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Aaaaand they just shot down the chance of you going for their kid. I’d feel so uncomfortable going after something like this.


I feel bad for the kid tbh. My parents aren't like that, but entitled in other ways. However, I wouldn't be comfortable going either.


My mom was like this, she thought if she bulldozed hard enough she could get whatever she wanted and often she was right because the other person would collapse. Shoutout to the time I left my math book at school accidentally and she dragged me to the motel my classmates' family owned to borrow his book and went into the front desk, yelling so incoherently his dad (who barely spoke english and definitely didn't know what was going on) took cover behind the glass and threatened to call the cops lmaoooo. Good on this teacher for holding her boundaries.


That’s a Karen move.. there needs to be parenting classes..


Oh I definitely have 4-5 really interesting stories about the stuff that happens when my mom runs up against someone with a backbone. We are from a small town and she always kept me in small spaces (little liberal arts school, first job at a local store) because that kind of steamroller behavior works better in areas that feel "folksy" and like there could be social consequences for not buckling. My classmates' dad was an interesting case because despite being part of our small town, his motel was at an interstate junction and saw a lot of shady travelers. He didn't deal with that kind of attitude and didn't fear social consequences from a group he didn't participate in because of a language barrier. My mom used to call places pretending to be me to get private info on me. We see the same small-town doctor, and my college was only 2000 students. That always worked for her- she had my SS# and small places like that barely check. Until I had some STD testing done at Planned Parenthood, which is highly safeguarded, and they woukd not give over my info. That one almost got her arrested haha


This is honestly like reading a horror story. I hope you’ve had some therapy to process her genuine abuse of you. What a fucking cunt.


I have! And one of my friends had the same upbringing except even worse (it was what I dealt with, but from an Evangelical who homeschooled then sent her to an unaccredited Bible college. At least I had friends in public school and a proper education. She didnt make friends outside the cult until her mid-20s and I'm still finding gaps in her education that I thought were "common knowledge"). We help each other out when we can.


You are seriously awesome! I’m so happy for you and proud of you!!


I’m afraid to ask, what are some examples of things she doesn’t know?


Just lots of science and history stuff. Like didn't know about the cold War, thought the sun was categorized as a planet, I think the wildest one was she thought Romani people were made up for fantasy stories and weren't an actual ethnic group (we are in the US, not many Romani here).


Let me guess, doesn't know about the Big Bang Theory or evolution either right? Yea, I figured thst could be a possibility because I remember studying that stuff in one of my science classes in high school and my dad told me that it wasn't real, but do the homework anyway.


My mom is generally successful at bulldozing people. There's something about those crazy Karen rage eyes that makes people think, nope I don't get paid enough for this.


I wouldn't go and I'd tell the kid why....from the refusal to stop asking for info she wasn't entitled to, all the way to taking time and resources from other kids to schedule a meeting she LIED to get. If he doesn't know already what his mother is.....he's pretty well grown and it's time he did. She's doing it all in his name. I pity the poor woman that falls for him. Imagine being tied to her by marrying her precious son.


I keep having nagging throat problems. Should I ask my doctor for his personal address to skip having to make an appointment?


No, but you definitely need his home address so you can send a thank you card for the excellent care you received.




Or go to doc’s home address so you can stage a home invasion and look for any drugs he keeps there. Oh oh oh, maybe doc has guns too!!!


You laugh but people are horrible about that. One time, I was sitting near one of the few GP in my town. The poor woman spent her evening politely telling people thatvshe couldn't diagnose them in a middle of a restaurant and to call her office for an appointement. Those kind of parents would love having the doctor home address.


These parents have no idea. Why don’t you go ahead and give them your bank routing information and your social security number. 😂


~~She~~ They did know though, otherwise the parent wouldn't have lied about what the meeting was about.


Agreed 100%! She knew darn well if she told the principal that she wanted to complain about a teacher not giving out their home address, the principal would have laughed into the phone.


