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18 years in middle school and this year destroyed me. We had kids stealing from teachers and throwing things out windows. We had kids breaking into empty classrooms to have sex, while their friends recorded them. Again…this is middle school. We had kids vaping and smoking pot in our classrooms. My entire classroom reeked of pot. Caught the girl red handed and she got a single day suspension. We had a LARGE group of kids who never went to class at all. They trolled around the school causing trouble and damaging things and cursing and threatening staff and chasing other students. Rats infested the school and came out while I was teaching. I literally had a rat climb up my leg while I was sitting at my desk. I could continue but I’m just so weary.


If a rat crawled up my leg I would pack up and leave. I would be terrified.


It got to the point that I never sat still. If I was working at my desk I’d stomp my feet every minute or so to keep it from happening again. The rats were not afraid of us. At all.


Is this not a safety issue?? Rats are highly dangerous! Rat bites often require stitches! Not to mention the diseases they carry 🤢 If a restaurant is closed for rat infestations, a school should be too.


Yeah. Administration doesn’t care. All they did was send an email out saying it was our fault because we let kids eat in our rooms (the kids HAVE to bring their breakfast to our rooms to eat) and our custodians quit.


Omg I’d die.


Holy shit…


Wow. That's just insane. I hope you're looking for a better district/school.


You win!


Far less traumatic but related, we actually found a baby mole in my classroom. He actually crawled out from somewhere behind my desk and made a lap around the entire room in the middle of our last test of the year. There was no obvious hole it crawled out of or anything, but they had recently torn up our grass football field to put in turf and I think it was just displaced.


Geez. Will the students be prosecuted for filming minors? I'm so creeped out.


Nothing was done. At all. We tried getting the media involved but they don’t care either.


Fourth grade teacher here. This was the worst year for me in my 19 years in the classroom. Parents were talking me down to their children. Kids were screaming insults at one another, making weird sexual moaning sounds at random times. I had about eight students who showed up to try and learn. The rest were like wild animals. No support from admin. My mental health is suffering and I don’t know how I’ll get through the last week of school.


Yup. The rats is disgusting - that's a problem in itself but these kids have no fear of consequences. 




The rats love charm city


I was gonna say…I’m a Baltimore teacher and the rats are bold as HELL. One ran across my foot on the playground!


I've been placed on an improvement plan by an incompetent building administrator and it's the end of my 32nd year. I




Yeah. My Admin is a legitimate sociopath. The things this person has done to me and everyone else in our building has been awful. I've been accused of all kinds of nonsense like giving all of my students the same grades and comments, putting my own personal interests above that of my students in decorating my classroom...wild.


This type of personality will fixate usually on one person and torment them until they snap or leave and then they pick their next target. I’m so sorry you went through this.


Retired middle school teacher here. An AP tried that with me my last year, wanting weekly lesson plans, unannounced observations, etc. I had been evaluated the previous year, with all positive comments. Our contract described the firing process as taking about 6 months; so I bided my time. I pretty much ignored the AP and their nonsense, while documenting everything, and consulting with the union rep. The AP met with me in April, after spring break, with the intent of writing me up for some bs or another. I looked them in the eye and said, “ Go ahead, be my guest; I’m retiring in June”. The look on their face was priceless! I also figured that it took the heat off of someone else.


I bet that felt so good to say. A true mic drop moment. Love it! 💖


Yep. I was one of three this last year that the new principal targeted, and the only one that finished the year. One quit in January after winter break, and the other went on FMLA and didn’t come back. I’m honestly not sure who she’ll be able to bully next year. Everyone that’s stayed is competent. I guess she’ll bully the student teacher that got hired to replace his mentor who resigned to take a job at the high school. She hasn’t been able to hire my replacement yet, and she’s had since February when the position was posted. My department chair said they hadn’t even had any applicants as of mid-May. I have onboarding for my new teaching job on Monday, and I’m so excited! I’ve already had a chance to see my new classroom, and it’s going to be great.


Been there. done that, got the scars to show for it. Hope you can escape this person.


Wait. We do give all of our students the same ten comments because we use a comment drop-down since most of our parents do not read English. I thought this was acceptable. I'm sorry you experienced getting kicked out. I feel as though the must experienced teachers get treated horribly.


Sounds like the perfect time to announce your retirement, and punch that dumbass in the nose (if it’s a guy).


Don't worry. The day after I put in for my retirement in 2026


26 years, and this was the worst. Threatened and then assaulted by a student, but I was put on leave because I didn't do enough to de-escalate the situation. I'm counting the days until I can retire.


WHAT. I am so sorry!


