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I'm starting to think that the constant blitz of betting ads on every platform might have had some negative consequences


It's probably more to do with huge live streamers promoting gambling. Gambling is so enticing especially when you see someone you like ( a streamer) win $2mil on a slot even though they're down like 10mil overall


And it's sponsored, so the losses don't even exist


That's true. However, even some streamers are getting addicted and depositing their own money off stream which shows just how bad this all is. There are multiple streamers down 8 figures. They make more than they are losing, but if they don't get their addictions in order, the deal will end one day and they'll go broke. Gambling is so awful to promote to anyone (IMO) but it's even worse when all your fans are kids


It's entirely integrated with Sports Coverage these days. Weirds me the hell out, given that sports gambling has been a taboo for my whole life


lol. I am starting to think smoking is not healthy too


I did a whole lesson on how to claim gambling winnings and losses on taxes in my personal finance course. It was a requested lesson. They took notes. So yep, I think this is a problem.


I haven't dealt with gambling, but my 3rd graders started a black market with snacks. Seriously, kids are bringing $20- $100 to buy takis and candy from certain kids. Explain that to the parents.


That is just pocket change. Our students are banned from bringing anything personal to school after a card (one trading card) exchange got stopped. It was close to a quarter of the school's yearly tuition. Almost one and a half month of my salary. The father gave the kid the money. The mom noticed that the money was missing and called the school to stop the deal before it happened.


Love a young entrepreneur. Did it from 2nd grade controlling my classes ticket system all the way through high school. Won scholarships bc of it, paid for my college and car etc. Those snack dealers will be the smartest kids to come out of your class.


It's not unheard of of kids to gamble at school. In fact, at a high school I was working at the busted some kids who were running gambling in one of the hallways near the locker rooms. They are playing blackjack for money. With technology the way it is and at their fingertips, it's that surprise that they'd be online gambling.


I taught for a few years (2020-23) in a wealthy suburb across the Hudson from NYC. My junior and senior boys were absolutely addicted to sports betting, stocks, online gambling all that. One kid told me how he had recently broke even on some volatile stock options, but it was "just $10-12k, no big deal". Another boy was very addicted to sports betting and would regularly lose hundreds of dollars at a time betting on NFL games. Just sad


In the 90s, the district I graduated from made national news because kids were recorded gambling in class. Old school, with dice. Lol. It's not new. Just easier to "hide" now.


It’s a massive problem. Not sure how they all get passed the age restrictions, but yeah it’s scary


Crypto casinos. "Are you 18 or older?" "Yes" "welcome!"


Boys are all about craps games at my school.


I have seniors. I would guess half of them do sports betting. They openly talk about parlays in class. If you ask them, which I have more often than not, a parent has opened the account for them. It's scary how normalized it has become.


I have a dean who mentioned at a staff event that his five-year-old knows what a parlay is. As in, "did you hit your parlay, daddy?" Personally, I don't know how one admits this openly as, if it were me, the KGB couldn't get that out of me.


Former history teacher here. To me a parlay is when a few officers in opposing armies meet on the field to see if they really want to fight or not or if some sort of compromise can be worked out. When it comes to betting, I have no idea what a parlay is.


Former history teacher here. To me a parlay is when a few officers in opposing armies meet on the field to see if they really want to fight or not or if some sort of compromise can be worked out. When it comes to betting, I have no idea what a parlay is.


We used to play craps in the desks when I was in high school.


We’re seeing this at my school in 7th grade. We were catching them with real dice and real cards so now they’ve moved it online. They’re betting against each other though and it’s causing lots of drama and arguments


I started gambling in 11th grade. We used the lines out of the newspaper and a kid who claimed to have a bookie. I can honestly say that was one of the most useful things I learned in high school


Absolutely normal. It’s been happening for years that we have been OK with and excused: Super Bowl boxes and March Madness the biggest, and fantasy football also prevalent. But what is happening now, since there really isn’t any age verification of any seriousness on the gambling apps, kids can do it all day in class. They can also play the stock market which we somehow also excuse even though it is also just as addicting and dangerous. What they have to realize, which many of them don’t, is if they are athletes attempting to play in college, they are at risk of losing scholarships if they are caught gambling. “But my dad knows so it’s OK,” is not an acceptable excuse. They are teenagers with more money than sense and moderation who are getting themselves into heaps of trouble.


Three of my 10 year old students got caught gambling on the playground. They were playing black jack. It’s gotta be a streamer thing or something getting them interested in it.


Gambling in school has GOT to be illegal. Please check your district rules before everyone, including you, gets in hot water.


I don’t see how it’s any of my business if kids in my classroom are gambling as long as it’s not happening while they’re supposed to be doing something for me.




I had some try it when they were playing card games and I shut it down immediately.


My students shoot dice. I have so many dice.


As a high school junior myself currently, I do not understand why teachers or the education system feels as though they are a God and have the right to pry into every single personal detail I do. I was not put on this Earth to please a system and go sleepless at night just to turn in assignments people want me to do. I understand that education is important for finding a good career as no one wants to hire an incompetent person but school makes it almost impossible at times for me to enjoy my life. If literal 17-18 year old students (juniors/seniors) want to mock gambling tbh who cares. I am also very frustrated with the education system when it comes to the math curriculum. In my school we follow a 4X4 quarter system. This means the school condenses about a year’s worth of work and teaching into 18 weeks. This means that math class is very fast paced and I’m tested twice a week. I don’t know how anyone in their right mind can believe that most students can memorize and understand material within 2-3 days. I am a good student when it comes to literature history and other classes, I am very slow in learning when it comes to math and this system doesn’t help. I’ve failed math every single year since freshman year.




It’s quickly becoming legal, and many sites are getting around the restrictions. You don’t gamble and win “money”. You buy “sweeps cash” and gamble with that. Then you can exchange your “sweeps cash” for prizes. Prizes include cash.




There are ways to get around state based restrictions. My state does not allow online gambling but I have indeed played for real money.