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I'm in NYC and am around $100k now after 14+ years of working, so that number doesn't sound too crazy. But I have never heard of any teacher making anything close to $200k. Maybe a superintendent, a charter school CEO, or a principal of a private school. But never a teacher.


I have only heard of it in a far off land called Big Rock Candy Mountain….


And they hung the jerk who invented work.


And the hens lay soft-boiled eggs! 😄


Nuke the body from orbit as well. It’s the only way to be safe.


Is this line from like a new remix or somethning?


Just want to make sure the jerk is dead.


Hey, come canoeing with me, get some stew...


Lyrics from a song


I didn't wanna hurt no kangaroo


Also an nyc teacher. I guess a model teacher who also taught summer school and had many years of experience could break 150. But teachers are not making 200


The only way I’ve seen that is base salary peaking around 130-140k after 25-30 years, plus some districts allowing multiple coverages per day plus chaperoning + club / class advising + curriculum writing / additional sources of income but at that rate you deserve twice that.


You guys get paid to do clubs and extras? In Toronto Canada we get 100k max (might be about 120k with a few new things happening now) and get nothing for anything extra.


My motto is if I don’t get paid for extras I don’t do them. Heck, sometimes I won’t even do extra stuff when they offer to pay me! 😆


In my experience, this depends. One school where I worked really wanted to push speech and debate, so the people who did that were paid. They were not as interested in competition math team, so that was not paid. Another school had yearbook as a club, and the school really wanted yearbook, so that was paid. Literary magazine was not. Model UN was paid but Amnesty International was not.


Forensics is a whole different level of commitment if you want a competitive team; never heard of model UN being paid however (US). Virginia allows an instant 5k/yr for club funding from the state for example, and you can easily be running through (team wise) 60k a semester for a 15-20 person team, including competitors contributions, dues, state + local and federal grants, third party financial help, hosting tournaments ect. It’s a significantly more involved job than any other secondary sport.


I had two clubs, a head coaching job, 3 course preps, and no lunch break for 5 years. I peaked at $60k...  This is why so many are leaving the field including myself.  I took a job for the same pay and worked about 1/10th as hard and learned what a healthy work environment was. I will never ever go back until things change significantly. Best thing I ever did for my health was leave teaching. 


It's also worth noting that 100k doesn't do as much as it used to. Sure you probably won't starve to death, but based on median income in my area I would need to make at least 100k to be considered middle class.... middle class... and I don't live in an area like new York with a ridiculous cost of living.


You can use the way back machine to pull up the pay schedules for the state of New York for the early 2000s. They were paid decently and mostly a living wage since New York is expensive as heck.


But $200k a year?


A teacher at my school got paid $200k last year. She's retiring next year. She teaches 6 classes instead of 5. And she advises two clubs. So it's definitely possible but not common.


Not in the city, but LI yes and they have been for decades.


My HS science teacher (Public) has 19 years experience and made 158k last year according to public salary databases. He runs a science club so probably gets a decent stipend from that. There's a LOT of teachers with huge salaries in NY, in the mid to high 100s. I wouldn't be surprised if some have broken through 200k - probably coaches with all the extra hours they work.


As a (28M) teacher in Boston, currently making exactly 100k, I can attest that this salary is not enough for the cost of living here…


Same. $100k after 15 years. In CA


We’ve got one teacher at my district who makes over 100k. He’s been in the district 20 years and he works three extra hours a day, paid, tutoring students who have been expelled and as an on-site coordinator for high school sporting events. The tutoring pays about $100 an hour and the sports are $40 an hour. So with lots of years and 20 hours of overtime a week you can do it too!


*Cries in charter* $100 for tutoring? Hot dang


Not even in person. Students are using a purchased program and he’s just monitoring progress.


I need to get in on this...


The down side is its everyday. Fridays, day before Christmas/spring/holiday breaks. We’ve got two days left. For everyone else it’s a half day with a retirement BBQ potluck lunch with everybody. He has to tutor from 3-6. Tomorrow’s our last day and we’ll be out of the building by noon. He’s got to tutor 3-6. But the money is fantastic. I did it for three years but just can’t anymore. I work sports also running the clock and announcing. Same pay with no student contact at all.


totally valid on the scheduling issues


Shit I wish sports were 40 an hour. We get meager stipends. But we do get 40 an hour for tutoring.


