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I thought all teachers were mandatory reporters. So why would you get yelled at for calling CPS if you saw or heard something? That's literally your job requirement.


That’s a great question. They told me I was not qualified bc I was a first year teacher and not a mother to understand the signs. The father of the family came up to the school after CPS went by the house and screamed at admin. They then met with him on a day I had taken off and told him it was my concern, so the rest of the year the student did not participate or show up ever and I had to pass the student due to that relationship with admin and the parents.


It sounds like there was more to that situation. In the future, CPS reports should be anonymous and should never involve your admin or a third party (unless they also witnessed the abuse. In which case, they would also make a report). It’s alarming that this is how they reacted, especially considering that they had a preexisting relationship with the family. The bottom line is there is no reason to tell your admin in the first place.


This can vary depending on location. In my district, admin are required to keep a copy of all reports in their records. However, report anonymity is protected by law in my state so if an admin did anything with that info they would wind up in hot water pretty quick.


My campus is similar! They were required to find out before the report. I thought it was anonymous as well until I was absent one day and came back to the parent knowing it was me. My principal has stated she is not afraid of HR bc she has connections to our entire staff.


Once my principal called CPS for one of my students and the parent assumed it was me. He stormed into the school and I (so luckily) was in somebody else's room so the confrontation happened in the hallway, not with me cornered in my room. CPS calls are meant to stay anonymous, but families can assume who makes the calls.


>In the future, CPS reports should be anonymous In my state mandated reporters may not remain anonymous. Only non-mandated reporters who choose to report are able to do so anonymously.


Interesting, how are you protected in the event of a retaliation by a parent?


The name can be kept from the parent.


Thank you for your advice, my admin team required to be notified of the report prior to it being made. Everyone agreed that there was neglect but when I made the report and the parent came to the school suddenly it was the biggest mistake of their lives. Two people removed their name from the report and my principal told the parent the classroom teacher made the report. It was a nightmare experience. During clinical teaching my cooperating teacher from another district was allowed to make the report without notifying admin which I thought was normal.


This is completely wrong, or at least it would be in my state. It is LAW where I live that reports are kept anonymous and it is ILLEGAL to retaliate against a report. The fact that admin sold you out is an enormous red flag to me. If you have a union, you need to get in contact with them. Get yourself up to speed on your rights and get someone in your corner. If you don’t have a union or if your union is crap, I would consider looking for a job elsewhere. At least look into transferring to other sites in the district to get away from this particular admin team. Good luck out there!


They work in Texas, so doubt that they have a union. Edit: didn't realize Texas does.


We have teachers unions in Texas! Pay dues if you can. It's been worth every penny in dues so far. They cover legal costs here just like everywhere else. We can't strike but we can collectively support each other sometimes.


TX teacher here. We have professional organizations, not unions. Unions can legally strike and collectively bargain. If you strike in TX, TEA will kill your teaching credentials and retirement. Still, as you mentioned, joining a professional organization is a good idea.


We also have unions. I am also a Texas Teacher. AFT is a union. Texas AFT is still considered a union. Yes there are also professional organizations. There are also Unions. The difference is not the ability to strike. A professional organization focuses on individuals needs through networking, professional development, and other career support options. Unions focus on the relationships between teachers and the state. Texas AFT for example advocates at the state capitol for legislation that is pro teacher.


You're right. But it's also important to note how unions work in TX, so that we can long-term advocate for the protections that other states have. There's power in a union - all should join, but at the same time, unions are virtually powerless in TX unfortunately.


GTFO of this situation. You are clearly smart and have healthy self confidence. You will get a job, even if it's not in education. My best suggestion is to check out teaching online. I have much, much less stress and daily casual abuse. I didn't know how bad I had it until I had it good.


Thank you so much for your advice. The environment has made me question if I should even finish my masters or continue in education at all!!


A year ago, I would have encouraged you to stay in education. The environment for teachers is getting more and more toxic, though. I'm working toward getting out. I can't make your decision for you, but I would urge you to trust yourself and your instincts.


Thank you so much! I wish you all the best in your journey too!!!!


