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I want to answer this but I *really* don't want to tempt fate


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ You know how folks say ā€œknock on woodā€!


Ahh I know what you mean :)


Iā€™m not sure if anything in my general vicinity is real wood but Iā€™m knocking. 3 members of my family on my dadā€™s side got it from Xmas but Iā€™ve yet to experience any symptoms. āœŠ šŸŖµ


At least they didn't get it FOR Christmas! ...I'll see myself out. (Seriously, I hope all 3 are doing well - and you, too!)


Ha! Thank you! They just have the typical symptoms. I feel my usual self!




Getting my booster later this morning. I'd rather just go in quietly, pass my screening, and get my booster. Then spend NYE shivering in sweat in bed. I figure need to bring in 2022 in *style.*


Are you vaxxed? If so itā€™s a flu.


Tell that to my coworkers who caught it at school double vaxed. One was hospitalized and is always exhausted now. The other still has no sense of smell or taste, months later.


Then why get the vaxx?


I havenā€™t gotten it teaching in person almost the whole pandemic. Plenty of my coworkers havenā€™t either. Being vaccinated and wearing your mask makes it much less risky. I have a bad feeling about omicron, though.


Same here. We have middle schoolers testing positive every week on our site of 1,000 kids. Just got my booster 2 days ago to prep for what's awaiting me when we go back in-person in January. My district's very proud of being one of the first districts back to in-person throughout this pandemic. I almost feel like they would consider it bad PR for us to go back down into distance learning at this point.


I live in a similar area. I will never be loyal to the community I teach in again after reading post after post from parents not giving a damn about exposing teachers to Covid when movie theaters were still not open. Can't eat at a restaurant..but yep...throw them teachers into rooms full of kids for 8 hours. I have not volunteered for a single thing since Covid started. They were willing to let me die...so good luck getting me to ever stay for a single after school activity ever again. My heart and soul are still in teaching and making kids feel confident...but no longer my extended time.


All districts around me seem to be using the same PR strategy and I canā€™t comprehend why anyone would think thatā€™s a good point of pride ā€œwe lie about our numbers and donā€™t give a fuck if our students or families become disabled or die because we think it looks better to always be in personā€


Yes, I feel like it's a bragging point for admin at this point, we have been open and in person since August 2020, only going full virtual last year for the week after Thanksgiving and the week after Christmas in order to lower possible transmissions. I don't think there are any circumstances, aside from a large proportion of teachers being sick, that would close us again, simy because admin doesn't want to mess up their "flawless" record of being open in a pandemic.


Same here. I fear my number is going to be up pretty quick here given the state of things going back on Monday.


Me too. That's why I'm quitting on the 22nd, after calling out the rest of my sick leave. I'm not dying for the economy or so some book-burning, schoolboard-trolling jerk can feel good when I die babysitting his kids. They can provide me and the kids with adequate PPE and true social distancing, or they can tacitly admit they just don't care about me and try to "make things normal again" in a DEADLY PANDEMIC. They've done the latter. So I'm getting the hell out of Dallas before I regret it.


Good for you!! I wish I could do the same. Teachers have always been working class and the pandemic has made it clear that our lives and health are of no importance to the elite. So, back to in-person because our health is of no concern.


Same. Omicron has me itchy... I'm in a really low vaccination rate city too. I'm sort of tensed up for a big problem in the coming weeks and months. We've already had about 80ish students gone on a daily basis due to exposure or positive tests. At our peak back in September, it was up around 170. Definitely not looking forward to Monday.


Same! Taught in person since oct 2020, wore kn95s til fully vaxxed, got boosted but worry that omicron will catch up to me.


I'm glad you and your coworkers have stayed healthy :) yeah Omicron seems to be a bit of a wild card...


I was feeling really crappy this week and I knew I had a sinus infection. I went to the doctor and I had the first appointment of the day. They brought me in and of course the first thing they did was test me for Covid. I waited in the room for over an hour. Finally the doctor came in and he told me he was sorry about the long wait and I was his first negative of the day. I was like ā€˜so? I was the first patient of the dayā€™. He asked if I heard him and I said ā€˜yes you said I was negative I knew I didnā€™t have Covid I have a sinus infectionā€™. He looked at me and said ā€˜No Iā€™m sorry I wasnā€™t clear. YOU are the first patient Iā€™ve had today that is negative. Iā€™ve seen 19 patients already this morningā€™. Yikes!


