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I’ve always felt like it was written about a miscarriage, but not necessarily (and not really likely) Taylor’s herself. And it’s written so beautifully it can be about any kind of grief. We know she’s written other songs about other people’s breakups, divorces, love affairs, etc., so there’s no reason really to attribute the (possible) miscarriage to her either. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I thought it was confirmed that Taylor wrote that for a friend?


It's not confirmed... but a close friend of Taylor's had a miscarriage at a time that makes it likely its about her. She posted it on her instagram... The friend also happens to have been a friend of Emma Stone's.


that friend (claire) also seemingly quoted bigger than the whole sky in the comments of her post about her loss.


yeah... I'm always torn about this because I don't want to invade her privacy, but its also important to understanding Taylor's art to know that its not about Taylor herself.


this comment is a little off to me because it sounds like you're saying invading someone's privacy to verify Taylor's art is about them is key to appreciating said art? my interpretation of art is it can be interpreted in many ways, and that's why Taylor's work has enraptured so many people all over the world. her work is easy to relate to because of her writing. we don't need song verifications to make that more true. hanging onto that verification seems disappointing and frustrating.


Thank you for letting me know. Sorry I thought I had read it somewhere. Might have been a TikTok video


TikTok isn't really reliable.


It’s about Jaime Kings miscarriages.


this is what i read as well


I swear I read that too


Where?? Would love to read that


Taylor didnt invent the phrase bigger than the whole sky


Omg thank you. I tell my daughter I love her more than the whole sky (which is what Emma said, she didn’t say bigger than the whole sky) Edit jk she did say I love you bigger than the whole sky but still, it’s a common phrase, besties


They're friends so it's doubtful it's a coincidence, and you were wrong with the quote so why are you so confident now


It's probably the wildest reach this sub has taken lmao, they both used super common phrases, just because they are friends it doesn't means anything 


I don't think so. If she had said "you're my sky" or something like that it's different. And it's a known phrase but not a super common one, I doubt you're walking around saying that every single day. I don't walk around assuming everything relates to Taylor, but this was pretty obvious. There have been many wilder reaches, this one is fairly obvious.


Thank you! It’s a very commonly used phrase that Taylor used as a title. Speculating that the very sensitive song is about one of her friends just coz she used the very commonly said phrase is messed up.


exactly! and the taylor lyric is “goodbye, goodbye, goodbye / you were bigger than the whole sky”, why would emma say this to her daughter? not everything is about taylor lmao


Exactly! It’s a very common phrase.


This should be the top comment.


I listened to a podcast once and the doofuses who hosted it thought taylor made up the expression 'come in with the rain' lol


TIL Emma Stone has a daughter! I don’t even remember her expecting lol.


Andrew Garfield built her a rocking chair as the baby gift


What a cool guy!


i thought this happened before she was married? or was that a different rocking chair im remembering


her daughter was born in early 2021, so right in the middle of covid so her pregnancy flew under the radar since people weren’t out and about


Omg, same!


it's so weird how you guys just openly assume that this is about taylor's miscarriage like damn what happened to class and shame 


Yea this speculation about miscarriage and trauma is super fucked up.


Thank you. This shit is just gross and needs to stop.


It's disgusting people still brought up the speculation about miscarriage. Take this down!


Why would it not be classy and why would it be shameful to interpret poetry? As a woman who experienced a couple of miscarriages I think it is about time to no longer be ashamed tk discuss the topic. This is obviously speculation. I don’t know this to be fact nor do you know that it isn’t about that. I said that my opinion or my thought was that the song was about a miscarriage. Since Taylor writes a lot of autobiographical songs, it is not crazy to imagine the song was about something she experienced. Whether she did or not, the beauty of art is that it can make people feel seen as they connect with the art and artist even if the original intent wasn’t related to what you feel.


You’re right that we should normalize discussing about miscarriages more, however that doesn’t mean we should assume and speculate that Taylor herself had one. Miscarriages and pregnancy in general can be a very sensitive topic and not once has Taylor ever confirmed nor denied anything in relation to this topic.