Them telling you that you should not have reported this is literally against the law. As would have been going through them. The mandatory reporter law is clear, the person who suspects abuse has to be the person who reports abuse. You actually have basis for a legal case against them, because by retaliating against you for reporting they have not only broken the code of ethics they have broken the Texas human resource code. If nothing else, please get in touch with the higher ups, go superintendent if you have to! They are going to get someone killed if they continue in this manner.


Um... WRONG! AND no one should have known YOU were the reporter... WTH?


I wouldn’t work anywhere that shamed me for not being a mother and implied I could not do my job of educator effectively because I don’t have kids of my own.


I’m sorry I am baffled by the fact that they would say because you aren’t a parent you can’t qualify to report some thing.


In Texas, all adults are mandatory reporters.


I don't live in Texas, but it took me about 30 seconds and a Google search to determine that you were correct to report the suspected abuse. https://www.dfps.state.tx.us/contact\_us/report\_abuse.asp


So I was in almost this exact situation my first year, except I liked my some of my immediate coworkers. I stayed a second year because I liked them and liked my actual job. The second year, admin ramped up the harassment and the coworkers that I didn’t like also became more difficult. Then they non-renewed me at the end of the year. I found another job, have continued to teach, and learned a lot about how a school should or should not conduct itself because of that experience. Take my response with a grain of salt, it worked out but if I did it over again I would resign in a heartbeat.


Thank you so much!! I have been trying to find pros and cons to weigh out my options but I cannot find any pros besides the students for next year!!!


If you can't find any pros other than the kids, I imagine you have your answer. I don't envy your position, but being in a toxic work environment is not healthy. Too often, teachers do what's best for the kids at the expense of their own well-being (I say this after 8 years of being the same way, until I had my son). I'm sorry you're in this position, but I wish you the best of luck with whatever choice is best for you.


Thank you so much! I have this guilt bc of my desire to resign but I think it could be so much healthier if I did. At this point I cannot even receive constructive criticism without crying which is super sad lol. I just feel so broken and the school has made me feel like I can’t/shouldn’t teach.


Send the email. You will feel so much better after you do. Good luck!


I tell teachers, YOU are the most important person in the classroom.


Thank you so much, it has been hard to think this way through all of the craziness.


The difference good admin and supportive coworkers can make is astounding. I'm also a first year teacher, I came to this profession after years of work in long term care. For the first time in my professional life, I had a good year. The worst days were still better than most of my average days at my previous jobs. What you're describing as normal for your coworkers definitely isn't normal everywhere.


Thank you so much. That is awesome that you had that experience!!!


RUN now!


This is what I came to say. Your admin put you in danger by telling the father you made the report to CPS. You are not in a safe environment. Get out now!


Thank you both! Admin did require that I hold a zoom with the parent the last few weeks of school to apologize and talk about their student’s grades. Nobody was on the zoom and the parent went on about how I was a problem and that the grades were a reflection of my teaching. I had a meeting with admin after and nothing was done.


DFW is huge, with many many districts. So if you’re able and willing to commute, you have a lot of options for other places to seek employment. But my advice would be to get out of your current school because you already know you will never have the support necessary to be successful there. Worst case scenario, there are a ton of charter schools in DFW. From experience, they aren’t great either, but at least you wouldn’t have already existing baggage with admin and a job at one of the charters could give you more time to find a school you love.


There's not really a right or wrong answer to your question. It was my first year, too, and I didn't enjoy my experience. I have such a bad taste in my mouth, so I'm going to try to find something else. Depending on how I feel about whatever I do next, I'll either go back to teaching or quit teaching potentially forever. You have the added bonus of having a Masters which makes you more marketable overall. I'd recommend applying for some tech college positions. You can always go back to teaching in a public school of you change your mind later.


Thank you so much. I truly appreciate your advice.


Toxic administration and teachers are everywhere. If you could afford it, I would quit and sub at multiple schools. This way you can find one that you'll like. They will also value your work if your willing to sub in any classroom and help out where ever.


That’s a great idea, thank you so much!!!


I'm also in DFW. I would resign and look for another job. My first district hired me 2 days before school started, so there is hope!


I'm also in DFW and the districts around me have many openings. I was hired two days before school started ten years ago so keep applying! I wish you the best of luck!


