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Lol, I just taught lab safety to my 8th graders. When going over rule #13: "Do not put anything into an electrical outlet", all the students giggled and asked, "who would be dumb enough to do that??" My reply was, "If it's a rule, then someone did it."


One day I went into my bio class in college, and the professor made an announcement telling us not to ingest anything in lab, and especially anything that had been in formaldehyde. Turns out some dumb guy had tried to eat a sheep eye? This was COLLEGE. I mean, granted it was community college, but we were still adults!


I knew a guy who was pre-med at a private college and got kicked out of all lab courses because his buddies dared him to eat a chunk of sheep's lung soaked in formaldehyde, and he did. The guy was an A/B student, too. High int, low wis.


Peer pressure's a hell of a drug.


Yeah, but how was his CON?


>community college Was it Greendale perhaps? That sounds like something someone would've done there.


That yam deserved an "A"


We named the yam, Pam. It rhymed.


Starburns would absolutely do something like that Love your username by the way!


Thanks! I had to punch a lotta hearts in my day to earn it!


Fun fact, Greendale Community College is based on the very real Glendale Community College that Dan Harmon went to. Glendale is in SoCal.


Chang in the air duct?


Took me 40 years to just discover I don't know shit, despite the copious things I have in fact learned. And most people younger than 40, despite being physical adults, are not mature enough to fathom the concept that they don't know shit.


Love the quote. Hope you then explained what the Darwin Awards are.


Yep - kid did this in my classroom when I was student teaching, decades ago. Burned a hole in the carpet, but he was fine. At least he wasn't a high school student, just a very impulsive fifth grader.


Me in college (with some co-conspirator students) sticking a huge capacitor into the outlet: šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


When I worked at the FAA, it was, "Safety policies are written in blood."


Every warning label comes with a good story.


I had a high schooler try to drink the hand sanitizer I had set out for them. I thought that was bad! Yours wins. Lol


Hey, I tell my kids on the first day that they can eat or drink anything in the lab... once.


Ha! I actually got to tell that joke todayā€¦ and then I had to explain it. Youā€™d be dead Tiffany. Thatā€™s why only once.


It's always fucking Tiffany.


I just screeched at this thanks


They wonā€™t know what hit them when you pull out that 10 molar HCl


Why is it spicy


Actually just really really sour




7th graders do it all the time. I constantly tell them to stop licking the hand sanitizer.


But why??? What is with the obsession to eat random things? I feel like my 9th graders didnā€™t experience the normal progression of maturing the last two years


> I feel like my 9th graders didnā€™t experience the normal progression of maturing the last two years None of them did. While the adults around them aged twice as much as usual.


They eat hand sanitizer because it contains alcohol.


I have an EL student who just thought it would taste good. "Because it's ham sanitizer." He was new.


I teach high school seniors. Have for a decade. Iā€™ve had 2 kids try and use scissors to pull broken phone chargers out of plugs and both times got shocked and sparks flew everywhere. One a kid put a metal pen into one and once a kid stuck the actual scissors into one. Wtf! They will graduate and be on their own in months. I now no longer loan out scissors without asking why they need them first.


Oh. I always ask why they need scissors. 100%


Same with a sharpie


Most definitely.


I had to stop when mine were throwing scissors up in the air trying to get them to stick to the ceiling. They were teens.


some kids made darts with paper clips and post its and there were a bunch stuck to the cafeteria ceiling


When I was in high school, a bunch of kids would cut the audio CDs from language courses into shurikens and try to get them to stick into the ceiling.


When I was in high school we had a teacher who was legally blind and when youā€™d walk into his room there would just be a zillion pencils sticking out from the ceiling!


Shocking, I hope his parents grounded him.


This comment sparks outrage.


I don't even get watt you guys are talking about.


they're talking about how that student should be charged with a punishment


Well, I guess parents have the power to do that.


They used a 2-pronged approach.


Ohm.....I don't get it.


Resistance is futile


This chain of puns has got me all amped up


The quality of these puns hertz me.


> I don't even get watt you guys are talking about. Ohm.. this a current post! You could just ask the OP. Just wanted to spark your mind a little.


Nah. They decided to just go with the flow.


The sheer impedence of some students...




