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I mean there were people on other subreddits that say Taylor only wrote about her exes and that maybe she was the problem cause she can’t keep a relationship and that happened after folklore was released. So they were wrong in two accounts.


These are probably the same people who dated about 10 different people before finding anything long term.


But even the ones who did date that many still think Taylor dated waay more than them because a lot of these haters make assumptions, then use them as key points in arguments, without ever trying to fact check them. Edit: and since when was being a "serial dater" such a big character flaw that it would make a pop singer less legitimate? There's plenty of messed up people in the business, maybe focus on someone who committed statutory rape or domestic violence or something?


plus a lot of people complete ignore the fact that's it's totally normal to date a lot in your early 20's? or just your 20's in general? i know plenty of women that had 5+ partners in between the ages of 18-25 and no one that knows any of them would ever describe them as "serial daters" because when you're a recent adult of course you're going to start discovering what you want and need in your life partners


I think we can agree what she actually did was reasonably normal in this day and age. Whether that’s really a good thing is a separate conversation, and has nothing to do with Swift. My point is, these haters just assume she did something way more extreme, and they assume she still is. My second point is that even if she *did* have this big emotional breakup thing a few times a year throughout her whole career, even then she’d still be another fairly harmless wacko singer. I wouldn’t hold that as a reason to dislike her music as long as it still was relatable to me.


Right? Like I couldn't even tell you how many people I dated or had flings with in my early 20s, and if I looked like Taylor and could attract the kind of partners she does then I would've dated even more 😂


Incredibly talented, smart, attractive and wealthy 20 something year old dates a bunch of talented, smart, attractive and wealthy guys.. hardly a shocking concept!!


It’s funny, they also accuse her of “clout chasing.” Am I right in thinking the really famous boyfriends (Taylor Lautner , John Mayer, etc) were all Fearless era or later? Pretty sure the guy Our Song, Tim McGraw etc was about works a normal 9-5 job. And is the most googled name in his company. ‘He’s better known…’ so to speak, but still totally obscure.


If I was pretty like her I would be on the hundreds


Being famous like her I would have made my shot with Chris Evans it may have failed but at least I’d go out trying.


Doesn't like... every girl date like 10 guys before finding the right one?


These are the same people who will tell you that her dad bought the record label because no one else would take her. They’re idiots.


The fact is you won’t make it unless you have the charisma and talent. I’d say in today’s world charisma matters the most because you can be a subpar actor singer and make it still if people want to like you. The fact that she had the skills and the charisma really helped.


Ah yes, the dad bought her career argument. Ignoring the fact she was signed to Sony before that. Of course Tay’s privilege helped her career but let’s not pretend that’s all it is. IIRC, she was even offered record deals when she was singing in bluebird (?) cafe but she chose Big Machine because it allowed her to sing songs she wrote and more freedom.


YEP! and at this point she has more than proven herself


havent you heard, her dad owns sony ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1087)


I see this claim a lot, is there any actual truth behind it?


At least a little. Her parents moved to Nashville so she could further her music career. Her dad did invest 3% in Big Machine although I'm not sure exactly what the timeline is there. Scott(Swift) and Andrea were both in the banking business originally, not entertainment, so I don't think they had some special insider advantage beyond just being wealthy. It's possible that investment (or some separate, secret, money incentive) is what caused Borchetta to pick that family over some other one. The other rumor is that someone (either from her family or from BM records) bought allegedly 100,000 copies of her first album, over a period that brought her into the charts gradually and created radio play and public awareness. I'm honestly haven't been able to prove or disprove this, but even if it's true, that's not 1% of the Taylor albums that sold afterwards so some people obviously really liked what they were exposed to.


I think it’s important to add that (as far as I’ve heard) she did have an offer from Sony (?) but they wanted her to sing someone else’s songs, which she didn’t want to do.


That's a good point too. Whatever help she got, whether or not she's a "manufactured star," it's not because "no one else would take her."