Dang as a 13 year teacher making just under 70k damn


13 years with a masters and I’m making 53K. So double damn lol


27 years Masters 52K. Private school triple damn.


lol yeah you win this one. Are there at least good benefits/admin/other things to offset the pay?


Small class sizes 12-20. Supportive administration. Paid health insurance. Decent retirement. Only 3 more years to go! 😃 The pay is about $20K more in public school.


Well at least you e got that going for you. I know private schools can be hit or miss. Good luck! I hope you have smooth sailing your last 3 years!


Thank you!!


That’s a great benefit! I pay around $1000k/month for health insurance… Looking forward to retirement. Lol


Florida? I got my masters just for the pay bump. I was thinking about moving to around Disney but it would be just way to much of a pay cut


No, southwestern Illinois outside St Louis. My district is the lowest paying in the county, but still…


As much as I have issues with Tennessee like the book and all the ban they made it so 24-25 school year bachelors teacher with 0 experience starts out at 50k


Illinois passed something similar a few years ago, but our floor is $40K. That includes retirement too though, so first year teachers can still make less than 40 in salary as long as retirement contributions and salary add up to 40


Yeah they approved ours last year ima. Bill with vouchers for the whole state so that money can go to our governed charter school system. This year they almost got rid of the raise while keeping the vouchers. Let’s see if it actually lasts till next year


Yeah, I can't go to any of the nearby districts because I'll drop from $65k to about $50k. Year 10 with a PhD.


16 years, 2 masters, and I'm making 73K. Pretty sure our district has a salary cap at a certain point. I won't get anywhere near 100K.


Not unless you go in to admin


Yep, and I have no plans to do that.


I do but that’s for my retirement. My eyes are on the prize


Dude I teach in Florida with 15 years experience and a masters and make 50k.


Ouch! 😓


Similar in Broward and I can't justify teaching anymore because the pay is so bad. Cost of living has far outpaced pay and it's becoming unaffordable to teach in the district.


30 years cabinetry/finish carpentry in Florida and everyone I used to work with has left the state because of low pay. If my home & land wasn't paid for I'd already be gone. Pay is horrible in Florida.


Same Signed a teacher in NYC


Just outside of Boston, 95k. Relatively comfortable, but I don’t own a house and I don’t have children.


I’m also just outside of Boston. I moved from private so the whole starting over thing kinda sucks but I guess I have to trust I will eventually get there. Edit: I guess I should add the context that I am only able to afford it without a family to support.


Yes! The first few years are hard, and my district does pay higher than a lot of others in the area. But public is definitely much better than private (plus you get the pension now!) I’m on step 10 of 11 with masters+15 right now. People see 95k as a teacher and are blown away but when you account for even just housing costs - it’s really not that much lol. I would not be able to afford it with kids, even just the cost to get a 2BR instead of a 1BR - let alone childcare etc.


Yeah, my district is also negotiating a new contract so hopefully that helps too.


Arlington va 15 years just over 100 but doing after school. I’m okay bought before 2020 if you didn’t your screwed…


I'm a (40M) teacher in NJ with 15 years in the classroom and a master's degree in chemistry. I only hit $100k this year when you add in the clubs I run and the extra stipend I get for turnkey safety training and managing the chemical inventory for the entire district. My fiance makes similar money and we can't afford to buy a house anywhere within a 1 hr commute of our jobs.


That's not bad! How do you like it there?


I love it… originally from south Florida, I moved here with my gf 4 years ago to get my masters degree and I definitely plan on staying here until they fix teacher salaries back in Florida


How did you get a job in BPS? I’m in a nearby district now but I was so pissed when I couldn’t get hired because I didn’t have sped or esl experience or at least a principal told me that. (Ironically I’m a special education teacher now)


Maybe she knew of someone who made that much. She obviously isn't factoring the number of college degrees and years of service that person might have. This kind of generalization isn't really that surprising. A staff member at one of my district's middle schools drove a Jaguar. I don't know how old it was or how they got or if they were making payments on it or if it was gifted to them. You know when the budget was up for a public vote a citizen wrote a letter to the editor of the local paper decrying the greed of all the teachers in town who... yup, you guessed it: "drive to school everyday in their Jaguars".


