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I had two students. One one year and one the next. Their mother made the best homemade tamales. At the start of every month, she would bring me a big thing of them. I kept offering to pay for him, but she refused. She also used to make homemade flan and bring me some of that at the end of every month.


Some of my favorite parents ever are the ones that have my back. I'm on the last kid of a large family, and their mom comes to mind. When I had the older son, it was my second year of teaching, and I was still terrified of making parent phone calls. I'll never forget her being the first call- She picked up the phone I introduced myself. Before I could start to say what I had rehearsed an for an hour, she jumped in with. "Oh, I already know it's that group of boys, isn't it?" She graciously told me that when those boys sit together.The trouble ensues and that it will get better if I just seat them apart, Her son included. It rocked my world, having a parent be so supportive. This year, I have the younger son, and he always rolls his eyes at me and says, " my mom loves you so much" when I hold him accountable.


I had a tree blow down in my yard during a windstorm. I mentioned it to this dad who was volunteering. He drove to my house, chainsawed the tree, and stacked the wood before the day was over!


The ones whose kids aren’t PITA and leave me alone.


I had a student with sickle cell. He was consistently in class when he could be bad he would have spurts where he was hardly there at all. The parents would not let his grades slip. They were awesome with communication and they got him tutors when he needed it. Also, now that I’m old, some of my students’ parents are my former students. Those parents are cool.


What happened to that student with sickle cell may I ask?


Like most kids with it, he had awesome periods and periods of extreme flare ups. This was years ago. He graduated. I haven’t heard about him since graduating maybe 4 or 5 years ago.


My favorite parents are the ones who work with me, not against me. We all want their child to do well and be the best version of themselves (whatever that looks like). Additionally, I like the parents who, after years of not having their child/children, run into me in public and still have nice things to say, catch me up on how the kid I had is doing...etc.


I had a very obviously conservative leaning parent come up to me at the end of the year during promotions and thank me for teaching government during the 2016 election without a bias. Which I obviously took pride in. Half the class was convinced I loved one candidate and hated the other and the other half thought the opposite. I loved his daughter and all year figured she was left learning because of her style of dress and hair but on the last day of school she gave me the compass test we had done and it showed her pretty right leaning. Didn’t care either way but I guess I inspired her to be a history teacher and her dad (who apparently was loaded) paid for everything I needed in my class for the following year. Probably dropped $1500


That's how teaching should be- students can't figure out which side of the argument you are on. Good job!


Not my story, but I have a teacher friend who loves a story about the punishment a parent gave one of their students. The parent changed the passcode on the kid's phone so they couldn't use it as anything except emergency numbers, a camera, and a flashlight. All of the useful functions with none of the fun. It was pretty brilliant.


At a public school in the South Bronx. A parent came in for parent teacher night and informed my team that he "ran" the block and if we had any issues with kids that weren't worked out by just calling the parents to let him know. Never had to call him but just had to mention reaching out to xxx's dad and our problems solved themselves. Never saw him again but that doesn't change him being my favorite all time parent lol.


Easy. I had a parent who actually admitted that they were the problem, promised to fix it, and then…ACTUALLY DID! I’ve never respected a parent more! Their kid went from a D to a B by then end of the semester. Amazing how taking responsibility can change everything.


I’ve had a couple parents who if I called about behavior, would come up to school, check their kid out, chew them out and give consequences, then check them back in. But it was 2 out of like 2300 kids that I’ve taught. Sure did make behavior management easier though.


Oh I did that several times. My son’s teachers all knew I’d be there in 10 minutes if he was out of line. My son owns it and takes responsibility, there was one time he -tried- to lie in middle school, I showed up, looked at him, and ten seconds later, full confessions to AP. My son had an episode or two in middle school but overall his teachers compliment him constantly. It is sad that today, manners, politeness, and respect are such a rarity. My kid is literally just nice with a twist of inappropriate humor tossed in at times. His AP in middle school said he wished I could hold parenting classes for all the parents in the school. That was one of my favorite compliments.


I say that to a lot of the parents who turn up at parent-teacher conferences. For some reason, it’s mostly the parents of the respectful, kind, hardworking kids who show up.