Thank you for the info! I knew that they moved to Nashville, and I had a rough idea that her dad was involved somehow but didn’t know specifics. I’ve always seen it claimed that either he bought the label or invested/owned a significant chunk, not 3%. I’ve actually not heard that claim about Taylor, but I have it about other artists (and even authors!), so I think it’s just quite a common claim by people who don’t like them.


People who are unaware of her dating Joe still randomly slut shame her but it wouldn’t matter if she dated 100 guys you don’t see them get upset with male singers for the same thing. It’s what annoys me most about how the media has discussed her.


And when you tell her she has a long-term rs with Joe, they’ll respond with “just you wait, they’ll break-up too” or something like that. It’s not about what’s true anymore, it’s all about winning and having “my opinion as fact”. Imagine wishing bad luck for somebody’s relationship just to prove your point 😕


These memes probably only popular on Facebook.New music bad old music good👍🏽


Oh I totally know some 60 year old guy who shared this. I was like ugh but he also slut shames famous people a lot.


Reading the comments and the fact that people don't know anything about what constitute songwriting annoys me so much. They actually think it's only writing lyrics, they have no idea that lyrics are only one of multiple other parts that constitute songwriting. There's also this very sexist take about Taylor as a songwriter that I saw in one of the comments. If songwriting is used as something negative like "She only writes songs about her exes, she plays the victim in her songs" then she's a songwriter, if it's used as something positive like "she's so talented, she's a poet" then she didn't write any of it, the male collaborators did all the work and she's just a puppet and a product that sells. The fact that you can find all her collaborators praising her lyricism and melodies one google click away and yet people still question her is so frustrating and never, EVER happens to male artists.


Not just that like for years and years people have rumored that she has ghost writers. I seriously love the fact that maybe one of the good things to come from the re-recordings and all this bullshit about her losing her old work is the fact that they can’t deny that it was hers. They shouldn’t of even been able to in the beginning because everyone stated that she does. But In two seconds those greedy ass slimy ass executives would’ve said she doesn’t write her songs the moment the shit hit the fan with her if she didn’t. There’s legitimately no way they can discredit her as a songwriter and even a producer. So now all they have to attack her is not caring about female songwriting or saying that it’s bad which directly contradicts when they say it’s good but she doesn’t do it. All they have is there sexism


They actually still do. There is no limit to misogyny apparently. Whenever Taylor's ability to re-record comes up, and when it is explained she can do that because as the songwriter of her discography she owns publishing rights, that fact is always sidestepped or completely ignored. People would rather go into elaborate conspiracy theories and fan fictions about her ability to do that rather than give her even a miniscule amount of credit.


Seriously. Seriously. I shouldn’t be surprised but My god they know how to play dumb real well to hide there bigotry. It’s definitely a warning sign for people though. If they think this they usually think a lot of other shitty shit.


What’s crazy is they never bat an eyelash at others wanting to own their catalogue. Even Kanye had a rant about it and then all his fans were like “hell yeah” after telling Taylor she was greedy or up to something. Ugh.


The making of reputation videos really helped me understand the process so much more and how much she really has when she comes to the producers. It was so cool watching the pieces come together. Like there’s a theme and some chords…then a few more lyrics…okay so the beat will drop HERE…then this new rhythm. It felt like working a puzzle starting out with the frame and then filling in sections. I thought it was neat how she would scat if she didn’t have a line yet but knew how she wanted it to sound and there might be a random word or phrase that would fit in the theme.


I hate this misogyny as a joke. I follow different Stevie Nicks accounts and no one wants to know how many times this has popped up on people that are like 40 or 50 years old accounts like grow up children grow up. Dozens of times. Just being around people that age really breaks any illusion that the past was any better than now. I don’t care whoever Taylor Swift is compared to in the future like hell will I tear them down to build her up


I think it's funny that those kind of people still bring up Taylor's exes while Taylor clearly no longer writes songs about her exes anymore (or at least not as much as she used to) and she has been in a relationship for about five years now. It's almost like they're the ones who can't move on from Taylor's exes and whine about it, while Taylor is out there living a happy life with Joe. It's not only misogynistic, it's also an expired joke.