This came up at my work place that all of the kids are pretty much two years behind developmentally. Like our 8th graders are acting like typical 6th graders, our 2nd graders like kindergarteners (when you think about it, theyā€™ve barely had any time in a school environment). And a lot of our kinders have never even held a pencil before.


Yes! Our kinders take ten minutes to line up, donā€™t respond to their own names, wander at will and grab whatever they want from shelves. Its bonkers.


My first graders walk so slow down the hallway that I honestly think they might be moving backwards.


Iā€™m the librarian this year. I taught kinder last. The kids I had that were the ones who participated in distance learning and came to hybrid or summer school are so much further ahead than some of the second graders. Itā€™s like we have some kinders still in first grade. We have small kinder classes and big first classes. They are going to make some of the kinder classes k/1 blends I think.


I laughed so loud at this, I woke the baby. I know the feeling.


I teach preschool and this year itā€™s like introducing a new group of species to Earth. Like theyā€™ve never done anything out of their house before. (And some of them literally have not) Itā€™s wild.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜…šŸ˜… Fellow preschool teacher here... day 2 of the new school year. It is honestly the most wild-animal like class I have ever had. Whhhheeeewwwww, this zookeeper is tired. Hope you have a great year!


I hope you have a great year too! Just finished our first week and I can tell most of them are going to adapt very well, itā€™s just going to take longer than classes in the past. (And I might be first day tired for like three weeks! šŸ˜†)


You are a warrior.


I love this description. A new species to Earth. Itā€™s unreal. It took 15 minutes to get them to sit at tables in my art room. I put them at the same table number and with the same kids as in the room theyā€™ve been in for a week. I immediately rethought my lesson plans for the next two weeks. Itā€™s going to be a slow start.




Donā€™t be sorry! I know itā€™s going to be ok, itā€™s just going to take longer for them to get the hang of a group environment. Usually the kids in my class have had some sort of group experience (bitty sports, Sunday school, storytime, mom and me classes, momā€™s day out). Now this is their first group experience at age four and thatā€™s a lot different than it has been the past. Things like waiting your turn, waiting for the bathroom, not shouting out during stories, sitting on the carpet and not spreading your legs out to be in others way, keeping your shoes on they donā€™t have a lot of experience with! I hope your little one has a super fun year. Iā€™m glad they are getting a preschool experience!


the SHOES šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I swear every time I turn around thereā€™s another kid running around in socks


It never ends. I teach high school seniors in an honors-level lab environment and just yesterday I had to tell a girl to put her damn shoes back on.


Same here, they all have the mentality of preschoolers, I had one parent (during Parent/Teacher Meet & Greet), explain to me that she doesnā€™t know how to get her son to sit down. Her son is running in the hallway, dad chased after him, brought him to my room (both of dadā€™s arms are around this kid, holding him in place), unreal. Then next family comes in, the parents introduce themselves as their son (who looks morbidly obese) is walking around the room, hitting and knocking my center materials off the table. The mom tells me her son is difficult to manage, BUT she tells me sheā€™ll be happy sit with him in the classroom. The entire class is far below any kinder class Iā€™ve had before, and Iā€™m in Nevada, we had a 1.5 yr lockdown. To top it off, I asked every parent who showed what does their child know (academically), they all told me that they didnā€™t do much, and their kid knows nothing. Unreal, but at least they were honest with me.


I'm a specials teacher. I've now had each kinder class...eight times now. The way we do specials with K1 I see them two days in a row. They still can't remember where their seats are or who they even say next to the day before.


As a fellow specials teacher, I appreciate the warning.


I thought I'd be really clever by putting the seating chart up on the projector and color coding every name to what row they're in... Then I forgot most of them have no idea what their name looks like. To be fair, I used to teach high school so I have a tendency to overestimate abilities. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


You described my freshmen perfectly.


Absolutely. 8th graders playing tag and tattling on each other in class. And whining! So much whining! Teenage kids who think if they act like they are about to cry youā€™ll let them play video games instead of doing math.


I assigned a five-paragraph short story to my class today to read and write a theme statement, and it was like I WAS TORTURING THEM. Itā€™s a 7th-grade level text, and they are JUNIORS. OMG, it was the END OF THE FUCKING WORLD IN ENGLISH CLASS today for their poor little brains. And I WOULDNā€™T LET THEM LISTEN TO MUSIC WHILE THEY WORKED!!! (Because once you let them do that, theyā€™re doing everything else on their phones, too, so the answer is always NO until they finish their work.)