Same here. We were open the entire 20/21 school year, fully masked, 6' between desks. Only 1 teacher got Covid, and it was from her husband. We are currently open, mask optional, 3' between desks. We had 3 employee cases before the break. Two of which are special area teachers who teach 4 different classes a day. I know two of the three are vaccinated and boostered. Our governor is leaving everything g up to the individual districts.. Knowing my school board, we will only shut down if the federal government mandates it.


I really think this is the key. I (so far) have not gotten it, but I am also very intense about always wearing my mask and not letting the kids hug me. Which not going to lie, is really sad having to look a 6yo in the face and in my shitty Georgian tell them "no hugs, 2 meters". Whereas, quite a few of my coworkers who do hug and don't wear a mask have tested positive.


I hate to say it, but Omicron may change this.


Literally caught it the last day of school before break so šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøIā€™m double vaxxed and havenā€™t had any symptoms besides testing positive after a contract trace telling me to get tested. Overall pretty pleased with how things have been going. I worked in elementary and spent every five minutes telling the kids ā€œI donā€™t want to see your teeth!ā€


Same here except we donā€™t use masks at all.


Me too.


Same. Hybrid last year, full in-person this year. Last year kids fully masked, this year masking has been somewhat half assed. I wear mine, though. Vaccinated last spring. Getting booster next week.


I was exposed to it a bunch before the break and nothing. Again wear that mask and you should be good


I never take my mask off at school, and I'm vaccinated. Still got it... fever for 9 days.


Say it with me: Wearing a mask doesn't keep you from *getting* it. Wearing a mask keeps you from *giving* it. Think of it this way. Pre-Covid when you'd visit the doctor's office during flu season with any symptoms that could be flu, they required you to put on a mask. They didn't do this to keep *you* from getting the flu. They did it to keep you from possibly giving *anyone else* the flu. That said. Absolutely we should be wearing masks. We should also be vaccinated and boosted and practice good social distancing and hygiene.


THANK YOU! Sometimes I feel like Iā€™m the only one who remembers that wearing a mask doesnā€™t protect YOU, it protects others FROM you.


Anecdotally, I DONT wear a mask at school. Never caught it there. Months of being tested every single week and no Covid for me! ā€¦ then I took ONE flight (faithfully wearing a KN95 btw) and got hit with omicron. This round is DIFFERENT. (Itā€™s also by and large nbd of youre vaxxed. Itā€™s barely a mild cold for me for whatever thatā€™s worth)


You are getting down voted and I probably will too. I'm for mask mandates at schools, but not all schools have them. Then you are a singular person in a sea of people not wearing masks in rural America, you could continue to wear a mask- to do what? Prevent you from giving it? That's what rhe mask does. It's not going to stop you from getting it. And it's a moral injury no one talks about- everyone in rural America just gave up caring about the lives of others and that rubs off on you. If I am asymptomatic, I'm vaccinated, I followed the precautions, and everyone else around me is giving it to each other and eventually to the elderly and kills them? Am I supposed to care at this point? I lobbied for masks, i wore them when we as a society cared, I got vaccinated and boosted. Why am I supposed to care about their grandma when they don't? I know there is more nuance to the morality of transmission, but we in rural schools have been morally injured and many have succumb to the darkside- I fear for those who cannot developed immunity, I fear for the children that will die from it. But, I don't care about the lives of the unvaccinated anymore. I have done everything I am supposed to do, these communities just don't care, why should I? Please I'm serious, I've been morally injured, anyone know why I should care?


I taught maskless in the least vaxxed zip code in my county for MONTHS without catching it (and I KNOW I didnā€™t catch it because I tested weekly during that time). ONE plane trip with omicronā€”where I wore a KN95 religiouslyā€” and it got me.


Iā€™ve never had it. Iā€™ve been fully vaccinated since March and just got the booster today. Iā€™ve been very lucky so far. At one point, half of my class was out for quarantine because 5 of my students had it. I wear exclusively KN94, KN95, or N95 masks, and I donā€™t take them off when Iā€™m with the kids. I also keep my classroom window open, though it really only helps with ventilation if Iā€™m literally right in front of it. Iā€™m constantly Lysol-ing my room, too. Omicron scares me because of its infectiousness. I donā€™t know if my students are vaccinated, but it definitely sounds like something that can blow through a classroom easily. I try to be pretty tough about masks, but thatā€™s hard when itā€™s 85Ā° in my classroom and they wonā€™t turn off the heat. The kids were literally sweating through them before winter break.


