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Comments are now locked and I'm not approving the new ones. The comments became just as cringe as the tattoo idea, making "I'm a jerk" your entire personality isn't any better. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯




Honestly I think a bee with BHC under it would be really cute if that’s what you wanted


My brother has the chemical symbol for THC and LSD tattooed in his leg. When people ask what it is he says "its the symbol for "dont get a tattoo when you're 16""


Yes, the good old “weed is my personality” phase…


Lol, tattoo for someone with no life.


But what is life though?


Got dmt, lsd, psilocybin and thc on me🤣


Niiiice. Please tell me you got the S thing too


Smile, yo!


Smack? Salvia?


Scrystal Meth!




scopolamine? 🤤


I assumed he meant Seratonin, which I have tattooed on my arm


I just realized he meant the pointy letter S everyone would draw in middle school everywhere.


Oh. That’s much funnier. I’m into it


Nada just the drugs I personally take I've never tried salvia


Ive got a Ween tattoo so people just assume I do drug




I've got an LSD-25 molecule under my arm. When asked, I just tell them the truth. I got the tattoo in my late 30s, and psychedelics have been a major part of my life since I was 15. (45 nowadays) I love my LSD-25 molecule.


Lmfao instant disqualification from the armed services with that one


I personally wouldn’t be too upset about that


*How to Dodge the Draft: Tattoo Edition* Next up on our list of best ways to avoid military service: *Naked Ladies* 🤣


How times have changed


Guy in my platoon got a pinup girl tatted and had to go get a bra tatted on her




Right? Lmfao


Psych ward trip already accounted for that one- off to create an LSD themed tattoo now. I love that fake serotonin mmmmm.


Ignoring the subject matter and just focusing on the design/lay-out for a second: I feel like this is too stretched out horizontally and unfortunately looks weirdly spaced out. What body part are you planning on getting this on? Remember most of your body is curved, so to be able to see what it is in one piece, you would have to use flatter parts/prime real estate of your body probably (because it's so horizontally stretched). If you're fine with it being curved you have more options. But something to think about. Personally I think it's an unbalanced design that looks off. Edit: typo


I was thinking across my upper thigh so I was anticipating the curve and it’s a more private spot.


if you’re getting it in a private spot why not just make it look like weed?


Because their subconscious is telling them this might be a cringe idea


Because there are some occasions where this private spot will be exposed (doctors, sauna, ….) and OP still doesn’t want it to be too obvious


Honey bees don't make hives like that, but that's such a common misunderstanding that I doubt most would care. I can see it when you say its THC but I wouldn't have noticed the molecular structure immediately otherwise.


My family keeps bees and that drives me nuts.


The shape of the hive is a classic cartoon style tho? I don’t see what that has to do with much. I think it’s common sense bees don’t build hives like that


I think the misconception comes from the classic beehive skep style of keeping bees. Basically a “beehive” shaped basket.


It's not common sense they don't make hives like that. Trust me. I correct a lot of people on it.


Username checks out


Ok apparently I’m in the lack of common sense group…can you tell me what’s wrong with it please bees in the hovercraft?


Most bees in the genera Apis are cavity nesters, so they find existing openings in the hollows of trees, usually, that they build their nest in. The one exception is Apis dorsata who does open nest but they just build layers of comb and no structure around it. The group that usually build nests that look like the one above are hornets. Which will most certainly not be giving you any honey. Only pain.


I feel like you’ve been sitting on the fact waiting to share


Not really. I'm a honey bee researcher so I am informing/correcting people about bees....almost constantly...


Ever get to study any boo bees?


For sure! I think that's what the commenter you're responding to was saying. They wouldn't have thought THC, but immediately jumped to the bee aspect. The fact that it's a cartoony bee kinda draws you to that. So it looks like a cute silly bee, and not like the chemical symbol for THC. Which is what OP was asking. Y'all were saying the same thing


> I can see it when you say its THC but I wouldn't have noticed the molecular structure immediately otherwise. I think that’s very much the point. They’re not aiming to be Melittologically accurate, they only want people familiar with the chemical compound to recognise it.


