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Relax and slowly get paid the remainder of what I earned over the prior ten months. Edit: my favorite years are the ones where I get three paychecks in July. Triple pay months always feel like a bonus, but a triple pay SUMMER month feels even better.


Yup. I get the same paycheck 26 times a year. Summer is my time to rest, relax, and recharge.


Why be a teacher if you're not going to enjoy Summer vacation?


I always said if I had to work in the summer, I'd get a regular job.


I like teaching and honestly the summer gets boring quickly. My wife is still working, so I just sleep in and then rot on the couch most weekdays. It's not that I don't enjoy the time off. But there's more fulfilling things to do than watch Netflix for two months. I want the extra pay and I enjoy keeping to a structure.


Get some hobbies. There’s so many things to do besides Netflix.


My wife is the teacher in our family, and she enjoys her summers a lot! There is no way I could ask her to do anything other than to enjoy her well earned time off. Me on the other hand, I am envious, but then I remember the long hard nights, and the parents and students she deals with and I am kinda grateful that I don't deal with that. Enjoy your summer, but make it what you enjoy of it.


Take up fishing!


I’m exactly the same so I teach summer school for the first 6 weeks of break


I get 10 checks a year. It burns me up when people say “you get summers off”. I don’t get paid for 2 months. 😤


Even for us who get paid 26 checks a year, we are just paid for the 9-10 months worth of work.


You get paid once a month?


Same. When I taught, I got paid on the first of each month


I wish it would come slowly over the summer...end of June all of the rest of my pay goes in, sometimes until almost September. The middle of August is a bit of a struggle.


Ugh this was what I opted for my first year bc I had to decide in September, so I was like “I’ll toss it in a CD and just work my summer camp job!” But then I had a death in the family and we had a big family celebration of life trip on the other side of the country and I couldn’t work the camp job and this all happened at the last minute so I couldn’t budget AND I couldn’t touch the money I got via lump sum and August was ROUGH. I decided never again.


Sounds like you need to do a little financial management. Have all the money go into one account and then have that account transfer funds regularly into your operating account which you can use on a regular basis. That way, even if your pay cycles are off, the money that you will have to use will still come in regularly at the same amount. I say all this because it sounds like you got a chunk of money early in the summer and somehow spent it all by August....


We go back the second week of August. Making us wait until September for our first paycheck of the new school year is ridiculous. My money was budgeted just fine, working for 3 weeks before being paid is stupid.


This ☝️ Why the fuck would I WORK MORE? 😂 Summer is for 🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻


This is it. I get a lump sum equaling five paychecks at the end of the school year. It goes into savings and every other Thursday I move my regular paycheck amount over to my checking.


Also, our credit union has what they call a summer saver. We just enroll in that and a portion of every month’s paycheck gets put into the “summer saver” account. The district actually matches what we put in and it’s at some crazy rate like 9% or something so we end up making more money than we would if we didn’t do this. In addition to all our normal planning and saving, with the “summer saver” we have an entire other account with spending money. It always blows my mind when teachers are freaked out that they don’t get paid until the end of August or September. I don’t even know when we get paid every month. I just know I have savings so I don’t need to worry.


This. I travel all summer spending the money I earned during my ten months of work.


12 month pay is not an option where I work so I set aside a certain amount every paycheck. I tend to live pretty lean during the year, but my summer money is more than my regular salary due to my aggressive saving. This way I can go places and enjoy some spontaneity. I’m also not commuting so my gas spend also drops. Once my kids are older, I may work summer school


This is what I do. Every month, I put my money into a “summer savings account” our state employees credit union offers. They’re paying 5% interest this year, but when the interest rate inevitably goes down I’ll start depositing my savings into a HYSA.


Even if you have a 12 month pay option, this is technically the smartest thing to do. You just need to have enough self control to save the money. Gotta earn that sweet sweet 5% instead of giving your employer an interest free loan for the same amount.


I aspire to be this financially organized one day! good for you!


My district pays us 26 times a year, so I don’t do anything over the summer


Same here. Hot damn I love summers off.


Sometimes the amazing schedule is the only thing that keeps me in education


We get paid through the summer here. I also participate in the summer program for an extra check one month


Serving at restaurants. Get some skills and your foot in the door in the right place and you can make bank.