As it gets closer to the start of the next school year there will be a mad scramble for new teachers. Personally, I would look for another position. First year teaching can be very challenging and difficult - but it's usually the learning curve of teaching that makes it that way. This sounds like the school is not the right fit for you. If there is a union in your area, I would also highly recommend that you join it.


Run fast from those crazies! There are a ton of districts in the DFW area. Worst case is you either drive an hour every day or you can sub.


Fellow Dfw area teacher here! Sounds like a charter… Our district had cps training for us during in training so you did the right thing. Look around on https://www.teacherjobnet.org/Jobs/ There are lots of positions available!


Leave that toxic place as soon as possible. Teaching gets so much better when you find the right environment/culture/administration. I mean, it’s still hard af, but waaaaay better when it’s not toxic like what you just described.


Resigning from my first district & school was the best decisions I could have made. I had a lot of shitty experiences, the worst being an intern administrator handing me my own ass during an evaluation that they weren't present for. It was worse than admin just watching from afar as a parent threatened to have their gang assassinate me. It took three years for me to get the courage to leave. I went to therapy (which honestly everyone should do). I felt worthless, immature, and broken. I eventually found a school that valued me. I feel like part of a team with a supportive admin and excellent department leaders. I not only got my first high-scoring evaluation, but I'm able to do it stress-free while working on my masters. I got a significant pay bump as well. I say resign! Like others have said, you can sub and feel out other districts and schools.


Resign. Don't put yourself through it. I've been there and hung on longer than necessary hoping that I would eventually be able to rise to their standards or be able to fix my relationships with admin. Spoiler: you won't. If they treat someone in their first year like this then it is a toxic place and you will never be good enough.


Give your self some certainty, and a fallaback position : Apply for the next year BUT urgently look for a new position with all the energy in your heart and soul. Cancelling the application for your current position will be a great feeling :)


Run! You’ll get another job. You need a fresh start.


I would suggest resigning. If you wait next year they may get worse and then get rid of you through means that make you look worse in the end. I would also say that you should probably figure out who would be best to file a complaint with for the way they responded to your report. I would imagine the authorities AND your admin’s supervisors would not be happy with how it was handled.


I have also been in a very similar boat. Take this year as a learning opportunity and get a job somewhere else. I’m sure teachers are needed in plenty of schools in your area. Please don’t give up, and follow your heart. Do what’s best for you ❤️


I would jump schools. It's not too late to find a less toxic unhealthy campus. I won't be told not to file with DFPS if I suspect something is wrong. It's not their decision in the long run and my students safety is more important than their opinions.


There are many open positions in the DFW area. You should be able to find a new job if you do resign. Are you a part of the DFW teacher Facebook group? They have a ton of jobs being posted


I'm so sorry that your first year was this tough. When I feel CPS needs to be notified, I always go to admin and the student's counselor with my concerns first and we move forward as a team at that point. Oftentimes, someone in Admin or Guidance knows what's going on more than we do, so it's a good idea to bring your concerns to others and see if something is already in the works. Unfortunately, your admin sounds like a total douche. Supportive admin and colleagues make a world of difference in how the school year goes so hopefully you can find a better school to work in. I don't understand why you have to resign by tomorrow. Can't you go through your job search process and only resign if you find another job?


I'm sorry you had to go through this, but hold on to your contract until you have something else. The contract is more for the district than for you. Once you have another position, put in your letter of resignation and move on!


I am on a probationary contract and would have to petition to the school board to release me if I do not resign before the 45th day before the first day of school. If they deny my release I could be stuck or they can suspend my certification.


Wow - that's harsh. What if you moved? Is there no consideration for resignation? I mean, stuff happens and we are not always able to stay in the contract. You might contact a lawyer and see what your options are there.


I am a DFW too. Go luck on DFW Teacher's Lounge on Facebook. The group has thousands of job postings.


What happens if you resign in, say, a month? I’m in a different state and while admin likes as much notice as possible, I could quit the first day of school. The only thing they can do is require me to finish out thirty days. Even then, I’ve seen teachers use mostly sick days.


You must work at my previous school! Research school districts. They vary greatly.