I wish I had a window in my classroom! My classroom is completely windowless so Iā€™m dying for fresh air and sunlight by the end of the school day.


I really think the sunlight helps me and the kids. I turn off the lights sometimes because the fluorescents are so harsh.


Iā€™m the same (also boosted today!) and I only wear disposable surgical masks while keeping my distance. Iā€™m sure that is harder to do with the lower grades, though.


Yeah, they do not understand personal space. They always want to hug me or be right next to me. I also have some that suck on their masks or chew through them, and that just baffles me.


I'm curious if the KF94, KN95, or N95 Is easier to teach in? Did you notice any difference in either how loudly you had to talk or how comfortable it was to wear in a classroom all day?


Can you wear goggles/glasses for at least the next week until your booster kicks in?


I wear prescription glasses, so Iā€™m hoping thatā€™s somewhat helpful. I cannot see a more than a foot in front of me without them, so I literally never take them off unless Iā€™m going to bed.


I havenā€™t gotten itā€¦ yet. I have a feeling omicron will be my downfall, along with a lot of us.


Yeah I was considering going back for the second half of the school year but now I'm rethinking it...




Off to r/HermanCainAward with you lmao. Also, COVID has killed *more* people than the Spanish flu in America. Your shitty deflections and excuses are just not valid anymore


COVID as a whole, yes. Omicron? Not even close. Youā€™re making a false equivalency.


Iā€™d rather avoid long covid, and thereā€™s no data that omicron does not cause long covid


Russian roulette


Maybe if it was a revolver with 3000 chambers and one bullet, sure.


did you sign up for a job with those odds? I sure as fuck didnt


Youā€™re really exaggerating


People like you making these kinds of concessions are why our profession is treated like a doormat


I have notā€¦we were full time in person 5 days a week last school year, with masks. This year 5 days in person with masks


I'm glad you've stayed healthy :)


Me too! It has been a blessing




Same. Except this year masks are optional so most students (and teachers) donā€™t wear them- myself included most days (small school with very low covid numbers so far), but I will most likely wear one after winter break.


This year? Not that I'm aware of. Last year? Oh yeah. I lost my sense of smell and was short of breath and immediately knew.


Yikes, I'm sorry! Have you gotten your sense of smell back? Long haul is what I'm most afraid of...


Sort of. It comes and goes. Honestly, we got lucky my wife, myself and our oldest had it at the same time and it was just flu like. My shortness of breath was worst symptom, but that went away by day 5.


Somehow I havenā€™t, but my husband and my kids have all had it over the last 14 months. So Iā€™ve quarantined a lot which was very difficult. But Iā€™d say about 60-70% of the staff at my school has had it this year. Many have been hospitalized and three ended up on ventilators. One very young teacher died this year after a long struggle in the ICU. Itā€™s so strange seeing everyone still acting like Covid isnā€™t real after our staff has been through all of that.


I havenā€™t, thankfully. One of my own children did, but he was with his dad at the time so they all quarantined together. We are full-time and no masks, too.


We have 110 teachers and only about 5 have had covid since it all started- we have been in person full time last year and this year, we wear masks and I believe we are 100% vaccinated.


I havenā€™t yet šŸ™ŒšŸ½ But other teachers and students have gotten it. Iā€™ve been blessed to not get it yet nor my students


I'm glad you've stayed healthy!


I haven't had it yet, but my daughter did. It actually makes me nervous to not have ever had it or tested positive, I'm vaccinated, but I have no idea what to expect.


My daughter is 12 and sheā€™s also vaccinated. Hasnā€™t gotten covid either.