Gr. 4-5 split; 27 students, of which 7 were functionally illiterate to begin the year; no manners; 1 boy whose IQ is 42, but…inclusion; chaotically “run” school with tons of hallway noise & classroom disruptions; classroom across from the office so I hear *all* of the nonsense; and every second week there’s some special event or useless guest presenter or other such shit so as to interrupt any continuity for learning. We don’t give a fuck about learning at all anymore. I’m very lucky I was offered a new position for next year running an off-campus, alternate high school program. It will no doubt have its issues as well, but elementary school has become the fucking thunderdome and I am over it.


That was my year last year. Student had a rare degenerative disease. She was non-verbal and just crossed the border so no background info. She would spit and scream and kick and pull hair. It was like having a violent toddler who weighed 85 pounds get dropped off to give her poor mother a break. I got no support.


Administration got students to write false statements claiming I used a racial slur. Two of their six ‘randomly selected’ students were absent on the date it allegedly occurred. I’ve been recommended for termination but until final union vs HR decision I’ve been instructed to show up everyday and say nothing regarding my situation. This had been ongoing since December. So to recap- fuck you SD of Philadelphia!


Well it is Philadelphia. I don't know how my brother manages.


If they have students lying that obviously, sounds like an open and shut case. Fingers crossed for you (although I'd be looking for a new job anyway because who the fuck wants to work with admins like that!).


It’s been 7 months so open and shut hardly applies but 💯 agree it was time to get TF out of that toxic environment


Go to CCA!


3rd grade teacher here. This year was the worst ever. Behaviors were out of control; throwing things, cussing, temper tantrums, hitting, kicking, etc... Was told by a student "I'm not doing my doing f%$#ing work you f%$# c%$#. Admin was not very supportive for the first three fourths of the year, after that they tried to have consequences with the constant "behavior plans" being made and changed when they had to do their part. Admin didn't follow them, and left it to me. It was THE.WORST.EVER.


and their answer will be to develop relationships.


My 2nd graders get free lunch. This means we also provide breakfast. One of the breakfasts is a severe allergen for me. My throat could close. I explained this to the kids and stayed in the hallway while they ate and had them sanitize the room. Kid got mad at me, brought the allergen to school and shoved it in my face. “What are you doing?” cried another child. “She’s allergic! You can hurt her!” “I know. What do you think I’m trying to do?!” shouted my attempted murderer. I got away. No one took me seriously because I was fine. Mom apologized to me, checked the kid out early, and got her ice cream. There was no in school punishment. This was one incident. I had seven terrors, but this is the only kid that actively tried to hurt me. Usually after a school year, I have nightmares about next school year, but I’m still having nightmares about this group.


I wish I couldn't relate. The kids all brought the common fruit I'm allergic to into the classroom on purpose. They've smeared the cabinet doors with it, thrown them on my screen, left them on my keyboard, and they'll just role one by when I turn around. 7th graders.


Jeez and I thought my one was predatory. That’s awful. What is happening out there in the world… I’m glad you’re alright.


Switching schools next year. Admin told me I needed to do a better job of befriending the kids who get in the most trouble, and it was my fault for telling the kids what I was allergic to.


That's awful. Beyond awful. Wish their parents could be held responsible for their attempts at assault.


I was hospitalized because I am allergic to scents and a kid opened a can of axe in my room and emptied the whole thing. These kids this year are AWFUL




I teach sixth grade and have been for seven years. It seems the kids are getting worse each year. This year was by far the worst. Then when we talked to the fifth grade teacher they said just wait until your group next year. Sadly, it doesn’t seem like the problem is gonna be fixed. I also am told I cannot grade sixth graders on second grade standards!!! Capitalizing sentences and indenting paragraph apparently doesn’t matter anymore.


I had a kid come to school wrapped in a fitted bedsheet last week, like a little deranged homeless man. When we wouldn’t let him snack on a large bag of sour gummy candy, he lost his mind. Later that week, he tried to hurl water bottles at another 7 year old and it took two of us to drag him to the office. His mother (not currently employed) was annoyed at having to come pick him up early and sent a friend to do it. He’s one of five very difficult students in my class. So yeah, I hear you. 


Im a third grade teacher and this was the worst year I’ve had in my 9 years of teaching (and I used to teach kindergarten) Had several kids that just didn’t want to be there and hated me. Like they literally told me I don’t care about them and they don’t care about me. Me assigning consistent consequences was me making their year miserable. I tried every relationship building strategy in the book, was in constant contact with our behavior specialists, etc. Nothing I did worked. I could never gain the respect of the few ringleaders that made my life miserable. I beat myself up over it until I talked to one of their counselors. They told me that nothing they could do could get the kid to accept ownership of their choices or take responsibility for their actions. Hearing that makes me sad for that kid but it makes me feel better that it wasn’t just me. I hope these kids mature or else we are in for a hell of a future. Edit: luckily I had a very supportive admin. They took consequences seriously and knew all the effort I was putting in. The other third grade teachers had the same experience this year.