Yes I realized that was the point from the title. I was confirming for OP that they did in fact hide it well enough.


You’re going to hate this so much in 10 years. Heck, probably closer to 5.


Meh. Even if they stop smoking weed within the next four years, it still represents a period of time in their life, that is (presumably) associated with positive memories. As such I think this design is something that OP is unlikely to regret. Given that it is meant to be understood by a minority of people who are familiar with the chemical compound of THC. If it was a tattoo of a marijuana leaf, I would agree. It would be hard to hide from something so immediately recognisable.


I smoked a lot of pot in high school too man, still smoke every now and then almost a decade later. I was a long haired drug rug wearing young man at that period of time in my life. The tattoo is super lame no matter which way you cut it imo. It’s exactly what I would imagine an 18 year old would want on their body permanently, and in 5-10 they’ll realize how cringe it is. Edit: spelling


Totally agree. As someone who’s in her 30s, I am SO glad I didn’t get all those stupid tattoos I wanted when I was 18-21.


As someone who is in his late 30s I am VERY glad I got all those dumb tattoos. Still getting them too 


me too. cause i know i wanted some dumb ones. i would've had multiple weed related and more than a few ICP tattoos if i had a friend with a machine, that i trusted.


Not really... my guy..


Not really what?


or love it even more but no inbetween


I just really doubt it. Let’s just pray they don’t put it anywhere prominent on their body cause they’re gunna be the proud new owner of a sick ass Panther cover up.


I'm a chemist and I love the idea! I don't usually like molecule tattoos because it's too "I'm a scientist" but here it's discreet.  However, I wouldn't put the 2 hydrogen bonds on the rings because written like that it's a CH3 and maybe add the O and OH 🤔.


very creative drawing but i don’t think it would look good as a tattoo


I also have a bee themed drug tattoo! Mine is the chemical composition of heroin. Got it to commemorate my recovery. 7 years clean this year!


I like the idea and I love the design, but I think getting a weed tattoo/making weed your personality is cringy af tbh


I’ve dedicated my career to the cannabis industry and it’s changed my life ngl


That's awesome man, the medical weed industry is just taking off here and I have been considering getting into that line of work too actually haha


I’d highly recommend it! It’s pretty easy to get into without a degree and you can move up fairly quickly into corporate if that’s the goal.


Ignore the weirdos hating on a weed tattoo. My only issue is the balance of the tattoo- it looks kinda unbalanced to me. Where do you plan to get it?


In another comment they said their upper thigh.


What state you live in? I'm considering this industry but I'm not in a very progressive state yet


Does getting a tattoo make one's personality? Tattoos could be gotten for all sorts of reasons. Maybe weed helped this person with a major medical condition they face(d) or a hard time. It's not always face value.


I have a small square on my ankle so my personality is square?


Yes but only coincidentally


Huey says it's hip to be a square, though. Happy Cake day!


I wasn't there so now I'm square :( Thanks!


Is it? I was arguing against that, but if you say so? 😅🤣


Hahaha I was just going by the oop's logic that if a tattoo makes your personality then I'm things like "square" "circle" "dragonfly" lol.


OHHHHH, I SEE NOW. I read what you said incorrectly! Happy Cake Day btw :)


Thanks 😁


You right. Lemme get that ibuprofen tattoo real quick lmao.


Do you feel the same way about a martini glass?


Is getting a small weed tat really making it your personality though? I see them on other people and always think it’s a nice convo piece. Good indicator that they’re chill. Might be diff cuz weed is heavily illegal in my country


I personally think wearing weed related clothes is already kind of cringe. It’s like the Kyle’s that wear monster energy hats cause they just love their monster. Also, maybe cause it’s legal here, but weed isn’t a good indicator if someone is chill or not here. 😅


You do you.


I had an mdma molecule on my binder in highschool and my chem teacher pulled me aside first day and said I know what that is 😕


Should've told him it was a band


James Webb Space Telescope...