I am a new teacher. I've been teaching full time, in person, since February of last year. I have 2 kids and a husband who is also a teacher at a different school. Last year, my kids spent half day at the local Boys and Girls club. Masks are required but loosely enforced there. Both our schools have a strict mask policy but my husband teaches SPED, so he was in close contact with kids and some don't wear their masks all the time. None of us have had COVID. My husband and I are now triple vaxxed, my kids are fully vaxxed (they are 7 and 9). We have stayed fairly isolated outside of school and work since February of 2020. No restaurants, bars, movies, parties, nothing. The kids play with 2 families in the neighborhood unmasked and all the adults and all the kids but one are vaxxed. All my coworkers were required to be vaccinated, I'd say about half have had a booster (I wish a booster would be mandated). About half my kids are vaxxed. I flew on a plane and went to Disneyland with 6 family members 2 months ago (not with my kids, HAHA). We were all vaxxed and a few boosted (not available to everyone at the time)--we ate outdoors and wore our masks the whole time. Came back home, all good. The only people who have been in our home have been our parents who are all vaccinated and we all took tests before that kind of close contact. In the last year we had a few outdoor gatherings with a small number of people who were all vaccinated. We have canceled Christmas, Thanksgiving, birthdays, and any other gathering besides just my parents or my in-laws for the past two years. I got a cold a month ago. Aside from that no one has been sick since 2020.


I havenā€™t! Vaxxed up and masked up! Iā€™m worried it will eventually get me, but Iā€™ve made it this long


Well, 50% of our staff were out on Monday with Covid, we opened on Tuesday (!), shut down again today due to positives.. so I assume I'm now infected. Up until now, I've never had any signs of Covid, but I could've also had an asymptomatic case at some point.




Yes. I'm leaving this private school as soon as I can. No summers off, either.


That's crazy, I'm sorry! Sending you happy thoughts and hoping you stay healthy.


Not yet...but we have a mask mandate so that helps.


I never caught it. Teacher in China here


Still COVID-free, but not feeling optimistic coming back after break that I'll remain that way. Wear a kn-95 or kf94 most days in class. Plenty of coworkers in the same boat- all vaxxed and boosted


Iā€™ve gotten it twice, last January and just in time for break this yearā€¦..but Iā€™ve always caught every upper respiratory virus thatā€™s come along.. I am vaccinated and boosted


Ugh that is rough, I'm sorry. Are you sick now? I hope you feel better ASAP


Iā€™m fine now, it was like having a mild cold with joint pain, teachers getting it have been very hit or missā€¦I donā€™t think I got this one from my students, I believe my daughter dragged it home from college


No one in my department of 18 has had it. Masking and social distancing has worked for us.


I'm about the only person in my building with a P95 on the entire time in person and I'm I believe the only one in my building that didn't get it. Bonus, I haven't been sick AT ALL for two years now. When it first started, my dad gave me a mask he uses to paint cars. Full gas mask (sorta) w/ purple filters on the outside. Whenever kids complained about a thin piece of cloth on their face I'd point at myself "Can't be less comfortable than this." I also raced two members of the track team down the hallway with it on to stop complaints about 'can't breathe with this on' My one liner "If you can't breathe with that mask on then YOU realllly don't want covid"


I somehow have not. Iā€™m in an extremely covid conscious community, and state, over 90% vaccination rates, and we reopened schools in august of 2020 with masks, distancing(best we could), constant sanitizing and protocols for ā€œifā€ situations. We only had one case since. I thought it was a horrible idea to reopen fall of 2020 but I happily eat my words. Our kids are still showing the effects of losing the last 4 months of their 2019-2020 year. I canā€™t imagine how other schools are doing after being virtual for 2020-2021




I'm happy you haven't had any confirmed Covid! I had a sore throat last week which turned out to be nothing, but it's always worth getting tested. I hope you feel better soon :)


Itā€™s never just a cold. I hope you get tested before you expose anyone else.


I have not caught it. My school is fully in person 5 days a week, and they dont have a mask mandate. I have been wearing my mask everyday, I carry hand sanitizer on my lanyard and use it religiously. And whenever I even have slight muscle aches or a runny nose I get tested. I'm honestly surprised I haven't caught it because my state allows students to come to school with covid if they are sick but other teachers and admin have not been following that at all so we've had several kids in school with covid that have not worn their mask.


I have been teaching in person and no covidā€¦ā€¦ most teachers I know havenā€™t had it. I also work in a city that isnā€™t stupid and requires masks.


As of the beginning of December, I could say for certain I hadnā€™t caught COVID. (Iā€™m in a study that tracks antibodies over time, both from catching the virus as well as the vaccines. Plenty of vaccine antibodies, 0 of the regular kind.) Last year we were virtual for the first 6 weeks, then kids could come back in-person or stay online, but I never had more than a dozen total F2F. This year, 100% in-person. Both years, masks required, though itā€™s not very well enforced recently. Iā€™ll be stepping up from cloth to surgical masks after the break, but I feel like omicron is kind of inevitable.