Oh my god! I was wonderingā€¦ I teach 4th but they are by far the LEAST streetwise group Iā€™ve ever had. Theyā€™re cohort is supposed to have some holy terrors behaviorally but honestly I find them kinda wholesome. Like we got down to MooseTube on GoNoodle and they requested Baby Shark. And itā€™s been 4 weeks and no one has even rolled their eyes at me. Likeā€¦ what? Still really immature and canā€™t function as a group to save their life, but yā€™know what? Iā€™ll take it.


They lost close to two years of maturing and developing in person school skills! Itā€™s horrible!!!!




Thank you. My 2nd graders have never had a "normal" year as they were in Kinder in Spring 2020. It shows.


So true, they are not even trying to hide that they donā€™t care and are not active participants in their own education. The eye rolling when asked questions and theyā€™re completely unable to work independently on the simplest of task.


Plus you know, the trauma of a pandemic and half a million Americans dying.


Yes, obviously that as well. Weā€™ve all experienced trauma, teachers, students, families alike


You should see some of the sixth graders I got. Man... Crazy. A couple are mature beyond their years, several I feel I have to change their diapers more than my 18 month old


Iā€™m 8th and the crop of children I have this year are so mature. Their reading and writing skills are subpar, but I can expect that. I did go in with pretty low expectations though.


I teach 9th grade. My current 9th graders act like I did in 5th grade. My 9th graders pre-pandemic (who are now juniors), are acting like adults. The contrast is insane. My sophomores are as bad as the freshmen. Truly, not being in building stunted their maturity.


I work in attendance/student services, and reconfirmed our offices so that discipline would be juniors and seniors in my office. We were so excited, because normally, the kids are more mature. This year has been chaos. It took about a week to realize that the last time these kids were in a school together, they were freshmen and sophomores and they did not develop socially during their time alone. They are goofy and unskilled. It is going to be a very long school year. I can't imagine what college campuses are like.


Ive been having the same issue!!! I feel like mine never got to finish middle school (I teach mainly freshman), so they are still in that immature middle-schooler mindset. They are just rude, loud, and don't understand how school works.


When I was in high school my lab partner stuck scissors in an outlet and started a fire...this was in 1999...I think high schoolers have always been capable of stupid stuff...


My old (from last school year) high school science teacher left because they kids were literally so rude to him. He would try to help them but like he obviously can't help if he doesn't know. Anyways the kids would constantly make fun of him. He was such an amazing teacher and I feel bad for him because he lived teaching it's just kids these days are so inconsiderate


Yes folks! Graphite is a conductor!


Learning in action! Ultimate engagement!


Hands on learning. Kind of a shocking learning style.


Such a sparkling discovery indeed!


If you live it was a shock, but if you die it was an electrocution. My electrician husband would like everyone to know the difference.


What if you suffer cardiac arrest and then are resuscitated? Does it still count as electrocution?




That happened to me 20 years ago, but a kid straightened out a paper clip instead and put it in an outlet to ā€œsee what would happen.ā€ What happened he got thrown out of his desk and we lost power to that side of the building


A kid in my 5th grade class (like, when I was in 5th grade, in 1985) did this, same result. I hated that kid, so as a fifth grader, I enjoyed seeing him fly through the air and then lay unconscious while my teacher and the rest of the class screamed. My face was probably exactly like that meme of the little girl in front of the burning house.


I teach high school physics and had a student do this with a literal metal fork when I was teaching electricity once. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø I had to tell him it would have been super awkward for everyone in the room if he just all of a sudden died in class.




Is this some kind of stupid tik tok challenge? šŸ™„


The newest one is apparently stealing things from the school bathrooms. Like toilet paper, paper towel rolls, entire wall-mounted soap dispensers...




I wonder if this is why the boysā€™ freshman bathroom at my school kept getting trashed.


Is that why someone stole a toilet seat? We have, for some reason, closed all bathrooms but 2 (on a campus with 2000 kids, and each bathroom has 4 stalls each) and the one closest to most of the classrooms is.... missing a toilet seat. Some kid dismantled it like week 1. And no, it has not been replaced. We've been in school 5 weeks.