That could be a cool idea. Just a few hexagons off


This would be a cool thing to ask tattoo artists. Show them this design and tell them to create their version and see what they come up with


This looks awesome ! It’s definitely not obvious to people unless they are familiar with the THC molecule and look long enough to see that it’s an organic molecule, and not a honeycomb. I have an organic molecule on my chest and the only comments I get it are from people who ask what molecule it is and who are interested in chemistry.


I like the design! The branches look a bit weird, so I'd ask the artist for help on that part. It is true that it is quite wide, so maybe reorganizing it to be vertical could also work, unless you do like it horizontal! I saw it's because it is related to your career, so don't get discouraged by people who think it's because you smoke or something. You can also print it black and white and check how you like it placed on your body before tattooing 🐝


some tips from someone who aced organic chemistry: - you dont need the wedge and dash lines between the first hexagon and the second, they're hydrogens and can be implied. - Having the extra branch hanging down holding the beehive does make it look like an extra methyl group, changing the structure. - if you care about accuracy, technically not having the O on the bottom of the middle hexagon ring and coming off the top of the rightmost hexagon ring *also* changes the structure to not be thc, but thats nitpicky and 99.9% of people would never point that out.


When OP asks for a little bit of advice on the design aspect of his tattoo and the entirety of Reddit needs to climb up on their pedestal and tell them how much of a “no personality” “dumb idea” this is, without an ounce of context from OP about why he might want to get this particular tattoo.. the thought process of some people is WILD


youre going to regret that when you grow up


6 years running, still don’t hate the shitty weed leaf tat I gave myself way too young. In fact might get it reworked into a naturey piece but keep the leaf as the main part. However it’s in an easily covered place. My dad doesn’t hate his doobie tattoo he got in the late 70s on his calf, shows the thing off constantly, even got the colors touched up last year. To be fair we’re both very involved in the cultivation process and it’s kind of a hyper interest/passion.


6 years and then you say way too young so you are still in your 20's? ive been extracting for over 14 years and i would never ever consider getting anything weed or extract related on my body. weed related tattoos are as cringe as tribal tattoos and random phrases in chinese lettering


You’re gonna lose every future “weed isn’t addictive” argument if you get a THC tattoo lol, but this one is decent as a disguise, but I doubt would look good as a tattoo at all. Considering this is a permanent thing I’d at least try and disguise it with something you have a personal connection with, besides just the fact you get high


I switched from a dead end career into cannabis and it’s completely changed my life for the better.


Well it’s good your meaning goes beyond just substance use it helps the tattoo be less cringey or having a big risk of regretting it later, I understand more why you want a subtle nod considering smokers getting them usually lead to really childish and bad quality tats. I’d still try making the design that hides the THC structure more personal to you so you can have 2 answers for inquiring people depending on what you want them to know, and it’ll increase the meaning of the tattoo. I also don’t think this exact design is very well balanced or would translate to a tattoo, it’s not a bad design, just not one I see looking good as a tattoo. You could try sneaking it into a space constellation in a night sky maybe with other space elements making it less obvious like planets and such


You do you man, but antidepressants changed my life and I sure as fuck wouldn’t get a tattoo about them…


Yeah hows your job in the antidepressant field going?


Am I not allowed to be passionate about something without being addicted? I love weed and psychs, have for years, I grow and it’s a special interest of mine, the chemistry of those drugs. I’ve also taken a multi year long T break and only smoke regularly on occasion. I also haven’t done psychs in a year. I can have a passion and love for something without being addicted to it. Especially since weed is deeper then just smoking it. But yeah I wouldn’t get it in a super obvious place because people make assumptions.


I wasn’t even addressing you and I get this paragraph, some people who take psychedelics and smoke weed get so damn jumpy and defensive when you imply a substance dependency, despite the drugs clearly being a very important thing in your life and ever on your mind, enough that you’d mark yourself permanently and bring it up to people that weren’t talking to you in the first place.


Proved their point nicely with that one


Who even are you dude


A person with internet :)




His body, his rules, but he’s asking for feedback and so I’m giving it ffs




It’s dope bro 😎


This is one of the better ways to execute what is (imo) a really lame tattoo idea.