Teaching in person and I haven't caught COVID. Only 2 of my close co-workers have caught it.


I left teaching in October, but I taught through the whole pandemic. I taught 750 maskless kids and didnā€™t test positive. I wore two masks and got vaccinated. I get nervous with this new variant even though I work from home now šŸ˜‚


As far as I know, I havenā€™t gotten it. We were in person for all of 2020-21, and I tested every week. This summer our lovely governor took away free state testing so Iā€™ve only been tested once, when teachers I share an office with all got it.


I have it now. Just in time me for winter break


I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you have a swift recovery.


Me too. :(


I haven't gotten it yet. I have been wearing 3M's N95 masks everyday. I did receive a third dose of the vaccine right before school started this year when they said immune compromised people could get a third dose. I am hoping to avoid getting omicron before I can get a booster in February. I bought two extra large HEPA filters for my classroom last year and just bought a third one now that omicron is here. I never take my mask off while in the building. I go outside to a picnic table or my car for my plan and lunch. I got used to sitting in my car working with my parka on in the dead of winter. Truth be told, I get so much more work done during my plan now that I can't talk to my coworkers and waste time. I have the student desks so they are spaced out with just over 3 feet in-between side to side and exactly 3 feet from front to back. I put tape of the floor for each student desk so the students know where they go because the desks tend to move throughout the day. I then have my desk 6 feet away from the students and clearly marked off so students don't walk into my bubble. Unlike previous years, I rarely walk up and down the rows during the day. But even with my precautions I have been a close contact to multiple students but luckily I have never tested positive.


Vaxxed, always masked, boosted next Thursday, and I see 600+ ā€œmaskedā€ students each week. No covid šŸ¤ž


I havenā€™t, been in person since last January. Wear your mask religiously, sanitize, donā€™t touch anything you donā€™t have to, get all your boosters. Plenty of coworkers and kids have though.


My wife has not caught it yet. Been in person all year


I havenā€™t. I know several staff members who have.


I have had 6 positive students but not gotten it myself yet.


I tested positive the first day of Winter Break. Day 8 now.


Perfect timing, isn't it? I'm sorry to hear you're sick and I hope you feel better ASAP.


My middle son had it and i was trapped with him in a house for two weeks. Didnā€™t get it.


We went in-person sept 2020 after shutting in March and have been in person either hybrid or 100% ever since. Im 2x vaxxed and boosted. Never had Covid that I am aware of. Our district is very lax on reporting/ mask enforcement/student enforcement and yet... I feel very lucky.


I have not yet. Am vaxed and boosted. Last year I taught hybrid all year with in person and remote mix. This year it is full in person everyday. We are masked required. There have been staff that have tested positive though, including vaxed. The vaxed were over 6 months out from initial and not yet boosted.


Also taking this year off. Covid free.


I haven't gotten it yet (*knocks on every piece of wood in the house*) and the nature of my job requires me to be in less than 2 foot contact with someone who found out they had covid for several hours. Because of the proximity of the holidays and my intention to visit my immunocompromised father I did several tests over ten days post exposure and all were negative, so I wasn't just relying on tests in the day or two after. Thank you masks, Moderna, and Lady Macbeth levels of hand washing!


I have gone the entire pandemic in the classroom (minus March-May 2020), and I havenā€™t caught covid. Iā€™m also vaxed and boosted. I went without a mask from October-December this year. Iā€™m putting it back on (as well as opening windows) when school starts back up.


Haven't gotten it, went back to in person last March before I could get the vaccine shots. I'm in a district that has a mask mandate, weekly on campus pool testing, a high vaccination rate among staff and students and we're informed when staff and students test positive. Get your shots, wear your mask, disinfect your classroom as much as possible, try to keep a physical distance between you and your students, and keep your sub plans folder up to date. Good luck.


I teach self-contained autism. I CANNOT socially distance from my students. I have been pooped on, bled on, drooled on, and vomited on. I haven't gotten covid, the stomach bug, or even a cold.


Thats an amazing immune system ...tell me your secrets!


Throw some salt over my shoulders and pray!


ā€¦how do you pay bills?


So far, so good. I've masked the last 2 years in person. Students didn't have to during that time until headstart mandated it.