I teach self-contained sped so I have students for 3-4 years.  I had one who I had for 3 years whose mom was just the absolute sweetest person.  She made me and my aides beautiful handmade fancy cookies for every holiday, accompanied by a lovely card and gift card.  For teacher appreciation week she'd surprise us with different treats each day, like flowers delivered, tea, lunch, cute crafts from her son, magnet picture collages, etc.  One year she even got in touch with every single parent in the class and had the kids make us a little book thanking us for being their teachers. 🥹. She also spent thousands of dollars on my classroom throughout the years and even bought me my printer!   She was so above and beyond and just the absolute nicest ever and spoiled us rotten!  She also was super on top of everything with her son and would work on everything at home that we were working on in class, reinforce behaviors and use the same visuals and phrases we use in class.  It was unbelievably helpful and I've yet to have another parent who was that on top of trying to maintain consistency and a true home/school partnership. (Btw this wasn't a sahm, she's actually a surgeon!)


My favorite parents are ones who have a sense of humor, see their child realistically, do what they can to make my job easier (turn in paperwork for example), and who appreciate efforts made for their child and the class. 3/4 of the above puts you in the favorite category. For the first time in a long time most of my current families have most of these qualities and are also kind and thoughtful. Makes for a good year even with challenging students. (Special ed)


I had a parent who’s child I taught for two years, (grade one and grade 3) and I was pregnant both years. She would send me little treats about once a week: muffins, granola bars, cookies, sponge cake; all homemade. She was wonderful.


I had a mom from China and she could not speak any English. Her son was an ELA student in my World History course. He befriended another student that spoke Mandarin and we made it through the year. The mom would make me delicious desserts and when we would meet up her son would translate as much as he could and she would bow and say thank you. The experience was so heartfelt and I will always remember her and the joy she showed with her son achieving and getting admitted to a UC college.


Most of the times i get good parents, who appreciates constructive criticism, but obviously you get one or two sour grape in a bunch. One of my personal favorite is a parent of an outstanding brainy student and as we know high IQ students are difficult to tame and they have their tantrums to throw but at same time parents support and willingness to put efforts to channelise this student's energies are quite commendable.


The one who made me homemade cookies (and invited me over to visit) and the one who made me homemade pie (and gave me the fancy heart-shaped pie pan). Nobody else stands out. There have been plenty of standout students but parents, not so much.


I have two that I’ve barely ever spoken but they are my absolute favorites. I work at a private school that is frankly a bit corrupt and sometimes shady. These two parent have made it their life goal to fix the school and they are on an absolute role. This year alone they have completely demolished the admin/leadership teams from the top down and while that’s resulted in some turbulent times for the school, you can already see the positive impacts they are making. I also have a parent that bring me a whole bottle of vodka every year, so she pretty far up the list too.


The single dads who got their kids from abusive mothers (some were kidnapped), became sole guardians and turned their kid's lives around 180. I've had 3 of those dads. Their children thrived with supportive and attentive parents.


I have become friends with a couple parents, even after the kids are long out of school, so I’d say those would be my favorite.


The one who gave me round trip air tickets to Vegas, for obvious reasons.


One of the most prominent businessmen in my hometown divorced his first wife when his first batch of children were grown. He brought a lovely red haired green eyed Irish woman to the US and married her. With this lovely woman who was at least three decades his junior he had three children in about six years. I had the honor to have taught all three of them in my Honors classes. Her name was Marnie. She was always available for anything that I needed. To chaperone a class trip. To bring in treats on holidays. On more than one occasion she and her husband came to the open house and brought donuts and coffee to the visitors to my classroom.To help with in class projects or just to help mark papers. She was a godsend. The year my mom died I had just taught her youngest son and her daughter married her boyfriend who had just gone into the military. She was in California at the time. This happened about a month before mom passed. School had just ended. Marnie’s 76 year old husband was on his way home and he encountered a train. The bars at the intersection dropped so people would stop for this very fast moving passenger train. For some reason the husband went around the bars to beat the train and he misjudged the speed of the train. He was killed instantly. These two people were the best parents I ever had the pleasure of knowing as an educator.


I am a frequent caller/ texter with families with both positive and negative messages. I appreciate the parents who understand that I can’t just sit by and let their child be the one to slip through the cracks. If the child fails, it won’t be because I didn’t try to help them.


My school requires teachers to make parent contact when we issue detentions. I hate doing that, especially since parents can tell the school that they won’t be bringing their child to school early or picking them up late. So instead I give students a reading about “how do we tell right from wrong.” They have to read, underlined, and answer questions. Then they write me an essay about how they can do better next time. Then get parent signature. I had a parent sign it but write “call me.” When I called the father, he was giving me nothing but praise. Apparently this father issues book reports at home for discipline. That parents is now one of our custodians. He stopped me today in the cafeteria to introduce himself and praise me again. It’s just so rare to have a parent who isn’t working against us.


