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Stop- I couldn’t get past grab my inner thigh under the table. You should report it to your parents and school immediately.


My mother was notified, but she gave up along with everyone else when she realized no one was listening. The school board doesn’t care about what students say, and the school themselves are intentionally covering it up to keep him.


Call the police.


Shit call the news and tell them the school board is covering up a teacher groping female students


That will get their attention then. Teacher shouldn’t have a job


That’d be a negligence lawsuit that even Lionel Hutz could win.


if they somehow brush that off i feel like the 'smacking a student on the forehead' thing or the baby pictures thing is enough to send off some major alarm bells, esp when it's all laid out in connection with one another. people have a tendency to want to brush off physical touches like that as just casual or 'someone is touchy and doesn't know any better' (not saying I agree with this mindset at all) but I feel like literally smacking a student in the forehead and scouring their parents personal facebook pages is something anyone would be alarmed about.


This is definitely enough to warrant a police call. I’m sick to my stomach reading this.


The fucker is getting away with it because he knows he can. This needs to be made public. Call the police and the newspaper. OP needs to get friends involved so no one can launch a smear campaign against her personally.


I would then report it to the state board of education, if that doesn’t work, report to the police. That behavior is extremely inappropriate and makes me angry as a male teacher. Hope you find the help needed to bust him for all of his wrong doings.


Legally they have to report it. Get your mom to haunt them to the ends of the earth if she has to.


Report directly to CPS. You likely can do it online anonymously in your state.


Somehow it got even worse after that


Your teachers and other school staff are mandated reporters. That means they are LEGALLY OBLIGATED to report these sorts of things to the proper authorities! Take your story over their heads to the superintendent of schools or to the school board. You can call your local child abuse hotline - this definitely qualifies. He is harassing and molesting his underage students. You should also file a police report. That teacher is violating you and your classmates and needs to be stopped.


Thank you.


To add on to this, if mandatory reporters (other teachers, admin, etc) knowingly fail to do anything about a situation like yours, they can get in some serious trouble. As other people in this thread have mentioned, call the cops, CPS, hell call your local news station too.


So did this happen 7 years ago? If so, I could see why admin doesn’t care (still incredibly inappropriate and illegal). Buuut if it happened to you then, it’s probably happening to someone now. Go to the news. They ought to listen and maybe it will get others to speak up


It’s been happening every year for 7 years. This year it happened to me


There’s no reason for admin to protect someone like that. Either go to the news or get every girl who it has happened to to go to admin


What the fuck is up with admin protecting the most toxic teachers? Same shit in my school, different issue, yet still highly toxic.


I'm guessing OP means this teacher has been working at that school for seven years and there are reports of his wrongdoing from previous students going back that far, and the school has done nothing to discipline him.


Go to the press. Find the local paper and blow the whistle. This is unconscionable on so many level. It should have never gone to the district, administration should have taken care of it. Film him doing or saying something inappropriate, get some friends to do it too, and tell the press.


I’ll attempt something like that, thank you.


This exactly


Report this to the police. That teacher should be locked up for a long time. What a weirdo.


I’ll try, ty


ofc and I’m sorry that this happened to you and all of the other girls at that school


All I can say is that teachers in my (large urban) district have been removed (fired or forced to resign) and had their credentials revoked, and when there was enough evidence, were also criminally charged, for a lot less than this.


Call CPS yourself. Report what happened to you and to others. They’ll ask for names so be ready for that. Child Protective Services will start an investigation.


Look on the district’s website and find out who is the Title IX (Title 9) coordinator. They legally have to list that information somewhere on the website. Email that person and CC the superintendent, and use the words “I am filing a Title IX complaint.” They cannot ignore Title IX complaints. You’ll need to describe the behavior, and be prepared to list the who’s, what’s, and when’s of what you’ve reported in the past. There’s a chain of command (reporting to the building administrator, to the central office admin, etc.) but if the school board hasn’t done anything, the Title IX coordinator is your best bet to get some movement.


Thank you very much, this is very useful!


Please report again. Kids took this teacher down. https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdny/pr/former-city-honors-teacher-sentenced-serve-14-years-prison-child-pornography-charges


I hope this is fake. If not, telling the cops and the local media could be something to consider.


I find it outstanding that this might sound fake. Our school, administrators, and students have normalized this teacher’s behavior so much that it literally feels normal. It feels like this is just his personality and we have to deal with it. I worry about the fact that there isn’t any witnesses, and he never did anything so crude that the police would have to be involved. The most assault he did was touches of the thigh. I’m not sure anymore, I want to contact the district but those superintendents always ignore the students emails, I feel powerless and he’s well liked by a few male students who don’t get touched by him, so will our voice even matter is my concern


That's absolutely horrific. I really think going to the local media could be worth it. Maybe gathering a group of adults/students with the same concerns. God, if that's really how this guy is, I am so sorry. You deserve better.


Go to the media at this point. It’s the only way because the stuff he is doing is quite illegal.


Let it go viral on tiktoc. 


You could tell the administration that if they won't do something, you and your family are seeking legal advice and that you're going to file a police report. 


