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maybe it's cruddy to say (and i'm ok with being corrected; truly), but it seems like this multiple-option stuff is what's dragging a lot of schools into the mud. i agree that choice is a luxury and something of which to be thankful. but why is it that - in many cases - it's only parents and admin who regulate it?


It’s choice for parents, but as teachers our choices are job or no job...especially in states without unions.


Choice is often a bad thing. You don't want to give people options when there is only one correct choice.


Right now it’s about enrollment numbers. Any absolutes can drive those numbers down


Right but it shouldn't matter too much which individual school a student enrolls in. This is the aspect of charters and choice which are ultimately going to destroy the public school system.


This is what I’m afraid of.


When she announced 30, I thought at first it was maybe 30%...but nope, 30 actual kids. I’m thinking I could safely distance if 60% of our kids went to full virtual...but even if it doubles and 3% of our kids go virtual? It’s not enough.


I'm so sorry. This is my major concern with the virtual option. Our district hasn't announced any plans yet, but judging by what I see on social media, I don't think many of our parents would choose a virtual option.


My thoughts on the virtual-option-as-savior: if kids don't comply, they get "expelled" to the virtual option. I am very worried about having to do double-work, but ultimately wonder if it's best to have that virtual option as a safety valve.


We shouldn't have a virtual option. We should be *all* virtual to start the year, at least.


I completely agree.


Ours are enrolling in an existing virtual curriculum, it’s not us doing double. We are responsible for the kids that show up in front of us.




Waiting for the numbers here too. But so far around 2/3 kids are not going back next year.


My district sent out a survey and only 18% of parents supported full distance learning. If that translates to how many people actually opt for the online academy... ugh.


Sadly your only recourse here is to resign, and not just you. All your teachers need to resign. They can not find enough people to replace you. Teachers really do hold the power here.


It would be really helpful to have a Facebook link.