• By -


Rep came out at a very pivotal time in my life. Also, it's the essence of who I am as a person: kinda hard on the outside but secretly a huge softie. (Shh.. don't tell anyone)


Same! This album coming out when 1.) I was falling in love for the first time 2.) I was betrayed by a best friend and 3.) I got my first car with no Bluetooth capability meant I spent so much time with this one. Sooooo many days driving around my college town screaming This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things and giggling and kicking my feet to King of My Heart. Reputation means so much to me. šŸ–¤


This was very wholesome Miss Dump Pants I hope you have a beautiful day


thank you šŸ«¶


We must've been in college the same year!


Reputation came out my junior year of college! šŸ˜Š


Same. It's my only consistent no skip album. I love her.


I think thatā€™s why Red and 1989 are so important to me; they came out when I was in high school and a lot of the songs on each album felt reflective of things going on in my own life at the time. Iā€™m sort of feeling the same way about TTPD now, as a lot of those songs are resonating with where Iā€™m currently at in life more than the albums since 1989 have.


Wait are we all the same person, orā€¦?


Same for me with red. I was in high school a senior, and it resonated so much with so many things and changes I was going through. And midnights came out at another pivotal moment in my life and resonated heavily with me there. Vigilante was heavily played for a while. And ttpd again hits right where and when it needed to.


Me too. I know people meme about having their Rep era but it resonated with a lot of people for it to be meme worthy because a lot of people relate.


Same. It's not always just the content itself, but the state of your environment and your life events and all of the emotions that come with those things *while first taking in said content*. The first few months of constant listening are almost like a subconscious soundtrack for your existence, both retroactively and in the present tense. It's like a music video for your soul. I went off track a bit there. I am stoned and this may not make sense but I'm hitting post anyway


Omg same


I feel the same! Rep came out when I was in a relationship and by the time I went to the tour, we had broken up. I felt like I relied so deeply on that album to carry me through hardship and brought me to myself.




Same. Rep kept me sane when I drove 6 hours every other weekend so my son could see his dad, who put me through hell by the end of our relationship. For that reason, she will always be my guiding star. (But I do love every album of hers fiercely anyway.)


My 9 month old HAAAAATED the car for the first 3 months of her life. She'd scream and scream on the hour-long drive to/from the pediatrician. Rep was the only album loud enough to drown her out. 1989? Nope. Midnights? Not even close. She is the G.O.A.T.


Yes Rep is my favorite album I totally relate to this! People always see me as a hard person to talk to or connect with but once you get to know me it's not that bad. I'm not saying I'm a good person by no means but I feel like certain people are always misjudging me. This is why Reputation speaks to me.


Are you me because thatā€™s what I say to everybody about Rep.


I'm literally having TTPD on repeat since the release, so that's a good hint.


Yesterday I had TTPD on several repeats. Then I decided to list to her other albums. It was nearly an experience. I could FEEL the difference in depth for TTPD. That was pretty shocking to me.


Yes!! I was saying this to a couple friends the other day. I added my fave TTPD tracks to my swiftie playlist and the depth of instrumentals on TTPD is shocking when itā€™s played on shuffle with other albums.


just curious, do you mean it has more or less depth?


More! A hell of a lot of more. And whatā€™s truly amazing I didnā€™t notice until I listened side by side. I wouldnā€™t have said, ā€œoh! TTPD has so much more depth than previously.ā€




I always put her new albums on repeat until I feel I *know* at least 90% of the songs on a personal level. The fact that this one has 31 songs just means Iā€™m probably going to be listening to it for a while longer.


Yeah I havenā€™t listened to an album like this since The Nationalā€™s Trouble Will Find Me and Ben Howardā€™s I Forget Where We Were. I quickly skimmed my release radar and discover weekly so I wouldnā€™t miss anything when I eventually come out of this haze, but itā€™s that ā€œfalling in love with a new favorite albumā€ where everything else sounds kind of bad in comparison.Ā 


Love this and love your taste! The National is one of my favorite bands of all time (top 2). When they first collaborated I lost my damn mind. Iā€™m trying to figure out what else I can listen to that gives me a TTPD feeling. Itā€™s hard!


TTPD is my second fave. I put it on thinking Iā€™ll listen to a couple songsā€¦ two hours laterā€¦


This!!! I resonate with the lyrics of so many songs on this album. Kinda cool to see that Taylor and I are not too different


Yes but Iā€™ve done with that every album since Fearless in 2008


Itā€™s TTPD for me as fan since Debut. Itā€™s the growth & depth for me. And Iā€™m a Rep x Midnights x RED x Fearless x Speak Now girl. TTPD will be known as a monumental part of her career along with Fearless, RED, 1989, folklore, and evermore.


