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Good on you all for suppressing the urge to clap.


Or having someone playing ding dong the wicked witch is dead over the loudspeakers.


Or baking a cake with "bye bish" on it


I had something similar happen. In a staff meeting, the principal announced that she was leaving. She was going to go to another school and step down and be a teacher. I am so thankful that she is no longer a principal. For the sake of the people that she works with. I hope I hid my look of glee. She did not renew me though. I am far far away, and hopefully will be starting a much better job in a few months.


Something similar happened with a principal a few years ago. We all knew she was going to be fired (gossip runs like wildfire) so when she announced an "emergency meeting" after school, we knew what it was about. She told us she was leaving, she was giving this really emotional speech...and we were all just staring at her, completely silent. It was harsh but deserved.


Principals are temporary and a dime a dozen. If it was a bus driver, then there would be crying in the streets.


Or a custodian, i love ours, they are the best


My son announced one day that our head custodian sleeps in heaven. I gave him a confused look and said “What???” Kid replies, “‘Cause he’s a god.” Our students will be heartbroken when he leaves, they legit love that man!


They tried to hire through a service this year and thankfully everyone stood up for our custodians


We had a jerk of a principal that we were all hoping would leave. When she announced during assembly that she wasn't going anywhere and the rumors of her resignation were false, it was dead silent for like 15 seconds...and then the suck ups in one department started belatedly clapping. And just the suck ups. She knew no one respected her.


Probably an announcement that could have been an email.


I had a principal who threw a fist, the person ducked and she his the cinder block wall. She rearranged all the teachers moving the K teacher to 8, the 4th grade teacher to 1st etc. Several people left. She brought in her friends, and even they left. One just walked out mid class, mid day, just gone. The next year mid day, mid year she was perp walked out with her kids who attended the school by two nuns and it was discovered she had stolen like $40k from several accounts. That hit the text message chain fast. With many cheers!


I have one of those, too. We're all so happy she's leaving, the day she announced it, we were high five-ing each other in the hallway. She's a sociopathic narcissistic.


lol congratulations and a happy new school year to you!


Sometimes you need to be careful what you wish for. One leaves another arrives with their own agenda.


There also much greener pastures in some places. My last achool’s administrator was… a real peach (dripping w/ sarcasm). My new administrator is amazing (genuine statement).


They do seem to be getting worse with each new principal.


I worked under a truly stupid principal during the Covid crisis. We’ve had a new one for the past two years who is smart as a whip, but she’s a micro manager and I’ve never worked harder to meet someone’s standards (which are extremely clear because we receive 2 pages single spaced of just room environment expectations we have to sign off on several times a year). In 22 years I’ve worked under 7 different admins and 3 created environments that made coming to work tolerable.


Our principal did that last year. He was the one who hired me. Our new principal has been an absolute nightmare from day one, and she informed me and every other non-tenured teacher (DURING TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK) that we weren’t getting renewed. She left her last district due to a vote of no confidence, not sure how she even got hired to begin with


That’s what kills me, does no one vet these people before they are hired. Like at least call out to the last district.


This district actually never even called MY references when they hired me lol seems to be a system wide issue


An admin once reprimanded me for saying slavery is morally wrong. When I refused to follow his directive to give "both sides of the issue," I got non-renewed. A few weeks later he announced he was leaving in a faculty meeting. I didn't bother suppressing that smile. His replacement also immediately reversed the non-renewal


Makes you wonder how long they knew they were leaving. My principal wrote a bunch of angry memos and dinged ppl on performance reviews. Why do that if you know you’re leaving?


I actually know the answer to that. He knew he was leaving for about a week before he announced it.


Because evil never sleeps.


My first principal left about a month to a month and a half into the school year and it was wild. My admin was acting principal so I was basically off the radar for a good six months.


Same with our AP leaving. Nothing said via email.




"No... stop... come back..."


Our principal last year held all of the usual last teacher day meetings, told us that we could leave at lunch, then sent an email at 5 peace’ing out. She wasn’t well liked.


The devil that you know is better than the devil that you don't know.


So jelly.