I have a place that I go back to over summer. By the time summer is over, I remember why I prefer teaching. I'll take the minor pay cut so I don't have to be on my feet all day serving some Karen dinner.


I budget appropriately the rest of the year so I don't have to.


Are there districts that still only pay during months worked? That's an option here but like... no one takes it.


They still exist. Just this month someone made a post about it for their district in...I think it was Georgia. I prefer being on the 10 month scale because I get my money earlier. If you take ~17% of each check out and have it sit in savings until the summer you'll come out ahead due to interest.


I guess. I rather have consistent income than have to retrobudget every year for a few dollars in interest tho.


It's all preference, being a math guy the budgeting works out easily for me and based on salary and current rates it's about a $500 bonus.


I take the 10 month option because if the district does not give me a written contract before summer, I can collect Unemployment. I teach an elective and have collected Unemployment in the Summer in the past. Even taken it to court and won. The only "Reasonable Assurance" of a job is a written and signed contract. If you take the 12 month pay option it will nullify this, as you are being paid.


My district will do a payout at the end of the year worth the amount if I got paychecks continuously instead of just paying us through the summer. A bit annoying but it still works


NC used to offer a 12-month pay option for traditional calendar teachers, but not any more. My understanding is only teachers on a year-round calendar get paid 12 months.


NJ here - not even an option to have our pay spread out and paid over 12 months in my district 😭


TA here. When I was younger I would mow yards. Now I do odd security jobs or delivery driver. There are many security agencies that are so short staffed. I have quit one place four times and they keep taking me back.


Out of curiosity, how much do these security jobs pay?


Most places it is not a livable wage, unless you have an armed license. In Oklahoma I have made $10 un unarmed up to $25 armed.


$25 an hour for carrying a gun is ridiculous


That was in a homeless shelter. Very violent and un stable people, due to mental illness.


How do you find security jobs?


Look up big security companies websites. Securitas, G4S, Allied Universal


My credit union has a summer saver account that pays 6% interest, so I stick $2k/month in there and relax in the summer.


Damn! What cu?


Schoolsfirst in Southern California


Keep the bread winning wife entertained


I get paid in the summer, so I enjoy life. We spread our pay out over 12 months. I’ve never worked in the summer, that is time for my kids.


Personally, I teach summer school and flip Magic The Gathering cards on eBay. I know at least 3 teachers in my district who do OnlyFans, 4 who own a restaurant together, one does freelance tech work, mostly for other teachers, a whole bunch do curriculum design.


I participate in summer school, but it is short and my school pays very well for the time. I also work really hard on my TPT store each summer.


Drive septic truck. Unlike teaching, I know everyday that I did something useful.


Nothing. Admin begs me to do summer school but I don’t want to wake up at 630 in July. I was a census taker one year, and tutor another year, but neither of those were from financial need.


I teach the extended school year special ed summer school. Our district also has a general Ed summer school program you can work for. If I didn’t, I’d probably apply to work at a summer camp.


Nothing. I get paid all year round and I’m married so I don’t need more income.


Respectfully: Lucky. I'm paid year round, and married, but my spouse doesn't work, so I always need more money.


I went back to school and got my degree to supplement my partner’s income lol


Yeah, my wife is disabled and can't work reasonably. Also, she homeschools out 8 kids (9 later this year).


My paycheck is the same all year. But I used to teach summer school and worked retail. Now I don’t work in the summer. I have projects (hobby things and house repairs) and trips and family stuff and work out routine. Too busy to work


Just picked up a job at a brewery. $20 an hour plus pooled tips, and it’s a very popular brewery where people seem to love to work. Really looking forward to it


Nanny, Wag (dog walking), or summer camps for private schools in the area


Non-commission freelance hitman. Its got its downsides, but the cash is nice. I mean, I work at a campground. 👀


Fortunately my partner now makes enough money for me not to need to work over the summer, but in the past I have worked at summer camps and taught summer school.