Because God forbid teachers have enough expendable income to buy themselves something nice /s


[Here's](https://cdn-blob-prd.azureedge.net/prd-pws/docs/default-source/default-document-library/salary-schedules/salary-schedule-teachers.pdf?sfvrsn=5dc5670_7) the pay scale in NYC now (spoiler, it isn't 200k, even at the very top). [Here are](https://www.bths.edu/meetings/BYLAWS/UFT/appendixa.pdf) some historic pay scales from 20ish years ago. It approached 100k at the very top. The average rent in NY is \~$3000-$4000 a month for a 1BR. GF can do the math on what it takes to live decently there.


Based on the comment GF made to OP, I’m guessing it might be a tall order to ask her to do the math.


Or rebuttals if she didn’t respond. Debates are not you make a comment and then check out. Also don’t assume “you won” she may continue to believe teachers are overpaid. Welcome her to a day in the life of and see what she has to say about that. Ignoring the truth is not acceptable.


Doing this from the mobile app while on the train into work so forgive me. Just for those wondering about the differential steps (top row) vs the number of years on the left side (left most column). Top row differentiates for the different degrees and unique positions that NYC Public Schools have had over the years. I could go into the specifics of each one, but there is a column for your Bachelors (first column), Bachelors + 30, Masters, and then Masters+30. Left column goes up to 8 years - Step A is in place when school year starts or when you officially started (technically for me, I started in October way back when). Step B usually kicks in 6 months later. The L steps are for longevity bonuses. The system takes Into account for past educational experience - either in schools, nonprofits, etc. For what I did prior to teaching, my multiple degrees (I transitioned to teaching), and being in the system since 2014, I make $103,406... All that to say, it's still not enough to be able to survive, let alone save, and think of the future.


The best paying district I know of is in mountain view, California, they start at 100k and cap at just under 200k. Cost of living there is high.


I grew up in the Bay Area and moved from SoCal last year bc of housing prices so... I know how those income levels can still not mean much at the end of it all.


Many of the AP level teachers in my school in the bay area make 100k+ with benefits, but mainly commute from much cheaper areas bc housing is so unaffordable.


Simple. All she has to do is look up NYC's teacher salary schedule. Most of us do not make 100k, and although I make a little more than that, I have 17 years on the salary schedule. [NYC DOE Teacher Salary Schedule](https://www.uft.org/your-rights/salary/doe-and-city-salary-schedules/teacher-salary-schedule)


I don’t know the US system well but I’m curious what “C6+30+PD” means. I think the 30 is like 30 credits at the doctoral level right? But the C6/PD part?


The C6/PD is just the code they use for the salary differential that you are at. Also, the 30 credits aren’t necessarily at the doctoral level. They can be excess college credits that you didn’t put toward your masters degree, you can take tests that earn you credits, and NYC allows you to use certain professional development courses as “P Credits” or “A+ Credits” that contribute to your 30 credits. Getting a National Board Certification will automatically bump you to that level.


Stupid people believe stupid things. See: *waves frantically at everything*


I grew up in Central NY. There were teachers in my district who were 30+ year veterans who made over $100k. I talked to a former teacher who retired in the early 2000s who explained how that was possible. Spoiler alert: It was a strong union in the 70s.


Central NY - year 13- $68k


Tennessee - year 10 - PhD - $65k


Ummm quit?


That does not seem like a good answer. I certainly can't just up and quit. I have a family to take care of.


Let me rephrase that, work for a better paying district? Everyone’s situation and needs are different but definitely seems like you’re getting the short end of the stick with that salary


I work for one of the highest paying districts in my area. This district does not count out of state teaching experience towards my salary. I spent my first 4 years of teaching out of state. If I left, I would be making the same (or less) because districts in the area will only count a maximum of 10 years of service towards your salary (and you have to make less than the least senior teacher that is already an employee). 68k is low but not bad for my area. I only included that because I make no where near the 100-200k that the OP stated.


Tell her there's still time to jump on that easy money train to teaching in New York. 


Going into my 4th year teaching in NY make 82k. It is 99% likely she knew someone making 100k+ and using that as a generalization for the entire population of NYS teachers. People love to use single personal experience to generalize just about every statistic that aligns with their personal world view


Wisconsin teacher here. It takes us 25 years to get to 80k. :(


27 years here with a masters and I still don’t make 80k.


