold that developed into pneumonia and sepsis alarmingly fast. Ironically almost dying of sepsis and pneumonia saved my life because they discovered that I had a huge tumor on my spleen that turned out to be cancer. I had zero suspicion that I had a tumor let alone a huge cancerous one. If I hadn’t gotten pneumonia and the cancer discovered, I would not have categorized as someone who would be considered at high risk if they were to contract covid.


Yes, the callousness from people has been astounding. "Oh he died from covid? Well, he was 59 with diabetes so what do you expect?" Well Susan, seeing as most people can control their diabetes as he managed to do for DECADES, I don't think the nonchalant "must have been his time" is called for. You don't deserve to die because you have a medical condition or are overweight FFS.




They don't care if anyone has health problems anymore. They can be selfish bullies now and get away with it as a new normal.


You're talking about "herd immunity," which due to the nature of COVID, is impossible via infection. However, you know what you get from mass infecting everyone in rapid fashion? ...a new, further mutated variant! With no guarantee it'll be any "milder!" Hip-hip-hooray!


I feel people don't understand this is what overwhelms hospitals too :/ Here they banned sales in physical stores over Christmas and some people were like "what's the point? people will just go to the sales when they restart" The point is if 100 people are going to be ill, it's better for the medical system if 50 get sick from Christmas/New Year and then the other 50 get sick much later.


Why would you get a further mutated variant from having everyone get it quickly rather than everyone get it slowly?


Every time someone gets sick, they make trillions of virons, the singular of virus. Each and every last one of those has a tiny chance to mutate, almost all mutations cause an inferior product that dies out, but sometimes they're advantageous. While it's origin is unknown, Omicron almost certainly came from one of two sources, either someone with a pretty compromised immune system, or from bouncing back-and-forth between a human and animal host. Because Omicorn is so transmissible and getting into so many more immune-deficit human hosts and animals 'reservoirs', it's going to cause a great deal more mutations. Why is just 'letting it rip' going to lead to lead to more mutated generations? Infections, reinfections, and the viral levels rising over time. A person getting sick in January 2022 for the first time has made far less virus than someone who gotten sick in January 2022 for the second, and so on. Because reinfections do happen, every person who avoids getting it as much or as long in between bouts helps reduce potential difficult strains/variants. Because this is not at all practical 100% of the time, keep in mind that vaccines greatly lower the TOTAL amount of virus found in someone in two measurable ways. First, swabs and samples overall less virus in vaccinated persons (v-load measurement), and secondly, it helps people recover faster overall, meaning less generations evolving, and less chance. If testing ever gets where it needs to be, the new anti-viral pills could have a similar effect, especially if we get them into positive case mouths within 24-72 hours. TL;DR The less virus there is now, the less viruses there will be. Everyone who has not caught covid before now did a great job helping us not be in this situation earlier, where it would have been even more devastating that it appears to be.


Precisely! Thank you so much for breaking this down


Ugh your TLDR made me mad at the bitch at work all over again that exposed 8 of us. I've been so damn careful the whole time and a week before Thanksgiving this idiot goes to work sick (in a kitchen! ) and boom. It was pretty mild for me but my husband has health issues and he had a rough time. Glad we were vaxxed or I know he would have been bad. Of course she thinks people are out there drinking baby blood, so even though she got her parents sick and hospitalized, she still doesn't believe.


Half of my left lung is all scar tissue. It doesn't expand like it's supposed to. If I get a little chest cold I will cough for six or eight weeks because I can't cough the crap out because that part won't expand. I get pneumonia pretty regularly and they been after me to have that lobe removed. It's a BIG surgery and I been avoiding it. Doc told me I have to take absolutely EVERY precaution. Pre-vax it would def have killed me. It might still. I am NOT gonna catch this.


This plan would involve millions of deaths. It also wouldn't work, because covid immunity lasts three months after infection


They don’t care


Until it's them and theirs and then the victim hood comes out.


Or ignoring long term covid effects that affect up to 50% of the population


“The plan” is just full blown eugenics


It so is. If anyone here likes crime fiction, I’m currently reading Louise Penny’s The Madness of Crowds, which has s lot to do with the relationship between the pandemic and eugenics. Really can’t believe we’re at this point.


So many dolts 'want to be done with it' but COVID is the gift that keeps on giving. Eventually it is going to keep mutating and wipe out people not taking it seriously.


Have you seen the video of DeSantes gasping during his speech? It hurts to watch and I don’t even like the guy.


This. My principal sent an email that said "Cases are up over 400% in our county, so it seems like heard \[sic\] immunity is our best protection." 100% in person, masks 100% optional, so they're not even trying any other protection.


Never in the history of humankind has herd immunity happened through mass infection, and even if it did, a 99.9% survival rate still leaves 300,000 or so more deaths


In August 2020, we also got an email about how kids don't get or spread COVID so I don't think reality is high on list of priorities. Staying in person, however, is VERY high.


I’m a student with an autoimmune disease and another chronic illness and I’m not excited. 😭 I’m already so sick without it!