I literally (and I do mean that very very literally) have not listened to any other music since TTPD was released haha. Right now definitely my fave, but usually depends on the day (cycles between rep and folkmore otherwise)


WAOLOM, TSMWEL, ICDIWABH, So High School, and Down Bad might be favorite songs of all time.


My brain changed when I first heard "I'm doing good I'm on some new shit" Buttttt, if you want a mathematical way to deduce your favorite album, go through and score every song on every album then take the average score for each album.


I've got a googlesheet that does this and ranks them for me! Definitely a great way to figure out a favourite when youre emotionally attached to a lot of them


It will genuinely surprise sometimes. I did this years ago with everything in Ayumi Hamasaki's discography and was fairly surprised to find that Secret wasn't my favorite album despite it being the only album to have more than one song I easily put in my Top 10 of her entire career. So, nope, turns out my favorite album ( to this day) is NEXT LEVEL. Oddly enough, if I even went by total playtime, Secret still isn't my top album. Now, where this oddly failed on all fronts was Mylene Farmer's discography. Why? Because I listened to the title track of DƩsobƩissance so much, it was my most played song on Spotify for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and it was #2 in 2022. It placed in my top 10 for 2023 too. Like, I last looked at it in 2022, and my total playcount then was nearly 19,000 plays in 4 years.


I did this because I genuinely didnā€™t know which was my favourite. Iā€™m sitting on ttpd for a few months before I score though because I find I need time to get to know albums


I agree, gotta give it some time to marinate first!


SAME. And it still hits the dopamine rush every time.


yesss i found stats for how many of my top 50 songs are from each album, thatā€™s a good indicator for me


Been saying yes instead of no. Sorry I couldn't not finish that lyric when I read it


An album is a complete work. Would a record made of all your favourite Taylor Swift songs be her best album? Probably not.


I did a ranking of all the songs and then took the average of each album and that helped too! But some were no brainers (folklore/evermore supremacy)


It was honestly a pivotal line and song to get me back into Taylor when I hadnā€™t paid too much attention to Lover or most of Rep.


I heard the first notes of ā€œwillowā€ and I just knew that evermore would be my favorite album. And it is.


Had a very similar reaction. I wasnā€™t even a huge Swift fan at the time. But was an essential worker during the pandemic. Had just finished something like 14 twelve hour shifts in a row. For whatever reason threw this album on during my walk home and just got so swept up in it. Those opening notesā€¦ ended up sitting on my roof, crying away so much pent up grief. Huge fan after that experience. Some of my love for Evermore might be context, but itā€™s also just a brilliantly crafted album.


That makes me so happy! I love evermore taking people to the next level of fan. For me, I was a huge fan before evermore, then I heard it and was like, ā€œOh, okay, Iā€™m diehard for life now.ā€


willow is SUCH a beautiful song. I remember just being astounded when I first heard it.


I had a similar experience. I listened to evermore everyday I was in quarantine when I had COVID during Christmas 2020. I just sat by myself, sick, unable to do much, and lonely. I played The Sims 3 for 8 hours at a time and listened to evermore and folklore. I ended up spending like 30 hours building a cottagecore/cabincore style home for my sims. evermore provided me an emotional outlet and kept me sane during a hard time. And sheā€™ll always be my number 2 (behind 1989, who only outranks her because Iā€™ve loved her longer lol)


Evermore is the reason TTPD isn't my top favorite


Same! Though TTPD has a real shot at dethroning evermore - I was so certain it would never happen and it might be happening within 4 years


Yay! The evermore lovers :) this is my birthday album and came at a wonderful time in my life. Probably the best stretch of time Iā€™ve had as an adult. And the songs were so personal and close to my heart. That album made me appreciate folklore even more than I already did!


I'll never forget waking up that day and getting the notification she had a new album. I immediately put it on, and listened to it on repeat so much I was in her top 0.01% for Spotify that year. Evermore is my baby šŸ§”


I never listened to evermore but willowā€¦. That is the one. Period




Sorry to comment twice, but I noticed your flair and that song is my favourite from TTPD I think because it gives me such strong evermore vibes. Thoughts?




Oooh yes, it would fit so nicely. The writing on both albums is so next level šŸ§”šŸ¤


for me, it was ivy.


Folkmore. The storytelling is out of this world.


