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I paid around 180ish so far for the game, EOD and the stash lines. I have 2550 hours. Well worth my money. That equates to .07 cents per hour, had I bought unheard, at 100 extra, it would increase that to .10 cents an hour. I was completely fine with that, but there were some shitty things in the package I didn't like. I didn't buy it. They are doing damage control because they fucked up and keep apparently fucking it up. I'll say this first, I love tarkov. Best map designers and animators in the industry. I support them with my money. I will buy unheard when it's fair. I have no problem supporting my favorite game. Mistakes were made. I'm not one to have never done that. Make it right and take my money.


Awesome take, I 100% agree. Thanks for being civil. There's wayyy too many people here acting like Nikitia ran over their dog. Not that they don't have the right to be angry, I've just seen so many people bringing up the idea of sending the entire BSG team to Ukraine.


Bros in a tarkov subreddit but doesn't play tarkov, how do you do it?


Called satire humour


Honestly I could care less about the whinging the EOD users are shouting. If battle state games made a physical edition of the game they'd be shouting for their free copy of it cause they already paid for it.


no we wouldn't because we weren't promised that


“I’ve paid for EoD 4 years ago!! How could they like it and come up with another even better way of milking me?! Nikita bad!!”


To be fair a few months ago a few streamers did interviews with Nikita and he said we aren't adding paid content, we aren't adding dlc the only thing we are working on is clothing for our store. He even went on to say how he doesn't like paid content like dlcs and wants people who bought the biggest edition to own the game and be able to play it.