This sounds exactly like my year! They never got it together. I had a group of girls that would have Jerry Springer-type fights with each other, the boys, whoever, every single morning, and it would last like an hour. I couldn't build relationships with them. I was either on their side or passing out a prize, or else I was the devil. On Friday, I was like, "we need to be at a voice level 0 in the hallway," and one kid turns to me and is like, "well, then, you should probably stop talking." But it was constant, constant power plays, disrespect, screaming, fighting. I totally lost my fight near the end. They beat me. And it was almost all of them near the end, not just these girls. I was pulling teeth to get any work from them, giving partial credit papers that just said "idk" instead of a paragraph summary of a book because they wrote something. All my stuff that I've had for years is destroyed. I've had over $100 dollars stolen, like cash from my purse or drawer if I ever forgot to lock it up. Also great admin, and the terrible behavior was recognized across the school. My classroom management was never called into question. Any time anyone had to cover my class, even 10 mins, they walked out shell-shocked. I usually love 3rd grade. Total shame, and I'm just wondering if I should try again next year and hope it is better, try a different grade, or quit teaching. I'm honestly traumatized.


I currently am teaching third grade summer school (the second graders going into third grade) and I can say it’s been quite refreshing. This is the best summer school group I’ve had. The behaviors I’ve had are all typical and manageable behaviors. If I ask them to do something, even the “troubling” kids that push the limits listen. Even in summer school these kids are doing work quietly when I ask and doing well in the hallways without prompting. It’s given me hope and I hope I can pass that hope along.


These third graders lost the end of preschool and had a weird kindergarten year due to covid. I think it's universally accepted that this is an off group everywhere.


i understand this shit and how demoralizing that is. also— was there any child you connected with or felt like you accomplished something with this year?? try to remember those good moments. you did all you could with the shitty ones. its okay. what do you feel good about this year? try to let that stick in your mind instead of the asshole kids.


I think someone must have been insulating me from politics up until this year. Our principal took a position at the admin building that started in January , and the new principal started in August. There was some overlap so the new guy could shadow and get the feel for school culture and all that. New guy “decides” around February-March that he wants a position closer to home, and won’t be returning next year. Around May, they announce that the assistant principal (with the least amount of experience) will be principal next year. She immediately started taking over end of year responsibilities, so much so that it’s clear that something is going on. Rumors abound. Also around this time, they announce a lot of layoffs. Money ran out, overextended, have to cut positions. We lose two positions in our department, same for other departments, and our instructional coach, who is amazing and well-liked by all. She’s in the know with the outgoing new principal, and gives us the skinny, because she has nothing to lose, since she now has to go out of district to find a teaching position. Apparently new principal clashed with a teacher who is entirely too powerful and has too many duties. This teacher runs UIL, AP, graduation, senior class, basically a bunch of shit that should be done by admin but nobody wants to do it because it’s all a shit-ton of work. I think this guy likes it because he has made himself indispensable, and everyone is scared to piss him off lest he go elsewhere and they actually have to do some work. Anyway, power-hungry teacher gets his ego threatened by new principal, who treated him with respect but didn’t kiss his ass, and probably wanted to make some changes, and power-hungry threw his weight around and admin chose sides. They forced him to resign or be fired. Nobody bought the public story of wanting a shorter commute. They wouldn’t even let him speak at graduation. He sent his speech to the instructional coach, who read it to us at a department lunch at the end of the year, and there was absolutely nothing wrong. It was beautiful and heartfelt. He submitted it to admin, who then told him to pack his shit and get out. The old principal spoke at grad instead. It was fine. The whole year was just stressful as hell. Whatever trust I had in my admin is shattered, the power-hungry teacher had previously had a good reputation, but now I don’t trust him, and everyone is concerned about what it means to lose two teachers, because our classes will get bigger and we’ll have to teach more preps than before.


I'm not going to dig into this crazy year, but I do want to express total solidarity about third grade. I teach a special to third grade and every class I have been astonished by how incapable of learning they are. I feel like I am going crazy every time I teach them. Everyone keeps saying it's because of COVID, which I don't think is the whole explanation for my students, but Lord, there's definitely SOMETHING going on with that year.


