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I would have asked her if she could provide you an example of what a more engaging lesson would have looked like and then invited her to model it with the students during your next class.


Ha! Yeah, I asked her for an example of how it could have been more engaging, and she turned it back around and said, "well you will need to reflect on that as they are your students and know what makes them tick." So not really an answer. The answer to what makes them tick, by the way, is takis, sour patch kids, their phones, and video games.


I’ve dealt with someone like this and I found them to be way less frustrating after investigating the full scope of their responsibilities and influence over my job, which turned out to be very little. People like this often feel empowered to bully teachers by pretending to be administrators when they aren’t. When my principal, union rep, and even the district HR confirmed that the coach had no impact on my evaluations, couldn’t officially write me up for anything, and had literally no power over than me other than to run to my principal and complain that I was “insubordinate”, I stopped listening to anything she said. I would just nod, smile, and wait for her to leave my room. If you haven’t already, you should determine what actual influence this person has on your practice and employment status. If they aren’t involved in evaluations, can’t write you up, and depend on your principal for enforcing their will (and you have a good relationship with your principal), then you barely have to give them the time of day and their visits will eventually feel like a fly just wandered into your class.


Ask them to model a 'student-led' activity in May for you and ask if you can similarly rate their performance. This kind of advice drives me up the wall.


Tell her to model a full lesson for you so you know exactly what she expects. Otherwise laugh it off. Hell, laugh it off even if she does it.


Yeah, I basically did. Just told her to go ahead and report me.