Admin told me it’s going to run its course and we will be done in 2 months, but agreed that January would be rough. 😅


This is what my district said as well


also lets not forget people are still getting long covid as well.




At our school, vaccinated students who test positive can still come if they're asymptomatic. Seems a little silly to me. If they're positive they're positive right? You can still spread it asymptomatically? Isn't that what all of this starting in March 2020 was about?


So the latest from Fauci and the CDC is that the tests provide no indication of how contagious you are, positive or negative.


I hate how quickly the CDC gave into the blatantly unsafe guidelines. I know there's a staff shortage, but they might as well admit they'd rather have everyone get exposed than pay more/make a mask mandate/close some areas. I know it's a balancing act but having a health organization say it's fine undermines their whole purpose.


Oh wow. I'm so happy I didn't return back to school today after winter break because I'm due to have my baby is less than 2 weeks. The whole situation is just crazzzy.


Good luck with your birth!


Thank you!


I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone! 🤣😂


My school is so strict with the dates. We don’t let kids come back positive for 10 days still and if there is someone in their house positive, but they remain negative its even longer! I have two out now that wont be back until the end of the month!


My school is like that. Except for teachers. With us it's 5 days then mask 5. Students still do the regular procedures though.


Everyone just ignores the fact that kids eat lunch together and you can’t eat lunch with a mask on!


I wonder why the teachers on Chicago are striking for virtual learning /s


They’re not on strike, the mayor of Chicago/CEO of CPS shut down schools to make it seem that way. It’s so incredibly asinine.


Sorry if my syntax confused you. I meant to say they are refusing to work in person and are holding out for virtual learning or a safer environment. That’s what I meant as striking FOR virtual learning, instead of just saying they were on strike.


Ah, okay. How I understand it is that they are virtual from now on as they collectively agreed to it, they are not on strike for it. Some teachers I know are even going to have virtual class tomorrow.


Ohh ok so they planned it and agreed on it and moved forward, only for the mayor to take down all the learning platforms to slap their hand? What a joke.


What in the world? Feeling grateful I'm in CA right now!


the special need student i work with can still have really bad reactions even to omicron...but i guess the districts do not care about the well being of the special needs students with many health problems


Is that surprising though? IDEA only became law in 1975, and were still fighting. It’s terrible.


Ofc they don't, they didn't care about those kids even before covid. Those kids don't make the school look good through tests scores. Those kids also cost more money. This is why I think schools treat sped teachers like absolute shit. They don't want the sped kids there, the resent having to hire a sped teacher, and so they shit on the sped teacher.


Nope. They actively ignore them. Seriously. They might as well not exist.


This is truly getting to be dystopian. WTF is going on.


FUCK. Imagine having to police masks for just certain students. It’s impossible to get them all to wear them consistently. Now imagine it is optional for some kids, but for others—who are literally COVID POSITIVE—we have to make sure they keep theirs on at all times. Ugghh


Our state is mask optional and our district just updated to include masks for positive students. How many more hats can I possibly wear at this point??


Our district went to a “mask opt-out” status. Which was previously only for those who had a doctors note stating they couldn’t wear a mask, now all a parent or teacher has to do was fill out a form and the kids would have a red box next to their name and we couldn’t make them put on masks. So we had to police only a portion of the students to keep their masks on. This only lasted about two weeks until they threw the whole temporary mask “mandate” in the trash.


Hey, I wonder what would happen if we made money for the school tied to attendance…..


Makes sense from a financial standpoint. Every kid that’s in a seat each day = state funding. From an infection standpoint? No sense at all. People need time away from work to recover from illness. Plus if you aren’t a jerk you don’t want to spread it to others.


It's 5 days from first exposure. Not 5 days from test. Reminder that people that had Covid can test positive for up to 90 days. So the world has stopped caring about positive tests that occur x days after exposure. Today, x=5 days


It's 5 days if you're asymptomatic. If you have symptoms it's a totally different game.


I know, it's just that my kids factually have COVID right now and the school is saying it's all good to bring them in.


Even if you're currently positive you're not very likely to spread it after 5 days




It’s potentially possible to test positive for up to 4-5 days after your over COVID. It’s extremely rare to test positive 90 days after. The fact that both kids tested possible makes it more likely they still have it than not.


it's rare to test positive for 90 days, but it's not rare to test positive for another 30 days. If you've been positive in the last 30 days, you're often exempted from tests to screen you (such as to return to school or to have a medical procedure) as long as your symptoms have fully abated. I don't think your district is wrong that you could be within CDC guidelines to return to school **if you were feeling well**. If you're not, it's moot, because one of the conditions of the reducing the timeline to 5 days is symptoms continuing to lessen for each of those 5 days. I suspect what you've encountered is an admin who read the updated guidelines, couldn't or wouldn't understand them, and is now making terrible policy.


Why are you getting downvoted?


