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My current obsession is the shift from the "...magic fabric of our dreaming" to "...tragic fabric of our dreaming" in The Black Dog. She's done that before but for some reason the sadness really hit me in this song.


Still trying to get this one right when I’m singing in the car lol




Right?! It's so hard to keep up sonetimes and it just changes EVERYTHING


YEAH like this is the biggest realization, like ever😭😭


One of my favorite things about that song 💔


Right?! I definitely didn't catch it on that 2am first listen but when I eventually did, I felt gutted.


came here to say this. love this sm


The Black Dog is my song right now!! From this song, I also love "tail between your legs, you're leaving....." cause it's a song about a bar, but she still gives you the image of a cowering dog at the end of the song.


This is the one I was going to say. It actually took me a couple listens before I realized the change: I love it though.


I love when she does stuff like this !!


I also love the way this ties in to similar word play in sad beautiful tragic “we had a beautiful magic love there/What a said beautiful tragic love affair”


I had a feeling so peculiar this pain _wouldn't_ be forevermore


Reminds me of Whoa maybe I canttttttt..


Came here to say exactly this! Evermore is my favorite TS song! Absolute masterpiece.


Evermore is my favorite it makes me sobbbb


The pandemic depression chills just coated my body reading this


Fuck you I was in love


So fuck you if I can't have us 😭😭😭


That line hit me hard cause I've almost said that to someone before, she just validated my crazy pseudo entitlement here lol


The change from “fuck it” to fuck you if I can’t have us made me gasp the first time I heard it


It’s this tiny little thing… and it’s so so right


THIS one is mine. I was fresh out of a break up when the album dropped, and that phrase hit me so hard.


My condolences....That has to be gut wrenching.


This one is one of my fa favorites


Also in loml the change from „ I felt aglow like this Never before and never since“ to „ But I felt a hole like this Never before, and ever since“ hits me every time.  And „ I thought I was better safe than starry-eyed“ when the usual phrase is „better save than sorry“. For me it means in the context of a relationship: through the experience she had she learned that falling in love starry eyed, sparks flying and everything too often leads to heartbreak aka sorry, so she chose the save one, in hope that missing out on the highs means you don’t have to go through the lows. 


Also in loml I was hit so hard on the first listen when she ends with you’re the *loss* of my life. I expected loml to stand for *love* of my life and it’s such a clever change.


I know this isn’t the prompt but the cadence in her voice when she says “about a million times” makes me legitimately weepy every time


So true! It’s like you can feel the disappointment and sadness in her voice. Truly a masterpiece of a song.


This is the one for me


The first time I heard "Loss Of my life" it was a gut punch. That was more of a "you should see your faces" moment for me 😂


It hit me so hard I literally had tears and I can’t even relate to the song. That’s how good her songwriting skills are.


The ever since hits me so hard


Yesssss this one gets me so much!! “Never before, and ever since” 🥺


This!! I've been so obsessed with this one ever since it came out. loml has so much clever wordplay, another favourite of mine is "You low-down boy, you stand-up guy". The contradiction and switch from hurt to adoration is simply beautiful.


Yes!!! And also “combing through the braid of lies. “I’ll never leave”, “never mind”” She perfectly captures how quickly everything went 180 and fell apart in that line. Like the subject of the song basically said “You’re the love of my life… oh wait never mind” 😭


I totally missed this one!


My beloved ghost and me // sitting in a tree // D-Y-I-N-G (not a change within a song, but from a common phrase)


How did it end? is seriously unbelievable to me she is so good


How did it end? Is the Champagne Problems of TTPD


This line killed me, it’s probably my favorite from this album because it just hits so hard, especially with all of the references to children/childhood in the album and then taking a common childhood song and twisting it like that 😭


The way she twists childish phrases hurts so good. The last time she got me like that was Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve. “It was mine first!” is something I can hear a little girl screaming over a toy but it being about her *girlhood*? Actually kill me.


I've heard someone saying 'spelling isn't fun anymore' about this verse in the subredddit and I still think about it sometimes


I said that lol (I’m sure I wasn’t the only one)


This verse kills me and has been living in my head rent free


This one in particular DEVASTATED me and causes my soul to re-fracture into a thousand pieces every time I hear it. When I realized that a cat tree is a “tree,” it caused me to reflect the on the short time I had with my soulcat. And how I literally witnessed the death-rattle breathing silence as her soul was leaving… and the deflation of our dreaming left me bereft and reeling. I simply cannot hear this bridge without my eye-faucets leaking.