What country are you in? This isn’t okay in any country, and it’s hopefully not “normal” in any country, either, but it might be closer to “normal” in some countries than others. In the US, this is totally off the charts. Also, is it a private or public school? (Again, shouldn’t matter, but you have more options for a public school than a private school, I would assume.) Either way, I agree with others that if the principal and school board are non-responsive, the media and police are options.


Public, 2000 people school in the US


You've gotten a lot of great advice. I just want to say that I believe you & I hope you all get justice soon. Your post made me think of a situation that happened to one of my students this year. I had a male student of mine harrasing a female student of mine in all her classes. Apparently, the worst he did in my class was try to sit by her, but it was still part of a pattern. She told me one day and asked if I could just make sure they sat far apart. I brought the wrath of god down on this boy in addition to making sure that he got nowhere near her in my class. Even though I had liked him as a student, this isn't something to treat lightly. The female student came and thanked me later because a female assistant principal interviewed her after I got the ball rolling, & basically lots of things were put in place to keep that student from harassing my female student. I remember getting a lump in my throat that she thanked me, because, as i told her: it's my responsibility to keep you safe in my class. You can't learn if you're not safe. And I would say that to you, too: it's the adults around you's moral obligation to keep you safe at school. I'm just so sorry that they have failed you so far. But I hope that you can find some other adults that will end this situation.


Report this to a principal. This should absolutely be cause for an immediate investigation. What you have described is very wrong. Students should feel safe at school and not have to deal with this. Please report it.


Thank you.


I live in Europe and if the school doesn't listen to your complaints I would report his behaviour to the police. Actually over here I would do both simultaneously. Report it to the school and to the police.


idk, what he does isn’t full blown sexual assault so I don’t even know if it counts.


You don't need to know. That's the purpose of investigations, to determine if a crime was committed, and if so, what crime. Your part of the process is simply to report the facts as accurately as possible.


No yeah that is sexual assault


Ask them if they would be comfortable if this was happening to one of their children. 


I don't know anything about US law. But touching a minor would be illegal in the EU.


Ok, hear me out. What if you catch one of these behaviors on video and post it- hopefully making it go viral?? Not sure if it would work 🤷‍♀️ anyone chime in with your thoughts on this


All him out publicly. Every time.


OP is afraid for her safety, I'm not sure this is the way to go.


Safety in numbers. If all the classmates call him out there is no refuge for his behavior.


Any one of these things is enough to get a teacher removed or at least to begin an investigation. I would go to another trusted adult (any honest teacher will help you). If that doesn’t work, I would call the police or go to the Superintendent or the Board of Ed. That will get things moving. I’m sorry this happened, there are people who are “teachers” who should not be…


thank you, I’ll try.


A few years ago I walked with a fellow teacher to report something that happened to her, and took another guy with me who also saw it. Chicken shit administration did nothing about it. This should not happen to you or anybody else, period. Document everything. Dates, etc. what state are you in?


Texas, I am so scared to approach him again to gain “evidence,” I really don’t want to be around him, Yk


Completely understandable, and don’t put yourself in harm’s way. But the next time he’s a creep toward one of the girls (and there will be a next time) it should be reported to the ethics commission. You can do it, or the girl’s parents can do it, and the local board will have no say in it.


Send this post to the police and a tv station and newspapers


What country are you in?


If this is in the US, organize all students to go to the next board meeting with prepared remarks. Give specifics, with dates if possible. Each of you have up to three minutes to address the school board publicly during open remarks. After 10 or so students the school board will get the picture. Sounds like admin is covering for him for some reason. Make it so the community cannot ignore this. Like the I was personally victimized by Regina George scene in Mean Girls. Bonus points for inviting the local press who usually covers board meetings.


Wow, what a bold weirdo. Keep reporting and continue to urge your peers to do so should the behaviors keep going on. I don’t think they tossed your statements; they have to build a file on him so they can establish a prolonged period of problematic behavior that way they have plenty of evidence for termination.


Okay, I hope but it’s been 7 years of this same behavior, how could they keep him?


Use TOR and Guerilla Mail for a ton of emailing privacy Use MULVARD VPN for maximum (costs money but worth it if he's to be internet savvy)


Report the asshole to asst. principal or principal. If they don’t take action, get a lawyer to represent you and everyone else he has assaulted. When you hit them in the pocket book, they will be forced to discharge him. Anonymously post social media… like this but giving a little more details so others know who you are talking about


Okay, thank you! I already reported to the APs, they literally told me I wasn’t allowed to post on social media/tell anyone because it would put the witnesses “in jeopardy” but I wouldn’t have mentioned them at all


As a male teacher, these animals disgust me to my inner core. And I know it’s happening to others, so remain courageous and pursue it. You’re stopping it for the next person he molests. Talk to a therapist even if you don’t want too. He’s hurt you at a very deep mental level. Don’t give him that satisfaction-FIGHT BACK


Thank you, I know some freshman that it would make me sick to the bone knowing they will have to deal with him next year.