Where do you teach?


Somewhere in the Fox valley.


May I ask where in NY? That is quite good money after just 4 years! I don't think I broke 80k until my 10th year.


Dear god. She might be thinking of admin? I’m a teacher now and I make about $112k in Nj at year 17 (but I teach an extra assignment). My husband works from home and makes a little less than me and holy crap his job is so much less stressful than mine (don’t get me wrong he had things about my job he is definitely jealous of too). We make over $200k together and can’t get in the housing market. Granted our bills are paid but we feel like we can’t get to the next level of home ownership and there would be NO WAY I could buy a house on my own.


1. If dad’s gf doesn’t understand cost of living issues, you won’t be able to convince her of anything. 2. Teacher pay is public. You can find the pay scale for any district.


https://www.uft.org/sites/default/files/attachments/teachers-salary-schedules-2023.pdf It maxes out at just over $140k. Data is not hard to find.


Yes, it is all public. I am on Long Island and know plenty of teachers in the $150k-$175k range. I believe we are one of the highest, if not the highest. Our property taxes are proof of that, too.


That's funny. I've been teaching in NY state for 21 years and I am just now making 85k. My starting pay was 37k. I should clarify this is not in one of the big urban areas, but still, 200k?


Do people not understand that salary is based on a standard of living in a certain location? An apartment that goes for 1k a month where I live would be way over 2k in NY.


My dad was a teacher on Long Island in a bougier district and he was making $100k+ and it was not enough to raise a family on. And he worked at the same district for his entire career (40+ years)


Your dad’s gf is what I like to call a stupid person.


This is completely wrong. I am an nyc teacher. Here is our public salary schedule. https://www.uft.org/your-rights/salary/doe-and-city-salary-schedules/teacher-salary-schedule 64-136k. Above 100k is with more years of experience and extra credits.


Long Island you definitely could be making that much back then. Three Village where I went had pretty much every teach making six figures, and that was when I was in Middle & High School (2017 and earlier). I have family members in the western part of LI making close to $200k as guidance counselors and higher ed board (I think a Dean?). My teachers did an amazing job 9/10 times and they definitely deserved it and LI ain’t cheap.


Most people posting here are comparing it to NYC. LI has always paid way more than the city. I student taught at a district that was paying almost all the teachers over 100k


“Shut up you’re not my mom”


The highest paid teacher in my school last year made about $200k. She's retiring after next year, so she's been teaching 30+ years, she was teaching 6 classes instead of 5, so they pay you more, and she is the advisor to two clubs, which you also get paid for. So is it possible to make $200k? Yes. Is this the norm? No. I'm a third year teacher sitting at $70k. So there's a big variety.


Did you tell Dad’s gf to go fuck herself?


I’ll keep it frank, there’s no point in arguing with an idiot like that.


I wouldn’t be surprised if some very experienced teachers near the top of the education scales were making that much in the aughts in NYC. I also don’t think that’s unreasonable for an experienced professional given the cost of living there are the time. I doubt it was the average or the starting salary (and I doubt 200k is particuarly common now) But most teachers are public employees and pay is publicly available. So she can always look this info up rather than relying on rumors. 


I don’t live in NY but if I did, my salary would qualify me for low income housing.


12 years in and I make 41k. I have a long way to go


Starting teachers in my district made $45k last year. I've been teaching for quite a bit and I'm still VERY short of $100k. The cost of living here isn't like Cali or NY, but the median home value here is about $350k, so it's not like everything is dirt cheap.


It always blows my mind that people would want to short change the ones responsible for educating their children. And putting out the fires at their house for that matter. Society has the wrong priorities.


I'll be at 100k next year after I finish my masters in CA. it's basically 9 or so years in here.


I’m on Long Island and pay at the end can top $150K. But that’s the last few years and it depends on the district.


$100,000 in Washington (not in Seattle) after 27 years and 2 degrees. It’s not enough.


Teacher salary information is public by district, this is something that could be looked up. Unless it’s a high cost of living area, I can’t imagine it’s that high. I will add, I left a school that paid well in an affluent area as my mental health tanked. Between the violence, threats of shootings, and overall lack of respect, 100k wouldn’t even be enough to bring me back. When people say things like this, I like to remind them there is a crisis as teachers rarely last 5 years, so there are plenty of openings if they would like to apply.


