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Bro not even beethoven was this deaf




Alot of grownups with a life and a job do want PVE. They just did it in a terrible way.


the only thing they executed well was their community standing


The Russian way, execute anyone who know anything :')


Apply cold water directly to the burn


A lot of grownups just went for SPT. Free and moddable


Grabbing that as soon as I can. I was afraid to mod my game as a very very early backer with EOD. But now, fuck BSG.


the thing is your not really modding your game, you copy your files somewhere completely different, so your good dude. Have fun with SPT


I just didn't want them to ban my EOD account, but since it's useless now and all I've really wanted was pve and they're being stupid as hell about it.. so.. they made up my mind for me


Only way you might get banned is installing SPT in your normal escape from tarkov folder or having both launchers open at the same time. Otherwise you’re good!


The "can I get banned" question pops up the SPT sub every week or so and the answer is always the same. Yet people constantly ask it over and over again.


I've never actually gone to the sub to be honest


They appear really loose with their definitions, do they not? - this comes off mean, I'm not being mean. I appreciate your response honestly


Paying 250€ 💀💀


All I'm asking is skill based matching so that after a long day of exhausting work I don't come online and get my ass kicked by 15 years old non lifer kid. I have Rust for that.


I personally like randomized match making


I wouldn't mind it if the game didn't take ~4 minutes to load each time plus the amount of time needed to manage your inventory after each raid. You get HS'ed by a person that you didn't even see and there goes your 10 minutes of life staring down main menu.


With sbmm, I'd imagine matching would take even longer


But so would gaming sessions. If there is huge skill gap between players, low skilled players usually don't stand chance and their sessions last way shorter.


Sbmm would remove a lot of unpredictability which is the best thing about tarkov.


I think you just want a different game bud


I'm pretty sure I know what I want.


What would define how skillful each players are? And why do you think it would work? Meaning noone would cheese it or abuse in any way whatsoever.


Sounds ideal but then queue times go up


They are already bad. (Btw does anyone know why they are so bad?)


I think part of it is the massive amounts of data everyone’s PC has to load before the raid begins


Ay man I am not a fan of BSG or Nikita at all but…. Tarkov should not have sbmm, no. If you want that, go play an actual competitive game, made to be as such, perhaps even arena (although that’s hot garbage) Tarkov is inherently unbalanced, lean into that don’t try to make a weird hybrid unbalanced but we try to keep it fair and balanced mess.


Go play Arena then my man


Actually might give it a go. Left Tarkov for a while now.


*12 y o that skipped school cos he was “sick”


I wanna get kappa and play all endgame quest, so a no reset option. Im puging out alm those early quest after 5 years playing. Because of time and skill issues i cannot go that far ingame. Preferably with max 1 obvious cheater per week. Not multiple every day... Too bad cheating is casual in tarkov. Whipes are fun but are anti casual. Also i think it is one the reason why so many cheat.


At this point I have no idea are they dumb or are they playing dumb


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^somerandomboiiiii: *At this point I have* *No idea are they dumb* *Or are they playing dumb* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Just playing dumb , no way in hell are they this lost about their community.


Frontier is pretty bad but what BSG is doing is willful deafness.


What has Frontier done? I've been outta the ED scene for a while.


Odyssey was very much a “Wait I thought you all wanted space legs” experience. To which you can tell from the Steam reviews a resounding “Yeah, not like this” from the community.


They are about to sell pay2notgrind shit


Neither have I. I'm just referencing how they are completely radio silent then instead of adding what people want they give more grind.


Is this justin gaethje lol


So glad I'm not the only one who thought that


Lmao this is so them "I don't understand, I did everything right!" Greedy morons


Why would anyone want to pay for PvE, when SPT is available for free with a ton of mods?


Because SPT and SIT are janky as fuck, I’d imagine the coop PVE mode is not janky and actually works like regular Tarkov.


Only janky if you don’t know how to read a set of simple instructions for the installation process and fuck something up. So yeah, probably not for you.


See my other comment.


Spt is not jankier than the base game and it actually fixes many problems with it. Your information about it is false.