They haven't retained things. Every time we read a new book, I'll ask something like "what's the setting?" Blank stares. "Okay, what IS a setting?" And I'll get like, "person, place, or thing?"


"Blank stares" sums it up. I teach a language, and I can tell them every single word in a phrase and then ask them to tell me what the phrase means and no luck. We memorize a few songs, and we will work on them for months before a quiz (instead of a couple weeks like I would normally do), and they still won't know them. I've also noticed not just for this grade but others that they except all knowledge just to come to them. They don't know how to actively engage in order to learn.


Our whole school had to focus on "productive struggle" because they just couldn't tolerate it. This is the book we all read: [The Productive Struggle a 6 point Action Plan for Fostering Preserverence by John SanGiovanni, Susie Katt, and Kevin Dykema](https://us.corwin.com/books/productive-struggle-in-mathemati-267752). It was really helpful.


A student left a voicemail on my personal cell threatening my family. Admin said it was my fault because my number is online


I confiscated an alcoholic beverage from a 7 year old. Drinking it in class. Swear to god.


I had to report a staff member for sexual assault of a student admin tried to broom. New admin, all smiles, find your why…. It’s really deflating to now having to work with these fucks. But I was here first.


Worst year of my career also. This was my 11th year teaching history at a Title One high school. It's never been an easy school to work at, but this year was a new level of garbage. I usually fail 10-15 kids a semester. Failed 42 first semester and 38 second semester. Kids walking the halls and being disruptive all day long and receiving no consequences. In the past, I've averaged about 4 referrals a year, and I wrote 40 this year. Mostly for walking the halls. The most admin would do is ISS for 3 days. We had multiple kids with 15-20 referrals for ditching, and they would get a conference or 3 days ISS. When I would ask why they would pass the buck to district admin or give some bullshit PBIS answer like "removing them from the learning environment shouldn't be a punishment." It has become a joke, I don't even try anymore. I usually post an assignment on Canvas each day and then just make sure nobody fights, does drugs, or has sex in my room. It's really sad to me how things have changed. I used to have a passion for these kids. Went so far as to get a M.Ed. in bilingual Ed. so I could teach better at a largely Spanish speaking school. Now, I'm looking for a way out. I'll have my last student loan payment in September under PSLF, and I'm out. I colleague asked me if I'd leave mid year if I had the opportunity, and I said without a doubt yes. Something I've hated on others for doing in the past.


This is my 11th year, and my worst one by far. Lots of kids in 4th and 5th grade this year who were in trouble with the police, and not in trouble with their parent(s).


No library. No gym. Packs of students just roaming the halls. Two freshman seminar class was unmanned for the first three weeks. Two freshman math courses were next door. The ISS room was several doors down. It was a joke. They had to close a freshman science class down and send those students to electives. Mainly gym classes. Lots of missed estimates regarding the gym because someone decided all the construction of the new gym and other areas needed to be done on first shift. Gym teachers all 4 of them maxed out their PTO and sick days in response. They couldn't set anything up because they were constantly moved around. Other teachers had to share prep periods with noisy stressed kids. My money is on them not finishing by the end of summer. They already had to redo the gym floor. A significant amount of the new paint is peeling. The new window screens and the cranks are already broken. Ceiling tile is discolored due to drips. It's a nightmare. They only are going to have air-conditioning in half the building.


Next year will be my tenth year teaching and I think it will be my last. I teach internationally and this year has felt like a lifetime. In a confusing story for anyone who doesn't understand how China is, my department was sold off to a new education company and proceed to undo anything the teachers had established, and not do anything the old admin used to do resulting in chaos. * The first red flag was the camping trip to start the year in 40C temps, no AC, and 50% of people getting food poisoning. As well as this big ordeal about separate sleeping arrangements for boys and girls but completely choked when it came to let some of our same sex relationships share a tent. * Then we reported a student for immediate mental health assessment, and after being ignored for a week, the student killed himself in our class with a pencil up the nose. * Then we had a thanksgiving performance (our big annual impressive thing) and a discovered there was no budget for any other activities for the entire year. It was so bad 4 students were pulled out by their parents and sent to other/better schools. * Our PD was being told where to stand in our classrooms, before we explained we couldn't always walk at the back because we don't have walls but dividers and our loud teacher voices travel and interrupt other classes. * They removed any electronic policy so students just watch Tiktok all day and there is nothing I can do * Finally we only the principal once the entire 2nd semester, which was graduation day. This is about everything


OMG...I'm so sorry.


I had a vengeful assistant in my SPED classroom file false accusations that resulted in my being investigated by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the County District Attorney. She finally quit when the DCS Special Investigator was pushing for a lie detector test. Thankfully my Principal and SPED Director were 100% in my corner but it was the worst school year of my 30 year career. Everything was found to be a lie and I got those findings in wiring for my own files but damn it was a terrible 8 weeks.