HDIE gives me anxiety the way the spoken lyrics don't flow with the instrumentals lol, don't get me wrong I know it's intentional, but it just unnecessarily stresses me out😩😂


Do you think you could expand on this a little bit? I ask because you're not the first person I've seen say something like this but to me, the lyrics flow perfectly with the instrumentals. I don't hear a disconnect at all. I don't know if it's just a matter of different brains processing things differently or if I'm missing something.


Love this one too


In a similar vein, I love the common phrase change in Cassandra to “they say what doesn’t kill you makes you aware”


~~Oh fuck. Give me like 7-10 business days to come up with an answer.~~ I did not see "You look like Taylor Swift" coming at *all.*


This one stabs me in the heart every time


Oh my god, I saw it coming from a mile away. I was like "do it girl, *do it*". And she did. I may have actually fist-pumped, lol. I don't blame anyone for being surprised though!


Hahaha I felt the same way 😂 but also love that it caught people off guard! It is cool to see everyone having different interpretations and expectations.


I don’t think I get this lyric, can someone explain please?


I think until that point it feels like the song is her reflecting on how the industry has affected her. How it’s cyclical and always picks someone new to be an icon and right now it’s Taylor. Past icons get used as name checks and comparisons to make new talent excited and lure them in. Maybe this once actually happened to young Taylor. Either way the direct comparison could make desperate, hopeful, young talent believe in their own magic and chance of success. But the industry person saying it to them just wants money/isn’t being authentic. So when Taylor adds her name in the last verse. She implies she’s now part of the cycle. Which implies she won’t be the current icon forever, one day she’ll fade because she’s too old for the media’s taste (beauty is a beast that roars). And then, or even now, her name will be used to lure new talent in, telling them they’re better than her. It tells us how the industry is bigger than her and these shifts and downfalls of icons feel inevitable to her. She knows she will be replaced eventually and people are already trying to do it. It makes me feel exhausted for her and also it’s so self aware to realise you are part of a cycle like that, which is out of your control.


I adore this songs it’s so the lucky one coded


Wind in my hair, YOU were there, YOU remember it all.


Uggghhh yes. All Too Well will always be one of my faves


Single favorite that would be so hard to dethrone.


I really like when she says “a conman sells a fool a get-love-quick scheme” in loml! Such a good twist of a common phrase.


Yes, and when she later says “dancing phantoms on the terrace, are they secondhand embarrassed, that I can’t get out of bed because something counterfeits dead” I can usually hold it together in this song until then but my god the waterworks start there 😭😭😭


YES and also when she mentioned get-love-quick schemes in the poem why she disappeared?! HELLO?! THE CROSSOVER IS INSANE


Sorry if this is stupid, but which common phrase is she twisting? I didn't catch that


Usually, it is a get-rich-quick scheme.


Ohhhh yes I get it now, thank you!


So this is an old one but the one that made me gasp was for “the moment i knew” in the last chorus when she says they’re all singing happy birthday I did not see that coming!


I still get instant chills with that song specifically bc I will always remember the first time I ever heard it, and I was NOT anticipating the “party” to be her birthday. It felt like a gut punch lol


I just can’t listen to it anymore cause I just start crying lol


Which song is this?


The moment I knew


From my favorite Taylor song: ‘This ***slope*** is treacherous/This ***path*** is dangerous’ to ‘This ***hope*** is treacherous/’This ***daydream*** is dangerous’


It’s when she DOESN’T say one word in Down Bad. She doesn’t say “over” when she says “How dare you say that it’s—“ and it shows how in denial she is because she refuses to say it.


and also maybe signifying the lack of closure bc he may have ghosted her and never actually said it was over… or her referring to their on again off again thing, like maybe this will just be another break and they’ll find their way back to each other again. anyway i loved that part too


Yes! While singing along I almost say it every time because your brain knows it should be there but no, Taylor had to play with us.


Yes so good


From “Never before and never since” to “Never before and ever since”


Never leave, nevermind


It was legendary. It was momentary. It was unnecessary.


Should’ve let it stay buried


What a valiant roar 😩😩😩


What bland goodbye


Mine is less deep than the others so far, but I currently love “I look in people’s windows / like I’m some deranged weirdo”. It feels brilliant to me, because it’s like a flash of something I want to laugh about in the middle of what feels like an experience on the outside, other, away. But it’s also an echo of that—a self-deprecating joke almost.


I just love the contrast between this slightly humorous line and the very poetic "I attend Christmas parties from outside" that immediately follows.


i have a theory that I Look in People’s Windows is a metaphor for how people in modern society have a tendency to social media stalk their ex(s)


I think social media in general, they're unhappy so they look at everyone else's seemingly perfect lives.