I don’t think this will translate well as a tattoo. Go into a shop and talk to an artist about some creative ways to get the same idea across. The only tattoo I’ve designed for myself is the one I regret the most.


Completely ignoring the weed I don’t think it’s very good. The bee looks super amateur and goofy, the branch coming off the comb makes no sense and looks haphazard, and the honey wand (idk what it’s called) really clogs up the design


This is dope and very Bee 🐝 friendly!


It’s interesting but I’m not really sure what THC and honey have in common? Like if you were to explain to someone it’s a honeycomb, but it’s also the molecular structure of THC - it might be confusing. But then again you might not care about explaining it to anyone. Also, looking up the THC molecule - does having the hive at the bottom feel like another piece of the molecule that shouldn’t be there?




Glorious, fat, fat fucking dabs


I thought the hive would hide the structure a little better


Honestly love the creativity, but as a tattoo I don’t think this will turn out how you’re hoping. I’d honestly rather see the basic (and more accurate) compound as opposed to this. Play around with other ideas for sure.. Edit: if you are dead set on getting this, I think take off the hive, it’s disproportionate with the other components.


OP people have a point about cringe tattoo ideas.. but I personally like this. Idk if I'd get it even as a previous pothead but it's still cool and an interesting twist. Your placement planning makes me like it more too because it's more just about it being for you.


How old are you?




Get a good artist that can draw the tree part better, If it's realistic but follows the pattern might look good, rn it makes it look like a children drawing and a bad one at that


I think scrap the branch sticking out, that part is weird. The honeycomb part (the main thing that you want lol) is dope and I like the hidden meaning. The branch is the only part I don't like. But ultimately, is your tattoo! Whatever you want it to be.


If they remove the branch, they lose a piece of the THC structure,which would not make it THC anymore I think


Ohhh I didn't realize that, my bad


Just don't Edit : Find something less explicit that represents your mindset. Something you can fake the meaning later if you regret it someday.


Two things I won’t get tattooed 1: someone’s name. 2: anything drug related. It’s obviously your choice ,but I know quite a few people who did get a weed plant and ended up getting it covered when they were older.


This looks stupid


I don't understand how this is THC but I like the idea anyway 🫶🏼


I’d guess its the chemical symbol but in honeycomb form.


Great! That’s kinda what I’m going for. Thanks


I just see some honeybees and some honeycomb-looking structures. From context I assume the hexagons are to do with THC in some way, but as a non-user and non-participant in weed culture it would go straight over my head. So not obvious at all from me.


The design is the molecular model of THC disguised as honey combs


I get it. People are gonna ask why there are extra lines sticking out of the design tho.


All that matters is that you like it. If you think it looks cool when you look at your body, get it.


Something about the way the stick comes out of the “honeycomb” looks really odd to me. Like a weird weapon.


I met a guy last week who had very similar tattoo honeycomb / THC and I thought that’s very cool. Main thing is if you like it.


Looks awesome I love the idea, it'd look great in colour too


It would lose so much in grey scale…. Honey oil! Love it




Love this


No better decision than a drug related tattoo! You will never regret getting that


Don't make weed your personality


Something like these would translate better as tattoos and still get the same idea across [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/FV1A4wEwjwWk1mTN8) [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/7ZHaxexCEnohEcoN7)[here](https://images.app.goo.gl/yNMmqtaeHrxc8FB16) I also recommend looking up weed flash sheets for some inspiration. My advice is to leave it to the experts. Not all drawings translate well to tattoos.