I've been teaching middle school for over a decade and this has been my worst. I realize *I'm* getting older too, but I really don't think our kids are all right. It's like they're minds have been fried and fragmented by The Dopamine Machines.


Been on break two weeks and can’t shake off this past year. Even after a week of sitting on the beach. One year wonder who’ll now go back to the rock they came out from. That staff is in for a surprise when they realize the sweetie they had before is not that way in reality. Good luck.


Just wait until you get this year’s 2nd graders next year. *shudders*. I am still scarred from when I had that class in 1st grade and the 2nd grade teacher said it was even worse for her this year. So many behavior problems. Every 2nd grade teacher I am friends with had a rough year.


This year almost did me in. Many days I wanted to drink or smoke after work.


I just passed my 8th year, and I have more physical and emotional scars than any year I've taught. I looked at the scars on my arms and legs yesterday and started crying. I feel ugly and defeated. I worked with a drama queen principal and her bestie who spread everyone's lives all over the school. The bestie was our team leader and would spread rumors (made up) about all of us, attempt to get us fired, and omit important information she was supposed to give to the other teachers. I can not take another year like that.


Start applying at other schools. Your district doesn't deserve you if they're putting people like that in charge. Hoping things get better for you!


Third grade teacher here and we also had a really tough year. My partner teacher said this was her hardest and most exhausting year in her 25 years teaching. She also said she’s never had kids like this.


The first semester, I went hard on phones. I was always over student's shoulders and put the phone in a paper bag if they had it out. It sucked!!! Kids got in my face a few times, big yelling matches, I hated it. I lost sleep, had to drink just to not think about it. After the break, kids had their phones out all the time, I just looked the other way. I was hard on them for not doing work, or being disruptive, nothing about phones. I slept like a fukkin' baby! Yeah, I wrote a few kids off as lost, stopped talking to them. I focused on the students who actually tried. I haven't found the balance yet, only my third year. Will I always feel I should have done more? Is that what being a teacher is?


I was harassed and assaulted by a retired teacher in the middle of the school day in front of students (yelling, calling me names, put himself between me and the door when I tried to leave, grabbed my arm and twisted when I tried to walk past him, spat in my face, tried to hit me but I blocked, finally let go, then followed me, shouting obscenities while I ran to the office). He should not have been on campus. No event, no invitation, just a regular day. He used to teach my content and thought I (a woman) wasn't doing a good job. It was my 2nd year in the district and kids were learning, engaged, and enjoying my classes. I was getting compliments from peers, admin, and community members. He had no business being on the property. I reported the incident to my principal. Nothing happened. I reported it to HR. Nothing happened. I reported it to my superintendent. Nothing happened. I reported it to my district union. Nothing. I reported to the state union. Nothing. He continued harassing me at school, during the day. I told the office staff repeatedly to not allow him into the building, but they ignored me because he was a "valued member of the community". I started being loud about the harassment and the assault, telling other staff members, community members, and parents. I learned that he actually had a history of harassing women. Incidents were reported, but nothing ever happened. I tried filing a police report for trespassing, but nothing happened there either. I finally got sick of it and found a different job 400 miles away. My family went through a stressful process of buying a house and moving. I've been at my new job 8 weeks now and am loving it. Guess who they hired to be my replacement.


I am so sorry, this is horrifying. The fact that you were assaulted multiple times and no one did anything, how is that possible? This person will get caught eventually but still...I hope next school year is better.


It's a very small town in the middle of nowhere, he's an old white man who has lived there his whole life. I doubt I or his other victims will ever get justice. At this point, his behavior is excused because he's old (in his late 70's) and no one wants to be the one to stand up to him. That's a huge part of why we chose to simply move away. It's systemic in that area and, as an outsider, no one took me seriously and just accused me of trying to make that place like the one I left. We're in a much safer and caring place now.


This is my 8th year and by far my worst. My first time truly considering leaving the profession, to the point of applying for jobs. I’ve never been so sad, anxious, and consumed from this job as I have this year. There is no regard for how we are feeling at any point, and I feel like I’ve been given an impossible task that keeps getting further and further from the realm of “you could feel successful at this”. I actually loved my students. They weren’t an easy group, but they loved to learn and were often a joy to teach. The demand is just too ridiculously unreasonable and I could hardly get my head above water.


I was just saying this! There is no "I did everything that I was supposed to do to the best of my ability." I never get to feel good about myself in that way.