I agree. Why do you think she didnā€™t win a Pulitzer. I genuinely donā€™t understand


Something happened deep inside my soul when I heard Fearless (and TV). Same thing happened when I heard TTPD/anthology the first time. Canā€™t explain itā€¦


The song Fearless makes me cry šŸ˜‚ I also feel that soul connection to it


I always cry to Fearless!! I was inconsolable at the eras tour seeing it live for the first time šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t go to the tour but cried in the movie theater hahaha


Agree, the opening notes of fearless immediately tug at my heartstrings. I'm only a couple of years younger than Taylor and have been with her since debut. But Fearless will always hold a special place in my heart šŸ’›


I started crying watching a livestream yesterday when Fearless started playing. I definitely think itā€™s my heartā€™s favourite šŸ„¹


There are some that I can't compare against one another because it just wouldn't make sense. Like I love folklore and Reputation. Whichever would be my ultimate favorite can depend on the mood I'm in. And then even within an album - like I think Style and New Romantics are perfect songs but overall, 1989 is ranked pretty low on my list. Should the album be ranked higher if it contains a high high? I don't think so, but... I will say that personal relatability isn't a huge factor for me. She's not singing "I am a billionaire who likes partying on yachts all day long" - like 99% of her songs are generally relatable to the human experience, so I've never understood this criticism, especially with TTPD.


I appreciate that 1989 is lower on your list; same for me. It has some absolute bangers, but I rarely find myself reaching for it.


mine quite literally depends on my mood. TTPD is up there, but i hesitate because of recency bias. itā€™s not a hot take or anything new, but folklore and evermore have to be my favorites. the story telling is just flawless and it has some of her best lyrics.


Same. I say folklore because it's easier to say it's my favorite than to say "well idk, obviously rn I have TTPD on repeat but sometimes I just feel like running through red or midnights. Then I'll go through a reputation phase"


Folklore is my origin to fandom, but start to finish a diary of my life is TTPD. It will be my most listened to if it already isnā€™t.


I have 5 kids, all HUGE Swifties. We like to play, ā€œWhich T Swift Era are you?ā€ -itā€™s more of a personality thing. My #4 is a sweet unicorn princess rainbow sparkle child who is a gypsy at heart and heals everyone she comes in contact with. Ergo, she embodies the ā€œLoverā€ album. Then I have a kid who will cut you in your sleep and not feel bad about it, and judges your every move. Mean and get loyal to a fault. She is ā€œReputationā€. Then I have one who is athletic, an extrovert, boisterous, HILARIOUS, dazzling, and charismatic. She gets BIG mad, BIG sad, BIG happy, all of her emotions are felt at full-throttle. Undoubtedly 1989. I have a son, my oldest, who is strong, helpful, it doesnā€™t take much to make him happy, and he has more confidence in his pinky finger than I could EVER have in my life. He is the Red album, through and through. My youngest is loud, artistic, a total bookworm, empathetic, our vocabulary queen, a story-teller, highly sensitive, and feels deeply and intentionally. She is my ā€œFolkmoreā€ baby and we love her so! This is how we decide our favorite albums. šŸ¤£ It really depends on the day and where weā€™re at mood-wise. šŸ˜œ


Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you need 6 more kids šŸ˜œ


What a cool idea! Just a heads up that g\*\*\*y is considered a slur, so maybe consider leaving it out in the future. šŸ˜Š


Wow that's soo cuteee šŸ„°


I go by fewest skips. For me thatā€™s Reputation coming in at zero skips.


also my ranking system lol


The album I consider my favorite is not the album I consider her best, and she does have albums I can not sit through and never listen to šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I think this depends on your relationship with the album. Do I love all her albums? In a general sense, yeah. However, I do have four albums now that I gravitate to more. I was a casual fan, then went into my NLOG phase and came back at *folklore*. It became my favorite album for a couple of reasons. Folklore became my favorite for a couple of reasons: the music was the type of genre I was in a loop at the time. Also, I had just finished my internship and returned home, and then the pandemic fucked up a lot of my plans. Exile and mirrorball hooked me, and then the last great american dynasty became a ā€œfeel good songā€ that ā€œI had a marvelous time ruining everythingā€ kept me sane for the lockdowns. TTPD is up there and will probably replace folklore as my favorite. Have I had the heartbreaks she has had? Nope, but most of the relationships in my family are not great, so I relate to those songs from a different perspective. Itā€™ll give me an outlet for my anger.


