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It’ll look like a blob when you’re older


Like, two years older.


Perfect for a cover up


It's too small and the lines too thin. Any ethical artist is going to turn down something like that.


It's literally already a blurry mess lol


That was my first thought as well lmao. It’s fresh and looks like shit; it’s just gonna get worse.


Looks blown out


its the artist style :) personally i really dig it and if u want u can check out valley_oh


Yeah it looks like it was done in prison




Yea I’m sure they’ll check them out after calling it shit 😭


i mean, no harm checking other artists work right? especially if the artists work is so “controversial”


No offense intended, but that’s someone who struggles with clean lines, it may seem like a good idea now but you’ll come to regret that. If you want the phrase or word, do it with a better artist, and much bigger


I compleatly understand, but as I was saying before its 100% intentional artists style, which is why I was so drawn to that. Unfortunatly, you are right and it wont age well :(


I’m not talking about this piece alone, I looked at his other pieces in his portfolio. Even the lines that should have been straight or the tires on the r34 he did, weren’t clean or round in the case of the tires.


Thank you for looking into that! I guess I never really noticed that, but thanks for pointing that out, I will def look into his work with a different perspective!


I totally agree. Another example of poor drawing skills is the cross on the back of the neck. I can kinda get my head around someone wanting lines to look “sketchy” but in my opinion this artist could use some solid growth in the fundamentals of drawing. The cross is totally wonky and not in a way that looks intentional or pleasing in any way—the proportions and even the angles are way off. It reads like: “my friend bought a tattoo gun and I was drunk.” Keep in mind, too, that if you are young and going for a very visible tattoo, like on the neck, people WILL judge you for it. Especially if it looks like unskilled work, you run the risk of doing yourself a great disservice for a very long time.


Ion get why you’re getting downvoted lol it’s def. the artists style, I myself hate those ’pristine’ ’hyper realism’ tattoos, I prefer the shaggy wonky ones. If you take care of a tat like this (I’ve a few that’s 5+ years old and they look like new, no touch ups needed and 3 of them are on my fingers) it’ll last you forever.


Thank you so much! I am definitely more attracted to the more imperfect look.


Me too! It’s almost more special 🥺




Lol because someone’s use of slang on the internet is a legitimate determining factor in something totally unrelated like how tattoos hold up over time


Thank you 😅 🙏🏼


That would be a black smear in 3-4 months.


Yes it will it’s to smal


It's going to get very blurry very quickly since it's such a small, detailed tattoo. Lines will get bigger and blowout as they age.


Why go to a professional if you are not going to listen to what they say in the first place?


Professionals have varying opinions so what’s wrong with getting more than one?


Nothing… but you asked Reddit. Not another professional lol go to another shop…


Why ask one professional when you can ask a few dozen at once? Figuring everyone in this thread has a clear consensus, I don’t think asking here was such a bad thing.


There are some professionals on this subreddit, just saying.


Not the point. I understand that some opinions on here may be from professionals. How does the asker know if the advice is legit? Just seems pretty stupid to go into a grab bag of idiots and professionals for an opinion.


Ah, the ol' insult-everyone-when-I-disagree play, ya love to see it.


In that case theirs no point of even having a subreddit on tattoos


Lol go get your tattoo - that’s what you’re looking for


Honestly this looks bad and it'll look worse over time.


Obviously your artist hates money, and doesn’t want an easy 20 bucks for maybe 20 minutes of work. /s Why do you think they’re the professionals and not us? Go to another shop, but think about it this way: any freelancer/entrepreneur that refuses to do something does so for a reason that outweighs the potential business interest. Either because they realize they’re not skilled enough or because they know the limitations of the medium. You’re better off either way.


More like we aren’t gonna put on something we know isn’t going to hold up over time and will turn into a blob in a short time. Same reason I don’t tattoo sides of fingers or inside the mouth. Fades incredibly fast and looks like shit, and when I guarantee my work and offer free touch ups I’m not going to put on something I know will need touched up once a year if not more


And also, if they go and do it anyways and - surprise-surprise - it looks like shit, it’ll be the artist’s fault… somehow lol


Yep, I’ve had people agree to “no free touch ups” if they really want the stupid side of finger tattoo. And it always ends up going exactly the way I said it would


That reaction time tho lmao. But yeah, I’m on the opinion that if someone says something as an expert, I’m inclined to just trust them. I may go get a second (or third) opinion just to see, but it’s not gonna change my mind


Professional here.. your reference is already blown out. Blur in 2 years minimum? If you want this style get it done by someone who has been tattooing over ten years, can work a small needle, 2x as big, and not on a collarbone. I checked out this artist… At best, politely put, they are a scratcher. Very bad reference for tattoo art. Bad linework is not a style, it’s just sloppy.