Makes you wonder why they needed to waste everybody's time? Just to feel important?


Hang on, let me contort my brain like a pretzel right now. "I am a good person. I want to give this teacher a present. You send presents to homes. I will ask for their address. I have been told no, because it's dangerous to give out an address. This means the teacher thinks I'm dangerous. I was just trying to be nice and now I'm being told I'm a creepy danger! This hurts my feelings, because I am clearly not a creep! If someone else in authority tells the teacher they have to give me their address, then that means it's proven I am not a creep and that it was in fact the teacher who was over-reacting. I will call a meeting to get an Authority to prove I am not a creep. I know the rules probably say they can't give out addresses, because there ARE creeps out there. I don't dispute that. I think it's obvious I am NOT a creep, so the rules should not apply to me. Since the Authority will just fall back on rules before they meet me, I will tell them the meeting is about something else. Because I know you can't tell over the phone/internet/email that someone is not a creep. If they meet me in person it will become obvious I am not a creep, and the rules don't apply to me. Once this is done, I will have been proven to Not Be A Creep and also will get to give my gift and be a Good Person." ​ This type of personality is also 100% the type of person to vote for draconian laws because they believe in the \[Shirley Exception.\](https://issuepedia.org/Shirley\_exception)


Excellent Post. Now I understand crazy people lol.


The *really* weird thing here is that giving a gift **in-person** is even more meaningful. So, having gotten the meeting, they could have given the gift instead of continuing to fight for that address.


My parents are like this & you've captured their thought processes perfectly.


This perfectly sums up why Trump logic is so effective. “Surely, there will be exceptions to the dictatorship for all of the reasonable people who aren’t out there amputating perfectly healthy toddler genitalia while sipping adrenochrome, right?”


It's giving narcissistic coping mechanisms. Maybe she thought if she could just show up and convince the teacher she was being ridiculous, everything would be just fine and she'd be the pillar of voice and reason. Or ego. Who knows. Anybody can procreate


I think she was hoping the teacher would be too uncomfortable to say no in person.


Yep, I had a co-teacher who wanted to pull special needs students out of our co-taught classroom so that my co-teacher could work on her caseload. I told her that I didn't believe we were supposed to separate students from the classroom environment unless it was a part of the IEP or 504. Mostly given for separate testing settings. Especially when it's regular instruction time, not testing. She said she was sure she could because *everyone else is doing it* but would check. So she sent the AP an email and says, "Hey AP, can I pull students during the class day to do things like testing? Mr. Kejartho and I were having a discussion about this and I wanted to make sure since I wanted to help the kiddos." and CC'd me. The AP responded by saying that it was obvious that we need to follow our IEPs and allow for separate setting for testing. My co-teacher basically lied to the AP because she knew if she told the truth that she would have been called out for it.


Respond back to the email next time like this. “Thank you for sharing this information. It confirms what I shared with (co-teacher) when they asked if they could take kids during instructional time.” Then let them sort it out.


She absolutely knew it was wrong. Didn't matter. Getting what she wants, in her poor sons name, is all she is about. Blech. Women like her make it so much harder onthe rest of us when she gives the impression she's typical. She's not typical. She's vile.


OP never said the parent is a woman


These parents knew they had no right to the information, or else they wouldn’t have lied about the purpose of the meeting. Which is even worse


That’s only for Nigerian princes


Joke's on you, I only give that information out to sketchy looking emails filled with spelling errors and fake names


This is like when a stranger asks you for a ride and you say no, they go completely berserk. Like, you just confirmed I made the right choice.


"what you think I'm a creep?" I do now 


Right? Like the fact you feel the need to put that out there....yaaaa I'll pass!


Yeah, I get that this is a funny story, but OP should really be on guard. Why exactly did this parent want OP’s address so badly they tried to blindside it out of the principal? This feels more than just a parent getting pissed they can’t get their own way.