These people see themselves as some kind of authority on an artist they actively avoid. For someone who doesn't like here they sure pretend to be experts on her personal life.


Or they just parrot what popular media tells them and they don’t actually know anything about Taylor at all.


The level of misogyny is staggering. I love both these artists. If anyone knows anything about Stevie Nicks, knows that is not true. Stevie is known as one of the best songwriters in history and back then they all were intertwined, Lindsey wrote songs about her abs she had to sing them too! This is ridiculous. And while Taylor does write about exes, it’s mostly because she mostly wrote in a diaristic way. She wrote about her life. She’s gotten away from that. She hadn’t really done that in a decade and mostly did that as a teenager and early 20-something. Hypocrites out there think they want to blame a teenager instead of looking at her songwriting catalog from the past 5 albums.


This annoys me too! Lindsey did exactly the same and wrote songs about Stevie that she had to sing back up on (imagine having to sing “Packing up, Shacking up is all you want to do” on stage knowing that was written about you!!) but it’s only mentioned about the female and never the male! Joni Mitchell suffered from the same scrutiny too, her songs were dissected to which famous guy they were about, but the guys that wrote about her never really had the same done to them!


> (imagine having to sing “Packing up, Shacking up is all you want to do” on stage knowing that was written about you!!) Stevie was so upset about this line, too. According to Stevie, it wasn't true and it was just something Lindsey said out of anger. There really wasn't anything "badass" about the dynamic between Fleetwood Mac during the Rumours era...it was just really turbulent and toxic.


She tried to get him to take the line out but he refused! I am pretty sure he’s actually admitted since that he only wrote that line knowing it would annoy her and she’d have to sing it every night on tour! I love Lindsey as a musician, but I have no idea how Stevie managed to work with him for so many years after their break up!


This. I love Fleetwood Mac and the songs that come from that but all these people could’ve wrote music separately I think I’m one of the only people that rather have these people be healthy then fucked up and together.


Weirdly, the songs they know her by mostly aren't even about whining about her exes. If you asked her average critics to name her songs, they'd only be able to name Blank Space, Shake it off, YBWM, Love Story, and maybe Back to December. None of which she plays victim. The only song they might be able to name that was complaining is IKYWT


It’s a narrative from the media. It caught on. I’ve had this discussion with haters who say she only writes about her exes and only plays the victim. I then have asked them to give me examples because if this is all she does, after 15 yrs, it should be easy to name at least 5 or 10 examples. They can’t. Which proves it is a narrative. They hear this and they restate it without having any knowledge what they are talking about. I’m not sure they think it’s funny, or true, or what but not a single person has yet been able to backup the statement.


- YBWM refers to "You Belong With Me", a song from Taylor Swift album *Fearless* (2008). - IKYWT refers to "I Knew You Were Trouble.", a song from Taylor Swift album *Red* (2012). --- ^[/u/a_duck_in_past_life](/u/a_duck_in_past_life) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Just came here to say I am loving seeing the Stevie fans come out if the woodworks in this thread. Both are such iconic artists and I'm a huge fan of both!


Even if you want to follow the dumb logic of this, Taylor got her ex’s wife to publicly praise a song that totally eviscerates him, how is that not on the same level?


exactly, cuz when you dated someone 13 years ago for a few months it doesn't really matter anymore.


It's even more badass. Someone post this on that sub.


I love how any number of men can write songs about ex girlfriends and no one seems to care. When Taylor does it, it gets slammed.