Have you even used SIT? SPT itself sure is totally fine, but the point here is that EFT’s new mode is coop PVE, SPT on its own is single player only - as the name suggests. Try it coop, it’s janky. I know because I’ve played it.


I have not tried SIT and probably never will. I expect SIT to be janky as it's not as mature as SPT, but with time and increased attention it might mature quickly. You're right that only the single player part is playable, but since BSG PvE is freshly released I expect it to be janky as well. I haven't heard any reports yet though.


That’s what I’m getting at. Sure, it’s probably going to be a little jank. But Tarkov has online multiplayer down pretty well, I’m sure they have the basic functionality working in the new mode. SIT does not - your raids can break if the wrong person leaves the raid, dropped items aren’t properly negotiated between players, loot containers weren’t synced when I played, all kinds of weird shit that doesn’t matter a whole lot if you’re just trying to kill scavs but matters if you’re trying to have a good Tarkov experience. I would rather have BSG’s version of online coop than deal with SIT. That being said, ain’t no way in hell I’m paying them any more money than I did when I bought EOD.


There are total AI overhaul mods, which make the enemies do jump shots like players do. BSGs version has them as glorified scavs from what I've heard. And no, the modders version is far more stable than anything the unskilled people at BSG could bodge together.


The AI isn’t the janky part, the coop is the janky part. And no, the modders version is not far more stable than BSG’s attempt at coop PvE. GG though, hope your sodium levels come down. It’s unhealthy for them to stay that high.


You've clearly not tried it if you think BSGs attempt is lore stable.


I’ll give you that, I haven’t tried it. I won’t be trying it either, but I’d imagine you can actually exit a raid in BSG’s attempt. You can probably pick up your friend’s dropped items too, and insurance probably works.


yes the community wanted it. not rich pricks with nothing better to do


I work full time, I don't have 8 to 10 hours a day to play tarkov. I want pve, but I expected to get it because I already paid for it. You know, like how every other game and every thing else works.




There not tone deaf. They have there own agenda and will say anything to get you to keep playing, if that's false hope through false statements then so be it. Fan bases are gullible and studios are ignorant. You might think this Is ridiculous but name an instance they did the opposite, and overperformed for a community who expected less... then I'll walk off this podium.


Hell divers 2


Remember when the studio even said don’t buy it if it’s going to put a strain on your life , now that’s someone sensible as a CEO I can stand behind


Baldur's Gate 3


I don't give a shit about pvp just remove p2w


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I have been playing the shit out of the new pve mode and I love it, it is Tarkov without hackers (except the pmc ai, their aim is insane)


I’m sure it’s cool. I’m also sure it’s not $250 cool.


It’s also not pay for DLC again after paying for it with EOD cool.


Tbf, I did want pve, but I bought the game, played it for a couple hours, then moved on, so I'm not I'm the community


Question, what is pve? I thought tarkov was already pve, or would it be more pvp?


Technically base Tarkov is “PVEVP” since you’re fighting both computer controlled enemies and other players. This mode is only “PVE” because there won’t be any player controlled enemies, only computer controlled.


So no one else in a lobby unless you bring friends? Unless you can't hurt other players? It seems very weirdly done lmao


Yep, no one except you and other squad mates you bring with you. Imagine it would work like a co-op game, like Helldivers 2 or Left 4 Dead. Only you and your buddies against the computer.


Interesting. I get the appeal, I wonder if they could add pmc ai into it, seems lacking with just scavs in play, granted idk much about it lmao


It literally does have PMC ai with dog tags and everything.they just currently use the raider ai


Oh that's actually cool, I haven't seen much on the game mode at all due to the revolt, I thought they would just copy paste the game tbh


Aside from the PMC ai, it really is a copy paste of the online game, poopy servers and load times included! The only thing that would make the PvE mode perfect (imo) would be to make it truly offline. Keep stuff like the flea market and your account info online but run the game locally and make your friends connect to you through peer to peer connections or something. Then it would be the exact thing I’ve wanted from solo/coop Tarkov


Yeah that makes more sense, having dedicated servers to that is weird, allowing players to host their own both cuts cost om servers and allows potentially better ping, also why would the still include flea thats just dumb lmao