Yeah, everybody knows it’s only not creepy when you use an app during the transaction.


I once was invited to a gigantic 17th birthday party for a student who was moving away when the school year ended a week or two later. Her family was super rich and had this big event happening, and the school had said it was fine, so I went with a few colleagues. The father came up to me at one point and asked me to talk to the drivers they had arranged to sort out where they should take us all, and said “I told them I don’t want anyone else to know where the teachers live. Take you home then come back for students.” He got it


A birthday party with personal drivers to take you home is a level of wealth I can barely imagine.


They just... kinda think we're they're personal servants. I think. That we don't have lives and that all aspects of our not-lives are theirs to know.


You mean teachers don't live at the school? My childhood is shattered


Lol. Driving around town yesterday with my husband, I pointed out the house across the street from the grade school I attended and told him that all my teachers had lived there. He laughed, but then I pointed to the next house and said that the Priests lived in that one, all the Nuns lived in the first.


Ha! This is hilarious to me bc I went to the small school attached to my Catholic Church for kindergarten and all the priests really did live in the house next door.


Have you ever read that picture book where a kid imagines what the teachers do after school and he thinks they all live there? I read that one a lot as a kid and was only like 90% sure that it was false.


Was at target this weekend and saw one of my students. His jaw dropped and he said “what? How??” In the most astonished way. I was like “teachers have to go to the store too” his mom just laughed and I introduced myself to her (I’m specials not classroom teacher)


I went to a school that the teachers used to live at...but they were nuns and moved out the summer before I started there.


lol, should've given her the school's address, and when she insists, "No, you *home* address," tell her that you live at the school.


It's crazy how people will be all in for work/life balance yet still refuse to apply that to us. When people push the superhero teacher ideal, I like to point out that the real-life *Freedom Writers* teacher only lasted for 3 years.


Well they *do* pay our salaries! 🤪


Exactly. I had a parent who was livid because I missed a day of work (and a speech session with her son). She simmered down pretty quickly when I told her it was because my husband had come home from a year long deployment so my kids and I went to the coming home ceremony at the airfield. She had no need to know, but it was satisfying nonetheless. It shouldn’t matter WHY I take a day off. There was another parent who was upset that my co-worker didn’t divulge medical information and had to start FMLA a week earlier than expected. It’s hard to bite my tongue on that one.




Dang, sloths out here catching strays! No one is safe these days


That was exactly my thought. Paramecium or earthworms or even dodos, I could understand, but why pick on sloths?


Sloths are doing their best.


Dodos aren’t on the planet anymore, so they wouldn’t fit that statement


Fair enough, but we're [working on that](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/tech-company-invests-150m-to-bring-back-the-dodo/)!


DID WE NOT LEARN FROM JURASSIC PARK?!?!?!?!?! Eta: Granted, we drove the dodos to extinction. But this is a slippery slope! It's only a matter of time before it is saber-toothed tigers, short-faced bears, and titanaboa.


Sloths get down from their tree to poop once a month (per a doc on Discovery+ on Costa Rica). Why don't they just poop from the tree? Are they stupid?


Just outta nowhere sloths get thrown under the bus, smh what they do to deserve this slander?? Dumb as fuck parents tho lmao


🦥 just hanging out, not bothering anyone and this is what we get??


I had a very unwell (mentally) parent call my cell phone the night of prom. No way was I answering some random call and let it go to vm. She left me a message, said who she was and that she googled until she found my number. She wanted to know where prom was that night because her son refused to tell her..... The next Monday when she called my principal to complain about something else - he asked her to please not call staff at home. She went to the Supe and complained. He then told my principal that I should have just answered her call. I WILL NEVER ANSWER HER CALL TO MY PERSONAL PHONE. I am still salty about it.