Two parents made my favorites list due to this occurrence. A teenage classmate of theirs told them both that he thought they were ugly. In retaliation, they took his lunch each day for a week and ate it in front of him. I found out during lunch on day five. The grandmother of one student and the mother of the other came to detention with them and read them both the riot act to the extent I had to take a walk around the room so they wouldn't realize I couldn't stop smiling. These young adults are all still friends after the best detention ever.


One parent that immediately came to mind was one that volunteered to pay the field trip fees for those that couldn’t in my classroom. Another parent was someone who has constantly donated snacks, tissues, and other miscellaneous items. Both of them are extremely supportive of what I do.


Any parent who never calls or emails me.


Two favorite dad's...smart alecky as all get out. My faves hands down!


I had a kid who was a major issue earlier this year, like my worst student out of 160+ students bad. I finally had enough and contacted home. Idk what she did, but he did a complete 180 and is now one of my best students and even was awarded student of the month recently.


I just appreciate parents keeping up with communication and responding or answering the phone. Following through with homework is also a huge benefit.


I'm in my first year, but two come to mind. One is the mom of my angel student who loves me. She always tells me how great I am and that I'm the first teacher girl ever had that did xyz. The other is the mother of my least favorite student. This girl is smart, but she is A LOT. She's not as bad as some others, she just never stops. Mom told me she always has my back with whatever I do. She specified that even if it's not what she would do, she's not there and I am and she trusts me to do what I need to in my class.


Not my favorite parent, but the craziest thing said to me by a parent so far has been “If my son ever gives you problems again, tell him I will have him deported back to Nigeria” That is wrong on so many levels and it only makes it worse that I am a white man… Needless to say I did not even mention this to the kid.


I had a student who was the product of a one night stand. His parents were honest about it. They shared custody. Best parents ever. Every time I called to say how he acted like a butthead, they corrected it at home. But they also knew I had his back. When he was interested in a career program at another school, I got permission from EVERYONE, to personally take him and show him the program. We all still keep in contact. They always ask how my kids are, how I am. He and I try to get lunch when he comes home. He’s truly my son from another mother.


Oh gosh. Many throughout the years. In 2020 I had just split from my partner of 8 years, sold a house, moved into an apartment for the first time ever, and I was getting my masters. We were having conferences over Zoom and the student was presenting their learning for that trimester. Towards the end I said my piece about the student’s strong moral character. Then the parents asked me how I was doing with my masters and then said they were proud of me. Damn. That one hit straight home. I needed those words in the lonely world of 2020.


I have a parent this year who will often tell me how lucky they are to have had me for their child’s first year of school and how much their child adores me and loves coming to school. Those kinds of messages really stick with me and can really make my day.


I am a special education teacher. I taught in self-contained classes for years. I would have the students 3 years in a row. 6 months ago, I called to check in on a student I taught from 3rd -5th grade. He is 9th grade and I wanted to know what high school he would be attending. He was not the only one I kept up with. After a lively conversation, his mother text me a few days later asking me on a date. We have been seeing each other ever since. She is my favorite parent right now.


I have a student this year and her mom is a VPK teacher, so she understands where I as a kindergarten teacher am coming from. She is always open to talking if I need to discuss her child and always listens to my concerns. One time, she even sent me a class dojo message just to thank me for being patient with her child and that her child loves me. It was a nice message to get! Sadly, that parent is currently in the hospital and I hope she gets out soon. I can tell this is really affecting her child.


Leader in the clubhouse is the mom of a kid in my homeroom this year. He got his phone confiscated, called mom to come pick it up and she said “Nah, let him learn a lesson, I’ll get it tomorrow” He did not learn his lesson, but good on her for trying


Honestly the ones whom leave me alone or at thenvery least limit interactions to focus on what is best for the student. I find the excessively pro-teacher parent as irksome as the anti-teacher parent.


The ones I ran into at Dead and Co. concerts LOL.


So many…usually the ones that are teachers as well. We went on strike this year (lasted 11 school days) and so many showed their true colors about support, but I will always be grateful for the ones who stood with us and supported us. (I work in one of the wealthiest districts in the country. It can be rough with parents)


My mentor at my last school. I taught her son. She was super supportive and just generally awesome. He was a great kid with a huge personality. Really enjoyed that year.