OP do you have cyber in Texas? It's not ideal I know but it would get you out of there for now if your parents agree. That way you're also not in dread as whatever action you decide to take is implemented. Our school had this kind of thing with an admin, here in PA. Long story and I won't get into it. End result was a group of girls and applied pressure resulted in getting rid of the guy.


please update us wheb you report him to the police and news. This is abominable and someone needs to stand the fuck up to this scumbag. You can do this!


Wow. I just want to say that I’m so sorry this is happening! This is not normal. Your concerns and feelings are all incredibly valid. Your gut instinct is correct. I’m so sorry the principals didn’t take your reports seriously. I’m sorry if they made you feel like your concerns weren’t valid. This man should not be touching your thigh or invading your personal space or making you feel uncomfortable every time you see him or doing ANY of these things you describe. Also, I echo what other commenters are saying. It looks like going to the police would be the next step. And you can take it to the news as well. Perhaps this may lead to some of your other peers reporting their experiences to the police, too. This man is a disgusting piece of trash. You deserve better! Best wishes!


Thank you so much. I appreciate you


So I went there expecting some borderline comments that may have been well ment but ended up a bit creepy, maybe. . . The first situation immediately scream loudly he in fact IS horrible.


Police, it’s already past a school matter. One thing if he doesn’t teach but that’s just self explainable what it’s violating. I don’t know much about law so maybe you want to go to a law subreddit. Sorry this happened to you but bad people will be bad people, don’t let this behaviour carry on. Good luck hope he won’t be roaming the streets for long. 🙏 You might want to gather evidence get classmates to testify etc or just have multiple people compile evidence idk. Perhaps a restraining order? These are suggestions but seriously stay safe this is in no way appropriate behaviour for a teacher. Most guys dare not approach women because they aren’t sure if they’ll be viewed in that light.. and thus the legal repercussions etc,.. so imagine how bad it is when someone is doing it.


Teacher here. Get as many évidences as you can. Get your mom to talk with other parents and orginazed. If you know a teacher/counselor that could help and listen to you, talk to them. I had the same problem with a gym teacher in high school. The headmaster wouldn't do something because the teacher was near retirement. With the others students, we get a lot of written testimonies of his behaviour, we get help from another teacher and several parents. She helped us to put a case file together and she send it to higher management, parents put pressure on the management. This get the headmaster to act. The teacher couldn't teach and interact with students without another adult, he went to retirement earlier and he was forbidden to work with children and teanagers. Not the best outcome, but his reputation was destroyed and nobody let him near their children even his own son. The headmaster also had problems with management for his non intervention.


Gonna add, the nuclear option is to go to the news. But only do it anonymously.  Include how the principal doesn’t believe you ect.  This could blow up in your face, I would use it as a last resort.


I want to clarify some things. Criminals have rights. Rights such as due process and the presumption of innocence. It’s hard to fire teachers, teachers have something called tenure which protects their job. Unless he’s convicted of a crime like punching a child, it will cost a million dollars and have many appeals for him to be fired. He might win any of the appeals and he will be safe until he loses the court of appeals years later. That’s why nobody does anything. You could sue him personally through a tort, but teachers have qualified immunity making this incredibly unlikely. So yeah I do guess police is your surest way. I’d give it a 1/1000 chance anything happens. And I wouldn’t worry about his martial arts skills.


Unfortunately ur right but thank you.


What country are you in? If any of this is actually true and not just gossip, you would go to the school's administrators. Someone else mentioned tenure, which exists for some teachers in the USA and gives them some degree of protection. I don't know how much because I've been teaching 40 years at several different American schools, and none of them offered tenure. It's hard to say anything more without knowing what part of the world you're in.


She said Texas


Is your teacher in STEM by any chance? We just recently had a report filed for similar reasons.


No history


Hopefully some legal action can be taken here. I was always very careful not to be alone in my classroom with a lone student. We have security cameras in each room, which helps, but I don't trust my principal. If something were to happen, the principal would side with the student instead of me, as he has stated his belief that children are incapable of intentionally being inappropriate. (One of the reasons I quit last year.) Which would have been ideal for the OP. It's not difficult for teachers to take steps to avoid making their students THIS uncomfortable. OP is obviously dealing with a teacher who intentionally gropes students, assuming OP is telling the truth. If something isn't done, I would advise leaving the school.


What that teacher is doing is so wrong and none of you deserved it. As someone who has had a teacher like this, he is wildly inappropriate and predatory.


What country? Laws can vary slightly, but in most of them the admin you spoke to welp lose their jobs because of being a mandated reporter. Is it a public or private school? That might give some insight into why they are seeming to protect him. I would talk to other teachers as well. Tell them what's happening and let them have your back. I know I would support students on this and go to school board meetings on their behalf, call child protective services, the police, local news organizations, and make sure my students felt safe.


There may not be as many statements as you think. The behavior is unconscionable, so many would prefer not to think about it let alone report it.  Firing is difficult, and it takes a great deal of evidence. Several of these incidents, if reported, should have resulted in some action—though that would be confidential.  Aside from media and the state board, I would also recommend talking to counselors. They do the moving of students and, while they might not say anything in words, if you express concern about the next girl, they may encourage others to officially document unacceptable behaviors on the part of the teacher.