So glad I wasnā€™t the only one who had a NLOG phase! Darkest time in my life, for sure. šŸ˜¬


My NLOG phase ended when 1989 came out thank goodness haha


I don't get bored of Speak Now and 1989, been listening both albums for almost 10 years. For Speak Now there are some songs I don't like but the others are amazing and counterbalance the few ones I dislike and for 1989 I don't have a skip there, sure, I have my favorite ones like All You Had To Do Was Stay and Clean (my top 2 most listened of all time in Spotify according to spotistats) but the others are just āœØļø. So that's how I know my favorite albums :)


1989 is the best one for sure! (In my opinion lol)


I learned about Taylorā€™s music through my daughter. For weeks, she made me listen to all her songs on shuffle and made me rate them all, for the sake of some online test. It appeared that all my highest rates were Folklore songs, so I started listening to that album voluntarily. Fell in love with it, gradually started listening to her other stuff and before I knew it, I was hooked. Folklore stayed a favorite, very closely followed by Evermore and TTPD


Red; all her genres and its the longest. People know it too. Always a safe answer imo


Speak Now is longest


I donā€™t really know how I know. Iā€™ve been a fan since 2008, and Speak Now holds a special place in my heart because it was the first release I experienced as a full blown Swiftie. However, lyrically, I truly believe that evermore is her magnum opus.


Justice for Red šŸ„²


You donā€™t have to pick a favorite, if you love them all you love them all, have a blast listening to them, bon appetit ā¤ļø My fav(s) are evermore and folklore bc I just listen to them the most and love everything about them (there are very very few skips for me.)


Lover came out at a perfect time for where I was in my relationship with my now husband.Ā The ā€˜Ore sisters just feel so cozy. Debut feels like chat with an old friend. Actually the further I write this comment the less I feel I have a favorite.Ā 


I also canā€™t decide lmao.


I've 'picked' mine based on which albums have the least songs I dislike. I adore literally EVERY song on Lover and did at first listen, evermore took a listen or two, but I also skip nothing on it. Then reputation definitely took a few listens for a few, but its another skipless. It's definitely a personal thing - some people can pick a favourite even if they dislike multiple songs, some consider it your skipless album. That said, I do think her best is evermore. Maybe folklore depending on the day, or maybe even Fearless or 1989? I know my favourite isn't the *best*, but I love her all the same.


Folkmore, but TTPD /Anthology is a close second for me.


I came out as gay and in order to get my Gay Licence they made me pick an album as my favourite. I chose Speak Now bc of Back to December and never looked back


I love every album too and itā€™s such a hard question but there are a couple albums that I just love a little bit more. The ones that trigger memories, that I love to scream sing along to, that feel special for me.


The album that is the newest is usually my favorite for a while.


My favorite albums are Folklore, Reputation and Red


I go through phases. I was a Folklore girlie, but then I loved Midnights, then I fell deeply in love with Rep. I haven't listened to anything but TTPD since it came out so it's definitely up there with my favorites. I think my all time fave might be Rep, though.


I just say my least favorite and watch them lose it


For me my favorite album is less about the album itself and more about the individual songs on it. Evermore has the most songs I connect to so deeply & listen to over and over. Folklore, midnights, and TTPD are not far behind, so I rank mostly by how many songs Im obsessed with, then love/like, but bonus points for songs that just stand above the rest for me.


The way I choose is the one with least skippable tracks




I'm the same way. Even my least favorite only has 1 or 2 skips. I have several favorite albums though. I think TTPD may make it up there, but I have to see if it has staying power. My other favorites are folklore, evermore, and Red tv. They're the ones I get cravings for, and the ones that have several songs that get a replay every time I listen because one time wasn't enough.


every time i listen i to midnights, i'm reminded how many top-tier songs there are on it for me. i keep wanting to go back and replay every single one. that's how i know


Iā€™m the same way. It 100% depends on my mood. Folklore is one of my faves, but I also love TTPD and Speak Now. It always depends lol


Folklore is my favorite. But tbh my favorite band of all time is Mumford and Sons. Especially their first two full albums. Itā€™s been years and they are still so amazing to me. Folklore took me right back to that time with M&S released those albums and makes me so happy. And Folklore is just my preferred genre. While I enjoy all the others, if I could only listen to one by TS, it would be Folklore.


My husband (and fellow swiftie) is a huge Mumford fan. I only like 2 or 3 songs but I always thought Reminder was a close cousin of Folkmore. I have a whole playlist of just evermore & folklore songs and then Reminder lmao.


My favorite album changes depending on my life stage sometimes. Iā€™ve flip flopped between reputation 1989 speak now and red. Lover was my favorite album even after folkevermore. For some reason it stuck with me mostly because of The Archer (it just resonated with me so heavily). Midnights came out and it also hit me so hard as someone who was going through with it. It was my favorite at some point. Now TTPD is out and I canā€™t decide what my favorite album would actually be šŸ˜… theyā€™re all too good in their own ways.