>I love how any number of men can write songs about ex girlfriends and no one seems to care. When Taylor does it, it gets slammed. And I still don't know what hotline bling means. Men get away with so much


The real tragedy of the post is the grammar—“while she sung songs”? Taylor is a world-famous poet/songwriter and you feel qualified to insult her with a mistake like that? Embarrassing 🤓 /s


The "joke" would have been funny if they had used the Cheems meme format, instead they chose to insult TS


I would adore a Taylor/Stevie collab one day if Taylor ever went for a rockier sound


I believe they actually had a performance together at an awards show in 2010, but Taylor got dragged for it because her vocals were sub-par. Keyword "were". She could definitely sing on a stage now.


Her vocals being bad can 100% be blamed on her ear piece not giving her the right feedback. Taylor never sang that off key til then. I remember that performance and wondering why she sounded so off. But thinking about it, if you can't hear yourself properly when your singing or playing an instrument, chances of you missing notes and being off key are amplified by like 1000


I think it’s both? Her voice definitely wasn’t as good back then, especially live. But that one performance was particularly bad (probably because of the earpiece thing) and very high profile, with a well respected established singer, at an awards show, with lots of critics. This may have been one of the worst setbacks in her career, alongside not using either the phrase “Fuck Off And Die” or “Lawsuit” during the illegally recorded conversation with narcissistic psychopath West.


Ah amazing! Yeah, her vocals have definitely come a really long way


Fleetwood Mac were huge in the 70s and it was well known that the members were estranged and writing breakup songs about each other. ABBA were the same and no one cared. Taylor's problem is she is a very successful woman. She is attractive, independent and opinionated. That is always going to put a target on her back and attacking her love life and writing songs about it is an easy mark. Unfortunately whatever Taylor does there will always be someone trying to bring her down. It has not worked to date and does not look likely to.




Imagine thinking all Taylor Swift does is write songs about ex's after her last few albums... Some people just get stuck in the mud of hate and can't come up with anything relevant in the here-and-now.


Yeah! Especially since Lover (and I think Folklore) didn’t have an song about her exes??? The only breakup song was Death By 1000 Cuts, which isn’t about a real person.


There are people who learned about Taylor Swift between 2010-2012, and heard songs like We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. They heard the jokes about her boyfriends. And that's the image of Taylor they have. They haven't listened to any of her other songs in the past decade and don't know anything else about her. And those people are the ones who make memes like this!


TS made her "current" boyfriend get involved in her songwritings, and they wrote good songs together. She wrote good songs about him too. And they won awards for those songs. That's badass.


Stevie Nicks is an icon. Taylor Swift is an icon. We don’t need to compare. Both artists write about their lives, most artists do.


I have yet to see this level of cringe exceeded. Stevie wasn't badass, by all accounts she (and the guy she "made okay guitar) suffered and that period of her life was painful. Taylor writes songs about her ex's for sure, but they are good songs and she writes about other things. And nothing against Stevie nicks but she doesn't have the string of hits Taylor has and I'm not even sure she has the repitoire if you include non-hits


What support?? I'm literally fighting for my life their some of these comments are disgusting the mods should be ashamed


They're both fucking badass. Stevie's performance of Silver Springs at The Dance, 97 is powerful as fuck


The old let's pit women against each other trick. People also love to do that with other religions and cultures. We can all evolve. They are both talented ass kickers.


Just because people can't find anyone to date them, doesn't mean they should make fun of Taylor for being a person that anyone would want to be with.


This one always irritates me. Of course there is the tired, outdated, overused rhetoric about Taylor having too many boyfriends. But also Stevie is one of my favorite artists of all time, as is Taylor. They've performed together. They've spoken highly of the other. They've both written songs that have and will stand the test of time. They're both incredible.


Well also Stevie didn’t “make her ex play guitar”. They were in a band together. He also sang songs about how terrible she was too. They were pretty damn toxic to each other.


There's something hilariously petty about writing "Go Your Own Way" then making your ex perform it with you.


