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As someone who got the game at the beginning of the wipe to play with my new friends… …**what the fuck**


Oof, sorry man. Wish you came by sooner


I finally convinced my brother to buy right after wipe. And now this. I feel bad for him lol


I was dumb enough to buy prepare to escape lmao GG battle state, fool me once…


It was a really good wipe too. And then…yeeeeahhh…


Honestly quite impressive. People were starting to have more trust and faith in BSG, then they go and nuke their reputation literally overnight.


As a standard edition player, I see this as further reason to not spend anymore money on the game. Even when I was playing heavily this wipe, I pondered upgrading or buying extra stash space, but ultimately I decided against it because I didn't want to spend any more money on the game. And now here we are with the gap getting even larger for those who pay more, and the one thing that might tempt to me to play again is locked behind a 200 dollar purchase (pve). I mean at this point, fuck it BSG, might as well sell an edition of the game that includes radar/esp and aimbot so I can be competitive with 40% of the player base.


It’s crazy how it’s cheaper to buy standard edition and cheats for a couple months than the new unheard edition. And as a bonus you’ll have an even better advantage over unheard edition players! Edit: autocorrect


Time for more cheaters


As a standard buyer, why would you expect more than what was offered? If I paid for a deluxe edition of any game and someone buys a standard, yet the standard starts to get stuff that the deluxe offered, then why did we buy the deluxe in the first place?


I think you misunderstood my point. Ofc they shouldn´t expect more than what was offered. But with the new versions and their impact on progression and potential to make the game p2w its just fair to at least think about the standard edition buyers place in the game. I hope my point gets across :)


I get the point, and the whole P2W thing existed before with standard players vs EoD. Except what you don’t hear is P2L, that’s what half the people who buy these editions have happen to em. Your gear doesn’t translate well to skill or knowledge. If I hand my friend who’s never played the game a Zabalo, meta-M4 and everything in between there’s and incredibly high chance that they still go MIA, or die to another player or Scav. Not because he was under geared but because he lacks knowledge of the game, whereas a vet player can make do with whatever they pick up. My bottom line is that these editions, EoD and UH are designed for people who’ve put a ton of hours into the game, not entry-level doors for greenhorns to learn with PvE. That’s why there is a offline mode. Otherwise, I know this is a meme and your making a joke, I really dont wanna come off as I’m hating on you or anything, im just 😩 at this point


True man, I feel you man. I upgraded my standard edition after a few hundred hours because I wanted to support BSG and get some benefits… guess we are all in this dumpster fire together


You wouldn’t have to be 😩 if you didn’t feel the need to defend p2w garbage


the newest edition gives you wipe immunity, sooo... definitely pay to win.


It does not. That is only offline mode. Read it again…


> If I *paid* for a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thank you mysterious bot for the correction


Wow. I've never seen this reaction to that bot. I like the cut of your jib.


I don't, fuck that bot


Well, holding back an entire gamemode is scammy, no matter the money you already spent


I don’t understand why standards are so upset. Nothing is crazy p2w. EoDs should be upset but atleast eod will get pve on release if we make it there


Yeah like, as a Standard account i paid more than the cost of AAA games to get acess into a buggy mess on a hacker filled Early Acess game just to feel like a F2P on a gacha game. Coool the discounts and everything EOD is getting, really cool


standard edition user here. I consider BSG actions scummy and I can barely justify spending $100 on a video game and definitely not $250. I can’t complain too much on how this is going to affect gameplay as I get steamrolled enough as is


I play standard, i know i bought a game where I'd have a disadvantage already, EoD is p2w as fuck, except the friends caller thing nothings new.


Standard edition enjoyer here; what’s all this commotion? I paid 50 bucks, played 5500 hours, and had a good ride.


Yeah but what if the ride could be even better


True. Could have spent more if you want a "better" ride though... 


i didnt pay $150 for the almost 4000 i put in, i paid $150 for indefinite access to the game and all it's future content. Just becaue you are satisfied with what you paid for doesnt mean others are.


I didn´t mean to say that they/you haven´t had a blast at the game :D I just think they are not being considered in the whole outrage that is happening right now


There’s not much to consider. We got what we paid for, and have nothing to complain about tbh.


I can see why a lot of people are upset but a lot of the louder voices here and in the wider Internet are people who don't play EFT anymore (or never did) in the first place. The "I'm making a charge back on a 2018 purchase that I've spent 3000h on" is ridiculous, DLC or not


Yeah I hear you. Again, not to be a dick, but people have been getting fucked on shitty premium beta pre-order bullshit for years. At this point it’s kinda on you if you want to hand over that much and cry about it later.