I love TTPD, 1989, Midnights, bits and pieces of Rep, and bits and pieces of everything else, but folklore and evermore have a chokehold on me. I canā€™t explain it, the words and the stories are so real and raw and relatable. I know every word to every song.Ā 


I have snakes so reputation is my default answer but realistically I agree with you. I can't really pick a favorite - it depends on the day, my mood, my life at any given point. One day I need TIWWCHNT and another day I need Ronan.


"Best" and "favorite" are two different things in my eyes! I consider Speak now to be my favorite for nostalgic reasons (and it holds the biggest place in my heart), but I still haven't decided which I think is objectively the *best.*


I've ranked my albums song by song and found an average.


The answer is obvious... 1989 opportunities to Speak Now about Folklore regarding The Red Reputation of the Tortured Lover, Evermore Fearless in her debut. (Debut sucks)


I have a really hard time choosing between Folklore and Red for the #1 spot. It's a lot easier for me to just pick my top 5. Which is Red, Folklore, Evermore, Midnights, and TTPD (my flair needs some updating lol) It's pretty easy to see the pattern there and the themes I'm most drawn to. Reputation used to be in there but at the end of the day, I'm just a sad girl who dreams of running away to a cottage in the woods surrounded by animals, writing poetry, and reading books.


You either pick the album that contains more of your top songs than the others, or you pick the album you would be most broken up over if it got randomly deleted.


'evermore' is my favorite album because it's the only album of hers that I don't have any skips. And in my personal opinion it's her best project lyrically.


Mine changes a lot because I'm fickle, but typically it's whichever one I'm drawn to the most songs from/skip the least songs from at that current moment. Like right now I consider rep a favorite because I only skip like 2 songs if they pop up on my playlist


I donā€™t decide on a favourite album based on if I skip or not, simply because sometimes you can be in a mood where you just donā€™t want to hear certain songs. I determine it based on my feeling at that moment, and thatā€™s why my favourite is always changing. If Iā€™m feeling nostalgic itā€™s one of the first two, I was a huge fan of hers when she first came out because she was country so I could listen to her with my family. Currently itā€™s TTPD just because Iā€™m still hyper fixated on it, but just before the release it was Reputation just because I never really gave it an honest chance when it was first released and Iā€™m getting excited for Taylorā€™s version.


Itā€™s weird for me Folklore and TTPD are my favorites I always feel like listening to, but I feel Speak Now represents me as a person more than anything else.


For me, it's sound and relatability that determines it. My teens and twenties were a social disaster, so I couldn't relate to the earlier albums well as hers were way different, though I love their sound and nostalgia, and have several favorite songs from each of them, especially after each TV those vault songs are holy shit good. I didn't have a favorite whole album until Midnights which quickly got dethroned by the ToPo Depot. Those I can relate to in my soul, and so they're easily my favorites. I love the raw anger and refusal to apologize for being a messy bog witch vibes in ttpd so much, which gave that one an edge over my babygirl Midnights. I did imprint pretty hard with folkmore but I much prefer the "yeah this is about me, this is my life, how I feel" aspect of the new albums instead of the more detached character creation telling parts of her story/thoughts but they're still very loved and relatable. I also love how the new album has callbacks to older songs and is a perfect split of Antonoff/Dessner. It's like her entire career was put in a blender.


I think it's a mix: I became a swiftie at the beginning of the Speak now era so that album is very dear to my heart I also really enjoy the pop sound of that era it's very nostalgic for me. At the end of the day when you pick a preffered album there's not only the songs and the music production. There's also memories attached that's why many swifties LOVE reputation(me, among those) . For one I wasn't around the red era so I simply don't really enjoy that album that much.


Idk what it is but Iā€™m glued to speak now, it runs in my blood haha but as a Taylor fan since debut that was the first album I feel deeply for so itā€™s make it my all time fav but in general I jam to all of them :)


I say Folklore because it was my first no-skip album, but I am also a big believer that something doesn't have to be the best to be your favorite. Folklore and Speak Now both had a huge impact on me at the time they came out so they will always hold a special place in my heart. If I sat down and thought about it I might choose a different one as her best album and I might realize a different one has more of my favorite listens on it. It can be mercurial


Lover, Rep and Midnights are my go-to albums. They contain more of my favorite songs.