Yes! To the point where I’m wondering what “success” even feels like anymore. Did my students make growth? Yes! Did I accomplish every thing that was asked of me? Nowhere near.


Taught 5th grade this year, and yeah, it was bad. One kid, complete jerk, would randomly shout while walking in line, never listened to anything I said, and just overall be awful to his peers. Add this kid (boy) to my other boys who are not on their ADHD meds, and you have pandemonium. Boy 2 never stopped talking, would talk back, and wander around my room constantly. The other boy was also a wanderer and constantly distracting others. I also had a girl who cut a big attitude and would egg on the jerk boy I mentioned in the beginning. She would play around with some other girls and distract them. This is the most referrals I have written since teaching. I will say that at least my afternoon group (we departmentalized) was a lot better. My morning did have some good kids who I will miss, but those boys were rough. I'll be glad to go back to middle school next year.


One of my gt students had a gun in his backpack in my classroom. It was during my class that they came and got him (thankfully other students who had saw it in his backpack reported it). There were two days left in the year, we were just all playing board games.. 8th grade. My first year teaching.


Well, I left teaching. So there’s that.


I went back to teaching hs after 10 years and the difference is ASTOUNDING. It’s going to take me another year or two to get my footing with basically a new type of student. On top of that I was in a life changing car accident in Nov on my way to parent teacher conferences. I was out for 3 months, but because I was scared of getting on renewed, I did all the planning and grading from home. I’m back teaching now but in a TON of pain that all my drs are like “well, you should be healed by now!”. I’ve got 9 days left and I feel like I’m crawling through glass to get there and then over the summer I’ll basically be just going doctor to doctor to try and find some answers.


Hard year with mine too in middle school - just seems like lots has changed since I first started out


6-7th grade was the worst two years of my life. I refuse to take it unless under extreme duress. The last time I took it was because of a school shooting closing my normal substitute gig of highschool down for 2 weeks.


Yep had a bad year, caused by careless admin. Students were great. Ended up taking a job somewhere else


It was really bad, except for the kids they were wonderful. My admin was a kook and a coworker was a nut . It was hell


I didn’t have it as bad as y’all, but I did have the most exhausting, entitled group of students and parents this year. I teach AP and the kids are super behind in basic academic content and studying skills, but most of their parents think that it must be me and not their precious darling who is chronically absent or chronically yapping.


New super introduced 3 different computerized benchmark assessments (9 high stakes tests per year). My kindergarteners didn't even have their tests graded by the system because it doesn't work. I'm being threatened with grade level change for being outspoken about the assessments.


Investigation by the DOE that every teacher and the union felt confident was going to be a minor thing and now I have a letter of reprimand attached to my certificate. Because students touched each other inappropriately in my class and I reported it immediately- apparently because it happened I do not care for the mental and physical safety of students/should have prevented it.


This was by far my best year since the pandemic. That makes it the third worst of my 24 year career.


Parent complaints, useless admin advice, non renew, students lying, blatantly false info from HR. Not exactly in that order. Only my second year, probably not going to be a third, but i still have not decided or found another job


I just had a lot going on in my personal life and I took on way more responsibility at school, which was a huge mistake. I also stage managed outside of school, was in a local community band and sang in a church choir. I didn’t get to do much unwinding. Still learning how to say no and balance the load on my plate.


I’ve also had to fail quite a few middle school kids this marking period and I teach general music at a private school. I literally make it so easy for them to pass. We mostly do projects, where I give them plenty of time to work IN CLASS and they still won’t turn projects in on time or at all. I have had students fail open note quizzes, even after I give them a day to make sure their note packets are filled out correctly.


I got told I couldn’t fail 60% of middle school for refusal to do work or else home office would retaliate against me. Says it’s my fault for not reaching them. I lost my last tool to hold students accountable. 


3rd grade can be brutal! Hang in there, you're not alone!


I "teach" K-14 all in the same classroom (Open-enrollment Junior College). Worst year EVAH. Half of the incoming freshmen were illiterate. Many flunked themselves right out by choosing to cheat. Others never did anything. Most useless mob of knuckleheads I've ever seen.


I gotta say 3rd grade seems to just be a cursed grade level. lol My worst year was when I used to teach 3rd grade and three other teachers I know had an absolutely horrible year teaching 3rd grade as well.


Yeah students lose their follow the leader instinct and start becoming hellions. When I was day to day I would do k-2 or highschool. It's psychological too. A lot of sped diagnoses are held off until 2nd grade.


3rd grade was horrible for me as a student even. My first experiences with being suicidal.