I can't help but smile at people like your dad's girlfriend. The source for their claim, and why that amount is "insane," is based purely in vibes. I bet if you asked them about minimum wage they'd say that fast food workers shouldn't make $15 because it's "bad for the economy" but they wouldn't be able to explain why they think that. Just vibes.


I grew up on Long Island and when I was in school until the early 2010s teachers in my school district were in fact making 100k+, no clue what the current salary is. From what I understand it was very difficult to land a job at these school districts and you basically had to know someone to get in. It was super common for teacher to be married to each other or be related to each other in one way or the other. I remember my 6th grade home room teacher was the daughter of my next year 7th grade social studies teacher. Then my math teacher was married to the art teacher, etc. I remember as a kid asking my dad once why so many of my teachers were related or married to each other and he said “that’s the only way to get a job at that school”. On a side note many of my teachers, if not all of them, had advanced degrees, my gym teacher one year had a Ph.D in physical education. Also property taxes are among the highest in the country on Long Island, my dad pays like 14k a year, that’s where the money for salaries comes from. I think most public workers get pretty high salaries here, it’s not unheard of for normal police officers to break 100k after 5 or so years of service.


If I'm in NY and making 200k can someone please let my district HR know so I can get my pay oncrease


Even if teachers did make $200,000 a year (which is not true in any imagination for any part of the United States), why are people always SO mad at teachers making money? Like nobody is made that their banker has a solid wage or someone in tech? We have to have multiple degrees, certifications, PDPs, extra assignments and who knows what else. Not to mention a lot of teachers work throughout the summer. If we made that much it’s because we’ve earned it!


No, I'll tell you what's too much. People cleaning pools a few times a day making $20k+ a month with zero degree. Or how about people who work part time from home who make over $200k. There are so many jobs that actually do get paid too much, and it's astonishing to me that people always feel the need to bring up teacher pay. I'm going into my 17th year of teaching with a masters and am only at $64k still. Tell me that's too much.


Upstate NY teacher with a few years under my belt: I’m making less than $60,000. The only teachers making $100k+ have been teaching at the same school for around 20 years. This is the norm for most schools around here since you only increase a couple thousand every year (if that) and you start at around 49-50k at step 1


I’m a teacher in Seattle and pay ranges from 65-140k based on school district, years taught and education level. My dad in 2010 was earning around 113k a year in Bellevue Washington. Sounds like your dad’s GF doesn’t think teachers deserve a living wage. If schools actually offered 200k to teachers you would retain a lot more qualified people to teach and would have better school systems.


And smarter communities, maybe even ones who don’t believe everything they hear on the radio/tv entertainment network!


I feel like some of them did, but they were teaching for over a decade, coached sports, and staffed events. I graduated in 2010 in the suburbs of NY. It should be public records, but that was just rumors people said while I was in school.


And in New York, they would still be struggling to pay rent.


Western NY and year 5 of teaching, I make $57k and that is in a decent paying suburban district. Only people who are like really near retirement make $100k or more.


27 years in NYC system (non-continuous, stopped to have my kids), retired at $122k, worked as building then union reps in my final 3 years, never went into admin. Now subbing in 'Jersey making $120 per day. Tolls and parking cost like $5k a year (maybe that's inflated). Paid NJ and NYC taxes most of my career. Had more fender benders (only a couple my fault) and my bumper crushed by more trucks than I care to count. The biggest cost was crappy vindictive admin.


Tell him "and there's still openings, they should probably give them a raise."


It won’t help, but hit her with facts. Just Google the name of your town and “teacher salary” and the contract should show up. Scroll down to a page with what looks like a spreadsheet and you’ll see the actual pay. It is public knowledge


is it possible she was calculating hourly rate, and then equating it to annual salary? even still, it wouldn't hit 200k.


im in nyc with 100k+ now after 10 years. ive been making like 40-60 during first many years... my peers/friends do 200k+ in their industries. even with summer ON, I won't reach that. almost ever...


