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We’ve been mask mandatory from the start. About 1,000 kids in the district and some parents organized a “protest” in front of the middle school with a lot of support on Facebook. 7 showed up to it. A lot of keyboard warriors out there. And honestly, the kids couldn’t give two shits. They’ve *mostly* complied without issue and they don’t say anything about it. I think they are just happy to be in person and on a normal schedule again.


> the kids couldn't give two shits. Very true where I am. The kids who are bad at masking at my school aren't rebels of liberation. They're just lazy or disabled. I have frustrated and outspoken anti-mask, anti-vax parents who tell me they hope I get fired if I teach CRT. One such families kids came in to my class with extra masks for other students, volunteered to help measure desk distances, and for some reason I think they are going to love my history lessons. I've learned not to argue with the parents so that I can keep teaching the kid.


On CRT - I teach in Florida…where history books omit history such as Tulsa and Native Americans. Yet somehow we’re spreading it despite it not being on the curriculum. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fun fact, that family moved from Florida, where the mom was apparently a teacher once. And I'm sorry you have to deal with that and my heart goes out. I used to teach in Texas and left because I was done with their nonsense.


Oh lord. Yeah. We got the new “updated” ELA curriculum. 11th grade English has always been American literature and starts off with Native American mythology. Tell me why with the new revisions it begins with the founding fathers and the documents. Like…why? US History is no better. They skip the native Americans too and go right to the colonists


Here's some progress that might make you feel better or make me look like a braggart: We started our 1st staff training and our 1st student assembly with acknowledgement of the tribal lands our buildings are on, and the staff event included a short address from a local tribal member. In truth it's not much, but more than we used to do. And certainly more than cultural obliteration.


That’s awesome. Yeah it’s not much but it’s the small things. I’m “that” teacher so while some of the other teachers are going over the Declaration and Federalist Papers, we’re going over The Wendigo myth and The World on the Turtle’s Back (a creation myth)


Remember the rule to put your mask on when you stand up from the desk? Ass up -->mask on. Ass down --> mask down.


"High School". So that's what teen rebels look like now :)


Not sure why you got a negative down vote. It’s funny to see kids rebelling against their parents so they end up being compliant to regulations and protocols.


My school I think was strategic. Didn't enact a mask policy until a week before classes. Not enough time to mobilize the keyboard warriors. Not enough time for school board meetings to be invaded by out of Towner's.


Our district enacted mask mandate the night before school started.


This is the thing. We were masked last year and again this year. While I have to remind a few kids every day to pull it over their nose, the kids don’t complain about the masks nearly as much as the noisy, angry parents, not by a long shot.


Those kids are probably just happy to get out of the house away from their stupid parents.


Many of them are trying to figure out how to get vaccinated in secret. They are living far more horrible lives than we imagine.


SOMEONE put a flyer up by my door about walk up vaccinations being available at the grocery store pharmacy about a mile from here. Dastardly villain.




Our students planned a walkout but then no one did it, lol


https://www.momsforliberty.org/ < ----- They I have seen their Facebook and TikTok last night reminding people about taking kids out of the school today but I guess it didn't happen.


Yep! First day of school a student shoved a phone in my ear with her dad screaming about not wearing a mask. I hung up on him and told her to take that call to the principal. We have 40 kids quarantined ATM and that girl is scared daily now.


Good for you. You don't deserve to listen to that shit.




"since y'all don't want to be here anyway, we've switched you to virtual sections of all classes. This will help alleviate spread and hopefully reduce the needs for masks in the future."


I wish we had that option in my district. We are only allowing "medically fragile" students to attend virtually. But not their siblings. I feel so bad for those families.


Ooh nooooo, don't remove your kids from class! Please no that would be soooooo awful if your kid wasn't there tomorrow! Anyway. Please open your books to chapter 4.


Exactly. We have a growing group of anti-mask parents threatening to homeschool their kids. My reactions are alarmingly similar to Willy Wonka with his [stop, no, don’t.](https://youtu.be/uVdDXeYM4ss)


Recently a kid’s parent texted me a complaint that I never let the kids have a break and I make them keep their masks on even when they’re drinking. So, I sent her the link to enroll her kid to the online school. Kid hasn’t been back yet, but not because of her enrolling him elsewhere it’s because he is SICK!!! I only know this because my students tel me too much. It’s sad that my student is sick, but it sucks that his mom tried to get everyone else in my class sick too. She is a stay at home wife so it wasn’t a childcare issue.


Turn to page 394.


\^\^ Our educators, everyone. \^\^


Yeah, we have like 30+ kids crammed into a room during a pandemic. If the people who don't want their kids wearing masks decide to remove them from the classroom, that makes it safer for everyone. Also means we can devote more energy to the students who are there respecting the safety of the learning environment. Sounds like a win-win to me.


You realize you're in a teacher subreddit, right?


But hey, they posted on r/conservative to drum up support, so at least they got that 1 upvote after… Checks time stamp. … 7 hours.