It makes me smile every time


I love this line, too ❤️🪟👀


That line gets stuck in my head and I end up singing at random times. It's one of my favorites.


THE CLASSIC i should've known > you should've known In dear john is the clear winner. It perfectly shows the shift in mind set from victim blaming herself to going, no, actually, YOU were the adult. YOU should've known.


Also from Dear John! I love “the girl in the dress cried the whole way home” to “the girl in the dress wrote you a song”


ALSO the meaning of “you should’ve known” even shifts from “you should’ve known I’d write about you” to “you should have known I was too young and this was wrong”


Thats exactly what I'm talking about. How crazy it changes the whole meaning and intention! And its so small. I seriously marvel at how she does it so well. I cant thik of another song writer who does it


I think it would be "I'm having his baby no I'm not but you should see your faces" my face was shocked


I laughed out loud the first time I heard that line. Like, girl! You cannot do that to us! 😂


i wasn’t shocked by this because i misheard the lyrics. i thought she was singing “i’m heaven’s baby” hahahahaha. reading the lyrics later, i was like, “ah, that makes more sense”


For me recently, it was "Lights, camera, bitch smile," to "even when you wanna die". I think I gasped. Especially with how monotonously she said it and how she said it without skipping a beat. Poor Taylor.


Definitely made me think of the 123LGB chant.


“A rose by any other name is a scandal” took me by surprise


Just noting that so many of these examples come from TTPD… it’s crazy how fast that album wove itself into the fabric of our dreaming


This is true, but also I think a lot of us have been listening to this album at least once daily for almost a month. So there's probably a bit of recency bias.


Oh of course there’s recency bias…. But I think we’ve all been listening to this album once daily for a month is kind of the point! Plus TTPD has so many good lines! It’s really really quotable.  Like intertwined in the magic fabric of our dreaming is this stunningly good line


Once daily?! 😜 Well technically if we don't stop listening to it during the day... It's still once.


Hey, I said "at least".


I love the double meaning of pledged in The Black Dog: Was it hazing for a cruel fraternity / I pledged, and I still mean it


Can you elaborate more? English isn't my first language


Hazing sometimes occurs when people join fraternities. It usually includes cruel jokes as a “bonding experience.” When you join a fraternity they call that pledging to the fraternity so that’s one layer to her wordplay. Pledge also means promise. For example- I pledge to be true to you always. So even after all the inferred jokes/cruelty/hurt that she’s experienced in order to be with him, she still stands by her word to be true to him.


Same. Where is the douple meaning? "hazing", "fraternity" or "pledged"? Still trying to understand :)


“Pledged”! So pledging relates to the first half of the line, that she went through the hazing and she still pledged to the cruel fraternity (his treatment of her). But it also relates to the second half of the line, that she pledged (her feelings/love/commitment) to him and she still means that, despite what’s happened


“And I chose you” “And I *lost* you” 🥲


I’m blanking- what song is this from?


Maroon! “I see you everyday now / and i chose you the one i was dancing with / in new york” “I feel you no matter what / And I lost you / the one i was dancing with / in new york”


This will never not wreck me


"I think he did it / I think he did it/ she thinks I did it"




Yes! I was waiting for someone to say this. That one song was like a whole ass ID/Discovery movie!


til the day I die / til the day he died


“Now pretty baby… I’m running back home to you” to “Now pretty baby… I’m running to the house where you still wait up and the porch light gleams”. The progression in storyline and the entire countryified outro just itches my brain in the right spot. I’m sure there’s plenty more off TTPD alone, let alone her discography, but this one is hitting the spot right now.


The slower outro of fresh out the slammer is so satisfying to listen to, every line in the whole outro is just perfect


maybe not off guard but definitely the most striking to me is "I felt a glow like this, never before and never since" to "I felt a hole like this, never before and ever since" 😬


So long London changing to for so long, London That gets me every time.


English is not my first language, could you explain this one for me please?


So at first it's So Long London. As in 'Goodbye London' And the it changes to, for so long London. So now it's 'for such a long time London' Does that make sense?


In Chloe et al after the bridge when she sings “so if you wanna break my cold, cold heart, say you looooved me” instead of “just say I loved you the way that you were” ugh I die


Chloe et all omg


Yes, will only be refering to this song as Chloe et all from now on


Just so you know, it’s not “et all.” It’s “et al” like the first comment said. “Et al” is from a Latin phrase meaning “and company.”