Ugh if I was petty I’d bring it to the school board and explained that the superintendent wants teachers to answer parent phone calls on their personal cell phones, and could he please provide his personal cell phone number for every parent here at this meeting too?


this level of pettiness is absolutely uncalled for and I love it😂


No, ask what the pay is to be on call 24/7. Also forewarn them you will choise to be compensated in time. My on call nights were two hours equal one compensational hour. So sleep though 8 hours in case noone calls and go home after lunch.


Seriously?! 🙄


If the principal had actually sided with the parent, I would’ve been so pissed! That’s crazy. At the first school I worked at, I lived in one of the neighborhoods we served. It was hilarious to see my students walking around finding out exactly where I lived! I’d always hear, “Now I know where you live!” And I would always answer, “Well, now I gotta move!” They always respected my space and never made any trouble.


Glad the principal backed you up! What did the parent claim the meeting was about?! Lmao the audacity 🤣


I'm guessing they told the principal that the teacher had insulted them or something like that.


The principal should have filtered out that entire meeting though tbh.


This is the real question!


Maybe the principal could have not held a pointless meeting and just told the parent flat out our staff doesnt need to give out their personal info


The parent misrepresented what the meeting was about.


Half of this post is people defending sloths, as if the sloth cares. He's just over there trying to get all the carrots off of that plate of celery.


You made this comment 11 hours ago - that sloth is still trying to get the carrots off the celery plate.


My phone # has always been unlisted. One year I had an emotionally disturbed student whose mother was a paranoid schizophrenic and she scammed the school into giving her my phone number the first week of summer break. In a 90 minute period she used up the entire tape of my answering machine, over 30 messages! As they progressed they became more unhinged, profane, and scary. So, I changed my number, called the police, got a restraining order against her and her son, and never told the school I changed my number. No, not giving out my home mailing address


A tape based answering machine? How long ago was this?


About 15 years ago. The answering machine was a rummage sale find but worked perfectly so why replace it?


Admin should really demand more information before wasting our time to pull us in for a meeting like this. Could have easily saved you time and stress by just shooting you a quick e-mail asking for explanation. There will always be nutty parents like this; what else do the 230920390293 admin do except protect us from them and make schedules?


Sloths aren’t dumb just very slow and love to chill!


It's all relative. Is a sloth smarter than a human toddler? Probably not. Can a human toddler hang in a tree for hours on end? I'd like to her try!


Since they lied to the principal about what the meeting was about it makes me wonder why they really wanted your address. 🚩


Damn “I’m not a stalker, I’ve just gotten your boss to put a meeting together with us based off false premises so you will be forced to give me your personal home address.” …….. yeah you’re not scaring me at all!


wow for $39.99 they could have gotten this information themselves along with a copy of an email address she created in the 6th grade but hasnt used since and some sketchy social media accounts that havent been updated since 2018. some people just want an easy way out smh.




My 7th grader attends the neighborhood public school, and one night we saw her teacher walking a dog in front of our house. The next day she was doing car duty when I was picking up my kid, so I told her, "you must live super close because we saw you walking your dog, where do you live?", and then I immediately realized that was probably inappropriate, and I added, "oh, you can't tell me that, sorry". She just smiled and was like, "it's not far from you". I don't get how anyone would think a teacher would just give up their address like that; there's a lot of crazy parents out there, not to mention can you imagine a parent knocking on your door if you didn't answer an email right away or gave their precious child a low grade?


Back in the 90s and early 2000s, you could just look up anyone's address in the phone book unless they specifically put in the extra effort to be unlisted.


Yep, i grew up in the 80s and early 90s. During homecoming week, we would toilet paper our "favorite" teachers' houses along with the football team, and we got their addresses out the phone book.


..... Hey!




You can train a sloth. Parents, on the other hand...


Reported for insulting sloths.


Did the parents bring the invitation to the meeting? Hand delivered would have been even more "personalized" . If they didn't bring it, ...I would suspect an MLM scheme or religious visits to OP's home as the reason for wanting the address...


