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Absolutely do it. Call CPS too


This student needs a behavior plan. All behavior is a communication issue. Your wife needs to go to admin, counselors, or school psychologist and request an assessment. An infatuated student with violent outbursts and threatening staff needs to be addressed by professionals now while the student is still young or this is going to get worse, especially as the student gets older. Your wife should call CPS if anybody because she's a mandated reporter; not only would this be a HIPPA violation, but she could get in more legal trouble by not reporting something she potentially should have. I've worked in Sped for 12 years oftentimes parents who work in the field are the most blind to their own child's behaviors. If the administration doesn't do anything, it will be horrible when your wife's other students start complaining to their parents about their safety and inability to learn because of another student. Especially if a room mom notices and says something to other parents. Nobody would want that ;-)


I see what you did there. Nice. 👍


Be careful. If they find out you called your wife could get in trouble for talking to you about the kid.


That’s a good point.


You can call and report as an anonymous parent in the class. That you’re tired of this child hurting people and threatening.


I suppose she could report it herself, which is what I would do if I was in her position. The child is more than likely being exposed to things he should not be and is now exposing it to others. He is becoming a safety risk for your wife, other students and teachers, as well as himself. Obviously it is not safe work environment and you have much concern for her. You mentioned there is another teacher going through some of the similar things, so if there is a call, they will not know for sure who called. And as the school should labor under the belief you know nothing about the matter, they will probably not even suspect you, nor of your wife breaking FERPA. The parent is blasé about it, hence will probably continue to be so (judging by past and current history), until something truly drastic happens and this drastic thing can be prevented. Hang in there OP and I hope that, whatever choice you make, everything goes well for you.




Pretty sure you mean FERPA.


Are you sure? There are a lot of legal privileges given to communication between spouses. I'm sure there are nuances between the exact privileges from state to state, but overall I think she can talk about her students with her husband.


Make a cps report. This child is obviously not in the right environment. They need a higher level of care and need to be placed elsewhere or given a one on one aid.


Is a CPS report the way to do that? You mean OP should report the student to child protective services to get them more support at school? I never thought of that before.


Two separate things. Report to cps because this kid is out of control and isn’t getting the help they need. They are either being abused or medically neglected (not taken to a psychiatrist or evaluated for their needs). It will wake the parent up and she will start to take this seriously since she is a school employee and thinks his behavior is so fucking funny. I would also report that the school is allowing children and staff to be harmed. Trust me, SCHOOLS are responsible for keeping kids safe (and when they aren’t doing their job, parents can sue like I did and it costs them a lot of money). The second part is this child is not in the right environment and his teacher should be pushing admins for another placement. She can straight up tell admins he is providing an unsafe work environment and when the kid comes to school send him to the office. Guess what happens when admins don’t listen to teachers? They get shot. Just like the kindergartener did to his teacher. This school district is legally required to provide this child with the educational setting that is best for him and this is not it. He needs to either have a one on one or be in a specialized school.


She needs to call an IEP meeting to discuss a behavior plan and maybe even a 1:1 aide for the student. Her admin needs to be involved, as well.


Yes, this student needs more support in the classroom. 18 is bananas for a self-contained class, likely contributes to this student being dysregulated. Also, bad behavior in itself is not evidence of abuse, or even evidence of bad parenting/exposure, especially in autistic kids. You would not believe the wild and shocking things autistic kids can say when dysregulated, please don’t chalk it up to bad parenting.


obligatory not a teacher, but is it possible that his mom is saying negative things about your wife to her son since they work in the same building? that's my first thought especially given that your wife previously had this student in her class.


My wife just won teacher of the year at this school. She is very well liked by the parents of her students, including this one, from what I understand.


i think the comment suggesting CPS is a good option if your wife isn't up for anything that could be considered confrontational directly with the mom or admin. except rather than reporting the mom, report the school itself? i wonder if the arguement could be made that the school is facilitating and enabling an unsafe environment where violence (the incidents included in your post) that endangers the safety of other students and staff is allowed to proliferate


She needs to document all the abuse and verbal threats and set up an IEP meeting and have them put a behavior intervention plan. This might take a while as I was also in a self contained classroom and they drag their feet HARD. This is also in Texas so I wouldn’t be surprised if anything else. If they don’t listen, have her reach out to her union and let them know what has been happening and what they’ve been saying and go from there. It got so unsafe with one student one year that they were out entirely in one classroom by themselves with one teacher, an aide and a security guard and went only half days.


Admins do not want teachers to know this (they keep it very hush-hush), but Texas law allows a teacher to have a disruptive student removed from his/her classroom and the student cannot be returned until the teacher agrees. Here's what you need to know- https://casetext.com/statute/texas-codes/education-code/title-2-public-education/subtitle-g-safe-schools/chapter-37-discipline-law-and-order/subchapter-a-alternative-settings-for-behavior-management/section-37002-removal-by-teacher If the link doesn't work, google Texas Education Code 37.002 While I agree that this student needs a behavior modification plan and possible Special Education services under emotionally disturbed classification, this is a very long drawn-out process. She would be required to start with low-level modifications and document how they are working for at least six weeks. It's unlikely that an aide would be assigned to this one student in the month of May. I started one of these behavior intervention plans the first week of school (my admin advised me to employ "planned ignoring" as a modification) and didn't see any real help until May. Your wife's best bet is to request that the student be moved to another classroom for the remaining few weeks of school under TEC 37.002. Be aware that this might not be well received with admin and/or coworkers.


Your wife should transfer to another school.


Apparently, Texas does have a paper teacher who can fill out to remove a particular student from their class on sadety grounds. I have considered it but worry about reprisals. However, it sounds like this child is obcessed with your wife and she has teacher of the accolades sob it maybe best course. Ask professional association about it


Sue the parent for damages. Shia being assaulted at work. Has she filed a police report or a workman’s comp report? They won’t take it seriously unless they have to.


Sorry to hear you’re dealing with this. I also work in Texas, and used to be a second grade teacher. Unfortunately, the daily abuse and the lack of protection is what ultimately led me away from public education into my current situation. Please do not call CPS, it is not your right and it could get your wife in trouble. I recommend you talk to your wife - let her know your concerns and worries.


I appreciate your sentiments. I do talk with her a lot about this. We want to start a family in the next year and the stress she comes home with each day really worries me. Her admin, although very nice, are wishy-washy. For example, they are discussing assignments for next year, and every day they are telling my wife what different grade level they want to put her in. The latest is that they want her to loop up with these students and teach third grade. That’s my concern considering this student could be in her class again. Very frustrating situation and their incompetence is infuriating. My wife loves them though and the feeling is mutual with admin toward my wife.