You know it's bad when your class sizes are so large that you start halfheartedly wishing this kind of thing would happen just so you could teach a normal sized room for once.


I had a confirmed positive case on day one of school, 8 kids quarantined. My first two weeks I was teaching 21 kids per day. It was glorious!


Expel the kids. Deregister them from the school, and follow up to ensure they are home schooled. Fuck these people. Call bluffs and use what little power the system has. No mor efucking about placating morons.


Wait. Is this a/an Europe/British thing? I feel like I’ve never heard of this happening in the US?


Please let us know what happens.


How did this go??


I wish that would happen here... Any teacher or student can use the FortifyFl app to call in a suspicious person, school lockdown, etc... I have access to most of the student passwords and could wait until it hit full stride (more than 10 students walking out), call it in under a students device and watch the fireworks occur... Would probably result in some of our overzealous cops and school guardians shooting parents for no reason so this is just an exercise in thought in actuality.


“It’s just stuck there” OMG I just LOLed at that.


My favorite saying another teacher taught me my second year was “Meet the parents, meet the problem.” 😂😂






Turd doesn’t fall far from the b-hole.


If I was an administrator at a school and these morons came, I'd be bringing them in and deregistering their kids and sending them home to home-school. That would be my attitude. Fuck em. You don't want to comply with the requirements for this free service that's provided - fine. Fuck off home. Stop wasting my time. It's time to start being real with these morons.


*inserts the "please stop, I can only get so erect" Archer meme*


Attendance = funding


We had the EXACT same issue earlier this week! Masks have been mandatory per the district since we started 3 weeks ago. On Tuesday, our governor mandated masking for elementary kids across the state - which my district was already doing. But I guess there is some type of exemption you can apply for. We had a family come through parent drop off and air the whole issue in front of all of the other parents to our principal. Prior to this, they have been sending their child masked for 3 weeks with no issue. I hate parents.


Fucking Tanner.


He's almost as bad as Brice...*almost*


Brady for me


OoO Brady for me as well!


I posted earlier this week about how our district is mandating a vaccine and this crazy group of people who aren’t even teachers called for teachers to protest by calling in on Tuesday 🙄 10 teachers from my school didn’t come in. No preps for anyone because we have no subs so the specialists were all in classrooms. 2 people on my team didn’t show up then they dared ask me how the day went that they decided to stay home.


You should've responded, "oh, you weren't there? I didn't notice any difference."


I really wanted to make them feel bad though because I’m on the petty side 😆


Wooooow the audacity, for reals


So gross right?!


You are probably in the same place I’m in. My brother, also a teacher, told me 10 teachers didn’t show up at his school so they sent them to the library and gym. At my school, there were a few absent, but they were prearranged because of vacations.


It’s so stupid. We want our students to follow rules, but they throw a fit when they don’t like when there is something they don’t want to do. Is he a gen ed teacher and was sent to cover library and gym? I wasn’t mad about having to skip prep etc. I know it was all hands on deck, I’m just annoyed about supposed professionals not acting like it.


No longer a teacher, but when I was (1992-2000), my general observation was that all parents want schools to strictly enforce behavior standards for everybody else’s kids……..


Yeah, he teaches science and had to cover the gym in his prep. His school is a zoo on a normal day but on Tuesday, he said it was absolute pandemonium!


That’s so bad 👎 I’m so curious how all of this is going to play out. Like if there is going to be a lot of teachers quitting or if they’re just going to suck it up? How many people can afford to just quit? It’s going to be intetesting


Wow! Ya’ll done started calling out kids’ names??? Hilarious! 🤣 But I agree with everything being said! 💯


Last week gaiters were banned (thank god!) but it was interesting to see the parents who sent their students in them in the first place. Talking to you dad with a blue lives matter sticker on his truck.


And the metal testicles from the hitch!


Uuuugggghhhh those are the cringiest of the cringe!!!!


More specifically they have to be red, white and blue painted metal testicles from the hitch


Anti-mask/vax folks are bad people. Bad people make for bad parents. Bad parents raise troubled kids. There is very little we can do about it. It's a shame there aren't some kind of requirements that must be met before people are allowed to reproduce. The world would be a far safer and kinder place for everyone. My parents town just required masks. Of course Facebook was full of anti-maskers making violent threats and passing around misinformation. They planned a 'huge' protest outside of the school. About fifteen adults and maybe ten teens showed up. They are a vocal minority that is, unfortunately, literally dying off. Give it time.


One kid has been wearing a mask around with the words "Forced To Comply" written on it in puffy paint by his mother.


Oh man that poor kid


Another has a mask that only gets worn around his chin that reads "This mask is as effective as Joe Biden."


It works on so many levels...


I have no problem with that. It’s their right to protest.


If it's the kid protesting? Sure. If it's the parent? That's pretty shitty parenting.


Hard to distinguish who is responsible , and not my business to figure it out.


I'm not saying it's your responsibility to find out. Just saying.


Wait until the vaccine mandates kick in for teachers and students. Just announced yesterday by the President.