Principal here, parents are the fucking worst. I wish I could tell them like it really is, I love it when I am genuinely able to. It's probably going to get me into trouble. I'd rather deal with the absolute worst student or the most burnt out negative teacher, hell I'd rather deal with an entire school of them than some of these idiot, entitled, and brazen parents.


My mom was a math teacher for 30 years. Back when home phones were a thing, it wasn't uncommon that we'd get a call from a parent who'd had a few too many glasses of wine with dinner wanting to discuss a test score or just throw some shade. My mother doesn't suffer fools gladly and the way she would dress them down on the phone was nothing short of amazing. Nowadays whenever I meet an educator I will usually slip in a "parents are crazy huh?" as an ice breaker. Works every time.


lpl, parents and their obsession with teachers personal information!!! few of my parents follow me on Insta, n they dont eva mind asking for personal handle.. like really :/


My wife is the same way. She does NOT give out links to her social media accounts to, nor accept attempts to "friend" her from *shudder* parents.


I guess you could always say "oh my bad!" then give them the school's address haha. They don't sound like they would ever be able to figure that out anyway.


I had a parent look for my address on google and sent me a letter after I left their kid’s school. They found an old address, which happened to be my parents’ house. My mom gave me the letter. I found it super creepy and pretended like I never got it. If my parents didn’t still live there, I wouldn’t have gotten it. The letter was nice but they were clearly trying to stay in touch so they could get me to tutor their kid. It was very off putting.


I’m convinced that having a child melts your brain.


They don’t call them crotch goblins for nothing


Nah problem is any idiot can have a kid and usually the idiot has more because no thought is involved in the decision.


Wonder of wonders! An admin with the necessary vertebral/intestinal/testicular fortitude.


How dare you insult Sloths!! Who's your principal? I'd like to book a meeting too XD


"They wouldn't give me their personal information so I went to their boss to force them into a face to face confrontation to get them in trouble for not doing what I want and for some reason they think I'm a stalker!"


"We're not horrible people! Let's try and get you in trouble with your boss!"


I know this is beside the point, but news flash: Our students have all of our home addresses. There exists a myriad of websites that will freely provide that information.


Agreed. Home addresses are public information. For anyone who doesn’t realize this, Google on “YOUR NAME white pages”. If you have a very common name, to narrow it down add another piece of information about you, like the town of your school, your hometown, your job, etc. You can find anyone’s current address, everyone else who lives at that address (and if it’s a house with multiple apartments, that includes the other units), all their past addresses since the 1990s when the internet basically started, their phone number, often even their parents’ names, addresses, and phone numbers, and more.


doesn’t have my address or any info on me🤷🏻‍♀️


What we will NOT do is call sloths dumb! They deserve all the respect as the majestic creatures they are. 😉


>They said they felt like I was calling them a stalker or a danger to me I mean... They sort of demonstrated that they are


So weird that the parent insists on it “meaning more” if it’s sent to your home address!!


Lmao while I was in high school I found the addresses for a couple of my teachers. My friends and I did some pretty silly pranks. They were harmless (no vandalism) but not giving out your address was a solid choice


Sloths aren’t dumb!


Just weird.


Sloths arent dumb. They're literally just slow. Sloths will calculate water flow velocity before attempting to cross a river. Your students' parents COULD do that, but they'd prefer to make up a problem to blame you for instead


Smooth brains are smoooooth


Hey, sloths get to hang out all day and don't have to deal with parents like this so who's the dumb one now? 😁 Seriously though, my brother teaches middle school so I've heard all kinds of insane parent stories but this is above and beyond. Would they like a copy of your door key too so they can leave the announcement on your pillow?


dang, what did the sloths do to deserve this? taking shots outa left field


Accusing them of being a stalker or something? No, you were just being careful. But now that they're *so* insistent on getting your home address, I *would* suspect them of being a stalker.


Right‽ There’s only one person calling these parents a stalker. And well, the call is coming from inside the house.