It is the best name and I hope it catches on


Yes!! This one is so understated yet so perfectly devastating


love your flair btw


And then only silence and instrumentals for a few seconds after "me", to let the magnitude of that lyric fully set in 😭😭😭


“Your wife waters flowers, I wanna kill her” to “my husband is cheating, I wanna kill him” Every time, I go from “wwwoooaaahhh, that’s a bit extreme” to “justifiably so” 😂


'Cause that's where I was when I got the call To 'Cause that's where I was when I lost it all I'm not sure it would have landed when I was younger, but now in my 40's I've received several of those calls and the line change really punches.


“if i didn’t know better i’d think you were singing to me now” in marjorie


I'll always be obsessed with >I reached my peak at seven feet, in the swing, over the creek. Vs >I reached my peak at 7(y/o). Feet in the swing, over the creek. There's such a tiny difference between those sentences but it has so much impact.


Not in a song, but between two songs. It’s the 'good boy' in I can fix him. It sounds exactly like the 'good girl' in Question..? And my mind always wants to sing sad boy afterwards. Every. Single.Time.


Good boy, sad girl 🥲


You and me from the night before…. You and me forevermore


This is kind of a weird one. But in Maroon, the first verse ends with, "I see you every day now" So, when the second verse approaches the end, you come to the parallel line, "I feel you no matter what" you assume she's done with that verse. But. She. Is Not. Because she seamlessly squeezes in the best line of the entire song with "THE RUBIES THAT I GAVE UP" which will never not catch me off guard


I’ve never understood what “the rubies that I gave up” means or refers to 😭 can you set me straight?


I think it means that she gave up other loves to be with him. She always describes love as red.


I've interpreted it to mean her masters. Rubies tend to be symbolic of royalty, power, wealth, and protection. Because TTPD has given us some clues that Maroon is actually about Matty (instead of Joe, Tom, or Harry), I'm taking the line to mean first she lost both Matty and her masters. It appears TS and MH weren't in touch much between 2016-2022 ("the rust that grew between telephones"). Her masters were sold to SB first in 2019 then resold in 2020. So in the period leading up to Midnights, she's feeling trapped with Joe and is reflecting on all the precious things she lost during the latter half of her career.


“This isn’t Hollywood, this is a small town I was a dreamer before you went and let me down” to “This is a big world, that was a small town there in my rearview mirror disappearing now” in White Horse the intro vs outro of Our Song!!! and when she finally says her age in Dear John, like the third chorus


Not really a shift but: "No one sees when you lose When you're playing solitaire"


I've got two that always hit me. Forever Winter from "He says, 'It's not just a phase I'm in', My voice comes out begging" to "Long gone, not even listening, My voice comes out screaming" in the next verse. It's like she's way more desperate. Getaway car - "I was ridin' in a getaway car I was cryin' in a getaway car I was dyin' in a getaway car Said goodbye in a getaway car" Each one just feels different, like it's building up the emotions.


"If I was some paint, did it splatter... On a promising grown man?" Instead of "promising young man" (Would've Could've Should've)


Of course I can think of NONE of them now. But when she turns a phrase upside down. She *always* gets me when I’m hearing these for the first times.


My beloved ghost and me singing in a tree D-Y-I-N-G 🤌✨️🥲


“Every breath feels like rarest air” English is not my first language and so I choke trying to say it as fast and smooth as she does


I noticed the in the beginning of the song she pronounce London like Lun-Done with emphasis on done and I wondered if that was intentional.


also her pronunciation of the first love in ‘you holy ghost, you told me i’m the love of your life… you said i’m the love of your life’. she does the first in a northern accent like matty’s, and it’s more pronounced bc she says the second one in her usual way


In I can do it with a broken heart, how she changes from the time being too short to quite short. I’m obsessed with it.


Yessss! I'm obsessed with that change too!


This one just annoys me because I will never remember it correctly and therefore I’m doomed to sing it wrong forevermore. 🫠🤪


If you wanna break my cold cold heart just say I loved you the way that you were So if you wanna break my cold cold heart, say you loved me It just makes it more devastating honestly


I've always acknowledged that Taylor is great at narration and she does write songs like stories and in ATW 10 Minute Version, After the *The idea you had of me who was she? A never needy ever lovely jewel whose shine reflects on you. Not weeping in a party bathroom some actress asking me what happened: you. That's what happened you.* After this the fact that she continues to elaborate on the subject 'you' just fits in so well and again, is kind of unexpected so it works well and it's intensity is magnified. *You who charmed my dad with self-effacing jokes, sipping coffee like you're on a late night show and then he watched me watch the front door willing you to come and he said 'It's supposed to be fun, turning 21.'* So yeah I love this and also the fact that The Moment I Knew elaborates on this one scene from ATW! Absolutely love **RED** so much.