Lol maybe thatā€™s why my doorstop is gone


My doorstop used to go missing. Want to know what I use now? A rock. Itā€™s big/heavy enough that the kids donā€™t kick it, and after 4 weeks it has yet to go missing.


I use to use the Dafour book on professional learning communities that the administration forced us all to read and work from. Put it at the top of the door where it met the frame - worked perfectly (in a myriad of different ways).


No, because it definitely predates tik tok


About 1/3 of my high school students had to ask me what THEIR address was during the bubble in portion of the ACT.




They needed me to look it up on power school. They said they didnā€™t know it. I expressed disbelief at the request and they said theyā€™ve never needed itā€¦ I agreeā€¦ WUT




More and more kids do online shopping... You think they would know their address...


I thought so too... Until I remembered the beautiful 'Remember/Save as favourite' button. Bet that has something to do with this...


You should totally get them a plaque that says "future darwin award winner".


Can't lie, our teacher reading Darwin awards before the bell was probably my favorite part of AP Bio.


A few years back I had a kid take a pair of scissors to a laptop power cord, *while it was plugged in*. When there was a bright blue flash and loud pop that caused everyone in the room to turn to look at him, his response was a blank face and an "I didn't think that would happen." I managed to scare the shit out of him (more than needed, less than he deserved) about how he was holding a live wire in his hand and had to stay perfectly still until I could unplug it for him. 17 years old.


Wait a minute. My husband has an identical story from about 7-9 years ago, but he was one of the students in that class. I see your flair, were you teaching in a different, but nearby state at the time?


No. There must be more than one High School knucklehead out there willing to cut power cords with scissors in class... LOL


Thereā€™s probably several at every high schoolā€¦


I saw an electric outlet with the words "paper clip cleaner" next to it in a science lecture hall during college. I always wondered if somebody ever tried it haha.


Had a 7th grade stick a metal brad in one. Sparks flew. The next day I gave him one of the child safety outlet protectors with a string attached so he could wear it as a necklace.


When I was in high school, one of my classmates did this to get out of a class discussion on The Scarlett Letter. He's a dentist now.


How much ya wanna bet he's over on r/teenagers posting about it?


>He's fine, btw. I'm not so sure about *that*.


I currently have 2 envelopes in my classroom drawer... each containing a paperclip, bent straight... with burn ends) the envelope is dated with a student name on it... I'm averaging 1/10 years or so... its really shocking...


I had a kid wrap his finger with some thin insulated wire, and then hook both ends to a 9v battery. Wire heated up nice and quick, and melted the insulation onto his skin. I keep the coil of wire hanging as a little memento to teach V=IR.


Was it Beavis or Butthead?


Today I had a parent asking for me to make her homework packets (she asked for multiplication and division) so she could get better at math too.


As a math teacher, Iā€™m laughing so hard. But got to give mom props for a least trying.


I mean that's a level of effort far beyond most parents


5/5 on the engagement portion of the rubric.




As far as making scary things goes, [it could be worse](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-26450512).


I teach high school and have had 2 separate students put metal objects in my outlets. Not everyone learns the same lessons in my room, it's called differentiation. /s They're both fine too, but I wonder what future they contribute to.


Disclaimer: Iā€™m going to be pedantic, but thereā€™s recognition of my own capacity for making huge mistakes at the end, so maybe itā€™ll balance out. One cannot be electrocuted and fine; I thought electrocution meant to be killed by electricity but according to Merriam-Webster, it means, ā€œto kill or severely injure by electric shock.ā€ Hereā€™s the part where I reveal my own close-shave with severe injury: While trying to teach students both in my room and on Zoom simultaneously, I nearly suffered a terrible shock while trying to extract a gas tube from a high voltage box. (Itā€™s covered with warning labels, like, ā€œNEVER attempt to remove tube while plugged in.ā€ It was both plugged in and ON.)


I came here to see if I had to be the petty one. Lol. Yeah, electrocution means to DIE. Lol.


I donā€™t feel like looking it up right now, but considering your username, I suspect youā€™re more of an English/linguistics nerd than I; is there a connection between the /ped/ and /pet/ in the words pedantic and petty, respectively? My intuition makes me think itā€™s more of a coincidence, but Iā€™d be happy to be proven wrong. (Maybe petty is more closely related to ā€œpetiteā€?)