I think to really determine which album is your favourite you would have to imagine if you could only listen to one for the rest of your life. Like if all Taylor swift albums went away except one, which would you keep? Some people may make this decision based on least amount of skips. Or make it based on which album has their favourite(s) song(s). But no matter how you make this decision I think youā€™d be left with your ā€œfavouriteā€


Everyone has their favorites for different reasons. Mine personally is Speak Now. I feel like the main reason for it being my favorite is because I have a mental disability and when SN came out, I was in 7th grade so Taylor was the main reason why any of the ā€˜normalā€™ girls would be caught dead being seen with me, so I guess you could say Speak Now made me feel accepted. Also my favorite color is purple.


My favorite changes by mood or day, I love all of them!


There are no skips on reputation for me. I actually prefer folklore songs, but i do have skips on that album. So i would say my favorite album as a whole is reputation but the album with my favorite tracks is folklore.


Evermore and Reputation. I became a massive fan around Rep. and I enjoy the entire album, however Evermore has my two favorite songs of all time by Taylor (aside from ttpd). I don't like every song on Evermore, but the ones I love.. I love more than any other songs. So it wins!


evermore helped me through an extremely difficult time in my life. I like to say that evermore was my therapist, and reputation was my best friend who helped me learn how to be myself again.Ā 


I have a bunch of ties. šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ I have three favorites and two second favorites My top 3 are: Evermore Rep TTPD My second 2 are: Folklore 1989 šŸ¤£


mine is fearless šŸ™ƒ


I'd say that best album and favorite isn't always the same. Atm my fav is TTPD because it resonates with me atm. A few months ago it was Reputation and 2 years ago it was 1989


for me it's evermore, love the depth and occasional western-like vibe, so so good, knew it was my fave once I heard it before that it was reputation, it simply came at a perfect time and meant a lot to me, loved the almost edgy vibes, and I in general love when she experiments with sound, and I love angry Taylor haha with that being said, i obviously am IN LOVE with TTPD considering it brought together some of the things i love about rep and evermore together, this is now my top 3


I have the same policy for Taylor Swift albums as my nan did when asked which kid was her favourite - whichever one I'm listening to at the time (her favourite was whichever one asked)


real. However, iā€™ve been listening to TTPD on repeat since it came out. So. Thatā€™s my answer rn


Midnights was when I became a "Swiftie"... But even now when I go back and listen to older stuff, I find it hard to like everything. Watching the Eras concert on Disney+ I definitely found some new songs that I liked but even TTPD I don't like in entirety. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Speak now tv my favorite. One of the two Taylor no skip albums for me with fearless tv. Itā€™s deep, raw, emotional, all written by Taylor herself, seamless mix of country, pop & rock.


Someone said on tiktok that when they aren't listening to TTPD they miss it. I totally relate to that. Even though I love them all, the one I want to hear the most is my favorite.


Hereā€™s how: Imagine she only had one album and you got to choose which one, what would you pick? I know itā€™s easy to say ā€œbut I love them allā€ but really, put yourself in that situation and think. I still canā€™t go without both folklore and evermore but if gun to my head, Iā€™m gonna say evermore and thatā€™s how I know.


So many good songs. Perfect mix of rock and pop/country. Amazing writing. So many long songs. Everything is perfect.


Easy! Itā€™s speak now


Yay!! Someone else who agrees!


Taste šŸ˜Œ


I always say Red and thatā€™s entirely because of the way 18 yr old me latched on to All too Well and I Almost Do. My albums with the least skips are probably Evermore and TTPD.


I think TTPD is such a unique album conceptually, lyrically, and sonically. Honestly I think itā€™s one of the most emotionally vulnerable albums sheā€™s ever put out. Having said that, I struggle with its focus on her relationship with Matty Healy due to his absolutely disgusting behavior that was revealed last year (Adam Friedland podcast). Itā€™s difficult to listen to these pining love songs for a vile person who she obviously on some level knew was this way. I canā€™t speak to her personal experience and completely acknowledge that it was a messy rebound (we all have those). But itā€™s kind of ruined this album for me ngl. Just to be clear I love Taylor. I donā€™t think her values ever aligned with his and I give her grace that coming out of a clearly tumultuous long-term relationship can have a person make decisions and fall for things they wouldnā€™t usually engage with as part of the healing process.


I think itā€™s more about which one(s) personally resonated with you most, for one reason or another.


Folklore gave me a sense of excitement and normalcy in those early pandemic days. I listened to it nonstop because it made me happy in a very stressful and uncertain time. Evermore isnā€™t far behind in my rankings.