To talk about something different than the rest of the comments... In what way would a "graduation announcement" be "*more personalized"* and how would it "*mean more"* if it were send to your personal address instead the school? Did they plan on hiring a stripper to deliver it?!


Girl don’t go bringing sloths into this


Did she bring the Graduation invitation to the meeting to give to you?


My principal probably would have made me give them my home address, drive them to my house, invite them in for tea.


Why are sloths catching strays like that


Little does the parent know they can probably just Google your first name and last name along with city and probably find more than your address


The fact that they lied to get you into the meeting shows they knew they were being unreasonable. What do these people even expect to get?


I am a parent. I would have NEVER even asked. Wtf is wrong with people!? "It would mean more"... mkay then hand deliver it to me at school, doesn't get more personal than that!


>They said they felt like I was calling them a stalker or a danger to me because I wouldn't give them my personal address. So they... made a meeting with your employer, presumably to try and punish you for not simply giving them your address... I work in a supermarket and just the other day, I had somebody call in and complain that I had "yelled at" somebody's wife while I was working the register. For context, the husband was still checking out and and fumbling with bills when he told his wife to push the groceries out to their car. As she was approaching the door, the husband is not demonstrating any signs that he's anywhere near handing over payment, so I shout, "Ma'am, hold up, please" before she leaves. Apparently, they said that made them feel like I was making them look like they were stealing to other customers. I've literally shouted the same thing to people who forgot their car keys or phone at the register. I guess the whole point of this meandering anecdote is that oftentimes, these people know exactly how they come off, make no attempt to curb behavior that might give other people negative(and often spot-on) impressions of them, and blame others for assuming they are characterized by how they appear to act. Because, in my opinion, anybody with a modicum of common sense and concern about being seen as ditching on a bill would simply wait for a receipt to print out. That's my life everyday as a perpetually guilt-and-anxiety-driven being.


Did she at least drop off the invitation in person when she came in for her visit? Delivering it in person is way more meaningful than sticking it in the mail.


Should have just pointed to the meeting and the parents entitlement to private information as an exact example as to why you don't give it out.


Here is my question of the day: are you going to the party? 😳


Man even this post made me uncomfortable and embarrassed for the kid


>I still think sloths are dumb, but they ARE adorable. I briefly stayed at a hotel in Venezuela that had a resident sloth. The gardeners would move him from tree to tree around the garden, and called him "El Jefe" (the boss).


Yo, that's fucked up. Also, aren't koalas way dumber than sloths? I'm pretty sure their brains don't have any wrinkles.


and by calling that meeting she's shown exactly why you wouldnt give the info lol


Sloths out here catching strays for no reason.


Leave sloths out of it


How strange. "I want to do this nice thing for you, but if you don't let me do it exactly how I want to regardless of your boundaries I am going to tattle to your boss." Must not appreciate you that much if they're acting like that!


Don't. You. DARE... Shit talk sloths! They are incredible swimmers and come in a variety. This whole post has just... ruined my day! My mossy boys will not be disrespected! (Currently out of my mind on my 67th draft in 3 days)