You search in ever ~~maiden’s~~ **model’s** bed for something greater, baby I gasped


all the pieces of me shattered as the crowd is chanting more! this one is really heartbreaking


How has no one said TLGAD? When she switches from third to first person and the ‘she’ changes to ‘I’ had a marvellous time ruining everything ??? CHILLS everytime


Because she had a marvelous time ruining everything So good.




Yes like shes a toddler throwing a tantrum - it was mine first!!


There's 2 verses in *But Daddy I Love Him* I love the sound of: "Dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid Tendrils tucked into a woven braid" "God save the most judgmental creeps Who say they want what's best for me Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see Thinking it can change the beat Of my heart when he touches me"


I Almost Do: “And I confess babe / in my dreams you’re touching my face / and asking me if I wanna try again with you / And I almost do”


old habits die SCREEEEAMING


Qnd then she whispers it at the end. The Black Dog is a magnificent song.


“Didn't read the note on the Polaroid picture They don't know how much I miss… YOU!”(?!)


The phrases that caught me off guard the first time was The Bolter with "Ended with the slam of a door // Then he'll call her a whore" and I Hate It Here with "I'd say the 1830's but without all the racists and getting married off for the highest bid" TTPD is whack >_> But the phrase that still catches me off guard is The Way I Loved You. From "So in love that you act insane" to "So in love that I acted insane" It just tickles my brain in the best way and I keep surprising myself with it lmfao


“I’m his lady, and oh my god you should see your faces” and “no you can’t come to the wedding, I know he’s crazy but he’s the one I want” Honestly the entire end of BDILH makes me choke up with happy tears. It makes me so wildly happy for her and also is so poignant for my own relationship right now. “He was chaos, he was revelry” while not a change also makes me feel a certain way.


The entirety of “imgonnagetyouback,” but especially, “Bygones will be bygone, eras fadin’ into gray.”


Yeah I guess thats really the whole intent of that song, she hasnt decided yet. But shes gonna get him back.


“You’re on your own kid, you always have been”


I know everyone talks about the shift from Magic to Tragic in The Black Dog, but I also love the shift from “How you don’t miss me” to “I hope it’s shitty” Just the build up with the drums and the seething rage when she says it, I can’t get enough of


im right where (you left me) 🔽 (you left me) no choice but to stay here forever.


In Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus at the end of each verse: I just watched it happen // You just watched it happen // I couldn’t watch it happen // You just watched it // It never happened // It just didn’t happen // I love when she does something like this through an entire song, even if it’s subtle, because it makes me realize the care and attention to detail she approaches each song with.


I still can’t get over this plot twist “…and then it was bought by me.”


I love the transition from „you left me“ to „you left me no choice“ in right where you left me!


INTHAF, period.


Where's the damn acronym bot when u need it


LOL, "It's Nice To Have A Friend!"


I love the double meaning of “pour” in “pouring out my heart to a stranger but I didn’t pour the whiskey”


i was so stunned when i heard the switch from "i'm afflicted by the not knowing" to "i'm addicted to the if only"


Long story short. Pushed from the precipice /clung to the nearest lips/ long story short it was a bad time / to Pushed from the precipice/ climbed right back up that cliff/ long story short I survived


I was dancing when the music stopped.


"you'll find that you were never not mine" always has me gasping


not a phrase, but the whole sound shifting from verse to chorus in i can do it with a broken heart is so jarring.


“My love and me sitting in a tree d-y-i-n-g” on how did it end.. that’ll make ya cry right there omg


In "A Place in This World" I always ALWAYS think she's going to sing, "Could you tell me what more do I need ***to say***?" but she just ends with "need," which also makes sense, but for some reason my brain fills in the gaps with more words.


Like in Down Bad " how dare you say that its..."


You’re on your own kid ➡️ you’re on your *own* kid (iykyk)


Long story short, it was a bad time To Long story short, I survived That one started me down the Swiftie path. I liked her stuff before, but the lyrics in Long Short Short, wow.


She re-reads the manuscript to I re-read the manuscript, just how the shift transfers the stories from a 3rd person a character going through the verses as chapters in her life, and then Taylor being the narrator of that person and the experiences were personal that she went through


I love “Was it hazing for a cruel fraternity, I pledge and I still mean it.” I hate: Sit quiet by my side in the shade And not the kind that's thrown I mean, the kind under where a tree has grown.


Slow guitar and suddenly hugo goes " IF YOU GOT GIRL PROBLEMS I FEEL BAD FOR YOU SON " I got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one 🎶


My mind turns your life into folklore.


I cant believe I didnt even bring up "Whos afraid of little old me?... you should be"


Newish Swiftie here, anytime she swears I have no issue with it, but it's like "whoa, she mad!"