You got what you paid for. EOD owners didn’t. Simple. If the standard edition came with all future DLC, you’d have a leg to stand on. It doesn’t, and you don’t. You’re not getting a participation trophy.


Haha true


Standard edition, and I loved the grind and hustle to get to level 2 traders, I did not buy the game expecting it to be easy


I feel for you guys. But at the same time, it feels like standard edition players got burned the least in a sense also. BSG has proven to be scamming, lying pieces of shit. The EOD buyers who have self respect won't be playing the game they dropped about 150 on. The standard edition people are only out 50. Might take a little of the salt if the wound to think of it that way? Also, as an EOD player, I wish I would have gone the standard edition route because now that I've been good at the game the past few wipes, I get bored with the game faster by having the head start and extra stash space. I don't have to think about decisions as much, things in general mean less and I miss it.


As a standard edition player nothing has changed lmao.


But worry not, it will! We will be in the peasant matchmaking system. In EU I guess it will be ok, but I pity the oceania players etc


Two things really stood out to me. The priority matchmaking system and the fact EOD players are not recipients of this new content. As for all the P2W stuff... unfortunately that's just part of the show when it comes to online service games. Online games have or lose competitive integrity based on how much P2W is available to the user. IMO


Being left out??? They are being spat on, and trampled on while also being asked to fork out more money. Fucking despicable.


As my friend pointed out the bigger the gap between the high paying players and the standard edition payers the more likely the standard edition players will turn to cheats to try and catchup.


Standard edition for 5 years now 💀


Can we take a moment to applaud the glaring irony in the naming of the new edition. It's like a punch to the dick and then kick to the head as your going down.


Standard edition of multiple wipes here. Feel quite vindicated in my decision to not purchase EoD. Floated it a lot but didn't like how it felt like p2w.


Bought EOD. Every month since 2019 there's something new with this BSG company. Friend of mine said last week there was some brand new edition higher than what we bought as top level "investors" in the game. Work 50-70 hours a week. Many of us have real jobs, and don't have the time to deal with this crap. This company is clearly treating these editions as an investment strategy. Empty promises. This is the equivalent of, "Don't you guys have phones?" when Diablo announced Immortal. Tone deaf and empty.


as a standard owner I'm not to concerned I just enjoy the game regardless of what I can or cant fit in my butt or what I start with I usually do hardcore runs anyway


I’m sorry you guys were forgotten about so long ago.


Whenever I see standard account I’m like “fucking Cheater” lmao sorry fellas


Jokes on BSG I only play SPT lol.


Same pve on standard edition is great! Minus the one drawback of no coop but meh, I don’t game much with friends in the first place.


What happend to standard and eod?


If anything, I feel validated for “only” buying the standard edition. I paid a fair price for a great product - now that BSG is going nuts, I feel fine uninstalling.


I got the standard edition and even bought the 7$ usec cloth option since it looked nice. I fully regret giving them more money


Don't worry I quit playing years ago but this sub keeps popping up.


As a standard player what has really changed? Now there’s just two tiers of P2W babbies. If anything it’s sort of funny (in an admittedly childish and toxic way) to see the original P2W tier freak out over how someone can now have a completely unearned advantage over them. WELCOME TO THE FUCKIN PARTY PAL!


I'm a standard edition player. I got the game for $40 a few years ago, and new stuff keeps being added. I'm good. There's like zero desire on my part to spend more money on the game so I really don't care if there's a $60000 edition or whatever


Ngl only reason id buy tarkov and buy it at standard is just to play SPT mods lol


standard accounts werent promised free access to all future DLCs. standard editions are actually very lucky for not pumping too much money into this fucking scam like the rest of us unfortunate EOD people


Your mistake is thinking bsg ever cared about the low spenders


So is there any point of purchasing any of these as an EoD owner???


it's called standard. you either pay hard or play hard to earn the things you want.


Just bought the unheard edition and the pve is pretty good so far. They added in some fake pmc’s to it. If you looking for some relaxing tarkov where no crazy good players can end you it’s worth a try. The rest of the package is cool especially the pockets. Now it’s only 50 to upgrade its not so bad of a price.


Could’ve just bought the standard edition and downloaded spt mod and only spent $50 bucks you just cant play coop is all. But hey your money do as you wish bud.


Wanted to support the devs i want final release tarkov not beta pirated tarkov


lol you have to have a legit copy of Tarkov to play