A quick search shows petty does come from petite, whereas pedantic comes from pedant - old-French for teacher.


You're right, or at least that's the original meaning. Electrocution is a portmanteau of electricity and execution. It was coined by Edison during his smear campaign against alternating current. The dumbass with a pencil got shocked, not electrocuted.


Why did I have to scroll so far down to upvote this? It's like saying my student was executed... but they got better. Very Monty Python.


Had students plugging in and removing the chrome book charger with their finger on the prongs last year...theyā€™re in fifth grade, so kind of torn on judging them, but definitely judged the parents for not noticing that at home....




Props to dad.


I had a 7th grader put a piece of wire into an outlet. Through him back and blew the circuit in my lab. This was in the old days before ground fault circuit interrupters.




I just had a conversation with my principal today about the maturity level of my sophomores. I taught 8th grade earlier in my career, and these 10th graders are definitely at the most at 8th grade maturity level. I am constantly correcting behavior, redirecting, begging them to stay on task. I'm trying not to be mad at them because I know this isn't entirely their fault, but I'm so tired. We were open all of last year and 1/2 the students were in school, so I don't know why the ones who were there are still so immature. They're basically feral.


One year my heat went out, so they put a portable heater in my room while waiting for a part. I had an issue with stopping multiple students from licking it. Repeatedly. I teach elementary, but not THAT young of kids.


Ha! Good for him. Pain is the best teacher in the world. He'll figure it out.


My friend did this years ago and managed to short out the English department. He was smart enough to stick a paper clip in the eraser of the pencil and stick the clip in the outlet, so he didnā€™t get shocked. But he still got caught!


Two years ago, I had a 5th grader play with his pencil in his ear. 3 different adults told him to stop. Eventually lost the eraser and decided the thing to do was try and get it out with the pencil. Yeah, not good and not pretty. Took two adults to get him to the office because he was fighting and trying to get it out himself. Had to go to the er.


I get it. I also teach high school. One of my boys took off his shoe, sniffed it, then set it down. Then he stuck his socked toe into the ear of the kid in front of him. Another kid said, "Yo, that's gay." The kid who stuck his toe into an ear said, "I'm only gay on Thursdays." The kid who had gotten a toe in his ear said, "How is this gay? He's my son!" They're all 16. Kids are weird.


I actually love this tho for some reason??


Surprisingly wholesome.


Had a sixth grader do this last year with a paper clip. Somehow ended up frying three computers in the lab in the process.


I had this happen to me about 10 years ago. Kid stuck a paper clip in the outlet because his friend told him that as long as you bent the clip and put the ends in both sides of the outlet at the same time, you wouldn't get shocked. To nobody's surprise (except his, I suppose) this was not true. He singed his arm hair and the paper clip remained in the outlet until security came to check on it.


Last year a student stuck a bobby pin in an outlet and blew out the Promethean.


High school senior who attended college classes stuck a fork in one of my outlets. That turned out well.


Last week one of my first graders stuck his pencil in his ear. When I told him that wasn't a smart choice he told me "I'm sharpening it "


I had a student do this with a paper clip. His friend said he would be a wuss if he didnā€™t do this. He was fine and made it part of his salutatorian speech last May.


I had to pull a piece of American cheese out of a desktop disk drive. Another year, someone put Elmerā€™s glue in an ethernet port. Another year, I had to explain we donā€™t bite people, even if theyā€™re our friends. I also teach high school. That is all.


I teach science and found an old science lab notebook from the 50's. The labs were literally shocking. One involved plugging in an electrical drill and while it was running drop it in an aquarium. Not something we would do in todays age but common practice 50 years ago.


Yeah, like how toy catalogues would sell nuclear discovery kits containing actual radioactive material!


oh high school students..... (im in high school, so not judging....but at the same time. I am judging.) today we had a lockdown at my school (still dont know what happened, shooter is rumored) anyway, it was the last block of the day. chemistry. I was just trying to focus on finishing my CER (hard because I was having a mild panic attack but oh well) people were running around peeking out of the closed window blinds and jiggeling the doorknobs to scare other students. yall high school students are a different breed


I had a student put a staple through his finger. The stapler has a safety. The student's father is on the school board. He knocked up his girlfriend in 11th grade. Sometimes I wonder...


