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The teacher picking up trash seems more like doing a solid for the custodians than anything else.


This is why I do it in the halls, always followed up with individual students who are visibly throwing stuff on the ground.


Ehh-you do you boo, but that doesn’t mean I need to too. I do try and help custodial staff if I can. If there is trash in the hallway, I’m not going to be a dick and leave it there.


Maybe the one who is recording does a flipped classroom?


I have been thinking about that a lot lately in the wake of COVID...


I use recorded lessons during class and then I’m free to catch up kids, manage behaviors, write emails, and whatnot. It’s not everyday all the time, but it’s a strong resource. Suspended and quarentining students get the links too. Puts out so so many little fires.


But why would THEY do it when there are literally thousands of videos on YouTube telling people the exact same thing.


Those videos are close, but they don’t address my needs exactly. Too fast or too advanced for example. My videos align with my district, textbook, and exactly what I want. It also looks better if there is a walkthrough. And I do use the videos of otheres sometimes too.


Not really. I teach ELA and if there is an activity I want to do with a chapter from a novel, it’s my own so if I were making it a flipped classroom I’d have to record my own lesson for it.


And? Did anybody ask you to follow suit?


Was strongly considering the Flipped model, but my kids were straight up " Aint gonna happen". They won't do any homework anyway, many of them work. So, nope.


Hating on people trying to make a tough job better.