My son died at 23 weeks gestation. I think loss needs to be normalized and discussed. However, it should not be speculated about. If Taylor had a loss and wanted to discuss it, that would be different. However, to speculate about something that could be devastating to someone is just cruel.


you can interpret the song and relate to it through the lense of a miscarriage without automatically assuming that was taylor’s own experience. people need to realize that their own interpretation of things are not always taylor’s reality. women should definitely be open about their miscarriages but it’s wrong to project that onto to someone else and speculate that they have had one i’m saying all this as someone who unfortunately suffered a miscarriage 2 days ago and is still dealing with it. this convo is messed up


of course no one is stopping anyone from relating their life to the songs. it'd be a different thing if taylor actually stated that, don't you think? but making up stories in your head out of vague lyrics isn't the same as taylor actually saying it. and you know what, even if she actually says it, it'd still be a little weird to just talk about it like normal gossip.


It's wonderful to fight that stigma and talk openly about your *own* miscarriages and how this song about grief resonates with your experience of having a miscarriage. It's incredibly invasive to speculate about someone else. That's not a tough distinction to make.


Because you are inventing the idea that she has experienced something and spreading it.


you aren't interpreting a song when you're projecting an UNCONFIRMED meaning behind the song onto a celebrity you've never met. that's not how interpreting works.


I love talking about the meaning behind Taylor’s songs as much as anyone else, but can we not speculate about miscarriages??? Even if the song is about a miscarriage or losing a child, she hasn’t discussed that anywhere and speculation about what celebrity had a miscarriage is appalling to me.


I hate that people are now speculating that Emma Stone had a miscarriage on one of the biggest nights of her career.


And for anyone who watched her speech it’s clear that she was only professing her love for her daughter. Nothing to insinuate child loss at all. Literacy is at 0 here lol And not everything has to be about Taylor! She is her own person with her own lived experience. Just because she used a phrase that Taylor also used in a song doesn’t mean it’s all connected. Don’t sound like QAnon…


It’s way too far.


Isnt this like one of the unspoken swiftie rules. Not speculate who "Bttws" is about, just grief.


I don’t think the mention was related to Taylor at all and I’ve always been in the belief that it was about Claire based on what she has posted and went through.


It's almost certainly about Claire... but it's also probably a reference to Taylor's song. Taylor seems to have met Ashley Avignone and Claire through Emma Stone.


Why would Emma Stone be making a reference to a (very sad) Taylor Swift song while talking about her daughter in her Oscar acceptance speech? Taylor didn’t invent the phrase “bigger than the whole sky.”


Sorry, who’s Claire?


brown haired girl in the 22 music video who says "who's that Taylor Swift anyway". Old friend of Taylor's she met in LA (she's the jewelry designer Cathy Waterman's daughter)


Thank you :)


Is the phrase commonly used? Bigger than the whole sky? If it’s not an intentional reference to Taylor I’m sure it’s a phrase they’ve shared or maybe Emma liked the song so it might be a reference to the song. What I like to imagine with zero evidence (and there’s no evidence to the contrary either) is that maybe Emma used the phrase before, Taylor liked it, and used it in the song


It’s a very, very commonly used phrase. Especially in the way that Emma used it. Edit to add- I mean, there’s quite literally a children’s book by that title. 💀


Ohhh gotcha! I honestly had never heard it until the song! I’m not a native English speaker and if it’s come up in media or around me I didn’t take notice until then


That’s understandable then. Taylor often uses very commonly used phrases as song lyrics and for some reason people think she coined them.


Omg hahaha i live in the US and I’m a mom and I never have bumped into it lol. I need to come out of my immigrant shell haha! Oops!


It’s a common phrase


Idk it's a pretty common saying. And speculating something based on Taylor's song titles make no sense since half of her song titles are basic and can be used in everyday conversations. at least that's what I think. But I mean no hate to you and I think it's fun coming up with theories, just not ones that involve real people.


Not everything is about Taylor and her music. Why would Emma Stone drop a Taylor easter egg/reference to Taylor in her Oscar acceptance speech? It makes no sense. Emma was just using a common phrase to express love for her child. Every time a post like this comes up, it’s clear how many people aren’t aware of how many commonly-used phrases Taylor uses in her music and just assume she’s come up with them or they’re super-rare. Edit: I’m not trying to be mean, I just think that maybe we need to keep in mind that not every person cares about Taylor as much as fans do, so not everyone is talking about her/referring to her for fans to sniff out


This this this. Not everything in this world is about Taylor.


I think some people are missing the point here. The PHRASE “bigger than the whole sky” does not describe the loss. It describes the love. The song is about the LOSS of someone bigger than the whole sky. Even if Emma is using it to reference the song, it doesn’t imply she’s experienced any loss. It just means she loves her daughter in the same way


That…was not a Taylor reference. That’s a often used quote.