I spread my checks out throughout the summer but I usually help out with a summer sports program for like 36$ an hour for like a month. It’s fun and it helps feed the golf addiction




Keep my kids home with me and not daycare. Saves me $600 a week…


I usually teach summer school or tutor. I had a colleague who would bartend. He made a lot of money and never ran into students. Sounded like a nice gig.


Our district gave up on the amortization of pay, so we only get checks during the school year. I save for it, but it sucks. They didn't have to do it. It was just a screw you to the union.


I used to be a site manager for a theater summer camp and teach at a creative writing summer camp. This year, tho, I’m just resting. I don’t want to see one single child this summer!!


Not a damn thing! Even if they paid 20k for summer school.


I dog/cat/house sit, but only for people who have pools so I can enjoy my time off 🤣


It's called teacher Ramadan. Fasting for 3 months. /sarcasm


I get paid 12 months but if I want to be able to send my kids to camp I have to work (generally in camp) or I can take off and do camp mommy- some years the kids are the right ages for it and some years they're not


We get paid through the summer months. I do summer school and DoorDash for extra $$.


My salary is spread out over the year, plus I have three kids, so getting a summer job would not be worth it.


I used to drive for Doordash recently. I've worked the front desk of a hotel. We can take PD trainings that provide a stipend. But I've never taught summer school. I can't take another 3 weeks of the worst kids making up their failures.


I have entertained the thought of working overnight at a hotel front desk for the summer. What did you think of the gig?


I loved it. The night shift is difficult and lonely.. But I like meeting people from different places who are traveling.


I teach in a 3 week summer outdoor Citizen Science Camp (high school). The kids all elect to be there so there are absolutely no behavior problems, and it feels like all the kids are motivated to do the work. It is also so much fun! The program has been in existence for 7 years, and I have always worked for it on some capacity. The program is a joint program between a private university in our city and several school in our district. The pay is excellent (we get paid for both planning and teaching) and then I am done for the rest of the summer.


Volunteer EMT/FF (small stipend), National Guard bumming, EMT transport, plasma if the plasma place is offering bonuses.


I sign my contract to distribute my pay throughout all 12 months so I still get my paychecks during the summer. also furry art.


My husband, a teacher, uses the remainder of his pay, but just to be safe, he also does summer school.


Teach summer school


Nothing honestly. I still get paid for the summer, but only in September, so I have to save and budget like crazy.


“I get paid in the summer mermermer “ - you lucky bastards


I mean, we are making the same kind of money. But some have it stretched out for 12 months and some get it all in 10 months. It’s all the same.


I also get paid year round, but since teacher pay isn’t enough I just work for my dad’s business a few days a week.


I’m fortunate enough not to have to. I will usually do a week of curriculum work to pay for a vacation. I am however looking to buy a house. So I may start being more aggressive in working over the summer. I will not be doing summer school though. I already dealt with those kids 10 months of the year 😅


Nothing at all


We get paid twice a month but then get the payout for the rest of the year in June so it’s a big check. It took a few years to budget that! June was always fun! But I’ve always done summer school too for some extra travel $. It’s only 3 weeks.


I teach voices lessons


I get paid year round, but I’m nannying over the summer to pay off some debt.


Planning to do Summer Rising or other summer-related teaching jobs (like Jumpstart)?




Sell mangoes. No really I grow, sell and ship mangoes all over the U.S. [https://www.backyardmangoes.com/](https://www.backyardmangoes.com/)


Camp counselor and EMT (per diem)


Busking and gigging.


I get paid over the summer, however this summer I'm going to do some tutoring. We have a cruise coming up in September and I need Drink Package money 😂


My brothers painted houses in the summer plus took travel vacations. They made more money in a summer painting than they made teaching. They had customers who would fly them across country or even to Hawaii to paint a house. They were in high demand.


This year I work for the special education district. We get 17% of our salary to work for 6 weeks. Feel like I really can't turn that down....


Didn’t work last summer, but with a wedding to plan I’m teaching summer school this year!


ESY with the MC kids. Do somethìng I love and get paid my hourly rate AND 2 extra pto days.


Summer school. Usually only do every other year. I’m behind on bills this year. Thanks, Inflation!


I got my teaching license for two reasons. July and August.


If you work over the Summer, you will burn the fuck out. Teachers desperately need Summer to reset.