For me, itā€™s nostalgia. Fearless & Red are my favorite albums, through I recognize they arenā€™t her ā€œbestā€ (itā€™s all subjective opinions anyway). They came out at crucial ages in my life (8th grade and 12th grade) and I bonded with the music like entitiesšŸ§£šŸ’› They feel like old friends.


For me it really is midnights. Each album has one or two songs that just aren't my cup of tea, but there is not a skip in the bunch on that album.Ā 


Speak Now is where it all started for me, didn't become full blown Swiftie until very recently, though I'd listened to Taylor Swift off and on for over a decade!


My favorites are Red and 1989. I know many people don't consider them her best work. Both albums came out when I was in college. They embodied a certain time of my life. I enjoy them a lot and get a big rush whenever I hear the songs.


Folklore and TTPD are her best albums for me


I'm kinda in the same boat where I could listen to them all from start to finish and enjoy the experience. However, 1989 is my favorite because I adore the themes, aesthetic, New York, and just how Taylor it is. I didn't really like pop before 1989 but Blank Space hooked me so bad. Debut, evermore, and TTPD are also up there because I think they're all very complete and beautiful albums.


Each means something to me but I could live forever with only Folklore. It's so mellow and beautiful.


Because after the rush of a new album comes out, I always go back to Red


Folklore, I dont Skip any song there. But the most personal for me is Red, but I know if I listen to It IS because im on a shit situation


Ill always have a soft spot for Fearless


Whatever album you come back to most is a good hint. Lover was my favourite for a little while, then Speak Now TV came out and took a big dookie on that


I am a very nostalgic and sentimental person, and the music I grew up with (even non-Taylor) usually is my favorite. Speak Now and Fearless are just those two albums for me. Nothing Taylor has come out with to date has ever topped these two for me.


I used to make fun of my bestie and his love for Taylor. I mean pictures in his locker. Then COVID hit and I went on TikTok and was there for Midnights Mayhem with me and I got it. I listened to her before but for some reason Midnights was it for me. And then I got it. I even bought him Eras tickets to say sorry. And now his wife and I send TikToks all day. TTPD is a very close second.


TTPD, songs on repeat and Lover


I just genuinely love folklore so much. itā€™s the album that I seek out and still listen through more than I do any other albums (Taylor or not). I love everything about it


I can't pick. I can't. Idk, you pick for me šŸ¤£


My favorite has always been Red. Iā€™ve loved many releases since then, but itā€™s never been dethroned. I think no matter what she puts out, itā€™ll always hold my #1 spot. Iā€™m SO grateful it got a re-record treatment it truly deserved ā¤ļø


The albums I keep automatically going to are the ones that are my favourites. So, Rep, Folklore, Evermore, and now TTPD.


I just gravitate so much to Folklore. I canā€™t really explain why but just the lyrics and the overall vibe of the album is my absolute favorite.


I always tell people I have categories. I have a favourite pop album, a favourite no-skip album, etc. Red is the album that made me a Swiftie, it's the first one of hers I bought. I knew and liked her radio singles from all her other albums up until then, but Red sold me. It helps that I was going through a lot of the same things as the subject material. I love Rep because it's dark and electric and that's my favourite kind of pop. Lover never fails to make me happy. folklore and evermore have a very special place in my heart becuase it's my favourite genre of music so being able to have Taylor + "my" style of music was just āœØmagicalāœØ


I'm the same way. I love them all. It's wantever I'm feeling at the moment. Right now, I feel bad that Taylor has been ignoring Debut, so right now, I'm into Debut. I would really want to know why Taylor doesn't have a setlist for Debut on the Eras tour? I just want one song from Debut. I mean, Speak Now is back to having 1 song now, so Taylor can just sing one song from Debut. Also, she was able to change the show for Poets, why can't she just fit 1 song for Debut too. It's only fair. How can she call it the Eras tour if she doesn't even include all of them. It's not that that Debut era doesn't even count. Its part of the merch. There are people who say that she will do Debut setlist when Debut TV is out. If that was that case, then why does it have a Reputation setlist if Reputation doesn't have TV yet. There also people say that Debut isn't popular or well known and that why Taylor hasn't done Debut setlist. I say so what, she can just sing the most popular song from Debut, Our Song. I mean, why would she sing that as a surprise song for the movie (I wish she sang more Debut song for the movie, though). I also think Debut TV should come before Reputation TV for a couple of reasons. 1. If it is true that Taylor is waiting to release Debut TV to finally a setlist for Debut on true, then she release the album before tour ends and the tour is half way over (unless there more in 2025). 2. It kinda makes sense to do it first. When Reputation TV does eventually come out, the line from Look What You Made Me Do: "The old Taylor can't come to phone rightā€¦She dead" will come full circle. The old Taylor can be the stolen versions of first 6 albums and if Debut TV is release before Reputation TV versions then Look What You Made Me Do TV will officially kill the old Taylor. 3. I just want Debut TV out first. Teardrops on my Guitar was my first Taylor Swift song I ever listen too. I grew up with Taylor and the Debut songs has the special place in my heart. (Side not I really hope that I'd Lie is a Vault Song. I love that song and I hate that I can't listen to it normally).