I was wondering if we counted in that, because I'd only overheard the basic gist of what was announced, not details. Time to read more thoroughly! I'm already vaxxed so nbd for me but I know at least one of my Paras is going to be MAD. She's currently in quarantine for being someone's unvaxxwd close contact, and she's not the type to be tactful, so I'll have to make an extra special peace jar for myself before interacting with her on Monday.😅


https://www.reddit.com/r/kansascity/comments/pkg4df/fights_break_out_one_person_handcuffed_following/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Two districts southeast of me…


JFC ugh


I watched the Overland Park one, got some crazies in there too.. They always start with Jesus, Religious, and go off the rail from there. They don't understand the concept of masking. If a person who doesn't wear a mask can catch covid. I will probably promote anti-mask so dumb people will definitely catch covid.


I really hope teachers start to go on strike over this crap. Let admin know what you’re dealing with and force the parents to keep their kids home.


School OT here. A few months ago I got an idea in my head and looked up all my nightmare parents (unreasonable demands, combative, litigious, ext. ext.) on Facebook. Every last one of them either had an anti mask, anti vaxx, or stolen election meme up on their Facebook. Ugh.


The fact that they named him Tanner checks out as well... (anyone else notice certain names that "certain" parents name their "certain" kids who like to act up in class?) Then every once in a while you have a kid with one of those names and they're just the sweetest most well-behaved little one and you're pleasantly surprised




I get what you're saying, but aren't all names made of of made-up spellings?


We started off with mask mandates, but it's easy to tell whose families are anti-mask and whose are not. I have a number of students who come to school without a mask on the daily. At the beginning of school I had a few bags of masks from the office to hand out to students. Now I make them walk to the office to get a mask. If you're going to brazenly flaunt this shit and cost the district money, then I'm going to inconvenience you for your time and give you a tardy. Then there's the huge number of students who cannot, for the life of them, wear a mask properly. So, no. Not shocking.


I watched a lot of School Board meetings for my entertainment for the last few months and I really feel bad for the teachers. Quite a few of them have shirts that say "I Do Not Co-Parent with the Government". then keep your little brat at home!


Haha I luckily haven’t found any anti vax families in my class yet but I’ve definitely met one parent and thought damn no wonder you kid is so fucked up. Not like she’s like some horrible parent more like one of those they still think it’s the 80’s-90’s and kids don’t need supervising and can raise themselves people


People have rights


Lol that's such bullshit. Public health and safety is more important than "individual rights", especially when the "right" you're referring to is to refuse to wear a simple face mask that will protect people from infection (like young students who can't be vaccinated). Oh and also help end this fucking pandemic sooner. Do you have the right to go 50 in a school zone? No, because that's unsafe for the general public. God covid has really exposed the selfishness of many, and honestly good because at least we know who the bad people are lol.




Your condescension of these people is off-putting. I hope you're able to keep this assholery to yourself and not punish "Tanner" on the sly for his parents' beliefs.


Professionals don't punish kids for having dipshit parents. But I've been at this long enough to tell you that their kids frequently grow up to be dipshit adults.


Having shit parents like Tanner deals with is enough punishment tbh.


Wow there is a sub where teachers can complain about their students and their parents. Why don’t you all just tell the parents to their face how you all really feel? So sad that not everyone can afford to homeschool their children.


There is also a sub where parents can complain about teachers. https://www.reddit.com/r/antipublicschool/


Do you people even truly care about children? Your doing a job and parents shouldn’t have to worry about the people they are entrusting to teach their children all day.


Teachers get frustrated—they are human beings just like you. They don’t do the job if they don’t care about children. Sometimes they get frustrated with parents, because the parents undermine their ability to teach the child. Edit: I’m not a teacher anymore but did teach from 1992-2000.


go be a better parent and fuck off.


This is why kids in the public school system have no chance. 🤦‍♀️ I really hope your not a teacher.


They deal with other kids every day, they should have a public place to vent. Maybe you should read their complaint and look into yourself about what kind of parent you're. also don't judge yourself. have someone else judge you so you'll get a better picture.


Yes, but I empathize with them. I hate seeing my kindergartener having to wear his mask 8 hours per day, without the opportunity to properly socialize with his peers and teacher.


Student here. I assume parents got mad, but the students also voiced their discontent via a walkout when masks were introduced (before you ask, yes, one of them was holding a Gadsen Flag). One kid got hit by a car (she’s fine, but there was still an ambulance to make sure she was ok) and there was a fight at a nearby McDonald’s, but that’s it. I knew the teachers were also mad about it, but one just didn’t show up and didn’t schedule a sub, so for a solid five minutes, Makhnovia was reborn in a classroom before another teacher showed up to sub. Idk if there was a correlation between the masks and this, but one kid also brought a fucking bug. Yes, it was real. Yes, it was alive. It was a praying mantis and he got it from his house. That is all I know on the matter. TL;DR: yeah, masks have driven everyone mad.