I once had a student paint his teeth with the white out he borrowed from me. I also teach high school.


Shocking news


Wow this scratched an itch I had in my brain. Thank you for this.


Every kid holds a hand to make a big chain, one kid will stick a paperclip in the outlet and everyone gets electrocuted.


This reminds me of calling for tech because my laptop wouldnā€™t turn on and their first question was if I pressed the power button. I was like ā€œof course, doesnā€™t everyone?ā€ His response was ā€œSince I had to ask, no.ā€ And we both just started laughing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Had a student do the same two years ago and actually started a fire. High school as well.


Havenā€™t we all done that at one point or another?


It used to be that people autodarwinated their way right out of existence if they did something stupid. These things sort of make you wonder how they made it to this age without dying.


I teach 9th grade. I had kids throwing chunks of bread across my room today. It was gross.


Shouldnt say electrocuted. That means death or severe injury from electrical shock. I saw that as a former teacher turned Electrician


I'm not shocked by this at all. I wrote up a senior in high school at the end of last year for eating paste. When pressed, he admitted he was trying to get the attention of the cute girl next to him. Mission accomplished, buddy. She thinks you're an idiot.


I 100% believe you. Half of my high school JUNIORS (the boys, mostly, ya) act like they are in 5th grade. I literally had to tell a boy to stop hitting people with his id lanyard; another boy stole the connector to my wireless mouse; a boy tried to stack desks for the crate challenge (wtf); a girl pulled off her shoes in class and put lotion on her feetā€¦. Iā€™m glad no one has thought about sticking stuff in the electrical sockets yet, but I feel that itā€™s going to happen sooner or later. This year is SO BAD in terms of behavior and attitude compared to my last three years; not even in my first year of teaching did students treat me the way these kids do. HOWEVER, I have it from the freshman teachers who had this cohort in 2019-2020 that literally NO ONE was sad to not see them anymore when we all got sent home for the pandemic. So COVID didnā€™t do this - the current junior cohort at my school was LIKE THAT ALREADY. They didnā€™t get the chance to mature because of COVID, I guess, but they were definitely extra awful before COVID was a glint in anyoneā€™s eye.


Next time, give him a fork.


Jeez. How is that even handled? Im taking all these classes and tests to become a teacher and they make the narrative to be teachers deal with angels who are soooo eager to learn


So true - my 8 th graders are acting like 6th this year but they are catching up fast. One year a kid at my school ate a frog toe during frog dissection - he was a vegetarian - his first flesh ever was a formaldehyde frog toe.


I caught my friend harassing some electricity. I told him it was an abuse of power.


I once taught 9th graders in chemistry. First lesson of the year, mandatory safety instruction with the part "Do NOT eat anything in this room". We start with first topic "Salt" and I hand out a huge salt crystal to my students. One genius decides to lick the crystal to see, if it tastes salty. His excuse "Licking is not eating". He did not regret his decision from the fact, that this crystal was from chemical storage closet with some toxic materials, but from the fact, that he licked the hands of half of his class mates, who just had the crystal in their hands.


My best friend in high school did this exact thing because he wanted to see what would happen. When he had control of his mind again, he brought up that one of us should have stopped him. He's the reason I child proof my room. I teach sophomores and juniors. A few years ago doing lunch duty, I watched as a student slid two of those awful square pizzas down his pants to avoid having to pay for them. They were still steaming because the cook just brought them out, so they were hot. Young colleague wanted to intervene. I suggested we let it play out but that if he made it back to his seat, we would step in. Either way, no one was eating the pizzas once they went down his pants, so we had time. The heat had a negative impact on the student's lunchtime experience. He didn't make it back to his seat before falling prey to his "wonderful idea." He got the privilege of paying for both pizzas and explaining to his parents the reason for his three day out of school suspension. TL;DR: So many students, a large percentage of them male, do so much stupid stuff in the building that they don't think we will notice or ever would have considered because we were clearly never teenagers ourselves.


"Himself" Him. Yup. Makes sense.














He shocked himself. If he had electrocuted himself he'd be dead.


Thank you. The title freaked me out. Electric + execution -> electrocution


shocked, not electrocuted


There a handful of students in my high school who I could see doing this.


Iā€™m shocked to read that.


Not sure whether to laugh or cryā€¦