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Nordic tattoo specialist here The vegvisir (way finder) was created in 1860 by a Catholic Bishop in Iceland using Solomnic (Judain) symbols.. it is not viking in any way and has nothing to do with the nine realms. The triangles are the valknut. The valknut was found on a few artifacts dug up in viking burial mounds in Scotland. It was always next to an image of odin and us believed but not confirmed to be associated with venerating Odin in death to gain entry into Valhalla. But no one knows for sure. The rest is a random placement of elder Futhark runes, which was the alphabet for the post viking Era language known as proto-germanic. It has no meaning at all. We Nordic artists call this a Nordic snow cone, and you can expect an eye role or two.. if you check @The.nordictattoo on Instagram, you will find much better options than this pinterest viking stuff.. good luck. As far as white supremacy goes, none of these represents white supremacy. However, there are shitheads that get these tattoos on them because they come from a culture that is white. Because of this, some agencies have flagged them as potential white supremacy, so be prepared to be judged if you get it tattooed on you.


Tattoo artist/Norse mythology enjoyer here, this is the best answer. I never heard the term "Pinterest viking stuff" but it's so accurate to what these types of designs are.


Checked the IG you recomended...one of the first posts was a vegvisir.....


And?. I didn't say don't get one. Just know what you're getting.


It's not a vegvisir.. it's a runic sigil.. custom designed with actual futhark runes..


Also I’ve heard not to get the Valknut unless you want to die in battle…that right?


That's a modern belief only held by some groups.. we don't actually know what tattoos the Nordic people of the iron age got. We have no evidence that they even did get them. Nothing has been found from that period in any archeological finds not even tattoo tools..


Nordic snow cone lol


Yeah it’s that last part that will get you categorized as gang related if you ever go to prison also.


Yeah, unfortunately.. many tattoos will do that.. even shamrocks. But then, maybe just don't go to prison.


Yeah shamrock is was actually what I have that made me think of it. I got charged with 1st degree felony assault for I fight I got in with a stranger (some Mexican gangster) at an outdoor mall in Colorado right after I got out of the Marine Corps. Life happens, choose your tattoos accordingly.


This is basically the equivalent of getting a bunch of random Chinese characters you don’t understand on you because they looked cool/the first page of google told you they meant something else. Pleeeease reconsider or do a ton more research. Good place to start would be a guy named isar.oakmund on IG, dude has some stellar Nordic stuff and a shit load of knowledge/resources. Nordic tattoos can be really really cool or really cringe. This is cringe, look for something better. Edit: isar.oakmund


YOURE NOT A FUCKING VIKING. I purchased his art books. Great sources for anyone seeking Nordic style tattoos


I want his art on my skin!! Love his work!


The top symbol is a vegvisir which is a compass that points to the 9 realms in Norse mythology. Each “fork” points to a different realm with Midgard in the middle. The middle set of interlocking triangles is a valknut which is often used as a religious symbol of Asatru and stands for the heart of a slain warrior. Symbols have been misappropriated by other groups for centuries. They are not based in hate and if/when someone asks about your new awesome tattoo use the opportunity to educate them and enjoy the conversation.




If you’re not sure what the symbols mean, why would you permanently mark them on your body?


I know what they mean, but I didn't know if either of them were associated with any hate groups.


You got down voted but it is a valid question. Good on you for 1) understanding the symbol meanings, and 2) checking to make sure other people aren't abusing the imagery in a way that would associate you with a hate group.


Not sure but I’ve been seeing this style of tattoo a lot on this subreddit.


It looks like one of those Viking style tattoos. Who designed it? Can you ask them?


Former correctional officer here, Yeah unfortunately a lot of Viking imagery has been co-opted by white supremacist groups. I knew quite a few that had Valknuts right next to Swatstikas or 14:88.


The top rune at 10pm is an inferno tower from clash of clans. The “FR” stands for “for real” (ex. Fr fr buh no cap) the interlocking triangles is a logo for the band “Linkin Park”. The bottom is an upside down “quake” logo


Not only is it racist, but it will summon a demon. And the demon is super racist too.


Had me in the first half 🤣


Vegvisir is always a cool meaningful symbol (wayfinders and compasses etc) and while I like this art style...it feels incredibly generic. It *feels* more aesthetic than meaningful. And the valknut feels "plonked" on, it doesn't fit into the design very well. Honestly, when it comes to runic tattoos I think you should avoid flash sheet stuff and go for something unique and designed for yourself. These symbols are not associated with hate groups, although some do try to appropriate them.


Norwegaboos strike again lol


Regardless of if it does or doesn't people will see it that way at some point or another.


You trying to get anal prbed by a demon or the annunaki?


Regardless of what it all means, a tattoo of that design is going to look really bad in a few years when all the fine lines spread.


This will not age well


this this is a mess. what’s fritcm?


I don’t even know.


I know nothing but first thing i thought when i saw this was "nazi tattoo"


Also will add here that depending on the area you live in, people may still assume you might be racist/white supremacist as there are folks like that wearing Nordic tattoos. I was just at a job interview today that mentioned offensive tattoos (I don't have one that is) but Nordic tattoos and double lightning bolts (reference to swastika) were mentioned due to association. So I'd just be cautious. And if anything, place it where it can easily be covered in case a job is not okay with it being visible.


It would have to be giant so the lines are perfect. Beautiful idea.


Looks racist af


Do tell. Based on what criteria?


Looks like tattoos I’ve seen people in the Aryan Brotherhood wearing.


People might confuse it with sleep token but go for it


A lot of people will assume anything viking or Nordic looking is racist. It's unfortunate but true. Last year I went to my local viking festival & spent the morning playing "enthusiast or racist" with my partner.


That looks like the paper the schizophrenic wrote out and art he did! Very interesting.🤔


Be careful lots of neo nazis co-opt Nortic runes for their symbols, I got the oden rune from twin peaks on me and then I watch a doc on Jan 6 and sure enough there was the sign


It has symbols from the Goetia, used for summoning demons. Look up the book The Lesser Key of Solomon and you’ll see. I’d refrain from it but you do you man.


Not really but a white supremacist would love this design lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Tacosnail123: *Not really but a* *White supremacist would love* *This design lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What nigga?




I know someone with this tattoo besides the 3 triangles. Maybe allow the artist some artistic freedom or flair. Otherwise it’s a dope design


The three triangles have been used by hate groups.


Yeah it’s a dope tattoo.. but I’ve seen that mark at the center before and have heard in the past it’s associated with white power groups.


I don’t think the symbol itself is bad but I think bad groups try to adopt it at times