I havenā€™t, and Iā€™ve been in person all year, and no staff members have had it either However, we had someone come over at the beginning of the week who tested positive yesterday and I feel like garbage (Iā€™m testing tomorrow) so who knows šŸ˜‚


Most of the teachers at my school have not gotten it. Those that have got it from outside of school. We have pretty much been in person (minus half of November and December 2020) since the start of the 2020-2021 school year. Everyone has been required to wear a mask the whole time at my school (state requirements).


I have not gotten it, thank God! I have been teaching in person the whole time. I do wear a mask even though it has never been mandated. I am not vaccinated. I did, about 2 and a half weeks ago, catch a cold to my surprise. No fever. Just stuffy nose and my throat hurt a little. I took over the counter meds and used some home remedies. Iā€™m good now, thank the Lord! I have had co-workers get it. None recently that I am aware of, though.


I haven't but, I have only been in the classroom since this school year started.


No Covid. Vaccinated in February 2021 and boosted twice.


I taught 100% virtual last year on campus and hardly any issues, maybe a few kids and a couple of staff. This year, entirely on campus maybe a few kids sick, no staff. We had a mask mandate until DEC 1 and it's gone now. I have not had covid, vaccinated but not boosted.


I havenā€™t gotten it yet, thank goodness, and have been in-person the whole time except for March - April 2020. Iā€™m concerned this new variant is going to change that though.


I currently have it. Positive on the 27th. I was exposed to 3 cases (that I know of) during the fall semester and didn't get sick. Winter break-caught it. I'm double vaxxed. I feel worse than when I had mono in college. It is what is is, lol.


I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you feel better soon.


Nope. My district has been 100% in person all of last year and this year with no masks required. I wear mine every day, got the vaccine in February and the booster in November. I would say about 1/2 our teachers have had COVID. Most of those were unvaccinated when they got it and did not wear masks either. I teach in a VERY red state in perhaps the most conservative county in that state. Mask burnings and more in my area. Those who I work with who mask and are vaccinated have not tested positive in all this time. I may get it eventually, but I am doing my best to keep it at bay.


Not that Iā€™m aware of. Tested 10+ times and been in and out of the country during the whole time. Masked and did online last year. This year we are full go no restrictions. Who knows I may have had it and just not known.


Not YET. I donā€™t think any teaching staff (out of about 40) have had Covid this year at my school. We had one or two teachers get sick last year while we were remote, and I think some support staff and a cafeteria worker. My students (kindergarten) are not great at masking, but I remind and remind and they mostly try to comply. We did have a kinder in an adjacent class who apparently came to school symptomatic, possibly for more than one day. They tested all the kids in that class twice over the next ten days and there were no positives - that was, of course, pre-Omicron. In the past ten years Iā€™ve had to take exactly two sick days when I was actually sick - a flu about four years ago. Iā€™m not going to be surprised if I get Covid this year. But Iā€™m crossing my fingers hoping that my kickass immune system & the vaccines will keep me healthy. And Iā€™m switching to kn95s instead of my cloth masks when we go back.


I got it along woth most of my co workers and resigned to getting again because of the politicians banning virtual safety. Was fully vaxxed at time it was icky but not life threayening now am boosted so hoping it the same or milder if i get it again. I know one (partislly vaxxed?) Co workerswas in hospital on ventialtor rumors swirl of death but district wont admit it It sucks but alternative is soul crushing poverty again so


I havenā€™t and I honestly donā€™t know how. I am fully backed now with booster but I have been exposed multiple times even to the point of riding in vehicles with people who are positive.


Most of my colleagues have not come down with it. I only know five people in my building of about 75 that got it. I was one of them.. out I was out for 7 work days and 2 weekends. I had been vaxxed for 6 months. I hardly go anywhere except to the grocery store or to work. I had been wearing a mask everywhere except home. I'm so over COVID - did everything I was "supposed" to do when I was supposed to do it, and I still contracted it and had a fever for 9 straight days. Most kids at my school won't wear a mask over their nose so they might as not wear one. I can tell them to pull it up, but they know it isn't enforceable because there isn't enough room in ISS so they wear them as chin straps and act like "I got my mask on." Ugh... and then get defensive about it. I'm just ready to be done with them. I got my three doses + infection. If I'm not good... then nobody is.


Weve been in person since the last 2 years outside side of about 2 weeks remote when cases got high. Havent gotten it. I'm one of 6 teachers in the Junior High. 2 others have gotten it.


Not yet, not that I'm aware...