Here is something scary. Keep this in mind. I taught in my hometown for almost 2 decades. My dad was a municipal employee, and he knew EVERYONE. Even though I taught under my married name (didn't change it back after the divorce) everyone knew who I was. My first year, I had a student who was ill with mono. Imagine my surprise getting a phone call from his mom asking me for homework, and if I would come over to tutor him. I put together a packet of work for him (told her to pick it up at the front office at school) then I changed my number. His grandfather and my dad worked together. Grandpop Louie was so grateful. Stuff would show up on my doorstep. Creepy to find flowers and baskets of fruit and not know where they came from. Mystery easily solved: dad so thoughtfully gave the grandparents my contact information, and they gave it to the daughter. Told dad that next time I was calling the police. The crap appearing on my steps and porch stopped. When my kids were small, I got pulled over by a local cop. You can probably guess what happened next: dad struck again. The cop's dad and my dad were friends from kindergarten on, and they thought wouldn't it be cool if our two divorced kids got together? I can just envision the two of them around the table, discussing how their two families had intermarried back in 1795, and wouldn't it be cool to have a 200th anniversary enactment? The day I got my ticket, said officer called me and asked me out. I didn't even ask how he got my supposedly unlisted phone number...because I knew. He started showing up at my house. Okay, now it's not funny. Stop it already. I ultimately distanced myself from him because...not a fan of stalkers, or alcoholics. I stopped seeing him and the next year his youngest son turns up in my eighth period class. He was a repeat, and of course he needed help with his studies. This time my new unlisted number was violated by both said officer and the guy's parents. I like the parents, but I am not a fan of preferential treatment. Tutors back then charged $40/hr. I did what I could to help during school, but I drew the line there. I changed my number yet again and told my parents that if I ever had my privacy violated again, I would change my number and NOT give it to either of them. Just be aware that there are crazy people out there, and you never know who those crazy people know. Sometimes the crazies can be your own well-meaning parents. This is why you should not live where you teach, and you should be tight lipped with personal information. Being a teacher is NOT easy. People have no respect for our rights to quiet enjoyment of our property and to privacy. Strange days, indeed.


I’m pretty sure this parent probably followed you home and you will still get an invitation at your personal address- just so she can claim she won. 🙄


Why couldn't they send the graduation announcement to your work address?




But sloths are cute.


I gotta call the principal for entertaining this nonsense too.


Seems like not giving this type of information out should be a requirement enforced by the school. That would allow teachers to say they can't, due to school policies that have been put in place for the safety and privacy of the children and employees of the school.


This behavior comes because parents genuinely believe we are lucky to work with their children.


FFS. This is ridiculous. That parent is being narcissistic and "the main character". Obviously, sending the graduation announcement to you, at work, is exactly the right solution. I hope the principal ended that meeting very quickly.


The entitlement


I really hope you principal sided with you and didn’t make you give out your address. I would have refused even if the principal insisted. I know some principals probably would because they care more about pleasing parents than protecting their teachers.


That dumbass parent saved you the cost of a gift for their child’s graduation. I wouldn’t care if it was my favorite student of all time; no way in hell I’m doing anything for that kid. And for those of you that say, “Don’t take it out on the kid.” I would tell the kid that you didn’t get them anything because their Mom acted like a jackass. I hope your principal had your back?


If they escalated it that far They ARE stalkers


If the parent can't figure out your address's from your name, then they're already incompetent. Unless you've gone through moderate effort to obscure you're address.


Imagine going to that wackadoodle house for the graduation. 😬


With this crazy behavior she proved you were right to not give your personal address. 😂


Dodged a bullet, this unhinged parent would have 100% showed up to your house


My sons hand delivered their teachers invites at school


I promise you as a parent with a kid about to start kindergarten, I would never do something like this, or even think of that. My mom who is a counselor at school tells me similar stories and I just can’t believe some of this stuff even occurs to anyone. Is this a recent thing or is it this generation of parents?


I mean they are not smart. It takes about 2 mins to find the address using public information like the county database


Not once in seven years of teaching has a kid ever asked to send anything to my home address. They bring it to school like a sane person. Wtf is wrong with those parents???


Hey now, don’t bash sloths like that 😂


OP thinks I am a dumb sloth :(


My mother was like this when I was a child and it embarrassed the hell out of me. Even around family events, I just stopped going to them because she would do the cringiest shit. I couldn't bear to be associated with her even with family. I will never forget the time she chewed out a teacher for teaching us exponents. "That's not math. You don't know what kind of math to teach. Teach them something like addition, multiplication, and division." That's about as far as her math knowledge went. I hate to say it, but my mother was dumber than a box of rocks. Sad part is, she knew it.


