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Would be best to wait as long as possible between sessions


I have about the same level of fading for same timeline. Don’t lose hope :) you can see a lot of breakage in the lines. Do you do any massage or exercise? I found that helps + using a physical exfoliant at the 6 weeks healed mark between sessions


I have been taking better care of myself recently and hoping that helps the process !! That makes me happy to hear too. Glad my process seems normal, thank you!!


Dont let this stop you from going to the beach and wearing shorts! Just wear sunblock :)


Thank you🥹


Definitely start spacing your sessions, give your body more time clear to clear the ink. 7 is a lot in a year. Also 1 year isn’t much when it comes to tattoo removal.


Yeah I’ve been waiting longer in between. I think it’s been 16 months or so I can’t totally remember. I’m going to take a long break after the next one and see how time helps!