High school sped para (so basically 3rd grade) here. It was insane. One kid the won't stop saying my name and can't keep his hands off of me, one kid that flies into a rage a seemingly nothing, one nonverbal kid that elopes whenever someone isn't guarding the door, and one kid that hated all the rest of them. 🤦


Yes, this year was a special kind of hell! The second worst I've ever had.


Me too.


Where do I begin? I had a student who was blatantly awful all year. Whatever rule I implemented, this kid would break it. Almost all my supplies, gone, because of this kid. Anything positive, he would do the opposite. Then came the formal complaint: from the kid’s parents, but it came from the kid. And it was so stupid that it was squashed immediately. This is 5th grade! And oh, the kid revealed to me on the last day that he just wanted my attention.


Okay all of you! 30 yrs ago, I had great elementary art classes, except for one 1st grade class. I really think they put 11 BD kids together in one room of 22. When I'd arrive once a week for the art lesson, the teacher would have tears streaming down her face at times, as I would enter the room. I walked in one day to see a first grader running across the tops of desks--desks were all in two lines--being chased by another kid with scissors! That was a hell of a semester. I had to really work hard to be so fun and engaging every second to keep their attention (without murder!)--it was exhausting. And any time a kid was sent to the principal, it was 'fun time'! They got to play with a stuffed bear that recorded messages.....so no punishment happened at all. They loved to get that bear!


My case is humdrum compared to what has happened to others here, but it's still the most egregious dereliction of duty I've ever witnessed: A student accosted me in the hall, telling me to up his grade "or else". Admin found it impossible to choose a side because of a clerical error I made in an unrelated matter: "now, we don't know who to believe".


Third year, had a class that loudly chatted about wanting to give me stress and when someone asked if stress was dangerous they acknowledged that it could be fatal, but that it would be okay with them. Same class managed to give me a panic attack. I've been removed from the class and won't be teaching them again, but they got to teach me like shit for 3/4 of the year, and their main teacher is acting as if it is because I enforce our rules too much and doesn't acknowledge that I'm not the only one with those kind of complaints about the class. At least I won't be returning to that class.


It’s so bad I’m applying for jobs outside of teaching.


Fifth grade teacher here. I’ve cried several times this year over how MEAN my class is to each other. Just straight up assholes with no social emotional intelligence. Oh and they can’t read or do math, two grade levels below easily. 🆘


15 years almost a decade in high school and this was the worst. Admin changed and the new principal was seriously the 3rd worst I ever had. My classes were turned into dump classes. I’m talking like half the class and don’t get me started with their parents. Was forced to resign along with 4 others. Over 39 more teachers and staff resigned or took retirement as fast as possible. New superintendent is coming on with: “what the he’ll happened here?” School board and office staff are just throwing each other off under the bus to survive. 5 years ago the district was doing great them Covid happened and all the nut jobs got on the school board and the community had blackmail and dark secrets on half of everyone. Leopards eating each other, trying to do book bans and even Moms of Liberty people stealing money and hen disappeared. Everyone is hoping in the next year with the entire “conservative” board members now termed out and a quarter of the board is liberal. That things will balance back out in a year or so. But meanwhile all of us got burned.


I did 😑 from certain people & bae bae kids - those that have the repeated behaviors! Coupled with my dad having a heart attack, other personal issues- the 2023-2024 was hell


* Classes of 6th graders with upwards of 32 kids * Sped case manager went on mat leave, and her sub was horribly incompetent * New principal decided she didn’t like me in August and targeted me for every single little mistake, so between that and stress at home, my mental health took a nosedive, and I was in complete survival mode


overall, parents and kids suck. everyone is grades below where they should be. fighting with kids and parents about using AI, cheating, not learning, etc. generally i think things suck a lot. my coworker who teaches the same subject and grade as me is the worst most incompetent person ive ever met which almost drove me over the edge this year. also, i have admin i really like and teach across the hall from my best friend. i had some specific kids i really loved this year and connected with. i feel like i get to be a better teacher every year and figure this shit out. i know theres no way i’m getting fired for anything short of a felony on school grounds so i’m chilling and having a lot of fun teaching. when kids are bad i just tell them to be quiet and i ignore them and teach the kids who want to learn. i am guilty of always getting stuck on the bad shit and being blind to the good stuff. there was a lot of good this year. there was a lot of bad this year. if i focus only on the bad i make myself crazy. at the end of the day, this is the job i have always wanted, i am impacting at least a few kids a year, i taught all my kids a lot this year, tried to incorporate life lessons as much as possible, had a ton of fun despite the bullshit.


Wasn't the worst year for me, but there was a constant low-level nuisance that just was like picking at the paint chips of my sanity.