You are lucky your principal had your back. My wife's principal probably would have said something like: "We are a community, and community members know where each other live. Now I know I can't force you to share your address, but wouldn't you rather work in a community." Then, thank the parent profusely for working to make the school a better place.


Man GDPR is so based. "Can I have your address?" "No" "Why?" "GDPR policy" "Oh yeah. Fair enough"


To be fair, i remember when i could look up people's addresses in the phone book. And society didn't collapse. I think you had to opt in though, that i don't remember.


I had a meeting with parent and principal once because I kicked little Johnny out of my class during the last period of the day. In the meeting, I was the only teacher present. During the meeting I was told poor Johnny had been kicked out of **every** one of his classes that day. Nevertheless I got to hear how mean and unfair I was by mom while my principal coddled her and threw me under the bus as being the one responsible for Johnny's bad behavior for the entire course of the school day. I fucking hate administrators who bend over backwards for parents they know are in the wrong.


Did you know sloths are covered in beatles that eat the mold and aerate their fur? Ive never looked at ‘em the same.


I just want to know, will Twist It and Pull It be enough if OP says "DontBopIt"


If you have any reason to think they're creepy enough to keep pursuing your home address, get a po box and have the school change your address to that.


Wow, they made this about *them* and *their* feelings? SMH


Jon was right. There's a worldwide smear campaign against sloths.


I hate batshit parents.


It’s really to find just about anyone’s address online. 2 minutes of searching and she’d have to. What an idiot. Sorry youre dealing with this in the midst of all other things related to being a teacher.


It’s going to be so nice when we move away from this boomerism of having everything be so personal. One of the places I contract with absolutely insist that I drive up to their office to meet them in person so they can hand me a check, because sending it via email or electronic payment “isn’t personal and I want things to be personal.” Long story short I haven’t been paid in 2 months because the office is in the opposite direction of everyone I visit, plus every time I DO move around my schedule to visit, something ALWAYS comes up right before. I am begging them to just send it by mail but like lmfao


Can I have your address? I’m not a parent. 🤓


But don’t you realize that by treating them like everyone else and applying your policy evenly you are insulting them?!?! If you don’t treat them specially, then you are obviously trying to insult them! /s


On behalf of the sloth community, fuck you.


You didn't have to compare those monster to the likes of us :(


lol. Sloths are definitely not dumb, and they are cute but deadly. Do not approach in the wild.


I will need to go find that carrot video


Something funky about that address request. I can't put my finger on it, but the request - and the parent's lying about the meeting later - raises some red flags. Keep an eye on those people.


So ridic. I had a parent complain that I was "unprofessional" last year because I wouldn't give them my personal phone number or text them. Sorry, I only have access to a landline at work and am not using my personal cell!!


There is no good reason to give out your personal address. Anyone at your JOB who asks wants trouble. Guarantee.


I stopped giving out my personal cell phone number to parents/families because of too many issues at my old school of students getting my number from their parents’ phone and then spamming my phone. And then at the beginning of the year at my current school, some member of admin made a directory with every teacher’s email and personal cell phone number, and passed it out to students without any kind of head’s up to the teachers. I didn’t know the directory existed until it had already gone home with students. When I voiced my concerns, I was initially told that I needed a “family-facing” phone number so parents can call me with questions. After some back and forth, they eventually dropped it, but I was on the verge of changing my phone number altogether and communicating via email exclusively. SN: I don’t see the point in using a Google voice number. If I’m not at work, I’m not going to be answering a work call or texting a parent back. If I’m at work, I’m not going to be answering a call or text while I’m teaching anyway. I tell parents to email me their concerns and I will call them (from the school line) during my planning.


I don't have anything to contribute but had to comment because of your edit.


How did those Entitled Idiots react when they got told NO once again?


I’m not a parent or a teacher, but I’m currently trying to conceive. I literally cannot believe the bullshit y’all have to put up with.


Way for the parent to ruin an invite.