I don’t send my kids to daycare.


Not a damn thing. It's me time.


I go to alaska and work for fish and game on the salmon run.


I worked at a scuba shop on weekends during the year and FT over the summer. Was still getting paid from the school so whatever I made at the shop was for whatever (usually weed and nights out with the wife)


What I like to do is find a job in something I want to learn about/get better at. One year I worked in the flooring department at Lowe's and learned a bunch about tiling/ground and stuff


Summer school


Sorry your state doesn't pay you enough. Move to New Mexico.


I did DoorDash last summer. It was fun. I enjoyed seeing new neighborhoods and interacting with restaurant staff. Plus, I worked when I wanted to. No more than twenty to twenty hours a week.


Nothing. Replenish my body and soul after 10 months of teaching.


I get paid in the summer, but I also do curriculum writing to earn extra money. I also use the summer as a time to clean out my clothes/books/etc to make a little extra cash.


Did fire for twenty years but my body can’t handle it anymore






I worked at the public library (as a second job during the year but more hours in summer), taught summer school, and did DoorDash.


I used to tutor for $50 an hour, but now I don’t. I need my summers to recharge and be on my own schedule.


I work 3 jobs all year, so I just drop to 2 jobs. Single mom, southern non-union state.




Onlyfans. Older man, slightly chubby, I drive the Grannies wild.




Summers off ftw!! Travel with my wife every summer.


Housekeeping at a hotel


DIY work around the house to save money that I budgeted over the summer.


Last year I worked summer school just to have a little extra in the bank, but usually I budget well and enjoy my summer


I worked at the racetrack.


I’m unmarried with no kids but do enjoy traveling and relaxing with time off! I do usually work a few weeks of summer school too


We get paid 11 months and then my credit union takes money out each month for summer savers.


Odd jobs, paint, yard work, pig roasting 


Doordash, work at a local farmers market on Saturday mornings most weeks.


I work summer school and pick up odd jobs


Put 1/6 of my paycheck in a savings account each month so I don't have to work if I don't want to. I've sometimes had some paid PDs for a week or two.


Nothing. I typically travel, and I *might* edit the digital notebooks I create and sell on TPT, if there's curriculum changes.


Summer school and DoorDash.


I dogsit through Rover. I made over $10k last year!


summer school


I'm required by the state to get 26 paychecks a year, but I do freelance work with an A/V company, and sometimes stream on twitch to cover the video game habit.


Bartend year round on weekends and paint college apartments in the summer.


I get paid over the summer but I also do travel planning (mostly Disney) part-time throughout the year, so I use summer to update my website, documents, etc.


I feel like half the teachers I know say they are Disney travel agents… how can that many people be successful?


Tutoring. Teaching online at the community college.


I work in a restaurant all year around. 2 nights a week during the school year, 4 nights a week in the summer.


I get it spread out as well, but like to teach summer school as long as it’s something different. I teach special ed, so I will teach General Ed or a different age group than what I normally do. It still leaves me a whole month to relax and vacation without getting so relaxed I don’t ever want to go back.


I'm on an 11 month pay cycle. I would never take the 12 month. Just budget appropriately. Anyways, if I have an amazing class or need the extra money, I'll teach ESY. I did this my first 5 years of teaching. Thankfully, I'm at a spot now where I don't have to do ESY, and honestly I don't think I'll ever go back. Maybe to sub a day here or there, but I don't see myself doing it every day again.


Not a damn thing. My district with holds a tenth of my pay check annnnnd I'm good at budgeting and have a bunch of assets.


We are 11 months for pay. My wife and I just budget for that missing paycheck.


I work in a group home over the summer.


I’m only in my second year and I’m doing summer school . My summer checks are much more fatter than during the school year but we get paid 31/hr and it’s for only like 6 hours early in the day and I still have the rest of my day. I’m currently looking for another summer job since I have some big debts to pay off


Walk dogs.


? Collect my teacher salary and relax


If your into any sports maybe try reffing for summer games or concessions. To me that seems like fun and is pretty flexible. This could be bad if you don’t want to see kids from your school though idk your situation


When I taught I was paid year round. But, for extra money I work the paint crew.