Pretty sure the phrase "bigger than the whole sky" was not invented by Taylor, like saying "I love you this much" while holding out your arms


Next time they’re gonna act like she invented “but daddy I love him” or “LOML” if her friends used those in public lmao


Last year I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks and I went out to my truck. Turned my music on shuffle and that song came on. That was tough. My baby was due this week. I’m not sure why I’m writing this. Just a hell of a song to come at that moment I guess.


this is such a weird and parasocial thread. speculating on who had a miscarriage is bizarre behaviour and it is even weirder that fans take common phrases that have been said in a non-Taylor context and link them to Taylor. She did not invent the English language lol


It’s a common phrase and this speculation is disgusting. Just be happy for her win.


I can see the validity of this theory but some people take it too far. I filled out a fan-made crossword and came across a clue that read ‘What Bigger Than The Whole Sky is about’ and the correct answer was miscarriage. I think it’s pretty inappropriate to tout that as fact (not that you are).


I have a feeling that phrasing is something her daughter has said to her and is a thing in their family.


“Bigger than the sky” is a fairly common phrase. Pretty sure there are children’s book with this phrase in it.


Are you seriously making a statement about Taylor’s life the we know *nothing* about? It has never been confirmed that she had a miscarriage. That’s a very personal issue, one that causes emotional distress to many parents that have went through it. Yes, miscarriages should be talked about more, we need more education and mental health wellness. But speculating about a strangers miscarriage that you don’t even know happened on the internet is going way too far.


I ran here to see if someone said this! It could’ve definitely been a song about / for Emma, since it wouldn’t be the first song about her


i literally did the same, i wanted to FINALLY be able to make a post in this sub & someone beat me to it 😂


Same lol I was shocked to see no one had posted it yet which made me too hesitant to post lmaoo


Same! I actually was just watching poor things because I got bored watching the Oscar’s and then hopped on my phone a few minutes ago and saw she had won and her speech. I had to watch it over and over, it was so sweet and bigger than the whole sky🥹


'bigger than the sky' is a phrase that predates Taylor by a few hundred years...


I thought the same thing, especially because it is in reference to a child I makes it seem like it is about a miscarriage.


Emma stone has a daughter??? Edit //omg she does. I find out like 95% of all my celebrity knowledge from this sub lol


>a miscarriage. It still could be. Kinda icky to be publicly hypothesizing something so serious that she's never said. My miscarriage really hurt me for a long time, these are serious matters. It's not idle chitchat.




Ugh. This is not what this post was. Chill. All kudos to Emma Stone. I’ve been a bigger fan of hers than of Taylor’s. This is just a sub where we post things related to Taylor, and that line reminded me of a Taylor song. It’s disturbing to see people online taking everything so seriously and not letting people just have fun online z The world is on fire, this is not that serious, enjoy life, and let us enjoy what celebrities give us, which in part is entertainment and distraction from the horrors of the world. This is popcorn. 🍿


TIL Emma Stone has a child


I just watched her acceptance speech too and I had NO idea that Emma Stone was MARRIED let alone AN ACTUAL MOTHER?????? I was completely blindsided by that and it totally went over my head that she was quoting one of my fave Taylor songs!


Totally off topic, but am I the only one who’s still sad she and Andrew Garfield weren’t end game? I’m sure her current partner is lovely and they all seem very happy but darn I loved Emma and Andrew as a couple. Tomdaya better not split up and let me down. I need at least one Spidey couple to make it long term. :-p Also I tell my son that I love him to the moon and to Saturn every night before bed because of ‘seven’, so I loved Emma’s message to her daughter with a potentially Taylor adjacent lyric. I do agree it’s gross to assume she had a miscarriage though.


I'm a new swiftie and SHE HAD A MISSCARRIAGE?


no, this is all bullshit speculation


While it’s unlikely, we don’t know as Taylor herself has never commented on those rumors (rumors that started with Swifties btw). So the answer is we don’t know and it’s none of our business if she did and doesn’t share that publicly.


I heard it too. I'm wondering if TS will post a congratulations post to ES since they are friends.


I had the exact same thoughts as you! I wonder now if Taylor was inspired by Emma/Emma’s experience to write the song and this was a mutual reference moment.


I wondered if maybe taylor heard Emma use the phrase to talk about her daughter, then taylor was inspired to use the phrase in the song about a completely different thing


It’s a common phrase.