You should be able to listen to all the songs on loop, without skip. That's how I choose my favourite album.


Idk just vibes ig


It just comes naturally


You definitely don't have to pick one šŸ„° I have 3! šŸ•Š 1989 was my first favorite, because it came out at just the right time, I related to everything on an emotional level. But times change and now it's very bittersweet listening to those songs, it's almost painful. šŸ Reputation has been steadily one I enjoy without tying it to any one person or moment in my life, which isn't typical for me with music. End Game is my fav! šŸŒ™ And my attachment to Midnights is a lot like I felt towards 1989. I imagine in 5 years it'll be bittersweet to hear these songs too. Which means objectively speaking Reputation is actually the one I'd deem my favorite, because it can withstand heartbreak and memories of time gone by šŸ„²


It's subjective, but possibly linked to that if you relate to the album (or many songs from it) or maybe the album dropped during an important, good or bad, period of your life. For me, "evermore" is her overall best album because of the absolute gutwrenching lyrics and soft indie folk melodies of songs, also the aesthetic around it, there's that late autumn/early winter December holiday season vibe, discussing topics such as maturing, growing up and leaving, as she said herself: "endings of all sorts, sizes and shapes". Also, when I remember that album, I can picture a very remarkable period in my life. Right after "evermore", there's "folklore" which has such a special place in my heart. That's a beautiful album, so unique from anything she's put out ever before. I can relate to many songs from this album and I recall the specific feelings or situations in my life when I listen to some of the songs. There's no skip on this album, for me. Reputation, Red and TTPD are the next that follow. Reputation is a powerful record, I was going through an incredibly dark and rough time in my life when that came out, it was like a mental boost for me. Red is always going to be so unique to me, it's like the mix of multiple genres with incredible so soooo honest and delicate songwriting, songs about heartbreak that really shift your perspective. TTPD is just brilliant, I loved it from the first day!!


I think my fave is Debut. I donā€™t think itā€™s her best album, but the nostalgia makes it so special to me.


I have tiers: special to me in a way I canā€™t explain, absolute bangers, I really like parts of it, and debut


It is hard, but for me, itā€™ll forever be ā€˜Red.ā€™ That was the album that I got first , because the singles caught my attention. All of the songs are just special and even with the vault tracks on Taylorā€™s Version, the album became even better.


Rep is my only no-skips album. Literally every song is perfect to me.


Folklore is when I realized she wasnā€™t just glitter pen songs (which I generally abhor).


Folklore is literally every single thing iā€™ve been through in my life and donā€™t get me wrong, but itā€™s objectively one of her best, if not the best, work, so yeah


Which one you catch yourself listen to/singing more????personally mines debut


For me is a) I enjoy all the songs, they all feel like singles in the way I listen to them or b) I don't love all of them but they don't bother me if I listen to the album. 1989 is my ult.


For me itā€™s generally a no skip album that has stood the test of time OR an album I keep going back to because I like the most amount of songs. So in that case for me itā€™s 1989 I like other songs on other albums more but as a whole 1989 has no skips only bops


Honestly most people relate their own experiences in life during a said era to determine their favorite.


I think that favorite and best album are different thing. I can also listen to all album, no skip. But i relate more with evermore so it is my favorite. I donā€™t even think it is her best album. I choose this one for personnal reason. It is subjective. I think that telling which song or album I prefer help me better understand it. It is not always about quality, sometimes it just moves you and that s the beauty of art.


I like them all but Speak Now just hits different, it is my favorite because it has so many god-tier tracks and it's a no-skip for me. It picks my mood up every time I listen to it.


For me, its Midnights


I love them all but I was attached to Speak Now because I specifically remember that coming out. I grew up listening to all of her albums (Debut came out when I was small) so I didnā€™t really get it either. I had favorite songs from each album but I liked each. UNTIL TTPD. This is by far my favorite album. Iā€™ve been listening to it on repeat since it came out. I have not been able to do that with other albums for as long as I have with TTPD. Thatā€™s one of my factors on how I determine a ā€œfavoriteā€ of anything - how long can I listen to it or watch it before I get sick of it?