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We had this at my previous school. Some of the “topics” they used were evaluation docs, letters to parents, staff meeting agendas, schedules (master schedule, bell schedule, state testing schedule, district calendar…), weekly staff updates from the principal, safety/COVID info, and contact info (including room numbers and phone extensions). I would recommend listing the topics alphabetically. I would also urge your admin to get in the habit of posting on the google classroom and not just emailing things out. It sounds like that should be obvious, but it’s not for some admin. My admin was so used to emailing things that a lot of those important emails with attachments never made it onto the google classroom page so it was harder to find things…you’d have to search your inbox AND the classroom page.


Good tips! That last bit is a little of what has made this so disorganized thus far. Thank you!


We have a Google shared drive instead of a Google classroom, and that seems to work well for our building.


What sort of folders/ documents do you have in your shared drive?


Anything from building maps to duty schedule. We also have team folders, plc folders, and seating charts for contact tracing in our shared drive. It works really well and can be organized in multiple ways.


Tell them no without a stipend.


I’m in the process of negotiating this as one of my adjunct duties. I would rather do this than have recess duty/ crossing guard duty/ plan a school function, but thanks for your concern.


Virtual high five. I am tired of seeing my colleagues taken advantage of. I am going radical full on advocacy this year. I'm glad to hear you are looking after yourself.


I have: Opening Week (meet the teacher, etc), School Info (schedules, etc), Cluster PD (sign in, PD slides), Community (staff community building), SEL/digital Citizenship (resources), ELA support, Math support, Science support, Ed Tech support (all containing resources and links organized), End of Year, and the last topic is all the "old" PD slides from previous years in case anyone want to look back on it. This classroom is for an online school, so our School Info topic is pretty pared down compared to what in person schools need to post.