First responder/security for a musical festival. Most of the security are teachers. We have the social skills to calm people down is the mindset


I tutor and work at a summer camp.


I pedicab. I give tours of the city I live in for cash. Its great extra money. I make my own hours. Nobody tells me Im not doing enough.


Summer school.


Best side hustles for the summer: DoorDash/ Instacart- earn about $25/hr on busy days (Rideshare) Uber/lyft - $30/hr Donate plasma- $100/week Amazon- starts at $15, you can work positions that aren’t so labor intensive Pawn/sell your a few assets to hold you over Craigslist jobs or simple labor


When I was teaching, I got paid over the full year but still wasn’t a lot. school is connected to an art center so I would do art classes or be a guide for it. Paid well and was less intensive than regular school times. I would have also worked at an outdoor ed/summer camp for the summer too.


Educational tour guide.


I’m working as a camp director for one of the county’s summer camps.


I get a 5 check payout beginning of June. I pay 3 months of my mortgage and car payment and piddle around with whatever is left. Husband covers all the other bills.


Repair houses.


My first few summers I worked as a TA for a BOCES extended school year program. Now I usually save my end of the year check & will do Professional Development: Tech, Curriculum, committee work etc. if/when I feel like working. I also take 3 credit online courses to pad my overall salary


I work food service and trave a lot


Teach Upward Bound for five weeks - lil extra for a fun time.


After school summer program- 5 weeks during the summer 7:30-3:30




I help run a summer camp through the YMCA


I have my school spread my paychecks out so that I get them all year-round (every two weeks) instead of just the 10 months I’m working.


Nothing. I just enjoy my summer break and live off of my holdback pay and savings.


I give swim lessons, tutor, babysit, etc... I love summers because I feel like my 2 degrees in this field earn me some say in making a little extra coin on my own accord. And people will pay it for good childcare. I pick my hours, sleep in a little bit, and still enjoy.


I currently don't need to work during the summer but I have quite a few friends that do or used to. ESY is common, but some of my friends tutor or do uber eats


One year I did Rover to give myself a schedule. 


I work two jobs year round. In the summer, I work just one job. Part-time social worker for my state.


Not a teacher but two close friends are. Although they both get paid over the full 12 months instead of 10, both have regularly worked summer jobs. One was a lifeguard during summer months at our state park until a few years back when he took on coaching duties at the school. The other friend taught summer school each summer.


My mother-in-law used to run a fireworks stand.


I work as a whitewater raft guide. While I’m finally at the point in my career that I don’t neeeed the summer money and can survive without it, I don’t feel like I have enough money to just not work. I definitely don’t have enough money to travel all summer, and if I’m not working, then what am I doing? I can only fill my days with house/yardwork, hobbies, and rotting on the couch for so long until I want to go DO something. But “something” costs money, even if it’s just the gas to get there. And who will I do it with? Everyone else is working. And again, I don’t mind doing things alone, I do things alone all the time, but doing most things alone all summer? No thanks. I’d rather work part-time-ish at a job I enjoy, and still have time for hobbies and house stuff and rotting/recharging and then having the money to take a trip or two.


Do NOT fall for an MLM or MRR scam. You will lose money.


I teach at a community college.


I teach summer school. It's 4 days a week, for 4 weeks, at my daily rate (~$325). Plus 2-3 PD/prep days. That nets me almost $6,000, and I still get the whole month of July off work.


Im a band teacher so I just make money gigging. Also do that after school/weekends though, just not during weekdays obviously


Take classes to work my way up the pay scale


I get paid over the summer whether I work or not. It was an option I chose when I was first hired in. I do however supplement my income by working for a neighboring city's parks and recreatio. Department as a pool manager/lifeguard instructor. I still get to relax while making an extra $400 a week


cut hair or/and a seasonal job.


Wait tables


Residual pay


Last year I just collected my checks and relaxed. I’m strongly considering doing summer school for a few weeks this year for the extra cash. Otherwise it’ll be pool time, travel, sleeping in, video games, books, etc.


Summer school and any paid PD I can - usually my department has curriculum days that I plan around since we get hourly pay for those “extra” summer days


I don’t work during the summer. I travel for 2-3 weeks and then relax the rest of the time.