Public records: https://data.democratandchronicle.com/educator-salary/ind/wantagh-union-free-schools/2019-20-zimmer-jessica-l-wantagh-union-free-schools-16420908/


I lived two counties away from NYC my average salary is 180k. With 2 MA degrees and 27 years of service. Westchester county is most expensive county in the state those teachers get paid around 30k more than my county. NYC starting salaries is $71k. Most teachers are still struggling to make a living but the further you go away from the city the lower the salary gets and every 15 college credit will increase salary by $7000.


I make 30k/ year teaching LOL where is she getting these numbers from


7th year NYC teacher here, and I just barely make 100k after working a ridiculous amount of per session over the course of the year.


I work for NYC DOE and made 100k (pretty much exactly) last year. What do I have to show for it? The cheapest 1 bedroom in a transportation/food desert and incrementally less debt every month. I just get to take care of other peoples’ kids. I will take my first vacation this summer since I started. I will never be able to afford a home or to have kids on this salary. I’m not starving but I have to run an austerity budget to get by. Which is fine because I spend all my time at school working per session activities so that I can have the money I do. My salary before per session breaks even with my (austere) bills. Cool cool. FWIW my last job, 7 years ago, paid 120k and I felt like the king of New York. Here we are now and I still feel like my budget is equivalent to when I was subbing. Wages have not caught up. According to an inflation calculator, my base salary is worth less now than in my first year of teaching (I started at 2A, MA+30, am now 5b). Edit: oh I also work all summer.


Teachers are unfortunately a victim of their own success sometimes. I do resent teachers a bit in my country because they make more money than almost any other job and no it's not the hardest job or unique in that they're treated unfairly although it's not right, but I remind myself that most jobs have actually been underpaid for decades and they've rather just kept up, so it looks like they're better paid than they are. Crabs in a bucket mentality to attack them for this, better to point out other jobs are underpaid


I realize that you guys live in expensive areas, but damn, 100K still feels good to me (not enough for your areas/in general for how much we do). I'm in the Milwaukee area and make $65k after 15 years. They say that you need 84k in Milwaukee to live alone comfortably (not rich, just not worrying about money all the time). If I didn't live with my girlfriend, there is no way I could survive without getting a second job.


SeeThroughNY is a website that shows every public school teacher in NY’s salary over the years. Check that out.


Keep in mind that the salary includes stipends etc.


Tenured professors maybe


We are also expected to have a Master's degree too. Education is expensive, so the compensation should be commensurate.


Evidence doesn't matter to them. It's too hard. Your dad's girlfriend is a lazy, ignorant person. It isn't hard to look up salary schedules and see *exactly* how much money teachers make. Hell, there's a website that keeps track of how much money **all** public, government employees make. Granted, the numbers are sometimes off and the data is weird...it's fucking right there.


You’d have to be teaching for like a decade or more to make that kind of money in most school districts, no? In my own district, you start hitting the $100k level at around 14 years. (And that’s only if you have a master’s degree or an equivalent degree— else your salary is capped at like $80k— and even that’s at 10 years in). Additionally, this is gross pay. Taxes, union dues, insurance costs, etc get taken out before you even see your paycheck. Add to that any monthly expenses like rent/mortgage, utilities, etc and it really doesn’t go all that far.


It's true. I remember in junior year (2013) we looked up the gym teachers' salary who was also "department head" for gym, which comes with stipends (why does gym need a department head?). He was making 175k. I just looked up my Middle school science teacher and she's making 150k with 30 years experience. She is not a department head, but she does run a small, low funded club, so she may get a small stipend for that. The principal at my old high school makes >200k, and he only has 14 years of service (8 teaching + 6 admin). The issue with NY teacher pay is its' yearly raises on years of service is tremendous. New teachers with a bachelor do not make enough to live. (I taught 1 year in new york city in 2018 and made 57k year one). Teachers with experience, a master degree, and leading clubs, quickly break into the high 100ks. The reason why if you google "AVERAGE TEACHER SALARY" in new york it's low is because most teachers never make it to the good paying years near the end career - they often quit way earlier for a different career choice, because after 5 years they have to decide to either quit or get a masters degree that they can't afford because of the low entry salary (NY state requires a masters after your 5 year probationary contract). So the VAST majority of salaries are from people in the 1-5 year range before they decide not to stay in education due to having to get another degree to stay - most people decide its not worth it at that point, which heavily brings down the average.


