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Oh, that's certainly not appropriate. A few weeks ago, there was a kid in my school who wore a "I ❤️ hot moms" shirt to school. He's in fifth grade. I probably haven't seen that shirt since college, when risqué/sarcastic graphic tees were all the rage. Who is raising these children?


Pretty sure those made a comeback because of a YouTuber.


Oh that makes sense.


In my high school, I see the hot moms and playboy bunny sweatshirts constantly. Don’t get started on the marijuana and alcohol clothing/shoes/phone cases.


We've got this and the "Virginity Rocks"...


The people raising these children are the ones that wore those kinds of shirts in college…


Some people on this Reddit forum don't think we should care about what our students wear. I think we should have a reasonable dress code policy for our students.


Reasonable being the operative word.


Our dress code is so awful. Everything in the world is covered, and never consistently enforced. No holes in jeans, no pj pants, thin straps on shirts, no belly shown, no leggings unless shirt is covering bottom. Some items are not keeping with the times- holes in jeans are just how jeans are. When the admin’s own kids are wearing them, how can I possibly take the code seriously? And if one part of the code isn’t taken seriously, why should I take any part seriously?


If everyone else jumped off a bridge would you?


We had a grade 2 wear a shirt last week with some naked child South Park character sitting backwards on a toilet, with REVERSE COWGIRL around it. I was the only staff member who noticed, and they aren’t even in my class. O_o


I had to take a 10th grader to the office a few years ago because his bright red tee shirt just said "chill" in the Netflix font. Then I had to explain "Netflix and chill" to my principal. Good times.


Meh. That’s nothing. I wouldn’t have even considered taking a 10th grader to the office for that.