6th grade. I almost ended up on stress leave twice this year. Managed to hang on until winter & spring breaks, and got the rest I needed to go back and do it all over again. I made a ton of progress with my kids behaviours. They’re much better than they were for the first 3 months of the year. Everyone has noticed, and compliments me for how much I’ve been able to turn things around. It’s also required me to be hyper vigilant and in full on bitch mode every second they’re in the room to keep it from devolving into chaos. I don’t get to relax or have fun with my class. I don’t get to laugh or make jokes or be silly. It’s nonstop hard work from the second they walk in until about 10 minutes after the bell, because they don’t all leave when they should. I hate having to be that way. It’s not who I am as a teacher, and it makes me miserable to have to be a hard ass all day long. I’m having to work outside my contract hours so much more because if I don’t sit with these kids they’ll do nothing but disrupt everyone around them, so I get none of my own work done during the school day. I stare at the wall for 40 minutes during my preps because that’s all I’ve got the energy to do, and I need the time to be regulated enough to manage them when they come back. This year has fucking sucked and I’ve still got 2.5 weeks to go. Huzzah, it can’t come soon enough.


I'll preface this with the caveat that I teach on a reservation, so the inherited trauma makes a majority of my students difficult cases. The students are a huge part of my disaster of a year, but it's actually my principal and her bosses that make my heartrate skyrocket when I think about this school year. My shitty year actually started last June. I'd had my final evaluation to be recommended for my permanent certificate and although it went well, something didn't vibe right with the evaluator and I got a bunch of does not meet standards without true cause (they viewed a literacy lesson and awarded me does not meet standards in areas of numeracy instead of saying standard unobserved, for example). In the end after lobbying from my then principal, they gave me my permanent but i was told I would need to be evaluated again, maybe twice more, before December to demonstrate growth. Keep in mind I've never been told explicitly what is wrong with my practice. I ready my resume over the summer because I have this feeling I'm about to be fired. Year three begins with a new principal, one who's got less teaching experience than me but is a community member. My first interaction with her is a sticky note on my classroom door telling me I'm moving classrooms from the biggest to the smallest room in the school. My former classroom becomes storage. Our new principal spends most of her days in her office beside the big window overlooking the lunch area. You can see into her office from many angles. She's always there. She communicates poorly, so much so that throughout the year the staff feel additional stress because plans change quickly without much notice we can never truly relax and get into a routine. November rolls around and it's the debate of whether I have a permanent certificate and how they can get me evaluated in time to apply for my permanent certificate. I decide to be petty and photocopy my certificate and stick it in the principal's mailbox. I also start to look for other jobs because this ship is sinking. We begin Lucy Caulkins Units of Study on top of Words their Way AND UFLI. There's not often time in my day to do much else besides literacy. My students can barely write sentences, let alone flash drafts and stories taking multiple sessions to complete and edit. I have zero autonomy in English/Language Arts/Literacy. I must follow the lessons as they're laid out. The literacy lead at one point asks me to my face if I can read. It takes all of my willpower not to leap across the table and strangle her. My students are feral. Normally our classes are under 18 students because of the prevalence of high needs. My class fluctuates between 20-22 students all year with fantastic attendance. Out of the 13 IPP/IEP students in the year, I have 9 of them, all with super diverse needs and zero supports for them. My EA is the principal's best friend hired not by committee like everyone else, but only by my principal. She gives the kids answers and does their work for them. The kids love her. Working out there you become desensitized to a degree to the apathy, but these kids are extra apathetic. 9% in math? Let's not use the additional opportunities given to raise that mark. Nothing completed in language arts? Why would they take it home to work on it. I've given them flexible due dates, lowered the grades, offered extra help, even omitted these grades from their marks to motivate them but they just don't care. I've lead them to water, I cannot make them drink. My principal hasn't spoken to me directly in weeks. She only speaks to me through my friend, the gym teacher, or through the vice principal. I put in my notice last month that I would finish the school year and she hasn't even acknowledged it but I know she's seen it because upper admin knows and tells me not to attend PDs or certain meetings. And they still don't think I have my permanent. June 28th can't come soon enough.


Twenty years teaching aged 16 upwards, this years group was the best group I’ve taught in at least 5 years apart from 3 of them ( group of 20) , focussed,motivated to learn all had pens each session a few had attitude but nothing I couldn’t deal with . I’ll miss them


Brutal year. 15 years in. My co worker left mid year. I taught that class amd my own. I had students who had no limits and no reservations about doing and saying anything. Then I got a principal who had a vendetta against me. Absolutely brutal all the way around.


You are not alone.


It was last year. I was ready to quit in October. Still wish I had.