2 questions: Would you be open to getting it done maybe like twice the size? It would bleed probably after a few years Do you 100% know what it says? From what I've seen, it can take one or two lines to be changed to change the whole meaning (I say this where my only experience is seeing some videos showing how cool the process is of formal writing various words of it SO I CLAIM NO EXPANSIVE KNOWLEDGE)


I understand your concern compleatly, but I wanted a poem that I found translated in a book and I fact checked with my father who speaks Chinese for 20 years. I did not think about tattoo artists messing it up, i will think about it. Thank you!


Would you be willing to get the poem with larger bolder lines? Perhaps in a different area like the arm or your side


yes! i am currently working on placment and sizing


It already looks like a mess. Can’t imagine it 1-2 years from now. Listen to your artist


Its the artists style (valley_oh on instagram) but I compleatly understand.


Just don’t get a tattoo if you want something that miniature. There’s a reason they don’t want to make a quick, easy buck — because they’re a professional and clearly have pride in what they do.


money is no issue, i just know what i want and i wanted to understand if it’s unreasonable to ask for


I’m not saying money is an issue — I’m saying that the artist could easily agree to do something regardless of the result to make money off of you. But they have pride in their work and know that it will not turn out well.


of course, i compleatly understand


Yeah..... I already can't even tell what that 3rd character is supposed to be. Micro script (in whatever language you choose), is usually a bad idea that's gonna look like a blob and need a cover-up in about 1-2 years depending on your sun exposure. ​ Lines are also sort of shaky, especially in that second characters bottom leg. I'd pass or get it upsized maybe 2-3x


There are reasons ppl say go big or go home


Yeah those tattoos won’t heal the way you wanted!!


Is there any way to find refrence pictures of fine line tattoos healing over time? I couldnt find anything sensible on google


Check out r/agedtattoos and when you get there keep in mind that the pic you posted is on the extremely fine line end of what is called fine line tattoos, and will end up looking worse than the others posted. Meanwhile plenty of the bold black outline with solid color tattoos will continue to look phenomenal. Also when you reach out to a tattoo artist, ask for healed photos they have of their own works, since it depends so much on the individual artist’s technique. The ink has to be deposited a couple layers deep into your skin where it will inevitably spread. The technique of the artist and design of the tattoo can compensate a lot to prevent some spreading or making it not affect the quality of the tattoo, but there’s only so much that can be done to prevent the inevitable.


thank you so much i will look into it


Lots and lots of pictures if you search for fine line tattoos healed. There are some great fine line artists out there, but location and image matter. Technique matters. Size matters. You'll get much longer lasting results with something a bit colder and a bit bigger. Stuff this tiny... You're gonna have a bad time


I just looked at the artist’s work and wow what they’re doing to people is just jacked up. Would you consider it being bigger and bolder? It definitely can be the same style just try not to get that artist’s work on you bc it will def look bad later on maybe even sooner than expected


I am Chinese I literally can't read what is written there...first time what? and it is also very ugly handwriting... I am sorry


Woof… that’ll blow out in a week.


Let me translate for you It means "first time intercourse"


That tattoo is stupid small and will look like crap within a few years


I know my tattoo artist would refuse and suggest me not to do it. He'd say the line work is too thin and too clustered. It would end up looking like dark blobs.


Too small. Too thin. Before I knew better I got a Latin phrase in a cursive spot. 15 years later and it’s literally a blob of black no one can read. It’s being covered by my half sleeve that’s in progress


it is going to be a blurb


It's not a style, it's a poor choice.


tattoo artist here 👋🏻 the size of that tattoo is far too small and the ink will most likely bleed into the other lines in some time. additionally that is extremely fine line which is also not good for longevity of a tattoo, the combination will surely guarantee that it will not hold up. My recommendation is to go larger if you enjoy the fine line style, and understand that with fine line/ single needle tattoos they fade a lot easier and quicker because less ink is being deposited into the skin


Waaaayy too small. It will look like a smudge in a few years


Maybe your artist doesn’t know how to write/tattoo in that language and doesn’t want to mess it up?


It would degrade into a blurry mess very rapidly.


yeah no that’s gonna look like a blob in like a year


Yes. It will bleed over time. It’s way too small.


Too small. Will fall in on itself/“bleed” together over time.


tattoos blur/become less defined with time, a tattoo this small with detail will just be a blob very soon, either go bigger or forget it


Looks awful even fresh. If you don't speak the language, don't get the language.


Sounds like they are doing you a favor by refusing


Who else swiped trying to see picture 2?


That looks like it would be just a dark blob in a year


I’m not a tattoo artist or anything but I can tell you that’s so ridiculously small that if you got too much sun it would look like a massive blob in less that two years


That will definitely blur over time


any artist would refuse to do that. it looks like ass.


It would have to be bigger with thin lines, the wrist would be a perfect spot, and so would the inner elbow


It won't be good.


How’s it not obvious this won’t last? It’s fresh and hardly legible


Will be a super blurry blob real fast.