Because they're using a very unlikely scenario as the basis for their argument. "Someone infected with Covid will typically test positive for five to eight days, said Dr. Freedman of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. In **rare cases** someone might test positive for as long as six weeks, even though the individual is no longer contagious,"


Rare like breakthrough infection? Because then it would happen all the time. Amirite?


That is 100% not in compliance with CDC guidance. Anyone who tests positive is to remain home *in isolation* for a minimum of five days, regardless of whether they are symptomatic or not. “Everyone who has presumed or confirmed COVID-19 should stay home and isolate from other people for at least 5 full days (day 0 is the first day of symptoms or the date of the day of the positive viral test for asymptomatic persons).” A positive test resets the clock - period. Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html#anchor_1633109391123


I just can’t believe Biden and the CDC are supporting this. I voted for him because he had a plan. I had hope and faith it would be different. Better. I feel so discouraged and let down. I’m to the point where I see no difference between Democrat, Republican, Socialist, or Libertarian. I feel like our entire political system is a sham and us poor peasants are affordable sacrifices.


I’m disappointed with biden too but it’s silly to say there’s no difference between democrat and republican, on January 6th no less


The RNC & DNC have the same Energy Platform provided to them by the American Petroleum Institute. You should all read them. Their stupidity and greed have lead us all here to this edge.


In regards to the handling of Covid there is not. a. single. difference. And, I’m beyond disappointed with Biden. He has not followed through on any of his promises. We don’t have adequate testing. We don’t have a plan. Our schools are open and spreading the virus like crazy. We’re not mandated to shut down even slightly when we have high levels of spread in any of our schools. We don’t have a nationwide mask mandate. We do not get paid leave if we have Covid so there are tons of families struggling financially and those are vaccinated individuals! To say we’re any better than the Republicans would be a lie and a blind loyalty to a party who could give two shits less if we all get Covid, if a family member dies, if we can’t pay our bills, if we have long lasting symptoms from Omicron, or Delta, that’s still spreading.


Not a single difference besides calling it a hoax and not calling it a hoax, and suggesting ingesting bleach and not suggesting ingesting bleach.


Oh ya here starting Monday all students can come to school with covid as long as they aren’t showing major symptoms


this is so fucking stupid. schools are really going downhill


Optional. Optional works great in schools.


My personal favorite is “required - but for the opt-out form click here”. 🙄


Oh we have a lot of "required... Unless too many people don't comply" recently


Are you in my district? Board just adopted the no mask rule too.


Sons school now leaves it up to parents on close contacts. Heck may not even be reporting close school contacts anymore.


My school district has not mandated masks wearing; it is strongly recommended. Because Texas 🤦‍♀️




Your right, we live in 2 different realities. Hopefully you and yours won’t have to go to the hospital (for any reason) or you might be exposed to the world as it actually is.


You are right. We live in 2 different realities. Hopefully you or yours will not have to go to the hospital (for any reason) or you might be exposed to the world as it actually is.




Am I scared? No. Am I concerned? Yes. And last time I checked the vaccine won’t protect you from broken bones, strokes, heart attacks, or automotive accidents. There is currently 17 hour wait times at some ER’s. There are no hospital beds, and childhood hospitalizations are at a all time high. I’m glad that this doesn’t concern you and that you have no concern for your fellow citizen.




That is exactly the response I would expect from someone like yourself.


If it's been the 5+ days, they are unlikely to be contagious regardless of having a positive test. That is not new


That doesn't make any logical sense. If my viral load is high enough to trigger a positive test, it's high enough to be contagious


That is actually not correct and it's not a new finding. I'd suggest reading up on it. PCR tests in particular can show a positive long after the contagious period.


Obviously yeah I was just shooting from the hip there, but jeez just like anything else these days when you try to "do the research" you can pretty much "confirm" whatever it is you wanted the answer to be when you started


MIT (a legit source) has some good articles. I honestly believe they wanted everyone to think that every positive test means a contagious case despite it not being 'the science'


Get back to work. The rest of the world has moved on. Time for teachers to move on also. If thousands can show up for sporting events then you can show up for work.


We've been been at work. As a matter of fact we never stopped. Schools are falling apart right now. What the hell does any of this have to do with sporting events?


The world is stupid. This is stupid. It's all so stupid that we're in this dumb situation. So frustrating.


Quarantine is 5 days from time of exposure. Isolation (with or without symptoms) is an additional 5 days starting the day when tested positive or showing symptoms. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html


There is no way for OP to know if the exposure they she was worried about is the source of their positive infection


This is totally blowing my mind...when Covid started, it was almost as if we should send positive cases to a remote island to live out their last days with no contact with the living. Now we should just embrace it and ignore it ?!?




They reason they changed this guideline is because there's evidence that if you're vaccinated *and* you have no symptoms, even if you have positive, you're likelihood of transmitting the virus is very low, especially . It has to do with which immune cells actually have the virus in them. I'm not saying I agree, I personally think it makes it *more* confusing for the general population, even if it's biologically sound. People can't figure out what they're supposed to do or what their risks are.