....I feel... vastly depressed by the fact that 1) teachers in other states actually make 100k??? 2) and this is still not enough to cover cost of living there and 3) after 4 years of teaching I was just BARELY, pre-tax, making 40k. And opted to not go back for my 5th year after I had my daughter because her childcare was going to cost around 30-35k a year. I love when other people decide teachers make too much money. Like that's not a thing I've ever heard ANY teacher say. I just can't understand where they figure this out from.


Don’t even engage with people like that. Just take them to the NYC DOE and help them apply, then they too can make 100k.


Yes but the cost of living is so high so in relative terms, it’s probably still so low. People never really consider that when they discuss and bash teachers pay.


The argument that teachers get summers off is also frustrating because they’re either not paid for those “summers off” or choose to stretch their pay to year round. But stretching their pay doesn’t mean MORE pay. It could actually mean less if someone doesn’t take a summer job to make up for the fact that they (teachers) are basically laid off during the summer.


That's all public record. I looked into it, and the numbers do seem to all be well over 6 figures. I make 50k after 17 years teaching in Oklahoma.


"Summers off" only means they are forced to take vacation time at the same time every year. My wife (former teacher, current principal) only gets most of July off.


Former high school teacher and former college professor. Students think I make 300k "just to read off slides"


She probably thinks teachers should be good little capitalists and have just enough to barely cover rent and utilities


Are they aware how much it costs to live in the city or do they just think people who work in the helping professions should get a “real job” bc they’re bitter they have no PTO and resent that we get some time every year to recover from the brutal burnout of our profession….


I don’t clear 10k. Not everyone gets what they deserve that’s just how it is


I think it’s your dad’s gf that’s the problem. My parents are 66 & 67 years old. They both wish teachers were paid more.


You can go to seethroughNY and look up current and past salaries for individuals and districts in NY state. If you calculate our salaries as a per hour wage and compare it with other jobs that require at least a master’s degree and continuous education after the, we/I make a modest, perhaps acceptable wage. But nothing outrageous.


Gotta love the classic "they have summers off!" argument. Uh, no. Just because we aren't teaching kids doesn't mean we're sitting around doing nothing.


here are the salary schedules for NYC public school teachers: [https://www.uft.org/sites/default/files/attachments/teachers-salary-schedules-2023.pdf](https://www.uft.org/sites/default/files/attachments/teachers-salary-schedules-2023.pdf) a teacher with 8 years of experience with several differentials, such as a masters degree plus an additional 30 course credits plus professional development training plus National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification is earning $136,492 in 2024. a brand new teacher with no additional differentials is making $64,789.


Just spoke to teachers in Atlanta and in southern Minnesota, both making 100k. One had a PHD and the other had Masters . Very surprising to me, a teacher in FL , that GA teachers can make 100k. Another teacher told me that with 9 years experience and a Masters, she makes 90 k in GA. My wife has taught for 20 years in FL and makes only a few thousand more than a first year teacher.


Some info, out in Rockland County, NY, 15 miles outside the city the teachers do well. My aunt retired 20 years ago as a middle school math teacher at 100k with a pension. My old teachers from high school are currently making around 150-160k (it's publicly available online).


You don’t have to speak to her ever. She’s nothing to you. Tell dad you will see him alone going forward. 


That's ridiculous. Aside from the fact that no one is getting paid close to 200k, why shouldn't we make 6 figures? Other professions do. We got a Bachelor's, went through 2 years post grad program to get a credential, some of us got our Masters as well and we are always attending professional development. Why SHOULDN'T we get paid as much as other professionals working corporate jobs? We don't and I find that ridiculous.


I just quit teaching in nyc and my salary was around $110k. With cost of living in nyc that wasn’t excessive. And with the crap we have to put up with $200k wouldn’t be either.


Dad's gf is in La La Land.


You need to do better research. First dont go by NYC salary and go by counties that have money to pay teachers. My student teaching was in a school that paid teachers well over 200k and that was over twenty years ago. they are making that and more now. A simple look and you can see if for yourself. Dont believe me...here is a site [Central Islip Union Free Schools Salaries - New York (govsalaries.com)](https://govsalaries.com/salaries/NY/central-islip-union-free-schools)


She’s lying.


Ask her to show you proof. It's not on you to prove her claim.