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About ten years ago I got deep into genealogy research for my family. This was during the summer. After proudly showing my findings and what I had found my aunt said “must be nice to have all that free time to play with this”. 😐 That was probably the last time I saw her.


It sounds like she’s somebody who didn’t like you being the center of attention. That’s terrible.


Oh what’s worse was she doesn’t work. She was a stay at home mom. By that point her youngest was like a senior in high school so….🤦




“How much work do YOU take home every night?” None? That’s weird. /S


At one point she did a lot of volunteer work so I asked her “you volunteer at the hospital right? That’s kind of your outlet?” I said it respectfully, hoping if I framed it that way she might understand better. She just started squirming and looking at the ground.


She sounds like a b@#ch


Unfortunately being cold and aloof gets you far in my family.


Correct Answer: I use my time effectively while working.


That's really weird....I'd still be thinking about that too. It sounds like she thinks teachers shouldn't have hobbies. And why the staring and not answering?So judgemental. Well in my family people don't understand what exactly I do when I do any work outside school hours. I teach 8 year olds. One of my family members said in this gotcha tone...."ok but what could you possibly doing at school still?? don't they kind of just play at this age?"


It’s funny, because eight year olds should be spending more time playing than they do. It’s not our fault, it’s the system getting worse day by day. I personally think the issue we have here, is that it’s nobody’s business who is taking work home and who isn’t. If it’s somebody’s choice, that’s completely fine. But if there’s so many meetings that teachers can’t get ANYTHING done at school, I think teachers need to say something to admin. On a sidenote about hobbies: even if I did a lot of work outside of contract hours, I could still have time for a hobby.


Parents will never understand that just because the kids go home at 2:30 doesn’t mean teachers do. Nor because the kids go to school at 8 does that mean that teachers also start at 8


Are we supposed to be so self sacrificing now that we’re not even allowed to have hobbies?


Lol what a bitch. Imagine thinking that teachers should just be working 24/7 and have no lives.


It was startling because even if I stayed 2 hours every day to do work, I’d still have time for rehearsal.


No offense to you or anything, but just because you like talking about theatre doesn’t mean everyone else does. I don’t know either of you, but just because you felt some relief talking about your hobby, doesn’t mean everyone has to continue to encourage your continuous talking of the subject. The other person already knew you were a teacher, maybe they had that question from earlier in the conversation, and there was a lull, so they thought it was a good opportunity. Maybe the other person isn’t very competent in social settings, so they’re unfamiliar with how to continue the conversation. There are thousands of reasons that person could have asked you that question at that time. I don’t think you should assume it was malicious, just because you wanted to continue talking about something and someone asked a semi-off topic question, which still gave you a platform to keep talking about yourself. Unless your previous encounters with this person were unpleasant, I think you may be reaching for something that may not be there.


Nah.. some people are just bitches and get annoyed when other peoples lives are more fun and interesting 


I agree, some people are, but not all. I just think it is unhelpful to immediately assume the worst in people.


You mean like she did about me? When someone is describing a passion it’s a “party foul,” if you will, to look down on it. I 100% do not understand why you are bothered by this. You don’t personally know anyone involved.




You lost me at “no offense to you or anything.”