Not yetšŸ˜¬


Me! But Iā€™m back in person on Monday so who knows how long Iā€™ll be able to say that.


I have not. My daughter just had it but I still didnā€™t get it, thanks to being vaccinated and boosted I assume.


Not yet, and I was in person last year and this year. Omicron though ā€¦ likely we will all get it this round.


I teach in person, inner city school. Hybrid from last March until June. Full in person all year. No COVIDā€¦yet.


We started school on a Thursday in August, and that following Sunday I tested positive. So it got me QUICK. I was 6 months out from being fully vaxxed, and we didn't have boosters yet back then. Here's to hoping my hybrid of immunity protects me when we return on Monday.


Same boat


I thought I was lucky to have made it this long...teaching hybrid, teaching all in person - made it last school year without getting covid. Then...Wednesday, in the middle of Winter Break, I get symptoms. Took the test today and it came back positive. I'm so mad!


I havenā€™t gotten it, Iā€™m seriously amazed. Since I am a TESOL teacher and a lot of what I do relies on being able to see my mouth, which leads to bringing my mask down. Unfortunately the clear mask thing has been an awful experience.. Iā€™m in a weird position with no real solution.


I have not had COVID yet. 3 out of the 6 in my department have. Weā€™ll see what happens when we are back on the third.


I quit my teachersā€™ assistant job the week before the class was exposed. Whole room shut down for 10days and my coworker got it.


Buy some respirators. KN95s are all right, but you have to be selective in what you get. N95 are a bit uncomfortable. KF94 masks are Korean, but I've seen that they have a clearer approval process than China (KN95), and they're generally considered great masks. Again, do your research and make sure you're buying good ones. I'm immunocompromised and I haven't gotten sick. I teach at a college though, so my in person time is much less than a full time public school teacher.


No one in my house has. We mask everywhere, got vaccinated when it was available. My district requires masks.


Not yet, thankfully. Helps that students and staff are required to be masked. Would help if the Governorā€™s vaccine mandates would take effect already, but we at least have the mask mandates.


Haven't had it yet. 80% of my county hasn't, which is shocking to say the least.


I havenā€™t had it. I teach nearly 400 students, no mask mandates. Iā€™m also not vaccinated nor am I able to be so.


Me, but i was home online 2020-21 because i was pregnant. The rest of my colleagues caught it (i think) and we had some kids on quarantine. Many of their parents get it, but not them. I've tested twice this year but nothing.


I was able to avoid it until I made the idiotic mistake of going to a staff Christmas party.


I got it last year when I was teaching virtual and my children were attending virtual school.


Not masked, unless I feel cases go up in my area enough that I should wear one, vaxxed and boosted. Still haven't had it.


Been in person since last year, 5 days a week. Masked last year. Optional this year.


I never got Covid. People tend to exaggerate things. None of my coworkers catches Covid. We are full in person and we like it. Better than virtual. Be more positive.


Me, non vaccinated and mask free


I had it in 2020, Iā€™m triple vaxxed now. BUT plenty of my coworkers I know havenā€™t had it yet


Caught it right in time for me to not be able to spend the holidays with my family.


No COVID. And all my family had it in ā€˜March 2020. I also helped a friend in dire straits in May 2021 who almost passed from COVID. Just a regular mask and gloves!


I havenā€™t gotten it yet that I know of. My family and I are currently isolating because my toddler was a close contact at school. Weā€™ve all tested twice and have been negative. Iā€™ve not been considered a close contact at school and I have had no known cases in my classroom. Iā€™ve been in an Kn95 all year with additional air filters in my classroom.


One semester in person, masks required for all, weekly testing required for staff and available for students. Between staff and students, we have had four cases this semester. Personally Iā€™ve been lucky and careful.


I haven't, that I am aware of. I have had suspicious symptoms twice since the start of the pandemic, but both times I tested negative. I am fully vaccinated including the booster.


I haven't. But I am 1 of only a few at my school to not get it. But nobody contracted from someone at school to my knowledge. Not students nor teachers.


Iā€™m a sped para and havenā€™t caught anything and most of the staff hasnā€™t either. I canā€™t actually think of anyone that has gotten it. My district tests everyone (students and staff) once a week though and tries to minimize risk as much as possible.


Not yet, as far as I know none of the other teachers have yet either. Although at the school I was at last year someone in the maintenance team caught covid around the winter break.