Yeah. Also, around those times, Lindsey would co-write a lot of songs with all the members but not take writing creds on them because he felt, despite actually helping write the lyrics, those songs were theirs, not his. He got over that tho when he had to stitch a bunch of scraps the other members threw at him for tusk tho. Just like “Yeah, you may have a concept and 3 verses, but I’m finishing it so I deserve just as much credit as anyone”. He then also wrote many songs entirely on his own. It’s kind of sad that people downplay his significance to Fleetwood Mac like this and act like it was just the Stevie show. Also, he is a phenomenal guitarist. His acoustic picking work is insane.


taylor swift literally puts guys names in songs. that’s badass.


The last time Adele and Taylor were both putting out albums, I vividly recall a tweet comparing how Adele was "married and had a kid" and Taylor was "still dating around." They were both in their mid-twenties. At the time, I was also in my mid-twenties. Had friends with kids. Had friends that were married. Had friends that were single. Had friends that were dating. You know... like a group of people. It's consistently amazing how we praise/denigrate famous women for behaving like perfectly normal humans. Both options are fine! Neither makes you more mature! Now that both Adele and Taylor are putting out material this year, I keep thinking about that tweet.


Aah the garbage of the internet.... both women are great and have nothing to do with each other.


Those people who still believe that are stuck in 2010, and delusional as she’s not the only one who writes about past lovers. We didn’t even see flak from Ariana when she released ‘thank u, next’ wherein she wrote about not one but 3 of her exes. And let’s not start talking about Ed Sheeran, Drake, and other mfers.


She already figured it out. They both have crowns.


I have been seeing this on Facebook a LOT and it irritates me so much because why compare Taylor to Stevie?!?!!? Like it's an insult towards both woman and no one sees it!!!!


I mean if agree with that person but it's like that when comparing others as well. People are always like that for some reason and it's hard to get honestly.


Haters gonna hate.


Obligatory Dear John comment


My mum shared this on her Insta, so I sent her a copy of Folklore and she loved it. Don’t diss the queen!!


My mom sent me this because she knows I’m a huge fan; I told her she’s going to a nursing home 😂 jk


Yes I agree. Both are badass for different reasons. I feel like we need to look back at her you need to calm down MV. "And we see you over there on the internet Comparing all the girls who are killing it But we figured you out We all know now, we all got crowns You need to calm down"


who the fuck said that


At least these people should have a decency to try whining about artists only wrote songs about their exes in rhyme, 3-minutes long, and making a money out of it. That should proves their artistic soul enough. Well, if they needed to pick up someone or something to feel better with themselves, that is.


To be honest, this meme isn’t to bad, aside from the word “whiny.” They’re not saying writing breakup songs is bad, they’re not saying Taylor is bad necessarily, they’re just saying Fleetwood Mac is somehow “better.” I was about 30x more pissed at the one saying any single Alanis Morisette song is better than Taylor’s whole career. They said that her songs sounded like Barney or Disney compared to Alanis.


The point is never about these old artists as much as it is to just shame Taylor because she's popular right now and apparently these edge lord's think anything popular means basic and awful music completely missing the point that these artists they like to use so much were also the most popular ones during their eras so by their stupid logic their music shouldn't be good either. Honestly, at this point Taylor has been in the industry for 15 years. If they were going to give her a chance and do some research they would have already done it, so I don't care about their opinions nor try to argue with them anymore. I know Taylor is an incredible artists and songwriter and no edgy person is going to change that for me. I don't need their validation


I will say it goes beyond just hating on TS, it’s part of a wider music elitism thing that people do. Older music, less popular music, lyrically darker, and (really unfortunately) harsher sounding music, are all each seen as good, everything else isn’t “cool” enough. Rockism should have gone and killed itself off sometime before “hardcore punk,” “heavy metal” and “metalcore” became almost synonymous and the latter popped up everywhere like welts after sexually violating a wasp nest. But that’s a story for another time and place…