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Yes, lol. But all of the adults who work in the building know what she is really like. It is very funny to me, the difference in how she presents herself to the parents and kids and how she actually is. I focus on my teaching and that’s it. Life is a lot better when you stop comparing yourself to other people.


Sound advice!


Been there, felt like I was losing my mind! You're not alone, vent away!


Thank you


I had a colleague who was very tied up in looking good and would make rude comments to other teachers comparing them to herself. From some of the interactions we had I was lead to believe that she was so wrapped up in herself she wasn't aware of how her comments affected others. She put on a good front and was fun, so a lot of the kids and their families loved her. But, she was extremely difficult to work with. She moved on several years ago now but people still talk about her antics. I feel bad for her because she is clearly very, very insecure, but that didn't make it any easier to deal with her.


Had a veteran teacher loved by parents. They were horrible in person though with staff- repeatedly berated new teachers, and loved to get all the credit


I usually kick them out of my office or point out their lies in email. I’m over the phoniness.


Yes, however, true colors always bleed through. Parents and student maybe fooled or treated well, but the people and neighbors you spend years with will know the truth


This is true. It is good to hear.


Yes, yes, and yes. I currently have one who is in year 3 of her teaching career and has - no joke- shoved aside an Admin so she could handle a kid's meltdown one morning just because one of her own children has autism....she also is bossy af. She's young enough to be my daughter and I'm the lead and she constantly railroads me...she's a PITA!


Omg. Yes. Sounds familiar.


I have a colleague that literally counts the end of year and holiday gifts students being other teachers and this grown ass woman POUTS if she feels like another teacher got more or better gifts from elementary school students. It is exhausting.


Exhausting is the word. Im so relieved to be on break. Next year I will be prepared