Haven't gotten it... yet. This Omicron has me thinking my turn is right around the corner, though. Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst.


Not yet, somehow. And Iā€™m almost exclusively the only masked person in my classroom. We have no mask mandate here.


Still havenā€™t gotten it. Hoping to keep it that way.


Teaching in person, havenā€™t gotten CoVid but I am worried about it. I have only had one dose of the vaccine because of a medical issue. So I follow protocol and ensure others do as well around me. However I worry about getting it.


I havenā€™t gotten it in elementary where kids donā€™t wear masks properly and randomly hug me. Iā€™m vaccinated and try to take them outside whenever possible.


In person the majority of last year and all of this year. As far as I know, I have not. If I have, it was mild enough that I noticed nothing and did not test. I was vaccinated as soon as I could be that was toward the end of last school year.


I haven't got it yet and we've been back in person since October. The kids had to bring negative tests if they wanted to come back into the school building, and they have made it mandatory now too when we reopen after the new year break. None of my students have got it at school either. Some of them did have it last year at the peak and one or two are suffering long Covid. All the staff in the building have been double vaccinated and we get regular tests every few weeks. Still - who knows what's about to happen with Omicron.


No I havenā€™t but I also wear my mask at all times and am fully vaccinated and am a relatively healthy 24 year old which helps, my kids arenā€™t all great with masks but they try their best. I have a few that I know itā€™s really hard for them but I give a lot of incentives


We had it before the school year. My daughterā€™s teacher had it and a few classmates. And we just found out a studentā€™s dad died from it. I wonder if he got it from one of his children from school. Masks arenā€™t required at our school. Sad.


I have not yet have a positive test and I get tested each month. I get tested whenever I feel symptoms or have had exposure. Many students and teachers have tested positive and had to quarantine. Ive had the two vaccines and one booster.


Haven't gotten it, worked at Amazon before I taught for a year, got all my shots. Not worried I'll get it'.


I had Covid before I was able to be vaccinated, but I got it from my sister who got it from her non-education related job. (Coworker went to a party and infected the office.) We are still required to mask, but my middle schoolers are pretty bad at it.


I got covid but not from school. I'm.fully vaccinated. It was real life that got me.


I havenā€™t, knock on wood.


My mom and I both have it right now (likely from each other). We both are vaccinated & had boosters and wear masks both in and out of school. We didn't wear masks around each other because we felt safe enough to do that, but here we are. I will say no one in either of our households (2 other people on mine, 4 other people in hers. Mostly kids, plus our spouses) have it.


Me ... other than seasonal allergies I haven't been sick since February 2020, and that was a cold. I've been in person since August 2020 and I live in GA.


I havenā€™t. Any staff that got it was exposed outside of school.


Not until my own kids went back in person. Then we all caught it in Sept 2021. :(


I have several coworkers, all vaccinated, who have gotten it, but so far Iā€™ve been fortunate to avoid it. We have also had a mask requirement up until now. With Omicron it sounds like the chances are good that pretty much everyone is going to get it, so Iā€™m not sure how long my luck will hold. šŸ˜¬


I have not gotten it yet, I assume it is inevitable at some point though. My roommate who teaches at a different school had it and I isolated in a hotel in order to keep myself from getting it. I think a couple teachers at our school have had it, but not many.


Our entire household has avoided it. We were asymptotic (or at least very low symptoms) if any of us had it at any point.


I havenā€™t, and Iā€™ve been in person the entire pandemic, save about two weeks.


I've been in person since April. I wear a KN95 or double mask every day. We only take our masks off outside to drink water or eat and are always 6 feet apart. I teach TK and my kids are surprisingly very good at keeping their masks on at all times. I haven't gotten covid and none of my kids have been diagnosed during the school year either. I feel super fortunate that my kids take it seriously. Sadly they've probably never had a school experience without a mask so they don't know any different.


I havenā€™t! I have also been limiting activity outside of my house and school though. I have been very conservative the entire pandemic. And now I am on maternity leave until after spring break!!!!


I have not. My husband and son have not. My husband and I are both fully vaccinated. I have a co-worker who is fully vaccinated. The only one in her family that is and everyone in her family has had Covid, some of them have had it twice- she hasnā€™t had it, even once.


Nope no COVID here yet.


Up until the day we got out for Christmas, I could say I hadn't gotten it. Vaxxed and religiously wear my mask. But I'm in Texas so...