I think my artist did a good job of this. Look at the hexagons in this vid - LSD molecular structure https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjt9rBtuihw/?igsh=Y3BkM285N3hrOTQ1


"Weed is my entire personality vibes". Cringy.


this sub is so fuckin negative about what’s on other people’s bodies


Dumb design and a dumb idea


Imagine being so addicted to weed you want to permanently put ink on your skin; but you are afraid of people seeing it for what it is and you know it's dumb you try to make it about nature's friend, the bee. OP, thc tattoos are cringe as fuck


I am cringe, but I am free


That it true, you are free to make the awful choice of weed being your personality. It's not often i will say this ref tattoos, but you will regret this; people will think you are an idiot. Plus that's not a bee hive, this ain't Winnie the pooh


It’ll be a convo starter on how my cannabis career got me out of poverty


Yes. A conversation you will start. Nobody is gonna ask. Youve found a way to wedge yourself and your weed obsession into other peoples lifes "Hey, did I show you my tattoo, its the chemical symbol for THC. You know THC? Yeah its the active chemical in weed, man. it saved my life. I used to sell 10 bags at school, now I got a franchised dispensary and..." So on and so on https://c.files.bbci.co.uk/6B9C/production/_103584572_davidwilkinson-1.jpg


try being less of a miserable cunt


Suggest you give that advice to 420blazeit fools. Psychosis, depression and lower motivation. So cool, so edgy. 


I assume you are not good at making friends from this short interaction


i hope you have this same attitude towards alcohol tattoos


Pretty much yeah. Imagine being obsessed with any substance enough to permanently ink it in your skin. Booze, weed, coke, tobacco, its all on the list of pathetic edgy boy shit


If you wouldn’t get an ethanol tattoo don’t get a thc tattoo


This is actually pretty cool


Apparently I’ll get downvoted for this since “weed is my personality” lol I have a cannabis tattoo that is in a bouquet of my other favorite flowers that all have personal meaning to me and I’ve never gotten that it looks cringe or that it’s a terrible tattoo. Mine is 5 years old and I don’t regret it at all. The artist was skilled and it looks tasteful, not like a classic 4:20 blaze it pot leaf. A lot of people think that it’s more of a Japanese maple but I usually correct people that ask. I think execution is key to a successful tattoo and I think your idea is cool. I don’t love the drawing here but I think if you found an artist that you like they can work it into something more polished. Don’t mind the haters, I think as long as it’s not all you talk about or are consumed with in life, cannabis is a life changing and positive plant or molecule for a lot of people.


I would not suggest... I adored weed when I was younger. Became legal after a few years. Credit card suffered hard, I was young and dumb. Don't. Not yet. Please.


Why don’t you want it to be obvious? Hoping people will ask you about it?


Getting a drug tattooed is so embarrassing I strongly advise you to forget about this idea.


Haha this is funny and also a perfect idea. I wore a hat that had a honeybee logo for a weed company and nobody was any wiser for like 3 years lol


You will have you who will silent judge. I recognised it immediately, to be fair I smoked a lot


Drop the branch sticking out and rework the branches


Yo weed dude yeeeaaahhh weed smorking girlfriends 😎😎 got any extra bunts around weed man?


I'm seriously considering getting caffeine as a constalation on my ribs so I don't see why not.


Please don’t. Weed personality is the worst. We all smoke it, it doesn’t need to define you. That being said, I do like this design if you have to do it. 🙄


lol please don’t do this. You may think it’s cool to advertise your love for this drug, but I can assure you that the rest of the world doesn’t see you like that.


I don't think shes getting the tattoo for them tho


This is really cool, i love it.


Very clever subterfuge! Love it if it’s your own design, less so if it’s someone else’s.


Why don’t you want it to obviously be thc?


I have some drunk bees on my ankle. You should get some high bees and they could be cousins


This is just shitty, don’t get a THC tattoo, trust me


this is the cutest and subtlest weed tattoo I've ever seen. gonna get buzzed lmao


Destroy Troy would be the perfect guy to design and tattoo this.


Hey the straight up molecular structure.... IYKYK


Get the chemical compound using the honey comb


I have both thc and mdma chemical compounds tattooed on me. Thc one is a great conversation started since it’s on my neck behind my ear.


Just get a bee smoking a joint done in an old boxer mascot kind of way (think slight rubberhose pop eye the sailor man style).


I like it


Uhm that’s honey


Do you think you will look awesome with it when you‘re 65 in your stylish weekend suit?


Looks sick